Wanksy Banksy (7)

Is there any lengths this annoying graffiti stencilling Cunt won’t go to tell the world what a right on up to the minute self serving shithead arsehole he is ?

BBC News Link

Boy I can imagine just how grateful the Ukrainian people are for his latest efforts.

Banksy get this you are not an artist, you are a fucking vandal and want locking up for your eyesore stencils, almost as bad are the cunts that fawn over his fucking vandalism as if he were some sort of artist deity.

He’s not he’s a Cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

62 thoughts on “Wanksy Banksy (7)

  1. Probably on my own here,
    But I like it.
    Yes Banksy is a proper little Bristol champagne socialist,
    Yes it’s done with stencils,
    I couldn’t do it.
    Doubt many can?

    Yes it’s graffiti but it adds instant value to whatever it is by millions!
    The little cunt can do my she’d if he wants?

    Not the country cream gate though.
    Never that..

    • I’ll come and spray ‘Banksy is a wanker’ on your shed if you like, Mis.
      That’ll add millions to it’s value.

    • Nope, I’m with you in this one. At least he brings art out into the view of everyone. I don’t get the ‘message’ but I admire the talent. Better than ‘MEGHAN MARKLE TAKES IT UP THE SHITTER’ in bright yellow letters 4’ high on a railway bridge! If this is you Banksy, add a stencil of her doing it would you?

  2. Robin Gunningham, complete and utter bellend.
    It’s a shame the building wasn’t shelled while he was painting it by numbers.

    • Somehow knew it wouldn’t be Kevin or Darren , Geordie.
      Very posh.

      Funny but these anti capitalists,
      All seem to be minted?

      • That’s why the cunts want to get rid of capitalism, so the rest of us have to stay where we are.
        Of course it’s “all for our own good”
        Utter horseshit…

    • My brother still won’t accept he’s been outed. Prefers to believe in fashionable myths.

    • I don’t know how long this has been going on, but I remember a couple of them, years ago, that I thought were good, gave pause for thought.

      But… like most things that go on too long past their sell by dates, his asinine social commentary and the lefty fawning over it makes me puke.

  3. Load of shite.

    If he really wanted to make a point,why didn’t he fly out to Moscow,take a taxi to The Kremlin and draw a massive spurting cock and balls with ” President Putin likes touching little boys” written underneath ?…now that really would have got old Vlad’s attention and shown him that the artistic community would welcome him as a kindred spirit any time.

  4. Load of shite.

    If he really wanted to make a point,why didn’t he fly out to Moscow,take a taxi to The Kremlin and draw a massive spurting cock and balls with ” President Putin likes touching little boys” written underneath ?…now that really would have got old Vlad’s attention and shown him that the artistic community would welcome him as a kindred spirit any time.

    Artists are all sinister hermersexuals..or ugly lezzas

  5. If the super cunts at the Guardian fawn over this Pimpernel of the Paint Can then he or she is very much a fucking Right On knob.

    Go and paint your shite on a North Korean ballistic missile.

    Then we can read of your demise.

    • Morning UT, at my work there is a man that I like to try and antagonise as he’s irritatingly priggish. Using the usual “twat, bender, etc” insults yielded no results, nor did accusations of being a fan of electric cars.
      Only when I stated (using my most serious face) that I’d seen him reading the Guardian website at lunchtime did he lose his cool and tell me to fuck off!
      Is there ever a person who reads the Guardian who isn’t a total cunt worthy of a good, old-fashioned punch in the gob?

      • Thomas@

        My best mate has gotten a new job,
        Said it’s full of earnest millennial types.

        He’s a friendly bloke,
        Ex army, boxer, anyway,
        He said hello to some bloke and patted him on the back.

        The guy shouts him back,

        “Could you please not touch me in future.
        I don’t know you well enough”?

        My mate was dead confused.

        Tried to be friendly again.
        Sauntered over to chat.

        “Can you step back your invading my space.”

        The blokes obviously been tampered with by a uncle or something?

        My mate was dead offended!
        Much to my amusement!

        He’s either going to end up getting accused of touching other colleagues or take umbrage and knock this bloke out.

      • Or they be caught snogging each other in a broom cupboard.
        You should accuse your mate of being a “late bloomer”!

      • Morning Thomas.

        Masterful work,when I gain ultimate power you shall be appointed Head of the Secret Service.


  6. The mans a talentless turd. The way the media, twatter uses etc fawn over the Cunt and encourage even more graffiti makes me very cross indeed.

  7. The mans a talentless turd. The way the media, twatter uses etc fawn over the Cunt and encourage even more graffiti makes me very cross indeed.

    • The beeb would love it if someone sprayed a stencil rendition of a leering Jimmy Savile abusing a little girl in his dressing room in 1979 on the corner of BBC Television Headquarters.

