The Stone Age Revisited

If WIki is to be believed, the original Stone Age began some 3 million years ago with archaeologists finding evidence of stonework tools made for hunting, cutting and calving.

It was basically a period lasting to around 2000BC whereby people lived in caves, had to light fires made of logs and branches; forage for food, grunt at each other because no one knew how to talk correctly; and they all lived in abject poverty and fear.

Their only form of transport was usually by foot or perhaps horse (despite going back 3 million years this was way after the extinction of the dinosaurs 60 odd million years earlier).

Stone Age people had pretty short lifespans of around 35-45 years at most; dental records suggest they had poor health and were riddled with disease.

There was no trade or bartering back then. No money existed. You simply had to get what you wanted by fair means or foul.

There was no police service either. You just had to fend for yourself and hope for the best that you didn’t get stabbed by a neighbouring tribe or pissed-off rival.

There were tribal leaders of course. But they knew jack shit about anything, and only got to their position of power either through being the strongest or offering bribes in the form of sharing food or wives.

Apart from fires there was no other form of warmth during those cold winter months. You just had to wrap yourselves with as many animal pelts as you could find or die of hyperthermia.

Just forward almost 4 million years, and you’ll see some similar comparisons going on given the way the woke eco-nutjobs are slowing pushing western civilisation back to the Stone Age with their insistence that we (not them) need to make huge sacrifices in order to save the planet for a few more years!

This transition won’t happen overnight, but its happening. Talk of 2030 and 2050 are common, and it makes one wonder if British citizens really will be sampling life more or less in their own little caves, with minimal heating, no meat-eating, no police, no NHS, no genders and a complete lack of how to talk other than by grunting or texting.

I fear for future generations because if left unchecked ordinary people will be living the life of Fred fucking Flintstone.



Nomiated by Technocunt.

The Rainbow badge scheme

I am lost for words. I don’t really need to write a huge amount on this nom, as I am pretty convinced it is a shoo in for fellow cunters.

I am sure there are a load of cunts sitting in a room somewhere thinking up cuntish iideas as to how far they can take the piss out of the rest of the population.

If this isn’t addressed and cancelled then we are fucked in future to say or do anything for fear of upsetting someone.

Just read 1984 and big brother seems to be winning in this country.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

Trial by social media

That woman who kicked a horse/pony and trial by social media.
Well, the woman who was filmed/recorded by hunt saboteurs kicking her steed has been found not guilty in a trial by jury.

I love this. The initial evidence was pretty damning but a jury sitting for several days found her not guilty.

This is where it gets really good, having lost her job as a teacher she probably has a case for wrongful dismissal.
The cherry on the cake is that the jury consisted of eleven men and one woman.

How can a jury in modern Britain not have a trannie on board? There are ,according to the BBC et al 100 sexes if you support the decimal system and a gross (144) if you are into Imperial measurements.
As ever, I thank my more gifted cunters to supply the links.

Bbc news

Nominated by Guzzigu, link by Jeezum Priest.

Modern life

Modern life is a cunt. Well substantial parts of it anyway.

What’s striking to me is the way we accept poorer quality and performance in so many areas.
Time was we assumed things would be better in the future, faster, cheaper, more efficient, you name it. I had a damascene revelation on our wedding anniversary today. We had intended to go out for a meal. My wife looked at the menus at various restaurants around including in the West End. We expected to pay but everything listed was something off the wall using mostly ingredients of which we had never heard. Her response was “sod this” and instead we stayed home and she did Tournedos Rossini, one of her signature dishes along with Sole Colbert and Scampi Provencale.

Yes, I know I’m a lucky bastard. My point is that these are classic 1970s dishes judged by taste not by what some fucking vegetarian thinks is “sustainable” and good for our health.
We have scores of television channels available now but there is no more worth watching than when I was a lad and we had two. The number of evenings I scan the whole list and conclude there is nothing on worth the cost of the electricity.

Motor cars are rapidly turning into shite, ipads on wheels, stuffed with gadgets which are not merely useless but a positive fucking problem requiring hours wading through the handbook in order to switch them all off. The handbook being in six w*g languages with a poor translation into English Get an electric car and it costs a fortune, weighs two tons and takes hours to recharge. In a sane world touch screens in cars would be illegal and the fucking indicator stalk is the wrong side of the column! Who the fuck wants an electric handbrake? A car used to give you freedom but people like Suckdick are fixing that problem. The town centres are dying and the response of the preverts in authority is to make them more difficult and expensive to access.

Our recently acquired new tumble dryer which is rated as highly efficient leaves everything slightly damp. Used to have a gas dryer which was much cheaper to run but they have vanished from the market in the UK. Still widely available in the rest of the world so some fucking fiddle is being worked there.
Just been reminded by the wife that even fly sprays are poorer now. You spray the little bastards and they are still airborne ten minutes later. This I believe is courtesy of the EU. But then again, isn’t fucking everything now?

I’ll end my rant at this point but hopefully you get my message.

Nominated by arfurbrain.

House a Migrant

Rumours abound that the government will ask us to house an Afghan migrant, much in the same way as they did with Ukrainian refugees last year.

The government, and in particular Michael Gove, the housing secretary is in talks with other ministers and advisors about offering private accommodation to the thousands of Afghans fleeing their country now that the Taliban have taken control.

125,000 Ukrainians were offered places in people’s homes, and now a similar scheme is being called for Afghans along with a cash incentive for householders willing to take them in.

They talk about Afghans, but I suspect this might include all migrants seeking refugee here, especially since hotel accommodation is almost full to bursting with existing migrants waiting for a home.

Some so-called experts have gone a step forward by saying anyone living in a home with unused bedrooms you could be forced to house a migrant for a period of time!

How that will work I don’t know, but I would guess if you’re a rich cunt like Lilly Mong or Linecunt you could be forced to house a grubby migrant or two.

Therefore rather than telling some of these so-called refugees to fuck off back to France or some other “safe country” the government is yet again showing what a complete bottle-job it is and more or less inviting ever more migrants to come to the UK with the promise that they can shack up in your home regardless of whether the homeowner volunteers or not!

That said, it would be rather fun seeing some of these rich celeb cunts having to house as many migrants as they have bedrooms in their huge mansions out in the comfy Home Counties. Which is one reason why such an idea will never materialise – can’t have the rich rough it with the foreign plebs!

Anyway, if YOU have a spare bedroom expect a knock on the door with some towel-head and his brood carrying suitcases and a big smile wanting to move in!


Nominated by Technocunt.