are cunts.
The link below refers to an example of what happens when a fuse blows in a plug somewhere: The entire fucking system shuts down.
In this case, the bunch of cunts running the airport has but one job to do.
It has only ever had one job to do.
Just one: …
To process thousands of fuckwits through their system.
Yet, if the `technology` breaks, they have no backup.
No redundancy.
No contingency.
And the standard response ? …
“We`re sorry”.
I`m really looking forward to the future [A.I.] world of the whinging gen-zee jellybrains (even though I won`t be here) to witness the meltdown of their fragile society.
Now that would be something to behold.
Nominated by Sam Beau.
Don’t worry, SB…AI will plug the gaps!
In related news, Elon has sold out and has let the WEF onto X/Twatter:
They’ll definitely not have their insidious tentacles working ever deeper there…
Dame Kweer will be wetting his/her/their panties in excitement at the news
Nancy Blair wants his puppet to introduce A.I. I.D. Cards – no doubt Mandy and Blair have shares in the company he will tell Kweer to employ.
Only for white taxpayers, mr boggs.
Yes that will go without saying – musn’t offend the boat riders as it will probably interfere with their religious observances, or their human rights.
Made this Mancunian chuckle and brought back memories of being taken to Ringway Airport as a child in the forties, to watch the aeroplanes. Still haven’t been in one.
If God had meant us to fly, Sammy, he would have given us tickets.
I don’t like technology.
Suppose it’s handy when applied to modern medicine.
When the other kids spent their dinner money playing Space Invaders,
I alone refrained.
Taking note as I ate my chips n gravy.
I never had a CB radio, 10-4 good buddy
I didn’t have a play station.
Hedgehogs collecting gold rings leaves me cold.
My missus made me get a laptop.
I never used it.
I have no interest in it.
Artificial intelligence can fuck off too.
Skynet won’t get me.
When the terminators come looking I’ll be on the allotment.
Hope they have wellies?
Whatever you’re using to communicate Mis, good on ya.
Telegram Sammy.
I’ll try that, Mis. Must dash.
Signal bonfires, carrier pigeons and semaphore when I was a pup.
I need your clothes, your wellies and your motorcycle….
Oh dear, the fuse blew.
Couldn’t someone have popped down to B&Q and bought a pack of replacement 13 amp fuses?
Or just whipped the dud out and stuffed some silver paper in the gap?
Bacofoil and a prayer.
Haven’t been on a plane for 11 years…. never been so relaxed.
This sort of thing would never happen if we were still in the EU.
Morning all.
Go into Manchester airports staff welfare area, and you will probably find 130 mobile phones plugged in.
Kettles, toasters, radios all off a 30 amp fuse board.
Slack jawed simpletons tripped out the whole airport..
Fuck it, its Manchester, those mono browed cunts don’t deserve electricity.
Nobody’s used the switch it off and on again method. Works every time, in theory.
And the two inch drop. Always seems to sort out anything that goes wrong for me
I’m sure the Labour fairies have a plan for that..
Bacon bap millicunt, is probably fitting solar panels or a 200 metre wind turbine next to the runway..
Government to declare state of emergency after mobile 📲 signals are to be blocked for 24 hours but only for 15-25 year olds…. troops to be deployed as thousands of 🧟🧟♂️…are expected to be roaming aimlessly and craving likes and selfies…do not approach as they are severely lacking communication skills 😩😱
Only the wise will have brought sandwiches and a flask of tea.
Rishi always has a sandwich on him.
His favourite meal 😂
Things a system should have: A backup and ideally a backup for the backup.
Things a system should never have: No backup.
Multiple redundancy, which is also what might happen with a lot of govrrnment departments (in a different sense).
Rachel Reeves is out of money. This might be the government the left, unions and public sector troughers wanted.
*might NOT
Your military background is showing there TITS and I agree wholeheartedly.
Indeed. The whole “redundancy in the system” mantra was drilled into me in the Signals during my phase 2 trade training to the point where it makes me angry when big companies and government agencies don’t have a backup.
