Hamas and the UK Left wing support for them

Hamas are terrorist cunts and we all know it.
Their recent murder of Israeli citizens is sickening, and will hardly further their cause.

Unless of course you’re a member of the UK Labour party, who refuse to condemn the Hamas murdering, seem to support it, and find other ways to describe it.
Just as pathetic is the BBC who describe the terrorists as militants, because it is in keeping with their policies. Who’d have thought it.

If you value your TV screen, under no circumstances watch Jeremy Corbyn’s opinion on the situation.

Daily Fail

Nominated by the Duke of Cuntshire.

277 thoughts on “Hamas and the UK Left wing support for them

  1. Some Four be two birds are fit.

    Natalie Portman was fit as fuck a few years back. I’d have worn me cock out if I’d have got a go. Whiny fucker though, having a go at Moby because she threw her cunt at him and he slipped her one. What straight bloke wouldn’t have? The man looks like a tortoise out of its shell. Probably couldn’t believe his luck. That Gail Gadot or whatever her name is. Not arf.

    Aye, some fit fourbee birds. Although I once was told a fourbee Israeli bird was starting work with us. A long time ago this, but I got a bit excited wondering how fit she’d be.

    She was a right fucking dog. I was fuming.

    But, I digress. There are some fit as fuck Israeli birds, but Pally birds?

    If beards, headscarves and gunts on birds is your thing, go for it. Saw one being interviewed. Said she was 19. Looked about 57.

    You won’t get this report from the BBC today either, the puffs.

    • Cheap date as well Jewish birds.
      Trip round the charity shops for some bargains,
      Then pound bakery for a meal.

      Don’t tip the waiter
      You’ll never hear the end of it.

      • Aye

        Moby even gave her a jew style date.

        Took her round the back of Morrison’s at closing time to get the butties they were throwing in the bin.

        And she still wasn’t happy!

    • I quite fancy Stacey Solomon, but you’d only know if she’s had an orgasm if she drops her nail file.

    • If, like me, you’re an old fucker, there was a time when you would have given up one of your bollocks and managed for the rest of your life with just one if there had been a guarantee of shagging Dahlia Lavi.

  2. Asked for her opinion on Hamas, Diane Abbott said she preferred eating it as a dip.

  3. I maybe a bit of a cunt (no maybe about it really) but I don’t give a crap about one bunch of foreigners bombing the shit out of another bunch of foreigners a long, long, long way away from me.

    Same sentiment about the Ukraine bollocks too. Not interested.

    When it adversely affects me to some significant degree, then I might care a bit. Until then, I say let them get on with it.

    I won’t win any humanitarian awards anytime soon and I’m perfectly OK with that too. Fuck ’em.

    • I have just seen a video of pro-Israel/Palestine protesters fighting each other in D.C.

      I highly doubt many from either side know much about the history of the animosity between the two sides or could even find them on a map, much like Ukraine.

      Evening IY.

      • Good evening to you too, LL.

        Yeah, it’s kind of surreal to have a war going on, then having groups of people 1000s of miles away kicking the shit out of each other because there’s a war going on.

        I wonder if anyone else does this. I often ponder if aliens are observing what’s happening on our planet and turn to each other in utter amazement and/or bewilderment and say something like, “What the fuck are those morons doing?”. Assuming the aliens speak English of course.

        Anyway, hope you’re doing well and enjoying another fun day on ISAC.

    • I’m with you Imitation Yank. I don’t really give two fucks unless nuclear weapons are on the horizon, so I was a bit more interested when Vlad started rattling the sabre, but he’d done it before..

  4. What I mean if course the ‘Israeli’ dead being a good result. For eventual peace. Which will only come with a parity of strength.

    To achieve that goal I see:thousands upon thousand dead on both sides.

    Then finally there might be a chance to sue for peace.

    Fuck you all!
    With your fucking ‘normie’ narrative.

    I am now going to lie down supine in this darkened room and listen to Gregorian chant.

  5. This all boils down to the old sky fairies again.

    Sorry, but I couldn’t give to shakes on the terrapin’s todger. As long as the cunts continue to bomb fuck out of each other and the UK isn’t affected.

