A well deserved cunting for Arla Foods and Lurpak butter.
Why, you may ask could butter qualify for a 12-bore double-barrelled cunting.
These cunts have just reduced the sizes of their packs of Lurpak by 20% but, in their words when I phoned them “to keep the price point affordable in these difficult times”
What a load of horseshit, this is 20% shrinkflation. The crafty cunts have used a slightly differently shaped and similar height container with the same sized lid to disguise the loss of 100g. The original pack had 500g prominently displayed, the “new improved we care about you, price point” container only has the weight on the base. The block butter has also been “increased in size from 250g up to 200g, right out of fucking 1984.
The original 500g price in Morrison’s was £3.75. The “New” 400g pack was on “special offer” for £2.75 reduced from £3.75. Bait and switch, so that in a couple of weeks the “special price” reverts to the old price. So much for those crocodile tears, caring a fuck about “the cost of living crisis”
I bought 4packs without noticing the change, until I got home and started a pack. Noticed the weight reduction and took the lot back for a refund. After a bit of fuss, Morrison’s refunded my money. Went to Lidl, bought their own brand offering, 500g at £2.19. Fuck Lurpak, bollocks to Arla and sod Morrisons for this conspiracy to defraud the public.
Had to go to Morrisons again, noticed some 500g packs left, got them at the reduced price. I am a tightfisted cunts and don’t like being fucked around, so a small victory for once. It’s Lidl for most stuff now.
If you’ve watched the very expensive Lurpak advert, “Just cook”, I think it’s better stated as “Just Crooks”. CUNTS.
Other “brands indulging in “shrinkflation” Cathedral City 350g going to 300g and Anchor 500g to 400g and 250g to 200g. Plus loads of things even “own brands” being hiked, Morrison’s, that’s YOU, canned soups 49p 2 yes ago, now 85p. Fuck em,
Rant over.
Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh.