Awaab Ishak’s Parents

Right- this is NOT a cunting for this young lad.

It is a cunting for his parents, who have not come across mould and the causes of it due to them being just another couple of immigrants…this time from Somalia, where presumably fucking mud huts and a warm climate don’t contribute to mould. Neither does having to worry about your hut having an indoor shower/bath, flushing toilet and water on tap. No sir……mould is alien to them. Until of course they come to the land of plenty where they are given a nice free property with all those water fed luxuries, which of course also can cause mould if you don’t ventilate the property correctly. I have always found it peculiar that when you read a news story about someone complaining about mould, you just know it’s going to be a council place. Why is it only council houses that suffer from mould? Or could it be the residents are in it all day doing fuck all with the heating cranked up, windows shut, with the washer/dryer going and some munter having her weekly shower?

What really pisses me off though, is the comments from the father (interpreted by the way, as they cunt can’t even speak English) whereby he calls the council racist (didn’t take him long to employ the narrative did it?) and basically doing nothing to help his family.

Ungrateful cunt..fuck off back to Somalia where mould is a luxurious dream.

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

Seconded by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

To add to Chuff’s comments.

”Awaab Ishak: Mould in Rochdale flat caused boy’s death, coroner rules”

Sad but:-

Mould can be dealt with.
Ventilation, not having wet clothes hanging about.
Opening windows.
A cheap spray which kills the spores and growth.
But no. They did fuck all.

These cunts were smothered in social workers etc who identified the problem, did fuck all to rectify it themselves. (Its the council’s/housing association’s problem) and now, undoubtedly with the help of some white woke cunt cry racism. In fucking Rochdale which is 50% Parking Stanley.

This child’s death is 100% due to the stupid, non English speaking family. No doubt Somalia would have sorted it if they fucked off back there.

78 thoughts on “Awaab Ishak’s Parents

  1. Hopefully council house mould kills the lungs and reproductive ability of all immos.
    Fucking kill the lot of them, sponging darkıe cunts.

  2. Unfortunate, but the kid must have had some sort of immune deficiency.

    If mould was that deadly to normal people then they would be dropping like flies.

    The parents are cunts.
    Fuck off to another country, get every benefit available and then call them racist.

  3. Did I also read that they were about to fuck off to the USA – or was that the ones who had a fire?

  4. A new offshoot of the Blek Lies Mither compo money tree.

    Any calamity,big or small,is another reason for some legal aid parasite to start the process of a long winded legal sob story,no matter the cause,that a big pile of free cash will sort out.

    No point really bothering about it any more,it’s just a bureaucratic game for everyone involved with a jackpot at the end of it,so long as it’s a downtrodden ethnic playing.

    Of course the fact that there is nowhere to house all these immigrant cunts which in turn might mean the less than nimble “social” housing sector struggles to find a lovely,modern and clean three bedroom house for each and every one of them should make them wonder if Britain is the best place to roll up with the well worn begging bowl..

    It doesn’t of course because the foreign beggars would be delighted to watch people being thrown out in the street if it meant they got a “free” house.

    Our country is being looted and destroyed by a plague.

    I heartily recommended the oven mould cure.

  5. I like the way that old poof Gove gets involved. More brownie points at the Islington dinner parties. Mould occurs where it is damp. Open the fucking windows or put a fan in you thick cunts. Oh, and clean the fucking bathroom you heathens. Mind you, like most of their ilk, they probably balance on the seat and squat into the pan. Then wipe their arses with their hands.

    • Looks like a lot of that mess around the toilet is not mould caused by damp, it’s bacterial growth nourished by piss.

      Mould is only a serious problem if it’s caused by rising damp, otherwise it’s entirely environmental and easily remedied with poundland bleach.

      Sambo wants to win the ghetto lottery of compo for racism, when he should hang his head in shame for allowing his kid to suffer because he was shucking and jiving the Council in the hopes of getting a bigger house.