What annoyed them all the more, was watching illegal immigrants, nonchalantly walking through from a recent arrival.
They shouldn’t be letting the cunts enter the country.
They should stop them at the coast, load them onto seaplanes then fly them to some charming British resort island like Rockall.
You’re in British territorial waters now, so no complaints you sponging cunts. Enjoy your own little slice of paradise bastards. We’ll send you a giro every now and again, which you’re obviously entitled to, but you can’t cash them because there’s no post office or banks. There’s nothing else either, It’s in the name. Rockall. It’s a rock, and fuck all else.
Enjoy your diet of seaweed and cormorant shit, and don’t be shy about sending us a postcard.
Sorry, forgot about the lack of a post orifice.
Now get out and swim for shore you cunts.
Toodle pip.
the nearest i come to flying now is the Flight zradar app on my phone. I was sittingbin the garden one summer evening and saw a plane flying over. Checked it on the app.
Manchester to Alicante. A Friday evening. height of summer.
Thought, ‘better them than me’.
From the i paper; ‘What then ensued was a five-hour ordeal of delays and lack of information, (Tony, 27) said.’
The British public are increasingly treated like mushrooms: Kept in the dark and fed on shit.
See the NHS and BBC for further evidence of this practice.
Shit on it.
Of course there is fuck all backup,it’s an airport where the only important thing is to squeeze as much money out of passengers as is legal.
Manchester Airport is a fucking cesspit and most of the staff are ignorant filthy ethnics.
Good morning.
We have a problem.
Technology/AI is the future
People are not.
A fuse blowing in Manchester, just wait until the loony left demand all gas power station are closed, we will all be in the dark.
I’m alright Jack.
I own a candle.
A scented one too.
A nice scented candle, gazing at the country cream gate glistening in the moonlight, heaven.
I’ve got one of Gwyneth Paltrow’s fanny candles.
Does that count?
I wondered what that smell was..
Do you mean a candle that was once up Gwyneth’s cunt, LL?
This shows how backwards the drive to mske everything dependent on electricity is; transactions, cars, data, the paperless society.
Sounds like the future to the Oxbridge PPE crowd, but if a fucking airport has no redundant power systems and everyone has to sit in the dark because of a power cut (which could be caused by malicious actors or general technical imcompetence, or a natural phenomenon such ss a CME), then electrifying everything in society is perhaps the opposite of progress.
Putting on my tin foil hat, making everyone more dependent on electricity by phasing out cash, analogue and mechanal devices gives the government more control, although given the general poor cost effectiveness of government’s tech-baded projects, it creates far more trouble and a far less autonomous society when the shit hits the (electric). Compare how people got on after the storm of autumn 87 to how they’d cope now. More people had mechanical and non-electric means by which to heat the home, cook food, heat water, and keep themselves occupied.
People might laugh at survivalists and preppers, but just look at the vocations of who dies the laughing and who does the prepping.
*(electric) fan
*does the laughing, although they wont die laughing.
It’s not by accident that they want every cunt hooked on tech devices but more importantly, dependant on electricity.
Who “they” are, is open to debate but I’ll just go with:
Power hungry psychopathic undemocratic Cunts
I don’t get this aversion you lot have to flying. It allows us to travel huge distances at a rate and in a level of comfort and convenience of which our recent ancestors could only have dreamed. Are you all supporters of the green nutters? It is also of course ridiculously safe. You are at a thousand times more risk every time you go out in your car. Are you conflating the actual flying with the miserable experience of the airport? Certainly Luton, Stansted or Gatwick on a bank holiday are as close an experience to hell on Earth as you could find. Every now and again someone raises the idea of commercial flights controlled by IT and radio links, i.e. with no pilots on board. The event at Ringway shows why this is a bad idea. I shall continue to fly only where there are two pilots at the front.
Sorry Arfur but flying is rubbish.
The Airport is a nightmare.
Then forced into a seat made for Warwick Davis,
Sat near some smelly umbongo.
