Lauren Sheldrick and Karen Smy: Crazy Cat Ladies

These women run an independent cat rescue. On the face of it I have no problem with that, and it seems like a noble enterprise. However, upon reading the story one quote in particular sticks out to me.

“It started with people in the community asking Karen for advice on cat care, but soon spiralled out of control with the boundaries set by her being pushed by people eager to get rid of their cats.”

So, in essence, this all started because they were too weak willed to say no, and they’ve turned the situation into a ‘charity’ because they can’t think of what else to do.

They could donate the poor things to a proper shelter with rota’d staff, especially as they admit that they’re fed up with their situation. But no, they continue to persist with it because doing the sensible thing would mean admitting defeat and having to confront major character flaws on their part. All the while they take passive-aggressive potshots at society for ‘not getting it’ and whine about Lauren’s inability to find a man.

I appreciate that this cunting may not be to everyone’s tastes but I’m sorry, I just cannot tolerate people who refuse to stand up for themselves then play the victim when it all goes wrong. You made your bed you fucking cunts, now lie in it and stop bloody well complaining.

BBC News

Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

62 thoughts on “Lauren Sheldrick and Karen Smy: Crazy Cat Ladies

  1. Think your being a tad harsh Opey,
    They had good intentions,
    Just a bit soppy and people took the piss.

    I’d advise them to partner up with the nearest Chinese chippy who would help with the surplus of unwanted cats.?

  2. Can’t blame them for trying, can’t blame them for failing. Can blame them for not doing the right thing now though. Pass the cats on to the experts and let them deal with them.

    • Exactly what I’m saying – I applaud their intentions but that many cats is too much for anyone to cope with

  3. I want chicken I want liver
    Meow Mix Meow Mix
    Please Deliver…

    I bet there’s a few hairballs in that house..

  4. When you read of all the shits that crawl out of the sewer every day both in this country and elsewhere, these two women seem quite benign. More of them and less of Yvette Cooper shitting her knickers or Katie Price opening her legs

  5. Someone needs to tell the Hairless Monkey Cunts on this site that if us cats and thumbs we would rule the world.

  6. A nicely leftfield cunting, OC!
    Imagine the smell of that house.
    I’ve a mate who has 3 nice clean cats and his house still smells ‘catty’ to my dog-liking nose.
    I agree with you about not standing up for themselves.. grow a pair, you harridans!
    I bet loads of those poor cats have manky eyes too, despite the old bags doing their best.

    • I have two cats and three dogs (always a sucker for a hard luck story). I don’t think my house smells, but it probably does. I’m just use to it. The hairs are another thing….

  7. I’ve been a crazy cat lady since 1983. Took in and kept every sick/injured/stray that needed love and care. I was unemployed back then and got into financial difficulties cos of it but all those animals stayed with me till the day they died. Those ladies probably love those cat’s and like me, wouldn’t like them to be taken away. Unlike them tho, I never called myself a charity. friends and very good neighbours used to drop off food out of the goodness of their hearts tho. I also had 3 dog’s? and my house NEVER stunk. The more pet’s you have, you’re more aware that you MUST clean through out the day every day. I love cats and if I weren’t in poor health and bed ridden I’d prob still be doing it. Only got 5 left now so no more pet’s for me once they go☹️ I can’t call those ladies cunts as at least they’re trying to do good for the cats.

  8. Fucking cats eating songbirds and shitting everywhere….

    These cunts an NOT welcome in my garden and if I could put little cat landmines out I would,

    • Cat’s effect on wildlife pales into insignificance compared to the devastation wrought by us humans.
      Besides, unlike humans (who have the ability to reason), cats are entirely governed by their evolutionary programming.
      Cats are magnificent creatures.
      End of.

      • Disagree but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

        I say again, these cunts are not welcome in my garden and they get a well aimed boot lobbed at them if they do.

        Anyway, round here cats don’t live long…either the cars get em or the takeaways so not really an issue.

      • No they are evil killing machines, most are offered decent food by their owners everyday yet out they go killing and maiming songbirds and small mamals for fun.
        End of. Cats.

  9. As long as they don’t start forcing the cats to ‘transition’ I approve.

  10. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t cats independent opportunist animals who would live any with anyone who puts food out?
    Why you’d want to share your house with 70 of them is beyond me. Furniture scratched, litter trays full of crap stinking the place out.
    Each to their own. But a simple ‘no’ and a redirect to a proper charity should be easy enough.

    • I’ve got 7 (wasn’t originally intended) and that’s the upper limit, because yes they do scratch the fuck out of everything and stink up litter trays. But I’ve also got a very large house and can provide them with lots of stimulation etc when it’s too cold for them to go out. Just like dogs you have to take care practicalities into consideration when you take on pets. Doesn’t sound like these twats have the capacity for that.

  11. The daughter needs to get out and start fucking men, otherwise her flaps will heal over.

    I’d sneak an XL bully into the fray, that’ll sort things out quick time.

