Two Tier Justice?

Couple who joined protest outside hotel housing asylum seekers jailed’

For 21 months.

And what did they do?

‘The pair spent around an hour at the scene, where others were throwing missiles including fireworks, a petrol bomb, bricks, chunks of concrete and lampposts at Staffordshire Police officers who were trying to protect staff and residents inside the hotel.’

NB They werent found to have participated in the violence.

Also: -Stonehouse was seen shouting abuse at police and raising his arms while Kirkbride held him back.

Kirkbride was seen laughing when a firework exploded, chanting and asking police about his taxes being spent on those in the hotel.

So, they werent found guilty of any violence or damage but got 21 months jail for being there?

They should have joined the anti-semites and terrorist supporters and nothing would have happened to them.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

59 thoughts on “Two Tier Justice?

  1. Just think, if they’d battered a couple of female coppers with the whole incident recorded on CCTV, they’d probably be as free as birds.

    Allah Akbar and Good morning.

  2. Clearly simply political posturing to ensure that the oppressed, overtaxed indigenous population don’t dare to criticise the scumbag government’s stance on the millions of unwanted, uninvited stinking pakıs and nıg-nögs who infest our once beautiful Sceptred Isle and cost us millions a day to keep their sponging darkıe arses in seaside hotels.

    • Legend has it that if enough 3rd world darky spongers receive UK citizenship, benefits and free housing, Saint Gary Lineker gets his angels wings.

      Good Morning Thomas/all

  3. Watch yourself CC, talking about a two-tiered justice system will soon be a hate crime in its self..

    It’s all lies that Rodney and the Labour Party favour peacefuls that vote for them and give them free glasses and swifty tickets..

    Forget two-tiered I wanna know why that gargoyle pixie balls has a two toned head and neck.. should get some makeup tips from the fat pòof streaking.

  4. I was amazed the the bent solicitor ,Phil Shiner got off with a suspended jail sentence. That cunt caused untold told misery for many soldiers and their families over a number of years; dog alone knows his antics cost the UK taxpayer.
    When charged, the slippery bastard tried to put his assets in the names of family members in an effort to prevent their seizure.
    The judge , in sentencing, said words to the effect that Shiner’s crimes were mainly due being over zealous and his reputation being in tatters was sufficient punishment.
    What the fuck is going on in his country?

  5. Good old British Justice.

    Quick show trials and lengthy sentences for those wicked Far Right stormtroopers.

    Meanwhile in Keighley West Yorkshire a raghead gets 2 years for organised child rape. (I’d post a link but can’t stomach the sight of the dirty paķi cunts again).

    The Prime Minister gives a speech regarding the trial of that Rwandan cunt and tells us there wasn’t a cover up and he had to be jolly careful not to “prejudice” the trial..

    Not too arsed about prejudicing the trials of those he quickly branded Far Right after the riots though eh?

    The woke politicisation of what masquerades as justice in this country stinks of corruption,prejudice and is founded on lies.

    Just so long as the Gravy Train isn’t upset none of them give a fuck about justice.

    Oily foul Cunts.

    Tyburn for all of them.

    Good morning.

    • If they did the ssme crimes in Paxtan, they’d be dismembered. Here, it’s a rapefest for them. The Pakístankís must be laughing their turbans off.

      • Turbans are worn by Sikhs which are by and large are law abiding
        It’s the muslim scum which are lawless

      • The Sikhs passionately despise the Paggis
        The first people who warned me about the Paggis were a Sikh family I lived next door to in the late 70s. And everything they told me was absolutely true.

  6. ‘Residents’ in the hotel. What an offensive misuse of the English (can pronoun still say that?) language! Tell me later, I’m off to buy some resident powder for the dog and then for a browse round the old junk at the resident market.

  7. Thise not familiar with tge British “justice” system are likely to make all sorts of mistakes which will inevitably lead to their conviction.

    Trial by Magistrate, the obvious one of pleading guilty to nonsense charges, no legal representation at interview and last but by no means least, talking to the Police. At all. Ever.

    The Police will caution you that ‘ANYTHING you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence AGAINST you”. They never say “and may be used to exonerate you”. They are not your friends, they are not there to help you, they are not looking to ‘give you a chance to tell your side of the story’, they are gathering evidence to convict you of something, anything, and do not give one shit if you are innocent or not.

    NEVER talk to the Police.

    A bit long but you don’t need to watch it all to get the gist. American also, but the same principles apply.

  8. There should be more hotel burnings, it’s about the only deterrent to the scumbags crossing the channel, sends a clear message ‘don’t fucking come’

    Just wait until the Muslims take over and the plod are getting battered hoping the white boys will come out to help, fuck them.

    Let’s see what happens to the two Ps from Manchester airport, Liverpool crown court 13 Feb, if they don’t go down then there isn’t two tier justice there isn’t any justice.

  9. Joo baiters and Islamik apologists tend to be middle aged bloo and pink haired lesbos, no nothing studie mongs, and muzzie cuckoos. All of these worthless spongers are protected by the Two-Tier system. Anyone who contributes/has contributed to society, eg white males, private sector employed citizens, old ladies, veterans, are fair game for the lefty parasites that infest Parliament. The para military, bacon sarnie munching fatsos, are useful idiots. The judiciary are bought and paid for. In the immortal words of RTC, ‘the country is fucked.’

    • There’s a charity shop near where I live for people to donate items to “Refugees”. I am often walking past on my way to work when it opens , the person opening up is a scrawny, angry looking twenty something woman who sometimes wears a t-shirt with “Stop looking at my tits” on it. Obviously no one has told her she doesn’t have any.

