The never ending reporting of black mould and how it is every ‘rogue’ landlord that is causing it.
Forgive me, but why is black mould only prevalent in rented homes? If it isn’t and it’s prevalent in all homes, why is it not reported appearing in homeowner accommodation? Either, because it doesn’t or if it does then it’s dealt with effectively by a responsible homeowner.
My take on the reason it appear in rented only homes, it because feckless tenants don’t give a fuck as it’s not their home, so they sit in all day doing fuck all, with the heating on, tumble dryer on, no windows open or any ventilation. When I see these reports it always seems to be in ‘cramped’ conditions and non working tenants who don’t understand no ventilation is the general cause. A lot of these tenants are also from hotter climes, so haven’t got a clue about our cooler climate.
…but apparently it’s all caused by rogue landlords….eh??
Nominated by : Chuff Chugger