Benefit Cheats (2)

“could lose driving licences in anti-fraud drive” trumpets BBC News!

I’m not sure if the pun is intentional, or just that the 14 year old who wrote this headline was unaware of the irony.


Four paragraphs down is a link to a £240k debt write off, because the cheater has died, after screwing the system for 15 years!

Anyway, back to the thrust of this nom.
Who on earth would think that anyone who has been caught out cheating the system would give two flying fucks about their driving licence ( assuming they have one) being suspended?

This measure, if it’s actually introduced and not just a virtual sticking plaster, will make no difference at all to those convicted of benefit fraud who have failed to make court ordered reparations, and anyone who thinks it will is severely deluded.

Also, referring to the case mentioned above, of the £240k write off, the fiddle went on for 15 years, 15 fucking years! I can’t get my breath.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

117 thoughts on “Benefit Cheats (2)

  1. Like most people I deplore benefit cheats, but I deplore even more “legal” benefit cheats, that is those waste of space called M.P.s who are allowed to claim for anything from a bath plugs (Jacqui Smith) to silk pouffes (Keith Vaz, who apt) and sunken baths (Harry Cohen), and therse days old tarts like Rayner who try to get Apple Air Pods on the same scheme. They get their housing and heating costs paid for for their second homes and they are still screwing the system – 650 of them and 800 plus in the Lords. They are all grossly overpaid for their minimal talents.

    Let’s stop that as well.

  2. One of few times when I have as much contempt for my fellow English people.
    Filthy scavvy dole-dossing scum.
    Benefits ought to only go to previous taxpayers, people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
    Then capped at two months and dependent on provable job hunting.
    After which, you do goverments jobs for your gyppo money, like clearing up canals, stuff that benefits society.
    All other parasites, darkıes and honkıes alike should be left to starve to death and their bodies burned in incinerators to help power the national grid.

    • “One of few times when I have as much contempt for my fellow English people.”
      As I do for foreign muck, I meant to add.

    • I work in an industry that suffered a shocking downturn and lost my contract. Was self employed so had saved a bit, but got nothing from state as Lady C was working. Despite paying thousands and thousands into the system over about 30 years – fuck all. Went on for 5 years – I thank God Lady C had a job. Finally back in the world of work and still being royally fucked. Just paid 6 months tax “on account” – tax for money I haven’t even earned yet.

      • Yes, that ‘Tax on account’ is a spiffing wheeze from HMRC, can really fuck you as a sole trader. The cunts!
        Afternoon your Grace, afternoon all.

      • Lugsy,

        Soke tradership is an ideal opportunity for creative accounting.

        I used to just pay up, grumble about it but pay.

        Now I think Fck that, it’s all a big, stupid game and I’m gonna win.

  3. The cunts who dream up such “sanctions” are just demonstrating how hopelessly detached from reality they truly are.

    Let’s be fair,if you have the taxpayer pay for your shopping and heating every month then it’s hardly likely you’ll have a fucking clue about anything at all.

    If the dolts don’t want benefit fraud then radically simplify the system,ban all foreign nationals from claiming anything for life,ban all dooskas and paķis from claiming anything for life and stop paying the hotel bills mobile bills and meals for the looting scūm that land by boat daily from France.

    Then perhaps the parasites running the country into the ground might start talking sense,though its bloody unlikely.

    Uninsured DVLA wheelclamped Oven.

    Good morning.

    • I am looking forward to the day old Sugartits Cooper, spineless Starmer and mincing over-made-up Streeting lose their official cars and have to use buses and trains like the rest of us.,

  4. Whilst I agree with the nom, this is chicken feed compared to the outrageous levels of grift exuding from Westminster on a daily basis.

    Expenses for TVs and headphones, Ipads etc, dodgy consultancy fees, enormous freebies, sinecures, lobbying fees, Gov contracts, etc etc, the list is endless.

    If people are (rightly) animated about a couple of grand to some chav cleaning bogs on the side for 20 quid, they should be fckng raging about the downright theft that is apparently legal going on all over the nation on a daily basis.

  5. Around a quarter of the UK population are on benefits. That was in 2023 so probably many more by now given spiral immie numbers and young people whose education and mental health was fucked by the covids scam. To be fair, the Government is doing its best to reduce the numbers of claimants by introducing euthanasia; removing GPs/hospital support from white people who are no alcoholics or druggies; removing access to heat from old ladies. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • What do you think that COVID bollocks was all about?

      They were trying to kill off pensioners by corralling them into OAP homes, in the hope they could drastically reduce the pension bill.