    Sorry for the ‘pull the ladder up’ attitude, but what were the fuck Hamas thinking? Did they seriously believe that Netanyahu wouldn’t go full-fat on their raggedy, medieval arses after their little 5th November display?

    Fucking cunts. Send Blair, Corbyn and the BBC there as ‘middle east envoys’ and don’t bother to bring the charred remains home please.

    • Right there with you, Paul.

      I don’t follow the news much (I freely admit that), but last I heard wasn’t B-liar some mind of middle east envoy or something? Brokering a lasting peace where everything would be great because he made it so? How’s that working out you grinning, fuck-witted Britain hating piece of rancid effluent?

      Can we not just nuke the entire region and move on?

  6. As my mum used to say”Johnny Arab will stab you in the back as soon as look at you.” More evidence to support her view, Time for Israel to clean house.

    • Isn’t Jewland a nuclear power? I thought it was, but I could be wrong. If so, why would some dumb fuck kick sand in someone’s face, when that someone could easily rip their head off and shit down their neck? Seems like a poor position to take. The fallout should be quite a long way from my house, so come on Israel get out yer big guns and ‘git er durn’.

      • “…Isn’t Jewland a nuclear power? I thought it was, but I could be wrong….”

        Ever wondered why they whacked JFK? Ever heard of a little town in Pennysylvania called Apollo? And a certain mossad run front company called N.U.M.E.C.?

        NUMEC – How Israel stole the bomb

  7. As I said earlier Paul. There is only one sky fairy that advocates killing. Rape etc. Just one

      • I refer you to an earlier post I/Y
        Though I am sure you can guess.
        Nowhere in the gospels or other religious texts ( main stream ones) will you find kill the unbelievers. Just the Koran will you find such scripture

      • It’s the same one the Jews and Christians worship, just by a different name.

        Just because scripture says something doesn’t mean the followers stick to it. The Catholic church had no problem with Spain’s adventures and conquests and the pope gave his blessing to the first Portuguese slave traders. There were attempts to convert the natives by priests and when they resisted they were slain.
        Lets not pretend it’s just Islam that has had imperialistic ambitions.

      • Read buddy. Imperial conquest is not written in the bible or Torah Just the other one.
        What evil men do cannot just be attributed to scripture. Unless scripture itself says commit it.
        Simple as that.

      • Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of LOVE.
        Crusades, Inquisitions, religious wars, drowned witches, oppressive morals, hostility to sex…
        It’s not long in historical terms since Christian priests were burning people at the stake if they did not believe that wine turns to blood when a priest prays over it,
        Or that the earth sits immovably at the centre of the universe.
        Whipping cunts and slitting their noses for having sex outside marriage,
        Preaching that masturbation is worse than rape (because at least rape can result in pregnancy).
        All that was par for the course.
        Had it not been for the Enlightenment, we’d still be stuck in the Middle Ages,
        Together with our Peaceful brothers and sisters…

    • “…Nowhere in the gospels or other religious texts ( main stream ones) will you find kill the unbelievers. Just the Koran will you find such scripture…”

      What the… I’m sorry but the torah comes front loaded with genocidal messianic fantasy and prophecy devoted to destruction of Edom, aka the christian, aka, the western peoples!!!!!

      Spend 9mins and 48secs of your life to let Rabbi Tovia Singer and freinds lay it out for you…

      In their own words and from their own mouths!
      “…we have whole books devoted to the destruction of Edom at the ‘end of days’.

      …plenty more where he came from by the way.

  8. This happens there every 6-12 months. It’s not particularly surprising. Both sides have only brought their kids up on hating eachother. This is what happens

  9. It’s a mess. In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain’s First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

    The Palestinians are naturally aggrieved but there’s no need for them to keep killing each other. Can’t they live peacefully together?

    I don’t mind the 4x2s. They’ll do you a good suit.

    • Correct me if i’m wrong but aren’t Israelis going full pelt in turfing and bulldozing the indigenous Palestinians from their indigenous lands at increasing levels of late ?.Israel has no right to exist.They irguned and stern ganged their way in and clearly doing so on the way out which i believe will happen.

