Cunts in Space

For fuck’s sake.

I explained my angle for inputting ‘offensive’ search terms in Google (late)in the thread about same. Self amusement a bit, and the irreverant hope lines such as the original “Did Ed suck Daroolios blue cock?” (re: an ambiguity in a stupid The Orville episode)… might carry over to strangers autofills.

An early example I shared was ‘First tranny on the moon estimate’. Re-entered same just now, for pig iron … and in a few short years it has gone from ‘Your search did not match any documents” previously, to …

Well, this.


The whole article is very cis-aggravating. The bones of it is this (quote)

“…the end goal is to “train and fly an exceptional LGBTQ student to space to conduct relevant research” that will highlight LGBTQ contributions in science and space”.

If LBTQGwhatever-it-is want to go to space (or be ‘represented’), .. why don’t LBTQGwhatever get together and build themselves an exclusively LBTQG-rocket. Their assumed homo-superior attitude in all other avenues of existence is pretty evident, so why would cunts like the one in the article be satisfied to ride on the cis-mans rocket? (puns there if you want).

And then, as seems to be their way, make any such (piggybacking)mission ALL about their, their, their …. habits. Flight engineers and mission specialists and engineers and planners and all others’ ACTUAL feats bedamned.

Lastly, .. why it’s not a good idea. A flight captain in a precarious job to begin with, might find himself with limited time to make a critical decision in an emergency situation. The last thing he needs in that scenario is the payload expert, say, coming over behind him and running his hand through his hair …

Nominated by Cuntemall.

88 thoughts on “Cunts in Space

  1. I hear LGBTQ Labour Party enthusiast Elton John wants to take a Rocket trip to Saturn to admire its ring

      • Already booked for the exploration of Uranus. Does it matter what part of the lbqgtru spectrum this person will be as long as they know what to do and are not cuntish. Why make such a song and dance about how weird your next astronaut will be. Most people couldn’t give a fuck

  2. First landing on Your Anus, ” If you don’t let they go first, they will throw a hissy fit and scratch your eyes out”, so there!

  3. Don’t they realise they are more likely to be bummed by aliens than the other way about?

    Maybe that’s the point.

  4. Why anything at all has to cater for people who aren’t straight is beyond me.
    I don’t need to know about sexual deviancy. If that’s your bag, get on with it. (As long as it doesn’t include children). If people are that fuckwitted they don’t know what gender they are, then remain a stupid cunt.
    All I ask is that I’m left out of it, and I don’t have to listen to the sick depraved reasons why people sodomise each other, or need to mutilate their own bodies to try and be something they never can achieve.
    Elton John – sod off.

  5. Can you imagine if a rocket with a crew totally composed of alphabet types were in space, and experienced an Apollo 13 style disaster?

    The shrieking, the blame shaming, the demands for nail polish to repair a chipped nail.

    Appalling scenes of OTT hysteria and flouncing.

    • It never occurred to me Jeezum, but now that you mention it deep space is the best place for the alphabet sickos.

    • I have a cunning plan.

      Load all the rockets we have up with the alphabet squad and tell them that because they’re so fucking special all of the fucking time, they have been chosen to colonise Mars.

      Shoot them off in the general direction of Mars, forget to carry a two in the calculations and live stream the hilarity as they hurtle towards the sun.

      Problem solved.

      • I have similar dreams, Odin.

        One day, we will all board ship, that will be taking us from a dying planet, to a brave new world.

        One will be full of useful people and equipment.

        The other will have nail technicians, influences, TikTwat artists etc.

        Sounds familiar, it was the sound of the future.

  6. I don’t understand this nom.
    Whats it about?

    Space puffs?

    Like that pair of ducky robots in Star wars?

    RU12? UP4ME?

    • I’m glad it’s not just me Mis, I’m fucking baffled too. I thought I was succumbing to Alzheimer’s until I read down to your post.

  7. I’m all for flying the alphabet people in to space as long as they don’t come back

  8. Fire the fucking lot of them out of an oversized circus cannon into Eltons expanding black hole.

    Then get Captain Kirk to sort the Klingons out..

    Summat like that anyway.


  9. That gimp Darth Vader is probably fruity?

    Terrible father too.
    Cut his kids hand off! ?

    The rotter.

    Bet space is full of disco dancers, sword swallowers, puddle skippers and all flavours of ducky bandits.

    And the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    Luke Skywanker hanging around in the desert with a hooded ‘older man’ who uses the FORCE.

    Who wrote that shite?
    Philip Schofield?

  10. Hang on, I remember the logo in the header, but it was from a faction introduced for Lego’s Space line; Quim-tron.

    Who cares, they’re up for anything.

  11. It’s not about science and exploration any more.
    It’s about ticking a box and putting a shirt lifter in space.

    Some unlucky cunt is going to miss the opportunity of a lifetime which he has been training years for, just because he doesn’t take it up the botty.

    I have given this a bit of thought and I think that it would be very hard to do any serious bumming in weightless conditions.

    You simply couldn’t give enough thrust.
    The one getting bummed would float off and hit his head on the nearest wall…. Probably.

    Also, any residual spunk would just float around in the air.
    It would only hit the floor once the space craft returns to gravity.

    That would give a whole different meaning to ‘splash down’.

    • There has been very little research regarding anal sex in zero gravity. Let’s hope the new Labour government can be persuaded to provide funds to continue this important work.

      • I’m sure the Levenshulme Trust would be happy to throw substantial cash at it.

