Emily Maitlis

Oh dear. Ex BBC lefty gobshite Emily ‘Horse Face’ Matlis has opened her mouth and let her belly rumble again.

In the wake of the Nigel Farage/Coutts ‘de-banking’ scandal, she’s accused Farage of ‘whipping up a populist storm’ and turning ‘utter entitlement into victimhood’.
Okay Mateless, we know you’re a smug lefty, pro-EU twat who hates Farage for his (widely shared) views, but it ain’t him having a strop, it’s you. This isn’t just about one person’s ‘sense of entitlement’ to a bank account; it’s about so much more.

As for whipping up a populist storm, Farage has stated that he only went public after the actions of Coutts led to him being denied an account by many other institutions, which the bank seemingly didn’t give a fuck about. Farage ain’t a victim either NoMates, he’s the opposite. He’s fighting back against the sinister view that it’s acceptable to ‘de-bank’ someone because their opinions don’t align with ‘progressive’ notions. Not only that; it’s about breaking confidentiality (not to mention the law) and leaking a client’s private details to a BBCunt of all people, ‘a transgression that’s already cost the CEOs of NatWest and Coutts their jobs’.

But no, you think that this major, major scandal is really all Farage’s fault, don’t you Emily? He brought it upon himself, didn’t he? I bet you were one of the lefty shithouses who crowed when he was ‘de-banked’. Well just remember; if they can do it to him, they can do it to anybody, and probably already have, many times. Just fuck off and think about that, you smug, arrogant cunt.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Black Pride

This is where the snake eats itself. Where the wokeist of the woke reveal themselves as closet segregationists.

You may have formed a vague notion of wokedom aspiring to be “inclusive” (wokedom’s buzzword). And been anathematised for being selective about your friends. But, although old Pride includes ™ every possible abnormal permutation of human sexuality, now we must clearly distinguish Black Pride from the old Pride, and ensure that white folks are not represented in the new movement. Seriously. It’s not for whites..

Still, the move to factionalism among these people is highly encouraging.


Nominated by Komodo.

The British Legal System


deserves a cunting. In a long, long line dreadful decisions, the case of Andy Malkinson is right up there.. Not only was the poor bloke convicted despite a complete lack of concrete evidence, but his requests to test DNA found at the crime scene – which turned out not to be his – were completely ignored. The fact that he has lost 17 years of his life thanks solely to the pride and hubris of a system which refuses to admit when it has got things wrong is unforgivable, and I hope he sues for as much as he can bloody well get.

Nominated by opinionated cunt.

Greater Manchester Police

The “Boys and Girls etc in Blue” deserve a right cunting based on today’s news alone.

Not content with fitting up Mr Malkinson; it seems that they have lost hours of key CCTV footage of their 40 hour abuse of a woman who was stripped and left topless.

Nevertheless there is enough left to see that “She is forced face-down on to a thin mattress. Police officers take off her jeans, cut off her knickers, pull a pair of oversized custody shorts over her legs, then remove her top and bra before leaving her alone and topless. All of this is captured on CCTV.”

My advice to the good people of Greater Manchester is get the fuck out while you can.

Sky news

Sky news

Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.

Gay Water

Personally, I’ve got nothing against those who are a tad light on their feet. Freddie Mercury was a great showman, Kenneth Williams made me chuckle, Sam Fox had great tits, et cetera.

This is overkill, though

NY post

In a cynical way to make money from the fudge-pirates, a drink has been released called Gay Water. It’s vodka, soda, and some fruity shit for those who can’t gandle gin or ale and infulge in brown love. Perhaps it contains man-yohurt. It does sound a bit wank.

This might be a reaction against the disastrous economic decision to brand Bud Light as Tranny Fluid.

How about opening a homo dougnut brand called Hole Punchers?

They could do a hot dog-flavoured water with melty chocolate starfish called Bum Gravy.


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.