
Not the stuff itself, which is fantastic.

It’s the people who feel the need to explain the catchphrase.
“That Simon Cowell, he’s like Marmite.”

And that’s all the conversation needs.

Then the inevitable “you either love him or hate him!” usually accompanied by a simpering smile.
Yes, you know full-well that we all know the expression…why do feel the need to say it, you self-important prick?

Nominated by Thomas the cunt engine.

The Daily Express (4)

I start with a confession: I was always grateful to the Daily Express for it’s constant support for Leave in the UK referendum and it’s almost consistent support for Boris – one of the few political leaders – who – despite his faults (and we all have them) never took himself too seriously. The Daily Mail could be quite flaky in both those stories. As a result I often bought the paper, but in recent years it has become very greedy – the current cover price is £1.70 – this time last year it was £1.40, there have been three price rises in that time, of 10p each. These days I read it online (which is something you can’t do with the Mail – you have to pay a subscription). On the (very) rare occasions I buy a paper, it is The Telegraph, good solid journalism.

I say all the above to be fair – The Express is now a shadow of it’s former self, and more like a gossip magazine,

Let us take today, 13th January, – there are so many stories out there – Royal Mail stopping Saturday deliveries of second class mail, for example, if you want to be parochial – strangely just weeks after the government has sold the organisation to a Czech – I bet there was a bit of a deal done there. There are any number of stories about the current government and it’s clown of a leader. But this is one of the major stories today, all about a sad actress who died 45 years ago, and the biography mentioned in the article is eleven years old. Why bring this up today?. Meghan Markle only has to fart to provoke the “royal” story – every day. Then there are the constant Fred Smith on TV “everyone is saying the same thing” tripe, and the even worse “Lydia Dustbin interrupts Breakfast TV for sad announcement” – just to report that somebody has died, or there has been a major disaster somewhere. Of course a live TV “news” magazine (of a sort) would make such announcements. These headlines appear virtually every day.

What is the point now of Beaverbrook’s old newspaper?. The less said about it’s sister paper (The Daily Star) the better:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

Just Stop Oil [8]

Just Stop It!

Two Just Stop Oil activists have been arrested for vandelising the grave of Charles Darwin, in Westminster Abbey.

BBC News.

Both old enough to know better, they justified desecrating the grave on the grounds that ” Darwin would have been upset (by climate change) “.

Let me ask you this, ladies.
How would you feel if I went and spray-painted your parents gravestones with the words
” Climate change is a myth”?

Also, how did you get to Westminster Abbey from Derby and Rode? Ride there on your bikes, did you?

When will these daft biddies realise they’re just cannon fodder?

I hope they both like porridge.

It absolutely goes through me to have to refer to these muppets as “activists”, like they’re warriors in some kind of war.
Fuck that for a game of soldiers!

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

The BBC Licence Fee (137)

Or, more precisely, the Labour government’s bullshit attempts at ‘reforming’ it.

GB news

The main problem with the current system, as far as I can see, is the element of compulsion, not the price, ie being forced under threat of all sorts of legal sanctions, including imprisonment, to pay for the propaganda department of Labour Party.

Changing the name of the telly tax and/or the method/reason for collection, without making it entirely voluntary, is yet another load of flim-flam from the degenerates in power, merely to protect their own interests when they’re eventually slung out of Parliament, hoping for a cushy earner with the Beeb, and of course protecting their own, horrendously biased, bloated PR company.

There’s talk of putting it on Income tax, or internet fees, or telephone bills, or, or, or ffs! It’s dead simple; encode the transmissions.

Anyone mad enough to want to watch Nònces on Ice, Celebrity Queers Cooking or the party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party – Question Time, is more than welcome to do so. We all know that the BBC would be bankrupted overnight because it’s not commercially viable, because it’s shit.

The ONLY reason for this change is that millions of people are refusing to pay for this garbage and the Beeb/Gov need to come up with a way to make it unavoidable if you have a phone, computer or any income whatsoever.

Do piss off.

Nominated by Termujin.

The National Energy Systems Operator ( NESO)

I’ve never heard of them either, but what I read made me wonder whose pocket they’re in, or vice versa.

The link, have a look.


12 million quid for 3 hours of electricity? What the fucking what, now?

Oh, they’ll get paid, but why were they needed?
Because it wasn’t windy enough, or sunny enough, to generate enough electricity to meet the nations demands. After all, those 4/5 * hotels certainly suck….power from the grid.

All this suggests to me, and many other individuals who don’t share the family braincell, is that relying on wind/solar power to meet the nations needs it’s utter folly.

Especially when we have natural resources already available. But no, let’s sell them to our brother, errrm, highest bidder, because we don’t need heating or electricity thats affordable, do we?

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.


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