Gobby Women

We all know the types. Around 20 – 30, never been told they’re wrong and identify as a “strong, independent woman” in and out of the workplace.

The problem being, most of them are fucking useless on the job and will take any criticism from a bloke (you know, a real one with a cock and balls) as being misogynistic. No, love, you’re just making my life difficult by being shitehouse at what you do, and forcing me to step in before you cause even more of a mess.

Here’s an idea. Instead of gobbing off about men and your career to all and sundry, focus on the basics of doing things properly. Then perhaps people won’t take umbrage to your abrasive, entitled attitude.

You can guarantee that these “confident young woman” types will still need a geezer (again, a proper one with a cock and balls) to open a jar, too.

The Guardian

Nominated by: Cuntis_Cuntis

(There will be three nominations for today and Sunday, 7am, 11am and 3pm. Thanks.  – Day Admin)

104 thoughts on “Gobby Women

  1. Classic example are those WASPI cunts moaning about having to work an extra few years and demanding compo for the inconvenience.

    Of course it would have been great had the government who announced this policy had said men can work fewer years in order to achieve equality – more so given that wimminz generally live longer than men.

    But no, that would have meant a fall in tax revenue and a demand in state pension provision. Instead, the government raises the retirement age of wimminz, but give them sufficient warning of when it will happen. And yet still they whinge!

    Seems that equality only works one way.

    Fuck knows how governments will work out pensions when men can identify as wimminz

    The world has gone mad!

  2. It all went wrong when The Spice Girls started; “Girl Power!” Yeah, right love, that would have been invented by some blokes in a marketing meeting.

    • Hahaha, girl power, my hairy raddled arse!

      When I saw that Gerry Halliwell Horner had dutifully appearing alongside her F1 Team Boss husband last weekend, post his text messages with a younger female colleague….

      Clearly a strong independent wimmins.

      You go Gerry and I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want.

      • Indeed, and where is Lewis Hamilton in all of this?! I thought he stood up for the pit girls, that they never wanted. Cunt.

      • I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want….. a nice cheese and ham sandwich. Hop to it wench!

  3. Completely agree with everything in this excellent cunting. It reminds me of why I dislike being in the company of women. Myself being a female, I find it embarrassing behaviour.

    • I’m kind of buggered in that regard. Place I used to work had breaks split down gendered lines. I don’t think it was intentional; that’s just the way it happened.

      I couldn’t sit with the blokes talking incessantly about 22 grown men in short shorts chasing a bag of stale air around a field for 90 minutes because I’m not a homo, so I started taking my breaks with the wimminz which wasn’t much better.

      I may not be interested in make-up, gossip and bitching but I’m quite fond of kittens so at least there was that I suppose.

      • I have a 9 year old ‘kitten.’ taken from his mum at 3 weeks of age, hand reared, and never matured. He’s tiny and still ‘meows’ in that baby pitch that kitten’s make. He constantly annoys the older cats and is a real pain in the arse. I love him to bits❤️

      • @Jill

        Back in the 90’s we had a couple of farm cats – a brother and sister from the same litter.

        My cat was the runt of the litter so was not as big as her siblings, but she was always outdoors hunting rodents and birds which she often brought in the house as gifts (dead or alive).

        Whereas my Sister’s mog was a fat, male house cat who never left the house, begged for food while sporting a limp wrist like a begging dog and my soft Mum always always relented and fed him, so basically trained him to think he would always get what he wanted.

        Before he reached two years old, he was discovered in a garage round the corner from us with blood coming out of every orifice. It turns out that:

        a) There was an evil cunt in the neighbourhood putting out food laced with rat poison for local cats.


        b) That cat would eat anything and everything……. the greedy fucker.

  4. But the older they get the worse they get – Jess “Butch” Phillips, Emily Lady Lardarse Thornberry, Diane Abbott, Edwina Curry, Yvette Sugartits Cooper, Anna Soubry, piss-artist to the stars, Yasmin Alibai Brown. Hideous old trollops and pride of place, amateur whore Angela Rayner. If I had been any of their fathers I would have put ground-glass into their Farley’s rusks.

