Having just watched the following YouTube video, it was obvious that a Parisian theatre called La Gaiete Lyrique is worth of a cunting.
In an act of wisdom, akin to Queers for Palestine supporters standing on top of a tall building (if any remain standing) in Gaza, this far-left theatre which prides itself on “progressive virtues” decided to host an event called “Re-inventing the Welcome for Refugees in France”. This event proved to be so popular amongst “refugees” that they immediately took over the theatre and 300 are now treating it as home. The theatre has decided that they don’t won’t to evict these squatters as it would be “inhumane” to evict them “in the middle of winter”.
As a result of this occupation by illegals, the theatre was forced to cancel all of its events and has now gone bankrupt. It can no longer pay its 60 employees, although if they are all lefties I couldn’t care less.
Nearby businesses have lost a lot of revenue due to crowds of illegals milling around outside their premises, discouraging passers-by from the area and frequenting these businesses.
Many of these illegals are claiming to be minors to claim government benefits, although it is obvious that their balls dropped sometime during the late twentieth century.
Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt.
‘You reap what you sow.’
Karmas a bitch.
Fuck em.
A most righteous cunting.
This stuff absolutely will not stop until every nook and cranny of the West has been turned into a Fourth World shithole.
Meantime, guess who’ll be picking up the bill?
Afternoon all.
Yet another example of the utter stupidity of leftists and luvvies
“Oooh look Tarquin, there’s one of those brown people I keep seeing on the TV, aren’t they wonderful”
When I read this, I laughed so much I gave myself hiccups.
Wholeheartedly agree Jeezum, fucking hilarious!
Someone should’ve set off the sprinklers then chucked a gross of detergent on them, that’d sort out the gollıes (they’d melt like the Wicked Witch of the West) then followed up with a explosive cannister of dessicated shredded bacon to disintegrate the muzzıes.
Mr Cunt Engine – Samara Weaving. Would you?
She looks like you could be Margot Robbie’s younger sister.
I’d like to put my face in her ass and motorboat it.
I reckon she’d like that.
*She looks like she could be Margot Robbie’s younger sister.
Not you lol. You look more like uncle Fester’s younger brother if I remember right from Youtube haha,
Hell yes I would, she’s lush.
She’s in a pretty good pair of horror films called “The Babysitter 1 & 2”.
And you’re quite correct about how I look…weird as fuck!
I have it in my head that you look like Harry H. Corbett, for some reason!
At least that’s better than Wilfrid Bramble…
Hehe good man.
No I’m a lot younger than Harry H. Corbett especially seeing as he’s been dead about 42 years.
Having my first alcoholic drink of 2025.
Ice cold Brooklyn Lager. All the way from Nooo Yawk
Actually it’s not my first alcoholic drink of 2025 because I had some the other night when I was on a date.
Does this mean I have a drink problem?
Or does it mean I have Bidenitis/memory problems?
Or both?
You better not get that poor lass pregnant!
You dirty little bleeder.
It’s alright Mis, I’ll use the Greek method of contraception.
Seriously though, I think we’ll probly call time after the 2nd date. I’m not really feeling like we have a future.
Nice lass but, just don’t think there’s any chemistry.
Termujin (I think he’s secretly Gregg Wallace 😄) made a couple of good points the other night.
She does have tattoos. One on her ankle and one on her shoulder blade. Kind’a sexy tbh.
To give her credit I think if I tried to attempt ahem “Greek sex” with her she’d probably punch me in the face and tell me to fuck off.
And quite right too.
I wouldn’t be in such a rush to drop her ,
Have fun!
Treat her right,
See what happens.
Nowt against tattoos on a lass,
Im heavily inked,
And missus Miserable has a tattoo on her back!
Although missus Miserable looks like a professional office worker no one would dream she’s got a tattoo.
It stills amazes me it took the Germans four weeks to occupy the whole of France..
Did they stop to do some shopping on the way..
Daft cunts, you will never get that immigrant smell out..
Traitors, Quislings and fifth columnists are always the most dangerous of enemies.
Rot always starts from within.
If it isn’t cut out it just spreads and spreads.
Look at Londonistan.
Got one as PM, Jack.
Maybe they will put on a show?
A Street Stab Named Duante.
Just what I was thinking, LL.
Imagine when panto season comes around?