  10. To escape prison, the two lads should be forced to donate mobile phones, money and food to die for, to all illegal immigrants, besides welcome badges. Hope they didn’t notice the poison I slipped in there.

  11. Yet 18 year old unlicensed driver, James Doherty, crashed his uninsured and unroadworthy car into a bus stop, crushing a 4 year old and injuring his step-mum.

    When the woman asked for help to lift the car, Doherty and his pregnant wife bravely ran off! A recent arrival from Ireland, he was sentenced to 26 months youth detention.

    The 4 year old boy suffered collapsed lungs, and a broken spine, pelvis and ribs. He will need years of treatment.

    That’s justice?

    • @JP

      I think I’ve probably mentioned several times on here before that when it comes to committing a crime – just get in a car and do it if possible.

      A 12 months suspended sentence and a 2 year driving ban (even if you didn’t own a licence) will be about as severe as the punishment gets no matter what the crime.

  12. At the next session in parliament, why doesn’t WanKeir take all ministers up the arse and announce this is what we are doing to the country and be done with.

    • Wes Streeting, Chris Bryant, Luke Pollard, Peter Kyle, Steve Reeve et al would be gagging for that!

      To quote Oliver “Can I have some more please sir?”

  13. The couple who got time are stupid they should have shouted kill the bar stewards with a slicing movement over the larynx…at worst their case would have been put off for a year with the probability of being hushed up and a wedge of compo for prolonged stress and anxiety 🙊

  14. It was a sad loss when we lost Marianne Faithfull. I remember late in her career, she made a film called “Irina Palm” which she played a 60 year old widow. She was paid in Mars Bars through the glory-hole.

    • Yeah .. for some reason I thought ‘someone missed an open goal with her, in Deadpool’ this morning.

      She & I were in the same room once, in 2011.

      • The Mars Bar thing was bollocks. Made up by the cozzers and the News of the Screws.

        She didn’t really have any talent to speak of, but she was shit hot in her 60s prime.

        I dare say the ‘serious’ rock periodicals will give Marianne a full page obituary. Saying that she was a great artist, integral to the Stones, a ‘feminist icon’ and other crap.
        Truth is, she was a groupie. A very fit groupie. But a groupie just the same. And – like Anita Pallenberg (another groupie) – Faithfull screwed three out of the five Stones. The same three, in fact.

    • I seen Irina Palm when I went through a phase of watching obscure arty films, remember it being quite good and she gave a good handy.

  15. I’m waiting to see what sentence the Labour MP, who beat up one of his constituents in Frodsham gets.

    I confidently predict that he won’t be jailed.

    The system is a bag of shite.

    Good afternoon 👍

  16. Traitorous filthy fucking double-standards bastard would do well to remember how Mussolini ended up when the people turned on him: hung by his heels from a lamp post after being machine gunned.

    An Enemy of the People.

    • While undoubtedly a miscarriage of justice and a bias legal system,

      What bugs me is why they plead guilty?

      The thick Far Right cunts.

      Why not make the cunts work for a conviction?

      Better to be hung for a wolf than a sheep

      Plead Not Guilty.
      Worth the gamble

      • Soft-as-shite solicitors MNC.
        Say nowt, plead not guilty & be sure to call the judge a cunt, whilst mimicking a pistol shot at him, like Clint in Gran Torino, as you get taken down.

  17. Starmer is undoubtedly a liar & spewer of nonsense (cunt should ask his missus about the real ‘far right’ ie the fucking nazis & what they did to her people), but let’s not forget the judging cunts who have handed down these sentences.

    Licking Starmers ringpiece instead sticking to the principle of handing out punishment commensurate to the apparent ‘crimes’.
    Well, should the darker brethren amongst us eventually take over, as is undoubtedly the grand plan, judges will be getting put to the sword too & they’d do well to dwell on that thought, rather than backing that slimy pile of shit in No10 up.

  18. The police now appear to have adopted the standard method used by the Saudis for many years i.e. at any incident arrest anyone in the area, all of them if possible. Then you will be rquired to prove yourself innocent. Basically this couple have been jailed for being at the scene. If you see anything the authorities may regard as untoward look the other way, nay run away., say nothing. If you don’t fancy jail time do NOT demonstrate or complain. the only sensible course of action to my mind is to turn out and vote Reform at every opportunity in the hope of removing the bastards in power before Reform is proscribed.

  19. It has always been a criminal offense punishable by jail to object to the policies of a far left regime.

    The Wokeist Left is just taking it to the next “logical” level.

    We saw it with Biden.

    We saw it with Trudeau.

    We see it with Starmer.

  20. And the Labour Councillor (from the town I was brought up in!) has still not stood trial and been sentenced, He is no longer a labour councillor but is he still on council pay?
    Oh his crime? Indicating on Facebook that all r/wing folk should have their throats slit . I’m not sure if this is a hate crime, an incite to violence, or racist (The Far White of course).
    Probably just ill advised “banter” spoken on the spur of the moment and advised that if he has been a bit naughty., and given a warning.
    What is worrying in the bigger picture is, it is both 2 tier justice and divisive, and the normally vaguely law abiding public is beginning to notice.
    When adults stop telling their kids to “ask a policeman”, because the law was once sacrosanct but can now no longer be trusted, we are in evil times.
    Tonight we shall attempt to make marmalade.
    Sex drugs and rock and roll, and now this is how I spend Saturday night.,
    Evenin’ but not sure it is, “good”.

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