    • Admit it mate, You would love to be tied up in a sex dungeon with all those aforementioned wimminz doing horrible things to your nether regions!

      • If I had intimate contact with any one of those women – or all – they would end up like the women who came into contact with Mr Rusk in Frenzy. I think Cooper would be the one in the potato sack – she would be easier to lift. Fatso Thornberry would be the one floating in the Thames.

      • And that Miriam Gargolyes ‘thing’

        G’Day and what a lovely morning, with it appears the disciples of the religion of Peace spreading the love to the Ivans.


      • I wonder if Vlad might fancy making one of their nests glow in the dark?

        I hope so.

  5. Big mistake by the Groanian there, putting Margaret Thatcher in that quartet. If they’re going to use her photo it should be shown alongside photos of Hitler, Mussolini and Pol Pot.

      • Can’t understand why you guys have a problem with the sainted Margaret. She arrested the long term gentle economic decline of the UK. Before her the mindset in the civil service was that Britain’s decline was inevitable and their job was to try to ease the pain and make it as comfortable as possible. Speaking for myself during her rule my wife and I were working like blue arsed flies. There was more work available than we could cope with and it enabled us to move significantly up the scale. She did upset a few people but to make an omelette and all that…..

      • HEAR HEAR! The greatest post war leader since Churchill. Can you imagine if she was PM in her prime, now? My God, those lily livered cunts on both benches would piss in there pants when she stood up for PMQ’s. Every one of those Labour back bench bitches would tremble. Illegal immigration would have ended before it began and crime levels would be low. I doubt if we will ever see a PM with so much backbone ever again!

      • We need a Maggie clone to re appear.These spineless lilly livered cowards are weak as piss.Not hold a candle to Margaret T.These lot want flushing down the ?.

  6. The guardian article has the classic example of it.. angela “how many cocks did I suck to get where I am” rayner..
    Never fit that on a business card..

    Mouthy gob-shite, who’s been caught in a lie. And now is a quiet as Anne Frank..

    Pay the money back you grasping whore.

  7. Funny how few of these “strong, independent” women call out cunts like Lia Thomas and Dylan Mulvaney for making a mockery of women.

  8. Yet strangely in the bedroom they like being told what to do.

    Good show,it’s the natural order of things.

    Women are fantastic,tits,arse fanny..wonderful inventions,some would say created by Ğod who was a man and that’s been proven by climate science.

    Good morning all.

    • Curves that couldn’t be invented.
      Oh. And that softest , finest down just at the bottom of their back , above their arse.
      Beautiful creatures.

  9. Apart from being utter shite, another thing that article does is confuse stridency, passion and confidence with ability.
    People can cope with a gobshite, male or female, if it’s clear they know what they’re doing and do it well.
    But someone who’s gobby in an effort to make out they’re something they aren’t soon get on peoples tits.
    Take some female football pundits as an example.
    The more they tie themselves up in knots on the telly, the more forceful and strident they become.
    That’s not passion, that’s desperately trying to dig yourself out of the shit.
    Same in any other walk of life.
    So claiming that being told to quieten down is sexist is pathetic.
    You’re most likely being told to shut the fuck up because you’re talking bollox.
    Now go and make us a nice cup of tea love.

    • With you almost all the way there Field Marshal, just hesitate over your last somewhat patronising sentence. Gobby women irritate the fuck out of me. So do gobby men. As you point out the weaker their case, the more gobby they become. I stumble over this nom anyway because I like women.

      • Meant in jest Arfur.
        If I repeated that line to lady Cuntgomery, she’d punch my fucking lights out.

  10. Women should be seen but not heard… and the ugly ones shouldn’t be seen.

    Gobby women are what duck-tape was made for.

    • If the ugly ones had any sense of community or decorum they’d wear burkas.

      • That’s a keeper. Shall pass that nugget of wisdom to the kiddos.