    • Since she looks like a translesbo she’s probably well up for a bit of knotty.

  12. Well meaning ladies who are now out of their depth.

    Can’t really call them cunts.

    Off topic……… I see that Pakistan has carried out retaliatory missile strikes on Iran, after Iran’s attack the other day.

    One can only hope that the situation escalates into something truly horrible ????

    Good morning ??

    • I’m so bored of waiting for WW3. Come on India, Paki and Iran, get it going.

    • Indeed Jack.

      If these cunts can’t Infidels to fight they just turn on themselves.

      A full on war,just like the 80s Iran-Iraq war with massed infantry assaults getting mown down plus a healthy dose of chemical weapons would be a right treat.

      Crack on TowelHeads.

      • Get rid of all ‘m’s and ‘j’s and the world would instantly be a better fucking place.

  13. All they need is a nearby river and a sack.

    Then go into the hat making business.

  14. Well-meaning folk, .. hearts in the right place.

    It’s the bipedal cunts using them – caring not one jot about them & their setup/burden, nor that they are adding to it – by offloading THEIR ‘inconvenience’ & fucking-off, are the real cunts in this tale.

    Fuckers that keep a cat to control mice, too miserly to get the animal neutered, .. a litter of kittens ‘arrive’ … dump ’em on the likes of the nominees(mose likely claim to have FOUND the kittens in a box by the roadside) … STILL leave the cat un-neutered …until the next litter… and so on ..

  15. Ling Po Takeaway here, we take all cat, we adopt cat, no 17 with lice, vely tasty.

    We never say no to cat, we also adopt dog and rat!

    • It’s amazing how many notices are stuck on lampposts around our way, asking if anybody’s seen little Tiddles.

      Most of ’em probably end up in somebody’s takeaway.

      Morning all.

      • Morning OC.

        Yeah,I’m enjoying it while I can, but I’m not holding my breath that we’ll get a CL spot. We’re plagued by injuries this season and I can see it taking its toll.

        Happy days tho for all that!

      • So long as you get European football again you’ll have had a successful season in my view. I was surprised Emery went to you at the time considering where you were in the league – guy is a top, top manager.

  16. At least, a heart warming story for a change with caring people. No blacks, nobody died from knife wounds and belong here.

  17. The close i live in has a neighbourhood cat who lives around the area and only goes in the house of the old couple two doors away. I’m not really a cat person but i tolerate him.

    • I have to tolerate ours for the sake of the wife. Gerald (yes, I know) is currently lounging in his favourite spot on the ledge above the radiator, licking his arse, which the wife thinks the sun shines out of.

      Idle fat cunt.

      • Makes a difference that the local is quite a large but spry Bengal and not a filthy, mangy old moggie. A nice coat and superb acrobat. I’ve seen him sitting on a brick pier like an ornament, sunning himself and looking at the comings and goings.

  18. Only allergy in my medical record, FUCKING CATS. Sore gummed up itchy eyes, fuck off you feline cunts.

  19. Digression.
    Managing to keep away from negative football. The ones that don’t belong here might behave themselves on their return and respect our cultures more, after seeing what goes on in the shite holes they’re temporarily staying at the moment.

  20. “Can’t find a man” ? Here’s two reasons:
    1 is a ginga, anchovy gene minge and a fucking rainbow, er, frock, towel, robe ? Dunno.

    The other is a bloke.

    You’re welcome.

      • Afternoon MJB

        I had been meaning to re-post my nom from a while back regarding cats but have since had a bereavement in the family.

        I’ve been in a very bad mood, hence my post above.

    • Totally agree, vermin and not even native to these shores.

      As Evil Bill and Ted said…aim for the cat.

      • Neither are budgies, or pigs, or horses, or chickens, or hamsters.

        I think all budgerigars should have stereotypically Australian names.

    • I know of lazy cunts who keep cats but not all cat owners are lazy cunts.

      One of them started moaning about his cat going missing for three weeks.

      I imagine the cat went to look for a new owner, as it might’ve seen the then-owner’s body still glued to the sofa and assumed he was dead.

  21. We had a whole herd of the stray bastards camped up in the corner of the park where I walked my dog.

    Stupid, ignorant fuckers would leave them food in all sorts of containers, never thinking to clear up the empty ones and not a thought about the rats they were encouraging.

    The fucking stink was horrendous.

    One night there were half a dozen Guardia Civil cars in the park when I arrived.
    They asked if I had seen a woman being attacked.
    Someone local had alerted them because of the screams.

    I told them about the dozens of cats and showed them where they were camped up.

    The noisy bastards do sound like a woman screaming when they go at it.

    The police fucked off and a few days later the council cleared out all of the cats.

    I don’t think that they got as far as a rescue home.

    • Loving cats is one thing but it doesn’t mean you have to be stupid about it. Seventy cats in a house? My house would seem empty without a cat but one’s enough. Imagine the stressful vets visits multiplied by two – no thanks.

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