Going to a foreign place full of foreigners whilst your ears pop?
I’ll never get on a plane again long as I live.
In the words of renowned thespian MrT
” I ain’t gettin on no plane, fool”
Nah, what it is Mis the seats are designed for normal sized people.
But seriously, you’ve tried it and don’t like it so I concede that point. Best passengers I had when I was flying were our kids. When they were six or eight years old in the Cessna with me I could throw a steep turn, full throttle, 60 degrees of bank and the stick hard back and they would squeal and say; “Wheee, do it again Dad!”
Oh yes, I forgot Arfur that you flew.
Commercial airlines I was babbling about.
Can see why you enjoy it but not for me.👍
I don’t like public transport. I don’t want to be trapped in a metsl tube with a lot of dirty scallies and entitled Karens and their shitty kids.
I’d rather take a ferry or train..
On a ship you can move about and have a few beers.
What if they both had the fish?
It’s strictly forbidden Moggie. Captain and first officer are required to have different meals, captain gets first choice.
Oh and strictly no alcohol! Most even avoid coffee.
Covids ‘Trick and Track’ attempt crashed and burned because some of us refuse to own smart phones, and others, also like me, did everything they could to fuck it up. I wonder just how many A Hitlers signed into restaurants and pubs during the scamdemic? Universal compliance or even anything vaguely close to it is an impossible leftist dream. Fuck off.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Covid was an IQ test for the masses.
Most failed it.
I’ve thought the same about Saturday night television for some years.
Talking of artificial intelligence..
The Blair Creature has resurfaced…..☠️
Warning Starmer to keep control of immigration. Unbelievable. From a cunt who let 20 million into the country in 13 years. Just fuck off Blair you blithering fucking idiot.
I read that Bob. Someone help me out please, what’s a word for someone who is way, way beyond a hypocrite?
The figure for net migration under Labour is 2.2 million.
It went from ~140,000 in 1998 up to 200,000 in 2004 and held around 200-250,000 until the mid 2010s.
Hey Arch,
I hate to take exception with your post but I feel like describing Blair as Artificial Intelligence isn’t accurate.
More like Natural Stupidity.
Did he rise from the depths, Arch, with the corpse of GB entangled in rope and strapped to him?
Thar he blows!
Don’t worry. Whatever the failures of AI are, the Labour Government will make them worse.
I’m surprised the Russians haven’t hacked Sleepy Joe’s teleprompter General but he is doing a great job by himself sabotaging the Dems campaign.
No doubt LL.
How about Trump staying quiet all week? He’s following Napoleon’s old axiom; “Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.”
I’d bet my house that the US election will be rigged again.
Biden could be actually fully deceased on stage and they’d still win.
Hey Jeezum,
While voter fraud was blatant and rampant, some states…like Georgia and Wisconsin…have taken steps to stop the type of abuse we saw in 2020.
Others like Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and California are beyond repair.
Hi General.
I think it was Herman you meant to reply to, perhaps?
Not to worry.
It’s the Republicans turn to rig the election this time.
Not that they’ll need to, seeing as the Democrats are doing everything they possibly can to ensure a Trump victory.
I did indeed mean to reply to Herr Jelmet.
In my defense it is still early here in the US of A and I haven’t had enough coffee.
I wonder which one of you is most offended?
Well, not me General.
Been to Tesco this morning and the old tabby at the checkout informed me that 2025 all supermarkets will go cashless, the fucking dirty cunts who the fuck do they think they are, making it impossible to spend the Realms legal tender. The first day they do that I’m going to load a trolley to the fucking gunnels and put it through the checkout and proffer em me readies and when they say we don’t accept cash I will tell them to put it all back. Fucking big brother is alive and well and being fed steroids by the bucket load.
Hardly a surprise but Bastards all the same.
As long as the sheep can still watch Netflix at the weekends in their houses they can’t afford, then they’ll just go along with it like the brain-dead fucking zombies they are.
The same type of cunt who voted for Kweer and Liebour.