        I’m lucky enough to have two girls. I’m incredibly proud of them, they take no shit and are sharp as needles. The older one hates working with other wimminz as per this Cunting – they slabber too much and play the victim when it suits them

      • Snap. Same here MCC. Had a housefull of women for a couple of decades, cost us a fucking fortune especially as they got older. For instance they wrote off four cars between them. Wouldn’t have been without them or changed a thing. A quieter life now, one is twenty-five miles away, the other two hundred.

      • @Medieval Ceiling Cat

        The actual wording of the joke is:

        “Silence is golden, but duck tape is silver”.

        The implication being if you like silence, then you need to downgrade to the cheap option”.

    • Must admit Cuntamus that I thought Suzanne was cast in the same mould as the rest at the Guardian. Pleased to discover that she is normal.

  11. Where’s Mr Cunt Engine????

    He’d have a few recipes that were oven ready for gobby wimmins.

  12. This is why I don’t mind my job, there’s no women around, it’s an entire male work force (all native White British too, even better).

    I work in heavy industrial manufacturing. The only females in the entire business are down into the offices and we have literally no interaction with the office staff at all, bliss. There aren’t even women’s toilets on the factory floor, just male.

    In my previous job there were quite a few females, mostly Eastern European. Nice to perv over but you don’t miss the temper tantrums and the tears.

    As an ex-Army bloke I work with now says, “How can you have women in charge of anything when they cry or have hissy fit about the slightest thing”

    Bang on.

  13. ” can you open this jar for me,,?”

    Said the strong, independent woman.

  14. My opinion these are “Karens ” in disguise ?. Throw a bucket of water over them.Silly moos.

  15. Luckily social media gives us clues to which women are gobby and should be avoided, as they post stuff about if you can’t handle me at my worst then you dont deserve me at my best’, and ‘if you think i have an attitude then you’re not strong enough to call yoursrlf a man’.

    The same damaged tarts who sport terrible in tattoos and use terms like mansplainer and ‘little dick energy’. unstable children, basically.

    • Don’t get women removal men.
      No such thing as a removals person.

      It’s male dominated.
      The Patriarchy in action.

      It’s great!!?

  16. N*gga women are loud, usually obnoxious and sometimes violent

    Gobby womens in general are usually ugly, like Jess Phillips

    American women are gobby but lots of them are fucking fit ?

  17. On the subject of women, after Kate released the video yesterday all the news outlets were ‘we have to leave her alone now’

    Nope, still banging on about it this morning ffs

    • Yup, slightly off topic but the BBC cunts are driving me nuts with this shit. “What we know about kates cancer”

      They have one fucking fact, ONE. She’s got a dose of fucking cancer. That’s it, the absolute fucking totality of what these cunts know. How the fuck can they spread that to a couple of thousand words of “what we fucking know” on their website and 10 hours of TV about what they fucking know? Can’t you always tell when it’s someone else’s money being pissed away.

      • You some kind of masochist?
        Not only can the BBC drive you nuts,
        It can also give you cancer.

  18. I’ve always got along with women, mainly because I treat them as equally as men. Being normal to what comes natural. Don’t know why men seem to think that they automatically must be in charge, regardless of the situation. I think it makes men weaker. Feminine charm is all I’ve been used to. Must be because of having three older sisters and a loving mother. Most of my friends happen to women, without me realising it.

    With misogyny being a well known phrase these days, I started to bring it up in normal everyday conversations and situations with both sexes and found out that the majority didn’t know the opposite or alternative, which is philogyny. I’ve always been a philogynist, which became the most naturalistic thing between us. That’s why there are lots of us about.

    • Quite right Sammy!

      I don’t have any splitarse mates but I do see them as equal to men.

      I’m.a proud feminist and the broad I live with will testify I always compliment here on the butties she fetches me!

      She’s a good lass?

      • Quite right Mis,
        We lads and lasses get along with each other like a house on fire. Even the schoolboy comes out in me, taking the piss on occasions. In at the deep end with, “what’s a jam-rag. A swinging hammock for a lazy cunt.”

