Harry Styles (6)

What is he singer, actor fashion model?
Or just a overhyped cunt.

Singer in a Cowell manufactured boy band, who probably got a few pre pubescent teens wet.

Then a solo artist!! Yep you got me?

Then popping up in films like Dunkirk and getting gushing reviews. For a walk on part.

Then a fashion icon, yeah if your icons look like they been into their mother’s wardrobe..

And finally the permanent marker looking tattoos, who did those, a fucking 16 year trainee.

Is he another in a long line of cunts famous for being famous.
I will let my esteemed cunters decide.


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

61 thoughts on “Harry Styles (6)

  1. Another in the long line of, Do this and Do that type of artist, wouldn’t have a clue as what to say, what to do or what to wear if it wasn’t for some Fat Plastic looking short Arsed wanker and his entourage, this Wanker is just a good looking version of Frankenstein’s Monster, make Hay son because just around the corner is a younger version of you just as willing to Suck the sweat off Cowell’s Bollocks whilst he counts his cash.!! R.I.P the music industry.!

  2. Styles spat on Chris Pine, nobbed that nauseating liberal Olivia Wilde for 2 years, and wears frocks and holds handbags to push agendas. Can’t stand him.

    It’s a sign of the times.

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