  8. get the cunt down to Soweto and tell him to do a paint a picture of Eugene Terry blanche then the sooties will have a necklacing party

  9. Chief among the cunts who ‘fawn over his vandalism’ are those utter cunts, the BBC, who still keep up the pretence that no fucker knows who he is.
    Every self serving publicity stunt is reported with amazement at his genius along with contrived statements that ‘nobody seems to know how the artwork got there’.
    Fuck off! No cunt knows because they don’t report it, they’re in on the act.
    Grow up you bunch of leftie wankers!

    • That’s the juvenile level of journalism we have now FM.

      One minute lecturing us about oil,next news flying dozens of useless cunts to the World Cup.

      They shouldn’t be allowed to grow up,they should just disappear mysteriously,just like their hero Wanksy.


  10. Fuck Banksy, now graffiti is cultural innit? Any little cunt taggin on other peoples property is a street artist and not a vandal.

    I even read one report of someone vandalising a Banksy by spraying their own shit over it.

    When you live in a world where women have penises it’s not a surprise a vandal is considered an artist is it?

  11. Banksy is a cunt the master of urban graffiti is none other the northern artist Wanksy
    Look up his name on the web and you’ll see a truly talented artist who paints knobs on any section of the road that the council won’t repair needless to say it gets repaired very quickly
    If anyone could post a link for fellow cunts to admire this talent I would be most grateful
    I cannot post a link cos I’m a old person get confused and a cunt

  12. It’s simple, painting on property is vandalism unless it has been agreed by the owner.
    Banksy has made a nice little earner from his ‘art’, good luck to the cunt and his marketing team.

  13. I have to have a laugh when some Council worker has painted over his Shit

    Because that’s what it is

  14. There’s a Banksy near me on the seafront, of a boy in knickerbockers holding a fishing rod, with a surgical mask on the end of it. No need to tell you when that was put there. It is now covered in plexiglass for protection from the weather, or from being vandalised. Whilst cycling past it on occasions, I tell people who are stood admiring it, that I saw a little old lady daubing it on from a paint can she had in her Tesco bag for life.

      • Cycling along miles of seafront, in the knowledge I won’t be disturbed by motorists (who would do it themselves if they could) and leisurely admiring the beautiful views, besides chatting with the locals about the pleasures of being here.

      • I’ve heard there’s some beautiful cycling scenery in Northumberland with a genial country squire that’ll gove you all the time in the world if yoi’re meandering along, and, he’ll let you camp on the grounds of his vast estate. All with a Dagenham smile, second to none.

        Avoid Worcestershire, though.

      • Thanks for the information. Even avoiding Worcestershire will be easy in my old age. Essex is where I’ll stay and see out the rest of my days.

  15. I saw some of his graffiti years ago in Bristol just before he became a household name.

    I thought it was good.
    I’d never seen anything like it before.

    It’s not something I’d have on my wall .*
    But see it’s merit.

    It’s a shame he’s a bit of a lefty Bristol cunt,
    I’d appreciate it more if he was a right wing brickie from Bolton.

    * I have commissioned peak District landscapes by a renowned photographer.

    Tasteful like,
    People always like them when we have a dinner party ?

  16. A typical cunt from typical cunty Bristol. I live in Bristol and have done all my life so I have more right to say my opinion than any of the wokey twats who have mostly moved here.

    All you have to do is rock up on the Bristol sub reddit to see how cunty they all are there. Grafitti and anti Royal posts and pictures getting 100s of upvotes and sucking each others unshaven codes in the comments underneath while anyone with a differing opinion or perceived slight to these far left retarded man bun wearing men and Simon Cowell jeans wearing women will be downvoted into oblivion.

    It’s basically an echo chamber for the wokey tards to jerk each other off like much of reddit but this is on another level in the Bristol subreddit.

    Luckily this lot only all hide out in one place most of the time (the Internet) while some only occasionally come out to receive a good beating their parents spuld have given them but from the police.

  17. Don’t tell me the authorities don’t know who this cunt is. Celebrity twats pay this wanker ridiculous money for his ‘art’. So, he could be traced through his bank details. Artist, my arse. He’s a fucking vandal, just like those four Bristol trust fund bottybashers.

    Also, it’s not fucking hard to do stuff when you use stencils. Anyone who thinks this work id freehand is a knob. I don’t believe just one man does it either. I bet he has loads of helpers and arselickers.

    Banksy = Cunt.

  18. Untalented pretentious lefty bastard with an even more obnoxious fan base.
    Even I could download a stencil from the internet, get it enlarged, slap it on the side of a building and paint over it.
    Oooh look, I’ve just done one of a copper giving the finger claiming that it sends out a powerful political statement.
    Try painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel you pointless fuck!
    Your “work” is such shit that it’s no wonder you want to hide your identity.
    I’ve seen better material adorning the walls of the bogs in a dockland pub in Liverpool.

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