  6. Err, wouldn’t it make it tricky for these scroungers to seek genuine work if you take their driving licence away? OK, not that this would ever happen of course. It seems that Liebour really know this and want to keep people reliant upon the state for handouts, but strictly abiding by their system.

    Benefit scrounging does seem to work for many people. I know one family who has a nice house, new car and boats of taking holidays. All on the good old British taxpayer.

    This country needs a benefits reset.

    • Exactly Paul, but the measure is supposed to make those who owe money for court-ordered payback comply.

      If you’re OK with defrauding the system your hardly going to stop driving just because your licence has been suspended, are you?

      • Good point, Jeezum. This type of behaviour usually being the MO for our kufi-hatted bretheren who enjoy driving ageing Mercedes and BMWs in such culturally buzzing places such as Rotherham, Bradford, Leeds and Birmingham.

    • This is how this shit always atarts; pick on a common ‘enemy’ (dolescum), then enact ridiculous laws that most dont care about, because a) they hate dolescum and b) it doesn’t affect them. Yet.

      Driving bans should be for driving offenses, full stop. Shoplifters will be next, and my points above will still apply. But then it won’t be long before driving ‘privileges’ are withrawn for late payment of taxes, anti-social behaviour (not agreeing with the Gov), refusing to let your kid be a tranny, burning korans etc. Then it will be passports. Then social ctedit scoring will begin to regain them. Then said scoring will be needed to keep the one’s you’ve already got, etc, etc.

      We’re fckd.

  7. If you take WanKeir’s glasses off and stamp on them, he’ll continue retrieving a pair for his pocket. If you take Rayners knickers off, she’d just say “what are you waiting for” ?

  8. There were a couple of stories last week that fizzed my shit.

    Bed poverty is now apparently the latest thing to whine about, schools have naturally got in on the act by providing somewhere for kids to sleep for a few hours whilst at school so sod any actual education then, I should think the cunts will still complain about being overworked too.

    There are also changes to Ofsted reports which is stressful for teachers and somehow this was linked in to more using foodbanks even though the lady being interviewed would have been harpooned on sight by a Japanese whaling ship.

  9. If the useless fucking cunts at the so called benefits office bothered to do their job, it wouldn’t happen would it.
    Here sign this, no questions asked, I don’t want the bovva…..

    • Hello Harry – very apt …
      Coincidentally, it always makes me smile when TV quiz contestants introduce themselves as “civil servants”. Each time I wonder if they mean they work behind the local bene office counter, aiding and abetting these oxygen stealing fuckers to steal our taxes as well …

      • and don’t forget how many of the staff are also pakis or africans – yes, they will stop the fraud won’t they.

    • The benefits office “workers” are almost as bad. Friend of my old mum’s, her son worked there…and his wife….and he got his son in. all doing fuck all on a nice cushy salary with an index lnked pension.

  10. The biggest benefit scam is the mobility scheme, no doubt there are genuine cases, and I have no problem with those.
    A very good friends son has severe learning difficulties, she can’t work as he needs round the clock care.
    She was telling me that her nephew, who is supposedly on the autism spectrum, has got an Audi on the mobility scheme.
    It’s less than 3 years old, and he’s racked up nearly 40000 miles in it.
    He’s forever swanning off for a few days here, and a few days there, staying in caravans at places like Scarborough and Brid’. Not my idea of fun, but if I was given it on a plate, and had no ambition I’d take it.
    Just as much at fault are the idle cunts that sign this kind of vermin off, to live the life of riley. No wonder abdul and his 3 million cousins can’t believe their luck, when they rock up in a dinghy.

    • there was one down the road to our old house – “my kid’s special (aka a right little cunt)” – open the bennies flood gates – and a nice big transit people carrier on motsbility every few years.

    • Similar experience here. We took our soon to his routine check-up last week. The consultant was amazed we managed to cope with him whilst I juggle running a company and my wife juggles him along with our daughter and baby son. She implored us to apply for DLA for him – something we simply haven’t bothered with.

      The DLA money isn’t important – he is our son, our responsibility and we just get on with making his life as good as possible. I guess there are so many out there who lean heavily on the state when things get a little difficult for them.

