I would like to serve up a rice and peas, reggae sauce infused cunting for this shit fest that is heaped on West London this time of year.
I used to run a shop on Westbourne Grove once, slap bang in the heart of the action. You literally had no fucking choice but to board up everything at least five days in advance, so as to avoid the (inevitable) looting and robbing.
Then the carnival itself, I could go on forever, so I’ll try and keep it brief:
If you are anything other than a shade of brown expect to get hissed at through teeth at every corner. And offered really shit quality weed and/or other drugs, possibly at the same time.
If you are unlucky to have a apartment in the area that hasn’t been barricaded (as my other half did once), expect various cunts to try and let themselves in. Normally to use the toilet. If they can’t access your own facilities expect your garden/the street outside.
As for the robberies / stabbings (a given), trust me – a lot more goes unreported.
The celebrated sound systems all sound utterly shit, with so much bass and sound clashing between floats that it is just a fucking sonic mess. The kids bit is actually not bad but expect not to see anything because of the crowds.And the cuisine.. fuck me. Have you actually looked at goat curry close up? Hint: You don’t see many urban foxes about in that area in August.
What really has grated my gears though is that when anybody speaks the truth about the above, such as Mayoral Candidate Susan Hall, they get shot down in the name of ‘diversity’ by the usual suspects:
Nominated by Coño in Spanish.
More on this shit fest from Lord Cuntingford below
I haven’t been watching the nominations page on this esteemed organ, so not sure if anyone has cunted this year’s Notting Hill Carnival.
I cannot believe that this festival of violence, thievery and sexual depravity is still allowed. I saw some videos of mostly black persons hanging on a bridge and, what I believe, is called twerking (this involves two blacks, with the female grinding her bottom into the groin of the male of the species, and involves much whooping to other couples involved in the same). Seriously, I thought I was watching a zoo. The Tory London mayoral candidate has suggested moving it to a park, away from Notting Hill – based on what I was watching, a safari park may be more suitable.
Also, some senior copper (apparently also black – because white people are no longer allowed to be in any senior position) says something like he understands the significance of the event to the carribbean community, but can’t accept the violence towards his officers. Well matey, this is carribbean culture- violence, thievery, producing offspring with no responsibility.
If this was an annual event of almost entirely white people, then I’m sure it would have been shut down years ago.
Bbc news