      Israelis aren’t even the original denizens (gods chosen) or Hebrews of those lands.merely Khazarian (ukranian),Polish and Russian interlopers imported for the Rothschild fifedom,boot on the Arab necks,oil diverting forward operating platform.

  10. Its interesting that the bombs missiles etc that Hamas used in the atrocity seem to be of a USA origin type, of course they were sent to Ukraine for the greater good but ended up in the Strip.
    You couldn’t make it up

    • Clearly you can make it up.

      Isn’t it more likely that any US munition that ended up in the paws of Hamas would have been dropped by American-trained Iraqi or Afghan soldiers?

      • Yes Mickey Blue, but the serial numbers will tell the truth.
        Maybe not today
        Maybe not tomorrow
        But soon and for the rest of your life

  11. Egypt has said publicly that it will remain neutral unless attacked
    USA trying to involve everybody but Egypt says, fk off

    • I hope they blow up the fuckin pyramids.

      See how many tourists come then you fez wearing mummyboys

      • After the terror attacks at Luxor in 97 (I think it was 97) Egypt really stepped up security in tourist areas, a policeman on every corner (usually asleep)

      • Blow up the Pyramids?

        You do realise that’s going to lead to interstellar warfare?

        I saw it on a documentary with Kurt Russell and the He-She from The Crying Game.

        It was a documentary, wasn’t it?

      • Came pretty close when IDF jets pounded the USS Liberty despite a giant stars and stripes being on display ?

      • “…when IDF jets pounded the USS Liberty despite a giant stars and stripes being on display ?…”

        See my earlier comment re the Liberty and the horrible possibility that Israel will wheel out one of its cached Iranian missiles (with a traceable ‘Russian’ serial number) and direct it at that US carrier. Liberty all over again.

  12. It’s just starting, Israel have mobilised 300,000 reservists, just to add to 160,000 regulars.

    Sorry Miles, your mates are going to get fucked ?

    • The Palestinians are living in what is effectively a “concentration camp” They have nothing left to lose.

  13. The head of the snake is Iran.

    Cut that off and you’re well on the way to solving the problem.

    Good evening.

    • Make the snake glow in the dark and die a slow death.

      The foul cunts running Iran and funding such filth as Hamas should have been tidied up years ago.

      Send Nazisoreen Renganges Ratcliffe as a peace envoy..and make her ask for our fucking money back.

    • That is a brilliant point Jack.

      And the corollary to it is Israel (and the world) has more to fear from Hezbollah than Hamas.

      It should not go unnoticed that the Biden Administration recently freed up $6 Dollars in frozen Iranian funds and that both Hamas and Hezbollah say Iran helped plan these dastardly terrorist attacks.

      Good afternoon.

      • Oops…

        The Biden Administration did not free up $6 Dollars for Iran.

        They freed up $6 BILLION Dollars.

        My bad.

      • I see that thousands of tons of American diplomacy is heading for the eastern Mediterranean.

        American air power is being beefed up in Saudi.

        Just one over enthusiastic move from Iran.

        BOOM ??

  14. The Jewish people are the indigenous people of the region. Several thousand years before the peaceful s. They are surrounded by hateful peoples who want their total destruction.

    • “…The Jewish people are the indigenous people of the region….”

      Erm… what’s the word I’m looking for? … oh yeah… Bollocks! At the point the Balfour Declaration was conjured up the jewish population of Palestine was between 3 – 4% Modern Israeli’s are 95% of imported balkan origin!

  15. I don’t mind the fourbees.

    That Buchanheimen or whatever he was called. He was a 4×2.

    Warned the world about Damien Thorne he did (The Omen, a true story of course). Nobody listened, they all just thought he was some two bob bit Topol impersonator that’d gone mental.

  16. The terrorist atrocity against Israel is nothing more than a cheap stunt by Jeremy Corbyn and his Hamas chums to distract attention from the Labour Party conference.

  17. These Hamas cunts are thick as fuck.

    They are going to pay for this so many times over, it’s barely believable

    The Israelis will dry fuck them for years for this .

    • There can be peace. But only when the peaceful s learn to love their children more than hating the Jews.