    • I don’t have any women friends because I always inevitably try to shag them. Some times I succeed…. some times I just get a ham shandy and some times a lost friendship. You can’t have your fishcake and eat it.

      • @Mingejiuce Bottler

        Grabbing them by the pussy can leave finger prints and DNA evidence…. I prefer to stand behind them and sniff their hair.

  19. As others have suggested, isn’t the gravamen of this grievance loud gobby cunts, rather than women per se?

    Now I have certainly been around enough of these types of women, so get the gist of it…

    My mother is an arrogant obnoxious narcissistic foghorn leftist-ideologue patriarchy-blaming harridan cunt who shouts (and, when it suits her, resorts to violence) until she gets her own way, and very often just to be nasty and unpleasant and upset people – she has eventually experienced the natural outcome of such behaviour. After my father died she has been left on her own to rot, friends and family no longer volunteering to be subject to her tyrannical behaviour. The removal of her audience will hopefully see her wither away and die asap.

    My first wife was an exercise in Freudian mother marrying, and could have convinced me all women were the same.

    But I work exclusively around women, have a daughter, a new partner. Some of the women I work around are fucking idiots and annoying and loudly make a bloody pain of themselves, an equal number quietly get on with things. But I’m the loudest of this group and, when on my game, the most insufferable person of them all. My other half ignores me when I start ranting and just quietly gets on with something until I calm down (I’m a noisy loud cunt when I get pissed off, which is no more than ten times every five minutes), and my daughter quietly smiles, here he goes the miserable cunt is going off on one again let him have his few moments.

    Not trying to play the sandal wearing feminist – they are proper cunts. Just painfully aware I could fall foul of this nom if I whacked on a skirt and slipped a Vesprey Silhouette in my jockeys.

    • Your mother sounds disturbingly like my late mother Dave. I recognise all the same proclivities plus an extra one; she liked to beat her children regularly. After my father died in 1977 she lived alone until her own demise in 2013.

      • I might mention that I’ve been very lucky on the marriage front though; if we both live till August we will have done fifty years.

      • Yep grew up with plenty of hand shaped marks on my legs arfur, my dad was hospitalised by her on several occasions as he went downhill.

        I can’t imagine administering the same treatment to my kids – but then my own experiences of crap parents have pushed me to ensure a healthy bit of adult dialogue in my parenting; not least admitting my frailties and my mistakes as a lesson for them in how not to live your life, as well as a few hints and tips on things to do to ensure you maximise your chances of achieving what will make you happy. Seems to have worked ok, they behave themselves and we talk to each other regularly, never been any problems we couldn’t tackle calmly.

        Hugely uplifting to hear of your solid fifty year marriage – congratulations from the heart, not enough people know what it is to live a life attended by love and constancy. My new partner is the absolute opposite of the previous traumatising women I’ve had in my life; honest, kind, patient and genuine. Ten years so far without a murmur of discontent between us; if I make it to 85 I’ll match your half a century of bliss!

      • @ BalsamicDave and Arfur,

        Your posts resonate with me. I’ve seen my mum stab my dad in the arm with a penknife and humiliate him so many times – at home and in public.

        Fuck knows why he stays with her. AFAIK, she’s a horrible alcoholic narcissist. She always crawls out of the woodwork when the attention benefits her.

        Then it’s the “I am your mother” shithousery when I bite back.

        The only reason I tolerate her wank is because I’ve got my eyes on the inheritence.

        Meanwhile, Me and He went back to The Old Country last summer. I hadn’t met my in-laws prior to that.

        Fuck me bald, I was in tears at how my other half’s parents treat each other and my sisters in-law. It’s an example in humanity.

        Take care, my lads! ❤️

      • Christ on a bike Cuntis, sends shivers down my spine – I thought I was the only person in the world to have such a dismal mother; what you and arfur describe is on the one hand depressingly familiar, on the other hand a testimony to the ability to learn from the darkest examples of human behaviour and ensure future generations have a better time of it.

