
The sad lack of customer service is a cunt.

I recently had a nice pay rise on my pension. Being a tight cunt I was looking at doing a regular savings gig for myself and ‘er indoors. Santander had one such offer on. You can invest up to £200 pounds a month for a year at 6% interest. I went down to Exmouth and thought pop in to the bank and enquire about the account. As Nat West is closing their branch in Exmouth I cannot get a face to face appointment until September.
I went home and rang the Honiton branch. Why don’t you go into Exeter and you can see someone there? The reason why I don’t want to go into Exeter is it will cost me £5 for either bus fare or parking. There are only three staff there in Honiton, including the transformer. No I didn’t want to deal with that cunt either. The either of the other two Doris’s would have suited.

So it looks like that idea is dead in the water then. Has any cunter any recommendations where I can invest £200 per month on a regular basis?

So I know £200 isn’t a earth shattering sum but there must be some fucking bank that would say oh yes please and thank you for investing with us.

trust pilot

Nominated by CuntyMort.

High Quality Men

Deserve High Quality Women.That’s the other side to it. But I’ll concentrate on the men.

Rather old fashioned thinking that now I suppose. Are there are High Quality Trannies?: No, not with the people that use this term ‘High Quality’ about men and women.

Andrew Tate is one. He is a High Quality Man by his own definition.. And he deserves a High Quality Women.

He said recently that he would prefer to go out with an 19 year old instead of a 26 year old. That’s because he’s a High Quality Man presumably.

High quality Andrew has a High Quality friend in Justin Waller. He talks often about High Quality men like Andrew and what it is to be one.

And they are not just into looks and wealth no they have very high moral standards.This means they are good fathers they are always ‘there’ for their women.

Trouble is with both of them a lot of their YouTube videos (after the talk about having high moral standards) is about having a nice expensive car and a luxurious house to live in. Oh and a 400, 000 dollar watch or thereabouts. Seems standard. Seems standard with their high moral standards.

Andrew lives in Dubai. He admires greatly Sheikh Mohammed bin Mahktoom a lot. But isn’t what he has done there is make a sort of Disneyland of the Emirates?

Justin was challenged about his women on a discussion programme.. And it seems he still goes from woman to woman even his 30s. So is he really ‘there’ for any woman at all? He says he has tried to ‘fix himself’ about it. But then added (which I thought was revealing) that is too busy with his many companies.

I don’t know…not much of a cunting this because they’re not bad people at all to me. (I am conscious of AT being arrested in Romania and all that).

Cut to it. You cannot serve both God and Mammon as it says in the Bible.
Or can you?


Nominated by Miles Plastic.

As ever Miles you lost me within the first couple of lines, so based on that I bet it is a top quality cunting sir. C.A.

Lewis Hudson

Cunts to the left of us, cunts to the right of us. It’s a situation that IsAC regulars will be all too familiar with. But every now and then, you come across a cunt who is nothing more than a piece of detritus, literally a waste of breath.

Step forward one Lewis Hudson, recently found guilty of a committing acts of appalling abuse against a defenceless kitten, seemingly as a means of controlling his (now ex) girlfriend. I won’t detail the arsewipe’s actions here, those with a strong stomach can read about it for themselves in the link.

Tough guy Lewis has been sentenced to 23 months in the clink; no doubt he’ll be back on the streets in half that time. Personally I can think of a much more fitting punishment. Unkle Terry, fire up your oven.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee, Link by Geordie Twatt.

Louis de Zoyza

Good old British name. Recently given a whole life sentence ( should be hanged obviously) for shooting dead a police officer in a Croydon (foreign country these days) police station.
Now Louis was arrested for suspicion of burglary, handcuffed and taken to the Cop Shop. You’d think a cunt like that would be searched throughly wouldn’t you? But, because we’re so scared of upsetting the w*gs that didn’t happen.
Subsequently our victimised hero managed to extract his weapon and shoot some poor cunt dead.
I didn’t notice the media screaming about this because, of course the dead bloke wasn’t effnick or gay. In fact the copper originated from New Zealand, who oppressed the Maoris for centuries, the fucking white supremacists!
You see?…….you can run but you can’t hide.


Nominated by Freddie the Frog. Link kindly provided by Barry zuckercunt.

Sunak (15) & The Easily Mispronounced Jeremy Hunt (9)

Came down like a ton of bricks on Natwest, got things done. Makes a startling change.

Shame they can’t do anything else so swiftly, say doing something tangible about:

the boat loads of illegals turning up and the ever growing bill paid for by us
the plane loads of people turning up to work and live here legally
the epidemic of stabbings
the epidemic of mass shop theft
Just Stop Oil wankers
the ridiculous price of everything
the inappropriate sex education for under 11s
lack of dentists
that NHS backlog
etc etc etc

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. They obviously have no will about the things that matter to us and will no doubt be standing for election soon, telling us all what an amazing job they’ve done and expecting us to vote them back in.

(All in the common domain) Still needs a link, kindly provided by C.A.


Nominated by Cuntologist.