      In use Isreal an Arab , a Muslim can be a full citizen. Few know this.
      Can a Jew be a citizen in another Middle East county?

      Of course not.

      • Hardly any Jews remaining in the Arab world, except Morocco. Virtually ethnically cleansed from the other arab shitholes. Palestinian population of gaza and west bank has increased by over 400% in past 75 years, and those cunts and their cunt supporters still claim they’re suffering genocide.

  18. Hamas has just said they’ll start killing hostages unless Israel stops bombing them.


    • I feel sorry for the hostages because I think Israel will not stop, rightly or wrongly.

      Sadaam and Gaddafi (Fatima Whitbread in reality) knew how to handle peacefuls. With force. Only language they understand.

      The big noses might now say, “No, let me tell you what happens next. You release all the hostages within 6 hours or we carpet bomb the strip until you are all turned to dust.”

      But on a more serious note, how the fuck did Moby get to shag a prime Natalie Portman?

      World’s gone mad.

      • Hamas don’t care. For their own people, children. Not a jot. Otherwise they wouldn’t have attacked in the first place.

      • Just as well they don’t care , because not many of them will be left alive this time next year . Stupid stupid cunts

        If there is one country on earth that repays blood with 10x more blood it’s Israel.

        Sad thing is, these thick ragheads know this well.

      • But on a more serious note, how the fuck did Moby get to shag a prime Natalie Portman?

        Because she was a slag and a starfucker who threw herself at him because he was big at the time. But when Moby told the truth about this, Portman and the Me Too Witches Guild went into victim/outrage mode. And Moby ended up apologising to her for simply being honest abouy what a trollop she is.??

        Women, eh???

    • ‘Raid on Entebbe’ was a great film. Back in the 70s it took the Israelis to sort out Idi Amin. Peter Finch played Yitzhak Rabin. Bronson was ace too.

    • During the 3rd crusade whilst in Acre Richard the Lionheart executed 2700 Muslim hostages.

      He had his soldiers to open up the corpses to search for any valuables that had been swallowed.

      You need men like Rick when dealing with Arabs.

      Although to be fair he had Jews stripped and flogged for having the audacity to bring him presents on his coronation.

      Mixed bag really.

      Still better than our current king.

    • The BBC don’t even see the IRA as terrorists any more.

      Basically, anyone who is an enemy of the UK or the West is a friend of the BBC.

  19. Hamas are for it, quite rightly, as are the people in the Israeli Intelligence Service. It seems strange that they didn’t get a sniff of this beforehand; perhaps they did and dismissed it. I don’t go along with the theory they knew it was coming and fancied a war, as touted in some circles.
    As for the extremist Labour types supporting the Palestinians, they should be given a one-way ticket. Truly cunts.

  20. The US interfering in other Countries over the last 60 years hasn’t helped world peace, Instigated coups in numerous democratic states. Iran being number one which resulted in the Iranian revolution in 1979. Now we have a belligerent country that no one wants to deal with without starting WW3. Hamas are cunts of the highest order but the ‘Worlds Policeman’ is a little bit of a cunt also.

    • They’re not jumping for joy and celebrating in the streets now.
      Are they ?

      The thick rag head cunts.

      What else did they expect ?

      The bad news for them is that this is just the initial softening up.

      There’s worse to come.

      Much, much worse.

      I didn’t find it hard to watch at all.

      Fuck them.

    • Yes, shocking stuff, but hamas are probably revelling in those images, as it’s great propaganda value for them. No problem for them that their own people suffer though, whilst they themselves take shelter in a bunker under a hospital or mosque, or whilst living in a luxury apartment in Qatar, funded by money they stole from their own people.

      • Sad it is Mystic, for the poor people trapped by conflict
        while the sponsored cunts reek terror on their own kind.

    • These are the same people who revel in terrorist attacks in our country and couldn’t give a fuck about us.

      If they could they’d turn us out of our homes and slaughter us wholesale.

      They are savages,let them learn another harsh lesson.

      The Islamics,the Arabs are poison.

    • Seriously – what did they expect?

      What a fucking mess.

      I hear Jupiter is nice this time of year.