        Re: your dad – mine left the old witch on numerous occasions and lodged with me and the missus. But he always went back, and even ended up siding with her when she started on her aggressive attacks on me and my brothers. In the end I realised you couldn’t force him to grow a set and stand up to her – codependent personalities locked in a cycle of misery and the pair of them utterly obsessed with themselves. Although my dad was the victim of appalling abuse down the years, he was intelligent enough, and wealthy enough, to escape it but he kept going back, so my perspective of him is not a good one; a spineless worm to sum it up. He also left all the money in his will to his torturer (which she is now blitzing her way through) and never asked after his grandkids while he was dying. He did nothing for his kids and grandkids, just wallowed in self-inflicted self-pity in his final days, and then gave a big chunk of wedge to the woman who’d made his life unbearable, so fuck him. Not suggesting the same applies with your dad, but my experience is that if they don’t escape the situation when they could do, it’s for reasons you can do fuck-all about.

        Anyway, all the best to you with all that – I hope the inheritance materialises while you can make use of it!

    • I like Mr Webb,he more often than not is spot on with his observations and he’s no Dumbo to boot….June Slater is another worth a mention…. some might say she’s gobby but it’s straight talking and for me that’s a winner ?

      • Just discoverd her GE.
        She is good, gets a bit sweary, but then so do we all when confronted with stupidity.
        Does daft voices as well.

      • If it was not so expensive to live in this bloody country, the government might find the birth rate going up.

        The ones that should be having kids are not the ones that shouldn’t are.
        Go figure.

  20. I disagree with this nomination. Men a much worse by causing all the troubles and aggravations of this world. Women tend to calm the situation, similar to strong men.

  21. What I keep forgetting on here, is that you men are talking about stupid people and you’re only mentioning the female side of things, where men are much worse and tend to uses violence for the sake of their stupidity.

  22. Sir Laurence of Fox was spot on, when he said it is rare to meet a woman under 35 who isn’t a loony.

  23. I came across a gobby female who had replaced our repairs & maintenance bod that i knew from our local council (box ticking wimminz), what she had done was being called to an address who’s previous 102yr old tenant died, they have to come in and do repairs etc ready for the next tenant who i knew, anyway this splitarse clown decided to rip up the patio slabs out the back because they were not laid by the council ? told her they are correct because they were laid in 1973 & that all four bungalows had exactly the same slabs! but do you think the gobby splitarse would have any of it, no of course not she knew better, so i popped along to celias place which is one of the four bungalows she is 93 she came along and told her she was wrong and that they had been there since then but gobby splitarse still would not have it ( the council men were all laughing their bollocks off at her) so i told her accept you are wrong and fuck off! she went away and a monumental argument went on for several weeks in the end the brother of the incoming tenant said enough was enough and concreted over the fucking lot and the council to this day refuse to believe that they did the work, back in the 70s moral of this tirade is to not put women into rolls they know fuck all about.

    • Totally understand your annoyance Nobby and sympathise 100%, but there are plenty of men in roles in which they are incompetent.Local authorities carry an inordinate number of these arse holes who know it all and can’t be told anything. I very recently was a bystander in an episode where a building inspector from the local authority was trying to identify a fault in the electrics in a house. I am not an electrician but it was plain to me pretty quickly that his understanding of electricity was on a level with our cat.He had a bee in his bonnet about RCDs and repeatedly described them as “a pain in the arse.” When he had buggered off I found the fault and fixed it for the neighbour.

      When we had a contract with the MOJ I was occasionally given instructions by a barrister on how to fix a PC or a server. This from a man who literally would raise a call to have someone change the toner in his printer.

    • The first photograph in that article Pooter; talk about faces you would never tire of slapping.

  24. The fucking bitches will get a shock when Abdul is running the roost. Especially all those who go out in support of our peaceful friends.
    Fuck off Karen you thick cunt.

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