      If I had done that, Social Services and Police would be involved because of blatant child neglect.

  6. “No doubt at all that we were treated this way because we are not from this country and less aware of how the systems in the UK work”.

    Yeah fucking right!

    Tell that to our homeless servicemen and women chucked on the scrapheap and told “thanks, now please quietly fuck off and don’t make a scene”.

  7. Black mould on’t walls – luxury!
    When I were a lad our hovel were so damp we ad giant puffballs the size of elephant’s knackers growing on’t walls.
    Somali poofs.

    • You are part of the family of missing carol singers imprisoned in Dick Fiddlers vast cellar and I claim my crisp fiver, GT.

  8. I do wonder with these stories of mould, I am fucking sure some cunts let it develop to either get a complete makeover or a better property.

    If it’s caused by rising damp there isn’t much chance of stopping it (without serious work) but if it’s condensation they clean it off and use ventilation, there are plenty of anti mould products on the market.

    Rochdale council can’t be racist unless they mean racist against white, the place is full of fucking P*ki cunts.

    Finally this bubble head came here in 2016 his wife brought in a year later and the cunt still can’t speak English, ok I don’t expect him to be perfect but basic English other than ‘racist’
    Maybe he should have chosen another African country rather than the mould ridden racist UK, but a premature birth in the African continent probably wouldn’t have stood much chance and in Somalia zero chance

  9. If Whitey rocked up in Mogadishu, was given a shit load of freebies, then checked out with a bad case of cholera, I wonder if the local Somali politicians and state media would be wringing their hands like the UK? They’d definitely tell Whitey’s family to fuck off home you ungrateful bunch of scrounging chippy cunts.

  10. It’s all been said and I heartily agree, usually, the cause of mold is a lifestyle eventuality bourne of ignorance and in the case of rented property, disrespect for the home and the owner of the home.
    I work in hundreds of rented houses for dozens of landlords. 90% of these homes are occupied by families on benefits. The humidity in these properties is toxic sometimes if a tumble dryer is on all day with the windows shut.
    These days, ordinary folk, hard-working, tax-paying respectable tenants, and private owners alike can’t afford the luxury of a tumble dryer (not all day) but these benefit scroungers are not affected. I asked a tenant recently how much it cost her to run her dryer but she didn’t know, “dunno, I don’t pay it”
    It’s supposed to be shock and awe with these reports, see how the camera crew zooms in on the offending spores for maximum effect. Pity they don’t pan around the room and show us really what the causes are.
    You can’t teach these people. They should have a tattoo on the forehead reading “this mind is closed”
    I feel sorry for some of my landlords. Their properties are trashed after these tenants move off somewhere usually to set themselves up again with another unsuspecting landlord.

    • That’s the Media and BBC are the masters at only reporting the part that fits the story, how refreshing it would be to see the full picture but that would be Waaaaaaaaacist.

  11. Some comfort for Bubble head….

    The latest set of figures from the 2021 census, we the indigenous (and other European) whites are going in the wrong direction 81.7% down from 86% ten years ago.

    The net zero target 2050 will coincide with England becoming minority white, thank fuck I will be dust by then.

    • BBC reported at lunchtime news today that for the first time a majot uk city (Leicester) now has NO majority religion.

      Uprising from within will be happening sooner than we think if they know the former Christian religions are weakening in belief

  12. First experienced these human muck when Satan Blair let his first wave of them in. The woke favouritism and queue jumping privileges given to these cunts (even then in 98/99) was sickening, and I evntually resigned from my job because of it. And, of course, since then the bastards have infested the UK. Like a dose of human Colarado Beetle.

    Somalians…. Always have been and never not will be pure human filth.

  13. Nowt that a bottle of bleach, elbow grease and an open window couldn’t make habitable.
    Lazy fuckers.

    • Aye. Boiling water, bleach, and a dash of fairy liquid. My old mum taught me that. Works on anything. They are just lazy black cunts, who are way too used to having everything done for them.?