    • Fucking useless camel riders. Israel is cutting off the water supplies and they are spraying it all over written-off cars. Martyrdom by dehydration awaits.

  21. Lebanon getting involved with incursion into Israel
    The Worlds on fire

    Something big is about to happen was being banned about for months on end, prior to these recent events.
    I don’t think its about CBDC currencies takeover somehow.
    This is gaining momentum at a rapid pace
    Fill up you’re oil tanks
    We are in for a rough ride.
    All surrounding areas could explode

      • Come in USS Gerald Ford Carrier Group.

        The most powerful carrier group in the world.

        And could blow your shitty little terrorist outpost clean off the map.

        Do you feel lucky ?

        Well ?

    • People are demonstrating outside the Israeli embassy in London.

      How long before some illegal immigrant rag head goes on a one man stab fest ?

      Or worse.

      They are amongst us.

      • Never fear, it will be blamed on mental health isshoos should a raghead behead a few Londoners.

      • Never mind. They’ll light a few candles, say ‘hate won’t win’, put a daft sticker on their cars, and Suqdick will say it’s part and parcel of living with human filth in modern Great Britain.

        Oh, and that shitty Oasis tune will be squawked out again.

  22. The Woke Left really have exposed themselves for the hypocritical cunts they are.

    Their “Heal the Hate” narrative is just bullshit given the way the more hardcore of them seem to be celebrating the torture, rape and murder of Jews by Hamas.

    There’s plenty of “isms” that could be used against Hamas, but this doesn’t suit the Left’s narrative – it’s like an exception to the rule. Just “Kill a Jew” and don’t concern yourself if they’re:-

    mixed race
    rich or poor

    Fuck them all, is their agenda. For them the Holocaust should be rebooted and continued, while the world looks on.

    I wonder what those cunts at the COP28 junket in Dubai are going to do? Or are they more concerned about all the pollution created with those missiles exploding in Gaza! Greta will be furious!

    Over to you, Biden!

  23. And you can bet some thick as pigshit Premier League footballer (more than likely a dusky or darkish type) will be twatting about on the pitch with a Palestinan flag.

    Just like that little turd Mahrez did when he was at Man City.

    • Evening Norman, the way and speed this is going, by next weekend, any dick flying the palestinian flag will hopefully be lynched.

  24. Of course the goatshaggers don’t care about their children. That’s why they launch their missiles from schools and children’s hospitals……in the hope the Israelis will strike back and they can have loads of dead little bodies to parade all over the MSM , to the delight of the Corbynista Guardian readers. All they care about is killing the Infidel. Mohammed may give you a good deal on a couple of bottles of wine in the P*ki shop but he fucking hates you and don’t you forget it.

  25. Spotted the difference yet?

    Wall to wall video evidence of war in Gaza, minute by minute coverage…

    War in Ukraine? Bugger all coverage …

    Fuck off.

    • Kick the entire lot of them out, once the Middle East is uninhabited move the aborigines in and they can wander around doing whatever they do. Section off the bits relevant to various religions so the aborigines can sell paid access and earn a few groats.

      Instant peace in the Middle East

      • Until the Maoris move in next door, SV, and start a war over some inconsequential bollocks, like face tattoos or something!

      • I identify with them Thomas.
        Must be the Irish in me.
        On the side of the underdog.

  26. Slightly off-topic, but what are the odds you’ll get some attention-seeking “influencer” flying out to Gaza or Israel in order to “be seen” by their followers and earn a few extra likes.

    “Look at me, guys. Look at all those bombed out buildings. Oh and there’s a few dead bodies too. I’ll just do a selfie with one of them, but the corpse must look nice. Not as beautiful as me of course.”

    Next thing the stupid twat is kidnapped by Hamas and all of a sudden it’s our government’s problem!

    • Then, when he gets back, he slags off our country, is all over the BBC and doesn’t give a fuck about how much he’s cost the taxpayer to rescue his useless, posh arse. Let’s hope he’s actually British unlike that whining Iranian bitch who cost us a fucking packet.

    • Easy solution to that, Techno. Let’s round up all the ‘influencers’ and air drop them into the war zone. One way ticket…one way ticket….one way ticket to the blues. ?

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