      • Go get it Paul – you have my great respect …
        But be quick – judging by what 2TK is “promising” to do, you may be too late

      • Well done sir, you should claim you are entitled to claim, many who do claim are taking the piss. Our ethnic brethren often have a friendly doctor who for a few quid will give you a nice write up to aid your application for PIP/DLA because of the enormous amount of stress you suffer because you are a thieving cunt basically. For years the ethnic group with the highest take up of benefits of all kinds has been parking Stanley s. You have paid in to the system, you are saving the system a fortune as you have taken responsibility and look after your own.. A more deserving recipient I cannot think off just now. You will also qualify for a blue badge which is very helpful in your situation. Best wishes to you and yours.

  11. A news item recently had Elder puzzled.

    ” DWP to have powers to investigate bank accounts of people NOT on benefits.”

    Of course, it was a typical click bait headline. It refers to people previously claiming, who were defrauding the system, prosecuted and ordered to payback moniess but claim to have no funds to do so.

    As several people have already commented, the system needs a radical overhaul. As Thomas says, if you’ve not paid in fuck off!

  12. Life style benefits is the real fucking drain on the system, you always hear the stupid MPs ‘people don’t want to be out of work’, absolute bullshit.

    Cunts can sit at home in front of the 65”, rent paid, plenty of money from benefits, no (or vastly reduced) council tax, help with energy costs, access to food banks, free internet, who would want to work.

    The problem with benefits is they are too high and a big cut would give the bone idle a reason to get off their arses and I don’t buy all this mental health shite, using Covid as an excuse is bullshit, lockdowns don’t cause mental health issues but being told they do justifies it.

    It’s not going to get any better, same as immigration (boats and legal) and the spineless cunts in the HoC don’t give a shit.

    As for fraud, lock the cunts up and ban them from ever claiming benefits again

    • …and the pissing Gubbimint cannot arse-raype your dependants for inheritance tax if there is fuck all for them to inherit.

      Cradle to grave (and beyond) fucking mollycoddling.

  13. Guy who had a car lot told a friend of mine once (in front of me) that he was moving on a second-hand unit every week at the time, paid for by a benefit cheque of 6 grand. All the claimant had to be was an ethnic with kids on all the other benefits and claim their kids were being harassed on the school bus by the natives.

    “Here you go, buy yourself a little runaround” …

    That was 20 years ago. I would have to have earned ten thou, just to have six left over after stoppages if I wanted the same fucking car in question.

    ‘Course you’d have to have earned a few thou more again in that time period to cover the cost of living first, before scraping a ‘spare’ 6 grand towards it.

    Some people might say ‘sure, wouldn’t YOU do it too, if you could get away with it?’ .. but no, no I wouldn’t.

    Give me BACK 6 grand out of the six-figures of monies taken from my wages over the years and I’d take their fucking hand off, … but no. That money has technically paid for dozens of the ones (for other fuckers)as described above!

    • The other way of looking at it is you did earn 20k before taxes etc and the result was you got some and someone else got a car

  14. In the days of Elizabeth the First those in need were divided into the deserving poor and the undeserving poor. The former group consisted of widows ,children and disabled ,the latter were those capable of work. It was the responsibility of the local parish to provide modest relief for the deserving poor, the rest got nothing.
    Beggars had a hole burnt in their ear (to facilitate recognition ) and were hanged if they were caught begging again .
    The system worked and did not cost a fortune.
    And there was no bollocks about taking away their driving licences.

  15. There wouldn’t be any benefit cheats if the cunts who dole out the payments did proper checks.

    But fuck it, it’s not their money and it comes falling out of the sky from the magic money tree.

    The first thing that should be done is to make these useless cunts responsible and then to prosecute them for misuse of public funds when they fuck up.

    • Very true AC appalling lack of checks, been like it for years. Never employed enough people to do the dirty work. I really think that the reason investigations were never funded was that the cost of staff pension wages etc would be greater than the amount fiddled

  16. No fucker on benefits should need a driving licence because they shouldn’t be getting paid enough to afford a to buy and run a car. Not when I’m paying, the freeloading, bone idle cunts.

      • Benefits and Benidorm. Two sides of the same coin that they haven’t earned but some other poor cunt, like me, has.

  17. How will that work with the peacefuls?
    Seeing as 40 or 50 of them share the same license..

    This is the same old labour, make some bold promise without doing a single bit of research into the feasibility of it.

    Which pretty well sums up everything helmet head reeves has done since July..

    • Ps I heard Rodney had a charisma coach booked as well..
      Turns out the fella just made an appointment for Rodney at dignitas instead..

  18. Taking away driving licenses from benefit fraudsters has got the same bollock headed thinking as stopping stabbings with Idris Elba’s rubber kitchen knives or freezing the bank accounts of naughty people smugglers…not a fucking clue!