Sleeping (underage) Beauty
Jihad and the Beanstalk
Robin Bastard and his Muslim men
And no doubt many more …
Sooty and the beasts…
“He’s behind you!” featuring Lord Ali.
Scammers.Full French oven.
Wait until it’s certain that they’re all in there and then dowse it in petrol and set fire to it. In theatrical terms, it would be curtains for the hard faced, unwanted and parasitic pieces of something worse than shit and the French could claim that it was only done pour encourager les autres. Au revoir mes cuntish amis.
The old theatres are very susceptible to fire and escape routes frequently inadequate 👍
I have to say that’s an utterly horrendous thought Isabel, I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight thinking about all those melting chocolate faces pressed up against the windows of locked & chained doors – simply terrible! Zzzzzzzzz
Brilliant! 😂😂😂👍🏻
Losing ticket sales won’t be the half of it.
If the Jungle Bunnies ever leave they’ll nick everything they can and trash anything they can’t. It’ll cost the fuckwits a fortune to refurbish and redecorate the place.
Merde for brains.
Wonder what the plumbing looks like? Assuming they know how to use or even what it is.
Brilliant news. That will teach the cunts not to give away tickets to five guys named Mo.
A cunting magnifique, HBC.
I almost inhaled a fondant fancy in my throes of mirth.
No doubt after surrending at the first sign of trouble these frog thespians will expect us English to save them?
No doubt calls for the STS*
to airdrop in , barrel roll into the theatre and free it of the immo
(Special Theatre Service)
Brian Blessed, Brian Glover, Vinnie Jones, Jimmy Nail, Pat Roache and other of the Old Vic Dirty Dozen.
Straight outta Make up and ready to kick arse!
I watched ‘The King” the other day.
Henry V, giving the surrender monkeys what for, lively stuff.
We’d probably lose nowadays.
Nothing better than the sound of arrows hitting french knights,
The shrill scream of panicking horses and the calls for mercy from the french fallen😁
We beat them then
Wed still beat them🇬🇧
We have changed the name of a submarine called HMS Agincourt, so as not to upset the Frogs. FFS 😡
The left will never learn, third world filth will always be third world filth, saying ‘welcome’ just translates to ‘everything is free’
You give an “asylum seeker” a.k.a Joe Ronce a favour, and they regard it as a right, not to be given up. But the silly bleeding heart virtue signallers NEVER learn by their mistakes and don’t realise they have a handful of gimme and a mouthful of that’s our right. Entitled cunts.
They are a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡
There are legions of foreigners in France.
So they must be the French Foreign Legion.
Anyone know the French for ‘schadenfreude’?
We surrender?
“Joie maligne” Geordie.
I don’t watch Maigret for nothing.
I have to go along with our Froggy friends here on the eviction thing.
It would be better to lock them in the theatre until winter is over.
They could even start a fire to keep them warm.
In order to encourage better behaviour I suggest bayoneting everyone inside that stinking shithole to death then burning it to the ground.
After that establish which cunts allowed them into France in the first place then hang them.
The Royal Navy should also take advantage of the palaver by sinking all illegal vessels found in the English Channel together with a dozen French trawlers,just for starters.
Bon Chance and Fuck Off.
I use to visit an independent artistic theatre when in Paris the Two Ball Theatre Club at 30 Rue d’ Ecole, a wonderful establishment. It closed down about 20 years ago when the net , 20 cms above your head, in which the thespians performance took place collapsed under the strain when they invited the audience to participate. If these migrants had any entrepreneurial nouse they could get it going again.
It’ll come as a shock to most but….
I’ve never been the Theatre.😮
Its definitely on my ” To do” list.
I’d love to go see Shakespeare performed properly by a all white cast.
I’ve never had any taste of culture.
Reckon I’d like it?
Take a few bottles of Newcastle brown ale and some butties.
Be great👍
I know some of the lines and could shout them out to help the actors.
Deformed, unfinish’d, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;…
WOOF! WOOF! from the back of the theatre 😂
Most of you are fuckin toothless peasants and wouldn’t understand it.
No offence meant.
Itd be beyond your comprehension.
Not your fault.
But this is how good shakespeare can be!
Fuckin toothless peasant am I, MNC? Well, I’d say that a rose by any other name would smell just as fucking sweet…
Hehehe 😂
Not you Gusset.
