In fact he is , because the report says so, a rapist and child abuser
who used his influence as a “Community figurehead “ to assist with committing these crimes.
What kind of community would have such a piece of filth as this as a figurehead. I wonder?
Erm ?. Apparently he comes from Batleystan, sorry I mean Batley. A town known for community leaders and figureheads ?
They often, apparently guide the local community how to live a peaceful ways of life.
Nominated by Everyonesacunt
I like my figureheads on the prow of ships..
Can we nail this cunt to a border farce boat and then torpedo it.
Preferably when it’s full of dinghy vermin.
Or a minesweeper?
The filthy Stanley .
That’s a face only Peter Tatchell could love.
A Peaceful “community leader” n*ncing up kids? Who would believe it?
Er, everyone?
I’ll tell you now
An I’ll tell ya flatly
I don’t wanna go to Batley.
All like that in Batley.
Needs bombing.
An the bald head big beard look he stole from me.
Cheeky cunt.
‘I don’t want to go to Batley ohh no…’.
Yorkshire needs to be fucking fumigated.
Went Padgett’s of Batley to buy a new Honda.
I thought I was in fucking Karachi,what a absolute shithole.?????
Love the poetry Mis
Community leader
Can’t make this shit up.
Well bloody hell, it’s ‘peaceful’ Yorkshire again!
Ee Beh Gum.
All these bearded ostomy bags will use their prison spells to retrain as social workers, gynaecologists, kids’ sports coaches, TV celebrities.
More cultural enrichment from the filthy rag heads.
As usual nothing from Labour Party wimminz or celebrity Twitter mongs who love to go on about the safety of young girls and women unless of course the story was about a bunch of white English scaffolders who wolf-whistled some bird walking down the street, then they would have been all over it like Flabbott on Premier Inn breakfast buffet.
Oh, and the Blessed Lineker of course, he now speaks up for those with no voice now apparently unless you happen to be the wrong type of victim and the wrong type of criminal.
Bet it took some pressure and leverage to get the Dibble to investigate him?!
They’d of been reluctant to say the least.
But, but , he’s a community leader!
And he’s…well, you know,
He’s….not British ☹️
20 years from now this cunt, or one just like him, will be telling us what we have to do. And what’s left of our government will climb on board to save their own skins from the savages.
Cyril Smith was the only white man to have gotten away with decades of child abuse in the north.
Eeeuurrgghh…fucking pakıs. Good lord, just the sight of one of them makes me want to puke.
He looks like something from Star Trek or some biblical epic from the 1950s.
or somebody always introduced as “…previously lknown to the police.”
or a dirty, Muslamic rapîst.
Fifteen years, out in half that.
Meat grinder. Now.
Afternoon all.
Meat grindr?
There’s an app for that.
Wood chipper and oven.
Spot on, Mr. Knee.
Halal slaughter, then he can be flogged to kebab shops as cheap arse-end of whatever the filth eat.
Batley is where MP Jo Cox failed her self defence course.
And just down the road is where little Shannon Matthews won hide and seek championship.
Childhoods not much fun in Batley!
Being kidnapped was the best thing that could have happened to Shannon Matthews. Being removed by social services might’ve given her a chance and I hope she grew up happy and healthy with foster parents, away from that bitch mother of hers.
If she’d have remained where she was, she’d have gotten pregnant at age 14 and would have seven or eight multicoloured council brats by now.
And weigh over 20 stone.
Yeah, although when not drugging her and tying her up as part of a get rich quick scheme,
Mum Karen did sometimes cook Shannon turkey twizzlers for tea!
Just a different approach to parenting Mr Cunt Engine.
It’s also where the Grammer School teacher has had to go into hiding for daring to show a picture of prophet Mohammed MNC.
That’s all he did.
Now been in hiding for over a year and heres the thing, his name was leaked by a charidee called Purpose for Life whose CEO is called Mohammed Sajid Hussain.
Perhaps another community leader eh?
The cowardice of those white bastards in positions of power and influence in Batley is sickening.
They genuinely disgust me. Their wilful appeasement is repugnant.
I don’t think they’ll be a revolution anytime soon in this country but if there was and I’m still around I’d like to personally round those bastards up and treat them to torture even my twisted and depraved mind hasn’t yet come to terms with.
Your right it is!
I forgot that.
Poor fucker, left him out to dry didn’t they?
I heard that picture of the prophet Muhammad was just a holiday snap in Magaluf?
Just him and his 6yr old niece on the beach.
And he’s married to her.
Hanging, drawing and quartering is too good for this cunt.
Dirty cunt. Why can’t he be flown over Ragistan in a C-130 and kicked out at 35,000 ft?
Is this him without the beard?
He was groomed by Statler and Waldorf.
“Community leader” in our culturally enriched towns and cities seem to mean a couple of different things, depending on who the community is being represented by.
With the peacefuls it can be a de facto religious Gestapo enforcing Sharia law, election fraud, drug dealing and child abuse.
With the blacks its anti-white racism and cultural Marxism dressed up as social justice, county lines, gangs and fraud.
The irony is in the villages they are originally from in Pakistan, the community would have torn them apart.
Fucking sick cunt should have his bollocks removed with a blunt knife. Try kiddy fiddling with no gonads you cunt. Hopefully he dies before release. If he reaches the end of his sentence deport the cunt.
Turn it into offal.
Then go for a pork pie and a pint.
Oh,and hang it’s no doubt extended family.
All the cunts crossing the channel to allegedly escape war and oppression must be disappointed to see all this Islamic home grown terror and abuse ???
You know, I’ve been trying for some time to get a handle on what precisely a ‘community leader’ is, and what they actually do.
I just looked up the term in Collins Dictionary to see if I could maybe get a bit of precision on the matter, to find the following ‘definition’;
‘Community leader; a leader in a community’.
Fancy that. No fucking shit Sherlock.
Many, many years ago I occasionally worked with a community leader, back then it was someone who could speak English to help the P*ki filth get whatever benefits they could claim.
Now it’s a fucking Taliban styled cunt who stirs up the P*ki filth every time their Sharia law is broken or challenged
They are very rarely elected individuals but seem to be in charge.
I think that they may help to *ahem* ‘organise’ the vote at election time as well.
Fifty notes a pop on the Labour ‘Peaceful in our time’ candidate.
When he comes out he can be the new chairman of Yorkshire County cricket.
That’s if they still exist after being fucked over by another lying peaceful.
Or new Director-General of al-BBC.
Just recommissioned the Taliban Tubbies as Pee Doh and File explore their new community
He’d change the format somewhat!
Dancing on rice
Ihateyour country file
Shag the family
British bomb off
Mosque of the day
The sky at Shiite
Jihads Army….
Who wants to be a Mujahideen?
Halal Creatures Great and Small
The Great British Rape Off
Songs of Praise Allah.
Tom and Jihadi…
Changing grooms
Bomb and Jerry?
Look at the fucking state of the cunt.
When something like this turns up at Border Control does nobody think…. “What possible use is a cunt like this to our country?”.
Well someone should do.
Saw dust for puddles of puke?
I know the smell is terrible but you have to cover the vomit with something.
Look what Google has up today (you know when there’s a special day they change their cunty logo).
Looks like dog shit in dog shit sauce to me. Apparently it’s Abado.
Abado do do do push pineapple shake the tree..
This announcement on the anniversary of Kriss Donald’s abduction, torture and murder.
Totally ignored by BBC cunts and media whores.
The cunt should’ve been cremated along with his shitebag father. Or dumped at a landfill site, with 1,000s of tons of weegie shite all over him.
The cunt’s been found out ? Shouldn’t we be cunting the cunts who didn’t find the cunt out until now ?
Another goat herding foolower of Allan,filthy cunt, wipes his arse with his bare hands, chases little girls around Ishittistan wearing a dress and yet considers bacon unclean.
These maladjusted fuckmonkeys are so out of skew its unreal, you may get away with it in the fly blown shit hole you hail from….but net here ya cunts
This is not the first time on ISAC that my name has been taken in vain. When the judicial system in this country is replaced by Sharia law there will be no hiding place for infidels.
I beg your mercy Allan,in the hope that you are most merciful i am prepared to offer you
1 camel
3 goats
my ugliest wife and the use of my next door neighbours kids
16 out of date chicken curries and a packet of wet wipes
Please spare me from having my right hand driven over and my are stuffed with red hot chilli peppers for using your name in vain, a thousand thank yous and may your piss stream always be strong
Boil Abdul in horse piss
To say I’m shocked would be an understatement. Shocked that Sacha was not knighted in the New Years Honours list whilst his accusers were arrested for racism.
…but..but…catholic priests…but….
Here’s another fine upstanding member of the peaceful community…?
Live as evil Mohammed Taroos Khan who stabbed niece after she refused to marry cousin is jailed
And another…?
What’s he stuck that beard on with, sellotape? Looks like a 95 year old unkempt fanny.
Dirty, louse ridden piece of shit. Douse the cunt in unleaded and send him off to his promise land.
Anyone notice the lack of news about this ramjam on the BBC, but plenty on the slapper who wrongly accused a few rag heads of “hairy ape”? The BBC were all over it…”these poor peaceful community minded men etc”… if only they had given the same timely copy space to the Rotherham victims at the time instead of being treacherous Marxist cunts.