I would like to cunt the above two banes of my life for the never ending woe is me bilge. Always on like a nun’s knickers about it and demands for money to make up for it.
Laura FYI my ancestors were agricultural workers so why should I give a fucking penny towards this bollocks.
Pat Boons see above explanation as well. Stop fucking banging on about it. Produce ONE cunt who went through it and we might cough up a few quid. An invaluable history lesson here, the UK put a stop to it so why aren’t the UK being recompensed for coughing up the money to pay the slave holding families in the first place?
For the ones banging ON and fucking ON about it, why don’t you all fuck off back to the Carribean or Wakanda. Just asking like?
Nominated by CuntyMort.
Open your legs and I’ll think about it.
Another unwashed bitch…
Apparently Lady Bountiful is worth 5 million. So £100,000 is 2% of her net worth. Big fucking deal, but it’ll go down really well in the North London dinner party circuit. How thoughtful of her to tell the whole world of her munificence.
As for bunging the Irish some dough for her ancestor’s part in their famine, tough shit Paddy, you’re white so you’re no higher up the woke entitlement league table than us lot.
Yet another over privileged cunt with nothing better to do than support woke causes to spend the little people’s money on.
Here’s and idea for you. Your ilk love taxation as well. Why not raise the top rate of tax from 45% to 145% to pay for this bollox. Put the bill for the dingy raiders on it as well. Makes a lot of sense – mostly the elite seem to support this bullsh1te so link payment for it to their tax band.
So she quits the BBC to become a “roving advocate for reparative justice”.
Sounds like an excuse to travel around the Caribbean on a self-loathing guilt trip. Her family must be worth tens if not hundreds of million of pounds so £100,000 is chump change and won’t change a fucking thing. Even the Guardian is donating £10m because of its founders tenuous links to the slave trade so Owen Jones might have to cut back on putting his tampons on expenses.
Having seen this when the stupid bint first virtue signalled that she would be spunking £100k up the wall to pay reparations to people who were never slaves, my first reaction was to piss myself laughing at her leftarded stupidity.
It then dawned on me that this is a great scam, sorry scheme to be involved in.
As my descendents were Oirish on one side and Jewish on the other, I feel it only appropriate that both the German and English governments shower me with cash for the suffering muh people went through.
The fact that none of the historic persecution of muh people have affected me in the slightest is an irrelevance. Just like the jammy fuckers who get to live in the Carribbean are not affected in the slightest by a trade that was outlawed (by us) 200 years ago.
Donate all of your own personal wealth to this phoney cause then. Go on – every last fucking penny.
Then I might have at least an ounce of respect for you.
But then again on second thoughts – no I won’t.
I hate with a passion, self loathing liberal (so called) white cunts more than any other race of humanity.
Fucking do one love.
I’m forced to hand over a wedge of my hard earned cash to support bone idle foreigners both in the UK and abroad.
Can I get reparations? After all, being forced to hand over earnings is against the modern slavery act as I understand it.
If it was voluntary, they wouldn’t get the steam off my piss.
My ancestors were probably slaves at some point during the four hundred years of Roman rule.
Where’s my cheque from the Eyeties?….
Some of my family live in Woking. Go back far enough and you’ll find they were oppressed by the Martians.
We all have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grand parents etc……
If you go back as far as the beginning of the African slave trade we are all directly related to many thousands of relatives.
Colour is quickly lost in mixed race relationships.
Especially if the male is white.
A white male and a black woman will produce children with whiter characteristics.
If those children go on to mixed race relationships all trace of black disappears within a few generations.
It may take a little longer if the male is black with a white woman.
We, who see ourselves as white will have had hundreds of black direct relatives throughout the many hundreds of years since the beginning of the slave trade and during that time.
It is an absolute certainty that we are all related to slaves, regardless of our present colour.
We will also be related in some way to someone Chinese or Asian, a murderer, a prisoner thar was sent to Australia, a witch that was burned at the stake etc…
It is also an absolute certainty that people who are presently black had hundreds of direct relatives that were white and profited by the slave trade.
Therefore reparations should not just be limited to people that are black.
I have a claim just as strong.
There is a higher percentage of white genes in the American black population than black genes in the white population, so those demanding reparations better check their white privilege first.
See, I can play the crazy identitarian cunt as well.
How about reparations for this country being ruined by the unwanted influx of silvery moons and assorted shit from the asian sub-continent?
Two words
I take all major credit cards and, of course, bundles of lovely cash.
I hope you don’t take Mastercard, Sam.
Redolent of ‘Master and slave’. No, that won’t do.
Take ‘Race Card’ instead.
Do you accept limes and coconuts?
I wouldn’t even handover my wallet to a thief with a big fuck off knife !!!
I’m British through and through.
My ancestry DNA test revealed that it was my ancestors who put in the planning application for Stonehenge….
If Stonehenge had needed to go through the planning process it wouldn’t have been built yet.
Stonehenge was built by swarthy foreigners from the black sea and Aegean. Basically it’s a kebab shop compared to my heritage.
Meet my grandad.
Start with Alex Scott. Her family owned slaves.
In fact, if this becomes a thing everywhere, then the only criteria should be ‘Did your ancestors own slaves?’
Most of them were fucking black!
My ancestors ended up in workhouses. Where’s my payout? I’m sure i had some enslaved by the Vikings and others who fought over Britain too.
It’s all bollocks. Might as well start locking people up for crimes committed by relatives a long time ago.
Great, great, great, great grandfather got five years for GBH? Your cell is the last one on the left.
Btw. It will never be enough anyway, you fucking pathetic leftist pricks.
They don’t see it as kindness, it’s seen as fucking weakness.
At least slavery kept them off the trains playing loud music then killing young people with fucking horseshoes I suppose.
What fucks me off with all of this is that they are getting their own back on us now; I will explain.
Yes, de whte man was bad and enslaved and sold these sand dwelling cunts to plantations, against their own will, but fast forward to today and most of them are tripping over themselves to get here in Dinghy’s, thereofre so I fail to understand WHAT we owe them when they’re getting:
Free houses
School places
Food vouchers
Access to the NHS that I am paying for
On top of that the cunts want compensation.
BLM, Bleck History month – fuck off!
We’ll start it all over again if you black cunts don’t shut up !!!!
We’re only waiting for our small island to fill up before we start a massive cull.
I’d be happy to administer a few r?perations to some fit, young black tottie.
‘Hello Laquisha, does this dirty rag smell like chloroform?’
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if moon crickets are immune to chloroform due to having very slloooowwwwww brains.
Slaves were purchased from African tribes, let’s start there where it began.
Silly cunts like that bint are welcome to give away their money.
But the first spoon that knocks on my door, their nose will be flatter than normal after my door hits them in the face..
Jeeeezzzzzz. Where do these bleeding heart far left liberal social justice refugees welcome warriors keep coming from? Are the ‘universities’ cloning group think idiots and releasing them onto the streets to completely finish off this cuntry??
One saving grace it’s not got purple hair, however with that surname it can fuck off to Cornwall and hopefully fall down a disused tin mine.
“…Are the ‘universities’ cloning group think idiots and releasing them onto the streets to completely finish off this cuntry??”
Yup, straight out of the Frankfurt playbook.
Over the period of my lifetime (64 years) this country has poured trillions into Africa.
And still it’s a shithole!
No amount of further cash will ever make the slightest difference.
Big business enterprises like Oxscam and Save The Children perpetuate a culture of dependence in Africa
For their own nefarious monetary interests and no fucker else’s.
This Trevelyan bimbo is drunk on guilt.
She requires a hard fisting.
Clive Lewis is drunk on hatred for his country,
A country that has nurtured and provided him with everything.
May their mothers forever suck cocks in Hell.
KFC have done OK from the amounts of spoons we have here.
China are running it now so we can let them get on with it.
Under serfdom we were slaves to the Normans for 300 years until the Black Death thinned us out and allowed us to sell our labours. Still tied to the Lords of the Manor though.
We were enslaved by Vikings and Moors raiding parties. The Romans before that.
The industrial revolution ensured we lived in hell and died young. Then came the wars. My Irish forebears starved in the famine.
These were my forebears who beneffied from slavery.
Fuck all this slavery shit. It was endemic in Africa long before we got there. It was originally instigated by black chiefs who swapped their captives for Portuguese fucking baubles.
It is not our fault that these fuckers are inferior. Just look at Africa.
I suggest we nuke Africa.No loss.
More of a loss to the animal kingdom. I suggest nuking the dumps that have arisen from our earnest efforts to civilise the place.
Leave Bubbles, Harambe and Cecil out of this.
Rich bitch finds some change down the back of the sofa. Hands it over to some politician cunt in some cunthole. Politician cunt sticks it away in his offshore bank account. Rich bitch signals her virtue all over the media.
Just another day in Wokie World.
If this roving she’s so keen on takes her to Jamaica then I suspect she’ll end up a well used corpse.
That will learn the daft cunt.
They won’t accept it, dem blicks are too proud.
Dozy trout.Petrol and a match.
Off topic, Charles Bronson has lost his parole bid.
Torn on this one. The cunt has been inside most of his life for not much in the grand scheme of things.
However, if he was being released to live near me I’d be shitting myself.
I’d send him to live with Gary Lineker. Or I hope he gets the dinghy equivalent, smearing himself entirely in his own faeces and snapping his neck, whilst laughing manically.
Yes, he once stripped naked and smeared himself in his own shit, head to toe, to fight the prison guards. I think it was a ‘protest’ at being moved to another prison.
The press gang method of obtaining sailors for the Royal Navy was not abolished until 30 years after the abolition of the slave trade ; it was another 10 years before it became illegal for women and children to work down coal mines.
I wonder how many of the bleeding heart liberals and our dusky brethren are interested in pursuing reparations for the descendants of these groups.