Grief-jacking About Natural Disasters in Shit Hole Countries

I would like to cunt the Grief mongering press banging on an on about Earthquake in Morocco and now Flood in Libya.

Any loss of innocent life, especially kids is never right, But the shithole country that chooses to let its people live in houses on a fault line or flood plane that eont last the next storm let alone flood or quake should expect no less.

Both these governments have squadded billions in aid -and i strangely bet no senior governments family members count in the tens of thousands of Mohammads that have gone to god.

What the press never show us is a picture of the place before the event as from the little i have seen of these places. the rubble looked the same as before the quuake but with less people, and if looking at Libya, from the drain they shot gadaffi in, that had trouble holding that cunts corpse in it let alone handle the impacts of a storm surge.

Quakes and floods in these burrows are not acts of god they are inevitable eventual failure of bad building off the back off bent greasy governments that give less fucks about safety before these events, than what alot of people do after them.

I think Abdul or more surprised the village lasted as long as it diid, not that it fell down when Allah sneezed.

BBC News Link.

Nominated by : King Cunt

55 thoughts on “Grief-jacking About Natural Disasters in Shit Hole Countries

    • A bit more maths for you Geordie

      If there are 2 billion muzzers in the world, half of which are men, and they get 72 virgins each when they go to hell, err sorry, heaven, that requires the production of 72 billion virgin women, more than the entire population of the world during its entire existence.

      Are they thick?

  1. Poor quality buildings aside, the world’s population needs a serious cull. A proper pandemic like the Bubonic Plague. Or some sort of Ebola.
    Poor, ill-bred simpleton africans first, then pakıs/muzzıes, then ding-dings (not necessarily because they’re bad people, there’s simply a billion too many of them) then dog-eating slit-eyes and finally 3rd generation welfare scum white people.

  2. Aren’t these shitholes the very places that breed the influx of aspiring architects arriving on UK shores?
    I wouldn’t let the cunts design a garden shed, and it should be reason enough for the liars to be sent back to the disaster zones they made for themselves, instead of turning Britain into one.

    • Sorry to be a spelling nazi Your Grace,
      but the correct spelling is ‘haspyrin harkitek. Innit blud.

    • Not that I pay any attention but from what I see the only difference is that after a flood the shit hole is wet.

      • Apparently millions of dollars of improvements have been caused.

        Flood defences and engineering are white man’s magic.

  3. It’s all climate change, innit, mate!

    You don’t get many devastating earthquakes/flooding in Western Europe, at least not on that cataclysmic scale. And its got little or zip all to do with climate change and more to do with tectonic plates and temperate zones compared to the cluster-fuck in the southern Med, North Africa and the ME.

    However, the green-zealots will have you believe none of that is true and that it is indeed the fault of the West for the onset of climate change that is affecting said places.

    So its all our fault that we’ve killed thousands of people thousands of miles away.. We should be ashamed that we’re not eating plants, have heat pumps in our sheds, and rubbing sticks together to make fire!

    • I think the Danish should pay climate change reparations Techno.

      All that Lego that they’ve produced. All made from plastic.
      Those villains. They’re worse than Ming the Merciless or Lex Luthor.

    • Eco fascist, think of the children fire is naughty, fire makes carbon floods happen and Pat Boons and peacefuls snuff it. On second thoughts, carry on the good work. Fuck Greta and the eco cunts to hell then fuck them again.

  4. But little coverage of the horrendous Ohio train crash and resulting mass poisonings of people, land, rivers and animals that will go on killing for decades – maybe because it was the fault of federal agencies is and done on that deranged cunt Biden’s watch. The fucking Libyans can get on their fucking camels and fuck fight off.

  5. A cunting good and true. Avoidable and all down to corruption, extreme inhumanity and incompetence of the sort that we’re importing daily and in boatloads when The Channel’s calm. Sink them in shallow non-British waters and the ‘Refugees Welcome’ cunts with them. Empty ‘Reugees Welcome’ properties to be used to house homeless ex-servicemen and women.

  6. Can’t beat a good natural disaster.


    I like em all?

    Long as the dead number in thousands and have melanine issues

    • Of course in the good old days of the 70s, 80s and 90s the likes of Steve McQueen, Bruce Willis and Arnie would kick some serious Earthquake, Tornado and even Asteroid Ass.

      But the fuck do you have today? Greta 6 fingers, Sam Smith and Sparkletits!

      We’re fucked!

  7. At Tesco yesterday the self service till asked me if I wanted to give 82p to the Libyan disaster appeal. There were two boxes Yes and No. Sadly there was no box saying ‘ You’ve got to be fucking joking’.

  8. It gives them an excuse to send more boats across the Mediterranean to Spain, Greece and Italy.

    PS another 500+ crossed the channel yesterday

    There would exactly zero fucks given from Morocco or Libya if there was a natural disaster in the UK or Europe.

    Plenty of NGO rescue cunts in the Med, let them go an dock in Libya to help out, never to be seen again ?

    • I think God and Nature (if you believe in such things), really has it in for the UK for voting for Brexit

      Any natural disaster, civil war, whatever that happens in some other cunt’s backyard thousands of miles away, means that the displaced civilians can all come here and big it up at our expense!

  9. Wouldn’t it be be extremely funny/ironic if there was a major earthquake/tornado/tsunami in downtown Hollywood/Beverley Hills – populated chiefly by those hugely rich woke libtard film and music stars who constantly bang on about climate change and blah blah blah.

  10. The main causes of earthquake deaths are (a) cunts building on well-known fault zones, and (b) cunts building crap buildings which fall down in earthquakes. This is because building land is cheaper in fault zones and crap buildings are cheaper than buildings which stay upright in earthquakes. By this logic, earthquake disasters are predictable and preventable (with the caveat that predicting the actual timing of an earthquake is essentially impossible – it WILL happen, you just don’t know when).

    As with most things, concerned humanitarians are left to pick up the bill when cheap greedy cunts fuck up. But the aid would be better spent in ensuring that, come the rebuild, it doesn’t happen again. Don’t build on fault zones, and don’t use shell sand in the concrete.

    Prevention is far more worthwhile than cure.

  11. I pay them the same heed they did when we get kids blown up at concerts or as these countries did for 9/11.

    • Damn right CB. I remember video clips on the news of these mudslime bastards across the Middle East celebrating on 9/11. I don’t know if anyone can find those clips now. They vanished from the television news pretty fucking fast.

  12. Those wicked fuckers would cut your throat and wander off in their bedsheets without a care in world.

    A few thousand less of the disgusting terrorist cunts is a fucking good start.

    As for the soppy clowns in this country who want us to feel sorry for them…immediate oven.

  13. Smeg all awarded fellas.Not interested.As said previously none of those goat shaggers would raise money for us if we had an earthquake.Let them rot.

  14. I’m sure they’ll get over it. Sending money to some earthquake prone area is burning it.

    Unless they build for earthquakes like the japs this will keep happening.

    Time to sink Lampedusa as well.

  15. It seems Napoli has just had an earthquake, and fears of volcanic activity abound.
    Just wait for that diseased arsegrape Donald Tusk of the EU to claim that this is God’s punishment on Italy for not taking in more rapeugees…

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