Paddington [2]

This scruffy freeloading little cunt has annoyed me for years. I gather there is yet another Paddington film doing the rounds, as though there was anything more to say about this very thin tale. I saw an advert for it today when I was out, which got right on my fucking tripe.

I recall a series of very dull children’s books years ago, which could be taken at face value. These days, I cannot help thinking that Paddington is a Trojan horse for the acceptance of illegal immigration, and is cynically directed at the very young.

The cunt speaks perfect English, wants nothing more than a marmalade sandwich now and again and apparently has no sexual urges or political or religious beliefs. He is not making use of the NHS or claiming any benefits. People just want to help him because he is so charming. Who could possible object to such a wholesome little character?

Well I do for fucking starters, anyone who goes around in just a duffel coat is clearly a wrong ‘un. Also the character is meant to be a Peruvian Spectacled bear, and the cunt in the films looks nothing like one of those – he is therefore a cultural appropriator and stealing another bear’s livelihood. The cunt.

Spectator Link

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme

I was recently called out on IsAC by a (former) fellow cunter. He considered my posts to be boring (fair enough), but went on to extrapolate in true Sherlock Holmes fashion that I must be Billy No Mates, who spends ‘hours and hours’ tapping away on here, and that I need to get out more and get a life.

Now of course I do spend some time on here most days. Unlike about two-thirds of the human race, I don’t have a mobile phone which I dedicate chunks of my day to gawking at, so I come on here instead. I enjoy the comments and the banter. But there’s another reason I spend time on IsAC. It gives me a voice, however small; a chance to blow off steam at cuntery in all its forms, and boy, do I need that safety valve right now.

Let me introduce you to a real pair of charmers. The go by the names of Holly ‘The Immolator’ LeGresley and Adriana Orme. These two depraved cunts have recently been banged up for their part in (get this) an international monkey torturing ring, which saw helpless animals brutally abused for the gratification of sadists. Those of you with a strong stomach will find more details of the case here, with the judge in the trial describing the pair’s involvement as ‘depraved, sickening and wicked’;

Daily Mail Link

To me, the pleasure in seeing these two unspeakable wretches put behind bars is compromised by the short sentences imposed, and they’ll probably be out in half the time. I don’t know what you guys think, but my view can be summed up by a Tom Cruise line from the film ‘Jack Reacher’; ‘if it were left to me, I’d just kill ya’.

Thanks IsAC, for giving me a chance to say my piece.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

Cara Delevigne [2]

I had honestly never heard of this cuntess until today, but I see she is 32 and describes herself as a “model and actress” (used to be a code word for a whore in Lisle Street).

The silly bitch really shat herself yesterday after The Donald became new President, calling on her fellow dykes and duckies to “Make art – fuck shit up (so fucking and shitting is an art form now is it?).

The joke is the silly bitch is British (though she lives part of the time in America). Her impassioned pleas bought a response from the human (just about) advertising board and home equity con enabler.

All I can say is – act your age, for Gawds sake, woman.

GB News Link

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

Revolting Recipes On Youtube

Occasionally I go on to Youtube in search of new recipes (or variations on old favourites) to add a bit of variety to our mealtimes. I’ve discovered some delicious options over the years, many of which have the added advantage of being very simple and easy to prepare.

The downside of this however is that I’ve also seen recipes for dishes that look absolutely disgusting, and lead you to ask immediately ‘who the fuck thought THAT up?’. Take for example this mess involving the baking of bread, tinned beans, eggs and cheese, to produce something resembling slices of vomit;

YouTube Link One

The American narrator claims to have learned the recipe from ‘a friend in England’.
Now I’m from this sceptred nation and I’ve never fucking heard of it, and even if I had, I’d keep quiet about it. I wouldn’t want to add more damage to the already maligned reputation of our national cuisine.

Of course this is just one example among many; Youtube is loaded with examples of cunts punting cack recipes that only warrant being transferred straight into the nearest bin.

So be warned cunters. You’ll find some good stuff on Youtube, but some of the crap you wouldn’t put in the pig swill. Gawd, I can feel an attack of irritable bowel syndrome starting at the mere thought;

YouTube Link Two

Enjoy! Oh, probably not…

Nominated by: Ron Knee

Feudal Britain

”In the investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches and the Sunday Times, external, it is reported that the private estates of King Charles and Prince William have received millions of pounds of income from contracts with public bodies and charities.
Over the past year these deals with the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall have been worth almost £50 million, it has been claimed.”

Yes, not only do we pay for these fuckers to live in unimagined luxury but have to pay the cunts for land and property which, in any other country, they would have absolutely no right too.

So, tug your forelocks, wring your caps and be grateful.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble