I`d like to cunt ISOHEDRA.
(It`s a long shot, but I`m guessing this hasn`t been cunted before).

But I`m not talking about any old three-dimensional polyhedral object existing in what we perceive as spacetime; no, I`m nominating this …

BBC News Link.

Nobody, thus far, has been able to figure out what it `s purpose was.

So now it`s OUR turn, cunters! You know what’s coming, don’t you: What the fuck was this thing used for? – ADMINS – prize please for best thought?

My guess? Simple. Don`t overthink it.

It was a Roman wanking device.

Further, if I were that inclined, professor Alice Roberts would be my `inspiration`.


Nominated by : Sam Beau

62 thoughts on “ISOHEDRA

  1. Message for JeezumPriest, Please don’t worry about me, and thank you for caring.???

    • Morning Jill.

      How’s it going? Hope you’re in good spirits!

      As for this mysterious artifact, it’s a fucking plant holder. We got one just like it from a garden centre.

      Morning all.

  2. Looks like one of things to put dog treats in to stop them getting bored.

    • It’s a cat toy. Put a cat on that table and it’ll dob it off, I guarantee it.

  3. The Romans were decadent little bastards.

    Clearly a sex toy for shoving up their arse.

    When they occupied the British isles they were miserable,
    Missed mama’s spaghetti hoops,
    Bumming each other in vineyards and when Luigi , Mario and Flavius got homesick?

    They’d have a pizza and shove a isohedra up Mark Anthony’s olive oiled arsehole.

    Take your aqueducts, yer straight roads, and mosaics and fuck off .
    – Boudicca
    Queen of the Iceni

    • When East Anglia is free, we shall demand compensation from the Italians for the outrage to Boudica and her daughters. With interest.

      And from the Danes for the murder of King Edmund.


    • Ah – yes, that would be a lubbockista – a device for shoving up a person’s arse, which then goes missing, never to be found.

  4. Is it just me, or does that look a bit too perfectly preserved for a 2000-year-old artefact?

    Another Piltdown Man perhaps?

    • Loads of these ‘experts’ are full.of shit and science, falsely so called, is dead.

      When they’re not actively falsifying their findings they are often just plain wrong.

      This thing looks like a kid’s toy to me, or something an apprentice smithy had to make to prove his skills.

      • Look at the fella on the bbc webshite article, he’s channelling his inner Kweer Charmer and as for that Alice Roberts, with her ‘edgy’ pink hair, she looks like she’d rather be on a just stop oil demo or holding a placard demanding Palestine is free or summat.

        On the subject of the BBC the cunts are in mourning over the death of the Iranian wanker, in the helicopter crash (controlled flight into terrain, in fog) guess VFR wasn’t an option and the avionics in a 30 year old chopper aren’t the best…..whadda shame….. If only Mohammed had moved the mountain….

      • if you had to make that as a Blacksmith you wouldn’t be an apprentice you would be a magician, even today that would take some forging and fabrication.

  5. Looks like a dice thing from a Dungeon and Dragons game. But the Romans would have still inserted it anally for sure.

  6. It’s a prototype time machine invented by sub saharan Africans..

    But only pyĝmies could fit inside it.

    So they gave up and invented everything else..

  7. Bah! Beaten to it by some of the better classical scholars here..

    I was going to say it’s definitely Caligula’s butt plug.

    I suppose if you filled it with hot coals you could torture a Saint with it in the amphitheatre..

    Typical lazy Italian cunts,not even bothered to label it or nowt.

    Good morning.

    • Unkle, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was indeed designed to be filled with hot coals, but for heating purposes, when the rich were being carried on their paloquins in cold weather, by their Nubian slaves.

  8. A whole bunch of degenerate Roman benders (what’s the collective noun for loads of homos? A nest of queers?) all stick their knobs in there at the same, looking kind of like a game of ancient Twister, and all touch helmets together. They all shoot their respective loads simultaneously and the resulting giant spunk conglomeration is eagerly gobbled up by a distant relative of Marc Almond.
    Hi Jill..x

  9. A whole bunch of degẹnerate Roman bẹnders (what’s the collective noun for loads of homos? A nest of qụėers?) all stick their knọbs in there at the same, looking kind of like a game of ancient Twister, and all touch helmets together. They all shoot their respective loads simultaneously and the resulting giant spụnk conglomeration is eagerly gobbled up by a distant relative of Marc Almond.
    Hi Jill..x

  10. Whatever the fuckin thing is it’ll be for nefarious purposes.

    I Hate all things Roman.

    Sly cunts invaded these isles while we were looking the other way!!

    Then used divide an conquer on us.
    Little toga wearing fruits.

    • You wouldn’t say that if it was peacefuls getting ripped apart by lions instead of Christians, eh MNC?!
      I’d pay good money to watch a lions or bear soil its claws and fangs on some mụzflesh…

      • Morning Thomas ?

        Well yeah that’d be different,
        Your muzzers that’d be good entertainment.
        Not arsed about the Christians either ?

        But they colonised us!!!

        The British.

        I’m not one to hold a grudge Thomas but it’s early days yet and will take a long time to forgive and forget the Roman occupation by me.

  11. Disign for :
    Cock sizes.
    Gambling dice.
    Children’s climbing frame.
    Deep sea diving.
    Boredom fumbler.

    • Something that came out of the sky or sea and have been puzzled ever since.

  12. We need a great reset.

    Couple of thousand years should do.
    Check out the great British invention that is…the Carynx.??

    Our traditional war trumpet.
    The filthy Roman bumboys would of shook in their sandals hearing this and knowing that soon a load of woad clad battle drunk Brits would be coming over the hill.

    I want one!

    • You could play it whilst riding your bike to the beach hut Sammy?

      Make sure that the Romans dont try another coastal invasion.

  13. Survivors of the deadly Covids pandemic cannot fail to recognise it as an ancient representation of the infamous SARS-Cov-2 ‘spike protein’ All it needs is the enzyme ACE2 and Bob is your proverbial uncle. Lockdowns, masks, vakzines, furloughs. It is the thought of all this that meant our ancient forefathers covered it up and destroyed all records relating to it. Thousands of years later a young boy called Tony Fauci…. (that’s enough ancient history for today).

    Good morning, everyone.

  14. A Roman cluster-fuck device, or a Katy Price sex toy. Little difference really.

    Some say it’s an ancient aliens device for opening portals to another world, David Icke told me so….

  15. It’s obviously an early test for the covid AD 19 virus. The Romans used to tie it on the end of a piece of rope and swing it your head, if you collapsed to the floor after being struck by it you were AD19 positive.

    Turns out 100% of people tested had positive results.

  16. It’s sold in Calais as an inflatable device but sinks halfway across the channel.

  17. It is obviously a measuring or sizing device, no mystery here.

    Now what were they measuring or sizing, coins, balls, butt plugs.

    The Romans invaded, the Vikings invaded, the Normans invaded and now the scum of the earth, up to 10,000 for year so far but James Cleverly says we will stop the boats, maybe ?

      • Through the tunnel, using those fucking cargo trains, they could get thousands across on one train. All pile out at Folkestone and just eat all the locals.

  18. I have to say I can’t work up much enthusiasm for this one. When you think of some of the dangerous war-mongering scum in the word, deeply unpleasant “leaders” like senile old Joe Biden, Nancy-Peter Mandelson, the Gaza strippers AND Benjamin Netanyahu, Anthony Blair creeping out of the crypt (and how long before he persuades Kweer to have his own Falklands?), old trollops, like Angela Rayner, and heavyweight wrestlers like Lammy and Thornberry, this little shape, which looks like something Sir Mortimer Wheeler might have discussed in Animal Vegetable and Mineral looks quite innocuous. God that last remarks dates me, but as Sir Mortimer might have said….. when I was in Abbasymia last year……

    I think it probably has something to do with light engineering, for what it is worth.

    • Arthur Negus knew all. Jack Hargreaves would of had a shrewd idea too. Dick Joyce was a specialist in East Anglian artefacts.

      Failing that Fred Dibnah might of recognised it from his wife’s bedside drawer.

  19. It’s a feeder for a miniature horse.

    Or a throwing whistle.

    Or something really painful to stand on. Roman lego brick.

    Or a shite divers helmet.

    That should cover it.

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