Lauren Sheldrick and Karen Smy: Crazy Cat Ladies

These women run an independent cat rescue. On the face of it I have no problem with that, and it seems like a noble enterprise. However, upon reading the story one quote in particular sticks out to me.

“It started with people in the community asking Karen for advice on cat care, but soon spiralled out of control with the boundaries set by her being pushed by people eager to get rid of their cats.”

So, in essence, this all started because they were too weak willed to say no, and they’ve turned the situation into a ‘charity’ because they can’t think of what else to do.

They could donate the poor things to a proper shelter with rota’d staff, especially as they admit that they’re fed up with their situation. But no, they continue to persist with it because doing the sensible thing would mean admitting defeat and having to confront major character flaws on their part. All the while they take passive-aggressive potshots at society for ‘not getting it’ and whine about Lauren’s inability to find a man.

I appreciate that this cunting may not be to everyone’s tastes but I’m sorry, I just cannot tolerate people who refuse to stand up for themselves then play the victim when it all goes wrong. You made your bed you fucking cunts, now lie in it and stop bloody well complaining.

BBC News

Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

62 thoughts on “Lauren Sheldrick and Karen Smy: Crazy Cat Ladies

  1. The fact is that these ladies are pet hoarders, they cannot possibly adequately care for so many cats.
    I hope that they will shortly get a visit from the RSPCA who will hopefully reduce the cat population dramatically.

    Ladies, if someone tries to foist their unwanted pet on you, try this simple gesture. Look them in the eye, then turn your head from left to right several times, whilst saying “No”

    This is also useful for anyone on a diet who is offered cake on the grounds that ” one little piece won’t hurt”

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