Your like me,
The rest of these shagsacks on here would be happier chasing a greased pig than sat in a theatre watching the works of the immortal bard.
Wasted on here me.
Pearl before swine.
I should be on a forum that discusses art, poetry and tasteful pursuits.
Bit of culture for you all while you eat your turnips around the bonfire.
This is my favourite john Cooper Clarke..
True enough, Mis 🤣
Mind you, that Macbeth was a bit of a cunt. Fuckin jock though, so what d’you expect.
I liked the three witches.
Foul hags all.
Sort of like Loose women.
Evening MNC…how’s tricks?
When you were at school, did they ever let you watch Macbeth?
We were allowed to watch the Roman Polanski version (had quite a progressive English lit teacher) with lots of juicy murders and some bare tits.
Witch’s tits, mind. But still a treat during a school day.
I reckon Macbeth and Banquo had a cheeky bum and Macbeth was so ashamed of his closet fruitiness, that’s why he bumped Banquo off.
Evening Thomas👍
Sadly no.
We were never taught anything about Shakespeare.
Disgraceful level of education.
It should be part of all British kids education.
Along with WW2, the crusades, crècy Agincourt, Waterloo, the Danelaw,
And the peasants revolt.
Wish we had.☹️
I haven’t been back since I turned up at the local production of Hamlet and they told me “You’re bard!”.
Id make a great teacher LL.
Brought to life!
Kids learn from roleplay.
They’d understand the intricacies of the battle of Agincourt if they were issued with longbows,
Bollock daggers, broadswords and pikes, and put in historical dress.
The trans kids, non English speaking kids and gender neutral kids could be the french.
Bet everyone of them would get a history GCSE
Indeed Mis, a visit to the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds and the Jorvik Viking Centre would be mandatory for all kids.
My old history teacher Mr Schwartz was very passionate about WW1 and used to tell us all about his great uncle Horace fighting in the trenches, I still remember him almost 25 years later.
The best teacher I had was a Mr Taylor in junior school.
He was great, loved history!
And all things military.
He encouraged me to bring in things of my dad’s( my dad collected militaria) and I once brought in a English cavalry sword named “Bloody Rose’s he gave me a A+.
Imagine that now?
A 8yr old going to school with a big fuck off sword?!!!
Be helicopter swirling , orders via megaphone, camera crews.😁
Our geography teacher, Mr Finbow was an archityple looking teacher, tweed jacket with elbow patches, cords and commando soled walking shoes. Despite his entrance to the classroom, with “Sitdown, shut up and don’t try to sidetrack me!” he was a good teacher.
Only found out many years later he was a much decorated Lancaster bomber crewman.
You wouldn’t get that in a soyboy neo marxist teacher we seem to have now.
“We were never taught anything about Shakespeare.
You’ve mentioned before Mis that you didn’t rate your education. I’m beginning to believe you.
You piss taker Arfur 😁
But it’s true.
Poorly educated☹️
I’m aware I’m grammatically disabled.
I lie awake at night worrying about it…😆
Honestly Mis, I was not casting aspersions or taking the piss and I don’t believe for a moment you lie awake worrying about grammar. Also I may be a peasant but I’m not a toothless one.
Bwa ha ha!
Lefty Bellends made to take a bite of their own shit sandwich.
Googled it
La Gaîté Lyrique
4.5 (2,556) Cultural center
Temporarily closed (In bold red!) 😀😀😀
Address: 3 bis Rue Papin, 75003 Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 84 74 49 00
Today Paris. Tomorrow we march on Broadway and The West End..
Lets Stage a riot
So the economy of what was a well off social area vanishes within a flash as the “guests” arrive.
Jobs. livelihoods, years of struggle growing a local business, property values tumble etc etc and all because politicians failed to act when they needed to, and it’s too late now.
I went to a Blaster Bates ” gig” back in the early seventies. Plus the Oldham Tinkers.
Northern culture.
Really enjoyed it. I recall Elvis Costello & the Attractions weren’t best pleased when on all the civic centre everyone started gobbing on them
The fucking marde arses walked off stage..!
You should of stamped on his specs,
The goggle eyed cunt.
Although he did this which I like
Simply set fire to it. A bit of their own medicine, works in the end.
Come now fellow cunters
While they are in France they are not here!
Let ’em stay I sez.
In moderation? 🤔
Im moderation? 🤔