Harry Styles (6)

What is he singer, actor fashion model?
Or just a overhyped cunt.

Singer in a Cowell manufactured boy band, who probably got a few pre pubescent teens wet.

Then a solo artist!! Yep you got me?

Then popping up in films like Dunkirk and getting gushing reviews. For a walk on part.

Then a fashion icon, yeah if your icons look like they been into their mother’s wardrobe..

And finally the permanent marker looking tattoos, who did those, a fucking 16 year trainee.

Is he another in a long line of cunts famous for being famous.
I will let my esteemed cunters decide.


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

EU Fellators Will Hutton

A well deserved cunting for EU fellators Will Hutton, who has called for fellow EuroCunts to “boycott Wetherspoon’s” until Tim Martin personally apologises for supporting Brexit.
Arrogant shite-hound Will Hutton and his fellow cock-suckers-for-Brussels can go fuck themselves with a dried barrel cactus. I will happily go to Wetherspoon’s knowing that I won’t have to listen to the constant whinings of these unconscionable bores who just cannot get their heads around the concept that they not only LOST THE FUCKING VOTE, but that democracy doesn’t always deliver the result they think should be.

You can be certain that had the vote been in favour of remaining, by ONE fucking vote as opposed to the “undemocratic” 1.37 million vote to leave, fuckwit Hutton and his fellow EU-rectum-dwellers would’ve been crowing ecstatically how “democracy won the day” and that the referendum was legally binding.
Will Hutton and his fellow Euro-fellators only understand democracy and free-speech when it goes their way. Cunts and traitors of the highest order.
Anyway, back to Wetherspoon’s, if you look to the link, their shares are UP 44%, no doubt because the rest of us can have a reasonably price pint and a meal in peace without our ears being assailed by the Bores For Brussels bitching about how they need a visa for their holiday home in France, Italy or wherever.

A galactic sized thank you to Tim Martin for so annoying these utter cunts and giving us a EuroCunt free zone to drink in peace.

Proof too that when Cunts like Hutton and others spew their shit, it often has the opposite result.

Anyway here is the link and I’m sure no-one will disagree that Will Hutton is a grade one, brussels-aresehole-crawling, Islingtonista, leftist, CUNT.
Gentlemen, Ladies and the Cockless-pairs of Trans, the case for the prosecution rests.

Allahu-Fucking-Akhfucking-BAH. What a cunt……


Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh.

Air Traffic Control Delays and “technical problems”

You can always tell its a bank holiday, airports up and down the country announce long delays or even cancellations of flights due to “technical problems”

This bank holiday is no exception with thousands of travellers forced to hang around like bad farts in a lift while the twats at air traffic control sort out the “technical glitch in the Matrix”.

Apparently they fixed the problem (although they never published what it was), but now of course there’s a massive backlog of flights – a classic domino effect which will rumble on for a few more days even though for a lot of travellers it will mean missed connections, delays and all sorts of inconveniences.

But my point here is more to do with how we’re becoming so dependent on technology working 24/7. One little “technical problem” whether its at an airport, an ATM, a supermarket checkout, or even your broadband going offline, can cause all sorts of problems, even though the downtime may only be for a few minutes or hours.

The push towards electronic technology, a cashless society, a chip and pin world where everything is supposed to make our lives easier, falls on its arse when these “glitches” fuck things up and we’re all stumped for a Plan B.

But of course the experts and the supporters will say “It’s just a one-off. It won’t happen again because it super-duper!”

Yes, they said that with Tesla self-drive cars!

Bbc news

Nominated by Technocunt.

Professional Pillow Fighting


Long long time lurker. First time nominator. I know the world has gone to shit in lots of ways that I needn’t explain; however I try to use sport to have a nice hiatus away from all the drama, wokeness and lack of meritocracy in society in general. I could probably nominate the women’s world cup, but that seems like an easy target.

However discovering the ‘PFC’ (Pillow Fighting Championships – fuck me) being uploaded on wank like ESPN and other streaming services; this is where I draw the mark on not making every cunting thing a sport.


Nominated by 30goingon80cunt.

Our New Improved Formula

I’m sure you’ve seen the TV ads of a product that’s been around for ages, but now is even more wonderful thanks to “our new improved formula!” It could be for mundane household items such as washing up liquid, a carpet cleaner, a shampoo or even tea/coffee.

If you fall for this bollocks you’ll quickly realise the product returns the same results as before, but you’ll be paying a bit more for the privilege.

The perfect example of this tawdry form of advertising was for those Gillette razors back in the 90s – it started off with just 2 blades for a “close, long lasting shave”, and then some bright spark in their marketing department thought “hey, let’s add a 3rd blade!” And so they did and out came the advert for their new improved razor!

A couple of years later they added a fourth; and now it has five! Why not just go the whole hog and have 10 blades and save everyone the bother!

Don’t be conned by these new improved products – they’re just trying to sell you the same thing at a higher price for something that worked perfectly well in the past.


Nominated by Technocunt.