Oxford English Dictionary


The Marketing Department of IsACunt.com has been busy.

Years of campaigning, letter-writing, petitions, coffee morning fundraisers and shoving dog shit through the letterbox of No10 have finally paid off.

This month’s update to the Oxford Dictionary includes the words ‘cunted’, ‘cunting’, ‘cuntish’ and ‘cunty’. The expletives now join the list of 750,000 English words defined by the dictionary. ‘Twerk’ and ‘Selfie’ were added at the last update.
Along with the ‘cunty’, the words ‘Old Etonian’, ‘Rt. Hon.’ and ‘Right Honourable’ have also been included for the first time, although the choices are believed to be unrelated.

Recognition at last!  Victory is ours! You cunts.

Shopping With The Wife


Shoe shopping on a Saturday with two visiting cruise liners in port plus the usual tourists.

Female logic guesses that the shops will be empty. Wrong.

Common sense is soluble in oestrogen.

Nominated by: All Seeing Eye; every man ever.

Dominic Littlewood


Dominic Littlewood; short arsed, smug, slap headed pain in the fucking arse type of cunt.

Champion of the fuckwitted Mongs and Greedy fucking Bastards amongst us;

Like a dwarf white knight on a fucking Donkey he trots to the rescue showering us in his puerile ramblings, get to fuck you annoying Cunt


Dan Penteado

Dan Penteado, Fake Biker, Benefit Blagger and Leather God presenter on Rogue Traders.

A screw you England fuckwit johnny foreigner type of cunt too dumb to realise that blagging housing benefit while appearing on national TV as a leather clad biker presenter is not a good idea.

If you do that then keep your helmet on cunt.

Have you learned nothing from the the rogue traders on Rogue Traders.

There are a number of offences. Some relate to failing to disclose a bank account which his wages were paid into, others relate to failing to notify a change in his circumstances when he was hired by the BBC. Johanne McNamara, prosecuting, told magistrates: Mr Penteado was claiming housing and council tax benefit on the basis he was a full-time student with a family.

Mr Cunteado is also revered in certain circles as a leather god my old Eton fags reliably inform me. So on yer bike and take it up the arse back to Portugal dago perves delight cunt.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke