Gillian Burke, and she sure is..
This springwatch presenter finds its jarring to call African animals by their english names.
She much prefers the swahili names..
Problem being miss burke, you work for the British broadcasting corporation, and the language spoken in Britain is English.
Born in Kenya but brought up in Vienna, this pseudo african can always fuck off back to Africa and work for the umbongo broadcasting company..
Where she can talk swahili to her hearts content.
Until then gillian you are a complete kuma.
(I looked this up in case Barry was being clever. He was! – NA)
Nominated by : Barry zuckercunt
I think that English is more commonly spoken in Africa than Swahili. This might not be the case in parts of London.
Only parts of Londonisstabistan?
Is that why Chris Packham says ‘Kwimate Kwange’? Or, is that because he is also a cunt? Does the BBC employ anyone who isn’t a cunt?!
I’m guessing the short answer to that one is a resounding NO.
This is what happens when you start being nice to darkíes.
They start taking the piss.
Trying to run the show.
Well it didn’t work in Rhodesia.
And it’s not working in South Africa.
Or any other country they’re running.
They’re rubbish.
If she has a problem with the English Language, ( one of our many gifts to the world )
Then FUCK OFF to the Dark Continent.
Dominohoohoo !!
Haite turned out nice. Good thing all that witchcraft hasn’t destroyed civilisation.
Racist pig, the police will be round any time now to check your thinking. The murders and rapes etc aren’t important.
If they get through the barbed wire, they then have The Hound to contend with.
Should they prevail against her, the next obstacle is Ethel ?
The horror………the horror.
All right Moggie ? ?
Morning Jack. I’veot a busy morning cooking and seasoning some cast iron pans. It’s started off nicely with a hangover.
…I’ve got…
Yes Gillian.
You lived in Austria from the age of 10 so that must be where you learned the Swahili names of animals native to Africa.
Or perhaps you have only just recently looked up the Swahili names for animals?
Taking about 20 minutes to learn a few and how to pronounce them.
All in order to be ‘jarred’ when other people speak English…. In England.
Fuck off back to Kenya you stupid, racist cunt.
Hopefully you will get eaten by a LION.
Or by an African
If she lived in Austria then she will know what racism is all about. They still have laws making it difficult for foreigners to buy property there and once you get under the friendliness and everything else, scratch an Austrian and you will find a pretty right wing sort of a chap. Wonderful place Austria I really fancy living there.
Not another uppity jam spoon? FFS fuck off back to Africa and french kiss a black mamba.
They think they look exotic by claiming they’re African but you look more of a rarity and exotic by claiming to be English in London these days.
Nıg-nögs don’t do themselves any favours, do they?
It’s ?????? as if they’re too stupid to understand the ramifications of their decisions.
Poor impulse control, lacking abstract thought. Average IQ <85.
Gillian Burke is a well known Swahili name; are you Masai or Kikuyu, memsaab?
Kenya has 2 official languages.
Swahili and English.
She chooses to be upset when English is used to name animals.
That’s her problem and if the BBC had any bollocks they would fuck her off.
I have had the misfortune to have been to Kenya.
It’s a fucking shit hole full of nasty, lazy, black bastards.
To escape from the horror of our hotel we went on a 3 day safari.
Our driver and guide spoke English.
Because other than the word ‘jambo’ we wouldn’t have been able to understand him.
He was a friendly and knowledgeable guy.
He didn’t seem ‘jarred’.
Not even slightly.
Who gives a fuck what she thinks? There’s something about the BBC that encourages cunts like her to think their opinion matters because she’s black.
It’s not even logical what she says.
If she was French would she expect to present the entire program in French because the French speak a different language?
What a fuckwit, she should be sacked.
Not really black though is she?
There’s been a few white devils in the woodpile.
Back in my homeland I had a pet elephant called Gillian. How ironic.
I’m fluent in Swahili myself.
Which when said with enough manly authority makes lions rollover, and savage native Africans behave.
Gillian is fucking Austrian anyway she should yodel the fuckin names.
No fucking idea who this is. Playschool?
lol, you fancied Jemimah. Admit it. or little Ted.
Gillian Burke. Very swahili.
I wonder what the Swahili is for Abbottpotamus?
What a bleeding berk..
Don’t hear berk as a insult much nowadays?
I like it.
They had a bit on the news the other day about insults that were going out of fashion. Young cunts being interviewed had no idea about drip or cad.
Only the other day Dick called me a “fucking ninnyhammer” when he caught me cutting across the top field.
Plonker was one dying out wasn’t it?
Never liked it.
I collect insults LL.
It’s my hobby.
MitMot, dosser, twat, cripple are my favourites.
In darkest Afrika there is a cooking pot with this cunts name on it.
In English naturally.
Who allowed all these fucking overpaid hysterical eco loons to become political saboteurs?
All of them.
Good morning.
I’m just guessing that the African wildlife has different names in many different languages.
Not too difficult to uut think fucking idiots like this. Just refer to all.wildlife in Latin eg Felis Leo, Felis Pantera Lupus Lupus etc.
Does she find that jarring too, or is it just English?
The thick racist cunt.
None of their 200 + “languages” had a written version. None. Until the white man arrived to help them out.
Too busy making single storey “houses” out of shit to be messing about reading and writing.
That’s why they’re all so successful.
What is it with Austrians? One minute they are nobody the next they are telling the world what to think.
Bet the Polish are already on to her.
There was a famous Austrian with a tache who’d have taken an altogether more decisive view on this matter, removing her from the conversation altogether.
Ahh, Uncle Adoph.
Just misunderstood, a tortured soul.
It still puzzles me why that name has fallen out of fashion. Alexander, Henry, William – all stout, strapping lads names, imbued with the potency of their regal ancestry. Perfectly understandable to want to name your lad with such a moniker that gives them an immediate presentation of substance and power to strangers.
So what’s happened to all the Adolphs, Genghises, and Caligulas in the world?
Seems like double standards to me.
Google Termujin Dave, I’m holding my end up (ooh err missus) ?
Ha ha, this has cheered me up no end ?
Ah, dear old auntie BBC eh? Completely lost it, every programme turned into a woke platform to the extent that they have alienated an ever growing section of their potential audience every year that passes. The saying “From the sublime to the ridiculous.” comes to mind. When they get their final come-uppance they will be baffled. Reminds me when Gaddafi asked his accusers shortly before his execution; “What have I ever done to you?”
Barry, I am extremely grateful to you as I have a fucking useless member of staff called “Kuma” who no matter how many times I tell her she’s a cunt she refuses to accept this to be the case.
Now I have the irrefutable proof for my assertion which I shall be waving in her face at tomorrow morning’s staff meeting.
She works for lineker broadcasting corporation so she can say whatever she likes with ?% approval from the head witch doctor….free the ? ??marches coming soon ….. Burkeowa
My mother was born in Kenya when it was still a British protectorate, and was a native Swahili speaker. After independence, she moved to Britain because she could see the way things were going in Nairobi and beyond. She refused to teach me Swahili because she wanted me to learn English as it was the language of Shakespeare, as she put it. I think if she could see the way modern Britain has turned out, she’d be spinning in her grave.
Spring watch, nature watch and cuntyfile all shite programmes jam packed with the BBC’S weird right on tidy metropolitan ideas, sanitised for an audience of townies with soft hands and zero clue of real life, the hunt sabs and extreme animal rights twats who have systematically eviscerated the rural way of life to meet their woolly headed ideas. As for miz burke give it a rest you cunt, if you want attention do something that sets you above the rest by achieving more not fucking whining about the usual shite,absolute shower , cunt of the first water.
My wife has watched Countryfile for years like 30 plus years. Even she has given up on it as a bad job.
In her words too effing woke and climate change bollocks.
The last time I saw one of these programmes, that bugger Packham was going on about his mental health and encouraging others to do so, and recommending long walks in a forest or through the fields . I don’t want to encounter loads of self pitying oddbods when I’m out and about – you can’t move for them in the centre of Bristol, which is why I like to get out of town and away from it, whenever I can. Anyway I thought he was too busy going on demonstrations to be filming nature programmes.
Burke by name, berk by nature.
This nom has reminded me of those wokie irritants who want to “de-colonise” the names of plants cos they’re “named after people linked to imperialism and the slave trade, and some common plant names are offensive.”
The virtual signalling bitch has culturally appropriated hair. Don’t see the Massai looking like that.
And why does carry an English name.
Shut the fuck up.
Who the fuck does she think she is, the uppity ginger? She should be fucking grateful that she’s avoided a life full of hunger, misery and a particularly primitive and nasty type of mutilation in a third world shithole, not to mention having gained an education, career status and lifestyle that her former countrymen would sacrifice a limb for. But is she? Is she fuck. Instead of showing a bit of respect she thinks that she can preach to us about our pronunciation so-called mistakes. Letting her live here was a mistake in the first place. Fuck off back, cunt, and see how long a half-decent looking bint would remain intact and unmolested in law abiding Kenya. Tip: learn how to pronounce ‘Help, rape!” before you go. Cunt.
In Kenya it’s not rape, it’s a struggle snuggle.
…. and as James Coburn once put it, ‘Assault with a friendly weapon’.
What are the animal names in Austrian, are they as jarring, fucking half S*mbo cunt.
How many names are there is different languages for lion, must be so jarring that the entire world doesn’t speak Swahili
The ‘educated’ soots are as bad as the fucking stabbing kind.
Coincidentally I am jarred by the inane ramblings of woodens.
Yet another one given the gift of civilisation but all bemoaning, go on fuck off back to unga bunga land you ungrateful turdskin