  19. We have second generation of people who are completely reliant on a state handout.

    Like ticks sucking the governments tit for them to eat and pay the rent.

    Tracky bottoms , nits , stink of cannabis.
    I’d have them all gassed.

    • Probably more than a second generation, Mis, at the rate that these feckless bastards breed. Third or even fourth already. The cunts should all be rendered unable to reproduce because, if they’re not, the problem will only get worse as they don’t care how many kids they have so long as somebody else has to go out to work to keep them. I had two of my own and paid for seventeen others. Never met them and if I did I wouldn’t want them to call me ‘Dad’. Besides, I wouldn’t have named one of my own Iqbal.

  20. One of them needed a Bengali interpreter….of course she did and that effing interpreter was paid handsomely for it, another waste of taxpayer money for cunts who alledge they ‘no,speaka de English’ all a fucking big con and we are the 🌎 softest touch known to man … we’ve enough of our own scrotes and filthy work shy miscreants without these ‘minorities’ taking the piss, simple proper checks would surely take a lot of these cases and put them were they belong in the 🗑️…🤡 Britain

      • I’d be willing to bet, if the judge/magistrate had said ” seize the house, as it was obviously bought with criminal money” her English would have instantly improved.

  21. If signing up for bounce back loans, free school meals, meals on wheels, or a hardship grant I always sign as J.priest.

    I suggest others do the same.

    If it’s the government you are embezzling it’s not considered a real crime.
    More a act of revolutionary protest.

  22. Seriously. I’m now considering moving to Hungary. I’m a leper in this country as I’ve worked since I was 16, paid taxes, hardly ever been in hospital, I save for a rainy day and I try to help others. I am anathema to Labour, a facist, a bigot because Im pissed off by people coming into this country who have never contributed who then go on the benefits gravy train. The contempt Starmer and his ilk have for me is reciprocated. And he has the fucking brass neck to come out with a Party Political Broadcast on about the ‘Contract’ we have in this country that if you work hard you get your just desserts? The man is a complete fool, a charlatan, a snake oil salesman.

    • and a cunt!

      I did visit the Czech Republic last year and I would give it serious consideration if it got not too much worse over here.

      What you need to remember is that things will not get better in the UK. There is no driver for improvement on the horizon. The standard of living will steadily decline unless there is a radical change in governance here.

      Sorry to depress everyone.

      • I have friends in Cz who would help me find a place if I decided to move, close to the Slovak border, an almost Muslim free zone

      • Yes, actually 2 I am in touch with regularly and also I have a friend who lives in Slovakia but they live in the back of beyond.
        Vsetin, a small to medium size town really quite nice, been there many times.

  23. o/t and I know we have to be very, very careful. But I do think that we are not being told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the recent stabbing in Sheffield.

    • It will come as no surprise that a GoFundMe has already been set up for the boys family, and yes, there’s more to this than meets the eye.

    • We will never know, strict rules on reporting because of age but everyone at the school and local area will know.

      The thing with knives is ridiculous, caught with a knife, immediate 2 years, down the cop shop and then within 24 hours in front of a magistrate and 2 years, no fucking arguments.

    • @lord…..truth isn’t a word in the vocabulary of anyone in government circles, not for that matter anyone in any type of authority from police,schools,etc that’s a given, and it’s a certainty this isn’t a fight gone wrong over a packet of crisps! … 💩💩and more 💩

      • Hey Geldred,

        I agree completely. Government, be they elected officials or bureaucrats, plus the police, political party apparatchiks and most especially the media lie with impunity all the time. And what’s worse is that they are almost never held accountable for their lies.

        We’re starting to see that change a bit here in the States as Trump and his people are calling out the liars and telling it like it is.

        Nonetheless, your point is well taken.

  24. That cunt in the towel needed an interpreter in court, but managed to claim benefits and own and rent out a house; both complicated endeavours where the use of English is essential . Piss taking parki bastard. And its punishment was fuck all.

  25. Bottom Left on the header pic,
    Karen Lees?

    She has more than a passing resemblance to Oliver Hardy!

    But she’s nobody to blame but herself for the fine mess she’s gotten into.

    For the price of a bowler hat she could make a fortune on the nostalgia tour for 1930s comedians;
    Just needs to learn to do a double take hoist up her dungarees and do a withering look at the camera.

    • On the header pic there is a Begum, have you noticed they all look the same, there is one in the house of cunts looks just like the one on the header and I think she got into a bit of bother over fraud.

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