        After all, nearly half a million to find out why leopards have spots?

        Several millions to find out if alphabets become more, or less, in space would be a mere bagattelle.

    • Surely nasa engineers wil come up with some sort of harness so weightless bumming does not risk the safety of the botter or bottee
      Look forward to seeing harness being put to use for some kids educational program beamed from the space station or the long trip to Mars thank heaven it will be awhile before we reach Uranus.

  12. If these shilly-shalling halfwits don’t know whether to have a shit or a hair cut and not knowing which sex they are, they might as well go up into space. They’re about as much use as a one legged man at an arse kicking party.

  13. I hope I am still around when NASA send sooties to the moon and the sooties crash and burn.

    Black lives don’t even matter in space ?

    I am all for sending LGBTQ’s into space, build a fucking huge rocket fill it full of trannies and point it at the sun, disable the steering and seal all the exits

  14. So Sam is a science teacher and believes in the realities of astrodynamics and aerospace engineering essential for space travel but not biological sex?

    • LL, I had to read that several times to figure out you didn’t mean a Sam on here.

      Try calling your “person” summat like Cryspin.

      And if any of you cunts rename yourself Cryspin, I will be very disappointed.

  15. Just as a retort to the myopic pissers and moaners who think space travel is some sort of wypepo jolly (looking at you, Gil Scott Heron), almost 20 black Americans have been into space, and 25 have been trained.

    Two died in space shuttle missions, Ronald McNair on Challenger and Michael P Anderson on Columbia.

    The first part-African into space was a Cuban who was part of a Soviet mission.

    Why its so important to get a gay into space because they are gay says all you need to know about NASA these days.

    • I’ve no problem with NASA sending gays into space, Cuntamus.

      It’s their intention to bring them back I can’t get on with.

  16. If they do send the chocolate coloured macaroons into space, any planet with life might think The Planet of the Apes are doing a tour of the universe.

  17. Launch the lot of em into space.

    Set the controls for the heart of the Sun…..

  18. I don’t like

    1) aliens
    2) robots
    3) technology
    4).space flight

    So not the best company to watch science fiction with.

    Although I’ve watched lots of it.

    It was rubbish.

    • If only Stephen Hawking’s voice generator had been a 1970’s Harlem street pimp or RuPaul to get younger people more interested and not so male pale and stale.

      • Stevie Hawkwind was my least favourite droid after that gold cocksucker in star wars.

        Rubbish wasn’t he LL?

        Supposedly a genius!!!
        Couldn’t tie his own shoe laces.

        Poundland Davros.

      • You’d think he’d build a exoskeleton seeing he was a genius?

        Like Robo cop.
        Or Terminator.

        Although a speccy , drooling terminator would be horrifying!

        Terminator was scary enough with that big down syndrome Arnold Swartznegger.

      • Whenever one of the youngsters at work asks me to help them, I like to say in my very best Austrian accent, “fuck you, asshole.”
        None of them have seen the original (and best) Terminator, the bunch of cissies.

      • Thomas your a engineer and design stuff,
        Couldn’t you of made Stevie a working body like a terminator?

        You could of entered him in Robot Wars and won a prize.

        Leave the bulldog under bite though.?

      • I legit have a good mate who designs 3D printed stuff for amputees, MNC.
        A very worthwhile and noble vocation indeed but when he’s describing stuff to me and I’m trying to keep and straight face and nod gravely, inside my head all manner of mechamọngs and roboretards are dancing badly in a stuttery conga line and encouraging me to laugh.

      • He probably invented a few, though.

        Bring it on, the Stephen Hawkin death ray!

        It’s probably locked in a secret Government vault, along with the Nations balls!

        Otherwise, they could have a hung Parliament.

        No moaning if you didn’t vote!

  19. The first animal in space were a dog.
    It’s all been downhill from then.

  20. OT, very sorry.

    Younger had to have her older, female, greyhound put to sleep this afternoon.

    I loved her, too.
    Goodnight, May.
    The May Queen.
    The Marvellous Mrs, Maizel.

    See you on the other side.

    • Don’t be sorry JP.

      Nothing to be sorry about.

      It’s gut wrenching.

      She enriched your life and was loved and well cared for.

      Memories to cherish.

      Gone but not forgotten.

      May is a lovely name for a dog.

      Lean on each other.

      Time will do the rest.


      • My imaginary dog is snoring like fuck in the kitchen.
        Sounds like a motorbike ?

        Been for Sunday dinner in Edale today ,
        There’s a cottage we pass and they own a large black dog which is my dogs nemesis.

        They fuckin HATE each other.

        As we’re getting near my dog starts to swagger and flex,
        Hackles up growling under her breath.
        Disappointed if the dogs not there!

        If it is they both dive at the gate teeth flashing,
        Dying to get stuck into each other.

        After that my dog seems happy ?
        Playing in the stream.

        Dogs are the best.

    • Sorry to hear that JP.

      Losing your dog hurts like hell.

      I practically cried for a month after losing my old dog.

      Best wishes pal.

    • Sorry to hear it JP.

      My mum lost her dog two months ago.

      Sweet bulldog. She was only 6.

      That made it harder. We knew they come with health problems but mother wanted to give her a decent life. in the end her kidney’s packed in.


  21. O/T first time I’ve seen Guy Martins lost ww2 bomber.
    How sad the Dutch seems how have more respect for the war dead than our own country seems to.
    Something very fucking wrong with that!

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