A well deserved cunting for EU fellators Will Hutton, who has called for fellow EuroCunts to “boycott Wetherspoon’s” until Tim Martin personally apologises for supporting Brexit.
Arrogant shite-hound Will Hutton and his fellow cock-suckers-for-Brussels can go fuck themselves with a dried barrel cactus. I will happily go to Wetherspoon’s knowing that I won’t have to listen to the constant whinings of these unconscionable bores who just cannot get their heads around the concept that they not only LOST THE FUCKING VOTE, but that democracy doesn’t always deliver the result they think should be.
You can be certain that had the vote been in favour of remaining, by ONE fucking vote as opposed to the “undemocratic” 1.37 million vote to leave, fuckwit Hutton and his fellow EU-rectum-dwellers would’ve been crowing ecstatically how “democracy won the day” and that the referendum was legally binding.
Will Hutton and his fellow Euro-fellators only understand democracy and free-speech when it goes their way. Cunts and traitors of the highest order.
Anyway, back to Wetherspoon’s, if you look to the link, their shares are UP 44%, no doubt because the rest of us can have a reasonably price pint and a meal in peace without our ears being assailed by the Bores For Brussels bitching about how they need a visa for their holiday home in France, Italy or wherever.
A galactic sized thank you to Tim Martin for so annoying these utter cunts and giving us a EuroCunt free zone to drink in peace.
Proof too that when Cunts like Hutton and others spew their shit, it often has the opposite result.
Anyway here is the link and I’m sure no-one will disagree that Will Hutton is a grade one, brussels-aresehole-crawling, Islingtonista, leftist, CUNT.
Gentlemen, Ladies and the Cockless-pairs of Trans, the case for the prosecution rests.
Allahu-Fucking-Akhfucking-BAH. What a cunt……
Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh.