Peter Edwards

I would like to give the most monumental of all cuntings to the most insignificant woke weasel on the planet.

Peter Edwards (yes I hear you all say who the fuck is this cunt)

Well he is the former editor of the labour list(what the fuck is that you are all saying) I don’t know either he is such a nonentity that he’s not even editor anymore.

At 6pm every night I like to watch GB News and Dewbs and co and this oily little virgin fucktard seems to be on every week I think he’s only on to be mocked.

This man is so dull with his monotone robot voice and he looks like plug from the bashstreet kids (so not much going for him there)

This proper libtard leftie has to constantly make his point heard and any other persons view is wrong because like all lefties they are correct and everyone else is wrong (you all know the types)

So I give this twat a cunting of epic proportions he is the poster boy for what happens to kid when they were bullied at school and probably never had a girlfriend in his life probably likes it up the shitpipe anyway the dreary little melt.

I would rather sniff Katie price’s gaping growler for 2 hours solid than listen to this cunt for 5 minutes.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Nomiated by with photo: Codhead Cunt

Seconded with helpful link provided by: Miserable northern cunt

There you go admin.
Good nom Codhead?

This bony sneering little shit raises my hackles too.

Changes to Sweden

The Changes to Sweden over the last 40 years seem to be a right fucking cunt by what I see and read of it nowadays.

Back in the 1980s Sweden appeared to be a country on an upwards trajectory towards economic prosperity, it had a low crime rate and its people seemed happy yet kept that Scandinavian reserve. Their population were well educated mainly; and most spoke some English. Importantly Abba ruled the world. It seemed that nothing could go wrong for the beautiful Swedes. The birds were Fit and quite liberal in their attitudes to rumpy pumpy. I will eulogise no further see link below.

Fast forward to more recent times and things do not seem that beautiful Stockholm and Malmo.

What has changed? why has this happened?

Two major changes seem to have happened They joined the EU by a slender majority (fools) and this in turn led to unfettered multitudinous immigration by peoples who were just not in tune with the Swedes and were certainly not going to change just for their hosts. The multitudinous arrival of Mr and more Misters peaceful. (Seems like Mrs peaceful wasn’t invited to the party in the same numbers!! Odd?) seems to take place only once they are entrenched into the EU!.

Their economy is now tied to Brussels and is not doing all that well, shame socialism strikes again. One thing on the up seems to be bombings, stabbings and gang rapes? Hmmmmmm not sure what might be the reason.

France24 News Link

Wikipedia Link

Maybe and I am not by any means certain that these two changes have ushered in a new, less glamorous prosperous Sweden? maybe its Climate change, what ever it is it’s a cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

Technological Progress?

Ain’t Progress Wonderful ?

Two fucking cases that are boiling my piss

1)…New “verified by card provider” security checks when making an online purchase.

Apparently,for my safety, when I now attempt to buy something,there is a pretty fair bet that I will be asked to input some security code at checkout which my card holder will text me or I can download the “App”…fucking useful if,like me,you only get an intermittent mobile signal or no signal at all. I contacted my bank who replied that I would,when that happens, have to ring the card provider who would give me the code….so, I have to sit in a fucking phone queue while some “still being a Work From Home Hero” updates his facebook,feeds his dog and has a wank before deigning to answer.

2)….The carpark in my local town has brought in a new numberplate recognition system instead of the old Fart who wandered about checking tickets…now you can download the “App” ( whatever the fuck that actually is) or pay by debit card…what the fuck was the matter with putting coins in a machine ?…according to the local paper the nearby shops are getting hammered because a lot of the older shoppers ( Marks and Spencers customers) just won’t use it….and I can’t say that I blame them judging by the amount of folk writing in to say that they have been wrongly fined…” faulty equipment” according to the carpark owners, that will quickly be fixed….doesn’t exactly inspire confidence,I must say.

There seems to be a drive to make mobile phones the unacknowledged “Identity Card”….regardless of the fact that not all area have full coverage and some people just don’t fancy having their every movement and transaction recorded for…..whoever.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

Enforcement Officers

Enforcement Officers are cunts.

Enforcement Officers, or as I call them ‘Plastic Policepeople’ are effectively a ‘high & fucking mighty’ bunch of cunts!

The word ‘enforce’ surely means ‘You will do,’ rather than ‘encourage,’ which I would prefer to be used. Cuntfrontational is all I see, as the Railway Enforcement Officers, strut around in their hi viz, looking very important, as if they are enticing someone to ‘have a fuckin’go!’ & then there’s the Parking Enforcement Brigade, formally called traffic wardens, that did come with a proper uniform, & are now a bit of a mixed bunch.

But the worst cunts of all are the Environmental Enforcement Officers, yes, the ones that hide in the undergrowth, waiting for you to drop an apple pip, when they will jump out & say “I saw that! I’ve got you on camera! You won’t get away with it!” So bugger me, that’s another 80 quid on top of the last one, for when I got caught for fly tipping that double king size bed last week.

But seriously, these cunts also work along side the police in cities, where I have personally seen them use unreasonable force, on lesser mortals, like genuine homeless people, & those not even considered a threat. I don’t think they do a jacket for alcohol enforcement, but I would gladly steal one of them jackets just to wear in my local!

Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe

Uninvited Solicitation

I am sick and fucking tired of cunts who seem to think it’s OK to hammer on your door trying to flog you something and/or leave flyers/business cards attached to your front door.

With spring approaching and summer just around the corner, bastard shit brained companies think it’s acceptable to employ morons to go door-to-door trying to drum up new business. Landscaping, tree pruning, pressure washing, roofing, sprinkler system installation, you name it. Not interested.

If they can’t get you to answer the door, they’ll leave flyers or business cards attached to your front door. I have a massive problem with that. If you’re a burglar looking for a house to break into, you’re going to want to choose one where nobody’s home. Much less hassle that way since many homeowners are armed, including me! A sure sign no one is home is fucking flyers and business cards stuck to your front door and clearly visible from the street. Free local newspapers lying on the front path or lawn is another sign. We get those too. Didn’t ask for them. Don’t want them. And yet some cunt drives down the street and throws this crap at your house like they’re entitled to do so. I’ve tried to get that shit to stop too and nothing works. Bastards! This shit is compromising the security of my home and these cunts don’t give a shit!

I’ve placed signs on my front door before saying, “No flyers, business cards or solicitation of any kind. You are trespassing. Get off my property”. And they still leave their flyers!!!

Sometimes the flyer or business card includes an email address. Big mistake. I sign them up for all sorts of weird and wonderful websites and mailing lists. These cunts are usually illegal immigrants from Mexico. For some reason, Mexicans hate black people. Not sure why, but it amuses me to sign them up for BLM newsletters, Black Panther social events, etc. Who knew BLM would be useful for something? I always use their business ‘phone number when signing them up too. They’re usually cell ‘phones so it’s good to know they’ll be spammed as well.

This is just another form of entitlement where people think they can do what they like and you should just put up with it. There was a time when people’s property boundaries were respected and you only approached someone’s front door if you had a legitimate or prearranged reason for being there. Nowadays your front door is just another advertising hoarding for anyone and everyone who wants to use it. This should be illegal. Cunts.

Nominated by: Imitation Yank