  14. The report does not mention Mr or Mrs Ishak’s occupations. Might the reporter not have enquired as whether either of them had had a job in the 5-6 years we’ve been acting as their hosts?
    Just wondering.

      • Dat is when di do da ‘No speaky Engerlish’ trick. Whenever they want to get out of anything, the cunts pull that one. I have seen it many times. But, they’ve got enough English money though, haven’t they? The fuckers…

  15. Well, your see the n*gnogs are not used to living in such luxury especially the fucking ‘skinny’. Somali’s are the fucking pikey of s*mbo world. Even you average bleck fucking hates them. They don’t know that windows open and doors lock. Hope a load more of skinny cunts catch some mould related fatal illness and perish.

  16. If only these backward savages had directed their energy to cleaning up the mould and giving the place a lick of paint perhaps instead of shouting and shaking their beads and chicken bones to the Council, then the outcome may have been substantially different.

    For fuck’s sake, a bottle of this costs under £4 and it works brilliantly. I used it on my rental property after a pair of filth-mongers failed to keep the place clean:

    These cunts, as tenants (if you call them that) have an obligation to maintain the interior of the flat and keep it clean, which they have failed to do, seemingly at the expense of their son’s life. Still, better to live in filth and squalor, scream and holler and expect someone else to deal with it.

    Filthy cunts.

  17. And don’t ever believe that these cunts can’t speak English. Been here over ten years, and they still can’t speak it? My fucking arse. Granted, some of them will be such totally thick as fuck imbeciles that they couldn’t learn a kiddies Ladybird book. But with most of them it’s just a stunt. A stunt to get out of things, to get their way, to attempt to rip people off, to avoid shoplifting charges (seen this very recently), and to be pandered to by nursing staff and council workers. Believe me, they are devious bastards, and they know exactly what they are doing. Utter cunts of the first rank…

    • Hey Norman a very good mate of mine grew up in Moss Side in 60’s and 70’s.

      His dad moved them away in the mid 70’s as he could see my mate falling under the influence of the gangs which were mainly West Indians back then.

      He has a cousin who is a proper hard bastard and would fight anybody to the point where it was often said he had no fear.

      He too had moved away but would often go to a pub you may know called the Clarendon?

      Then about 15 years ago he finally stopped going in because as he said it had been taken over by Somalis and they would stab or machete you as soon as look at you.

      They were totally desensitised to violence and had no value on life other than their own.

      I know his cousin and I know how hard he was / is and trust me for him to say that you know it’s a fucking war zone.

      These dogs on the whole offer us nothing and bring nothing positive to our society.

      Maybe some of them will end up working night shifts in factories for fuck all pay so the shareholders can keep reaping increased profits and dividends and that’s fine because there’s not a chance they will ever have to meet them, live anywhere near them, compete with them for Doctors appointments or school places for their kids, make way for them in supermarkets, bump into them on holiday but I guess there’s always a chance they could be driving that airport taxi at 3am.

  18. A row of four 3 bedroomed houses were given to four Somali illegal immo families in Sheffield. The stupid cunts then knocked every internal adjoining wall down to make it essentially one long fucking room, they were all related (about 20 of them). How the houses didn’t all fall down god only knows. And they also ripped out all the toilets out so there was just a hole in the ground to shit in. The brains on these cave people is on a par with the apes at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odessy. Stupid buck teethed fucking cunts. Diversity is our strength. Hoorah!!!!

  19. While you have been slagging off immos. The cunt who was in charge got a 5 figure payrise a few weeks ago, now fired. Another money grabbing found out.

  20. I love my country but not the cunts at the controls or the cunts who come in and take the fucking piss.

  21. And you can be sure the Bastard Broadcasting Cunts are on hand to write up the sob story.

    I’ve not read the link because I’d like to really know what’s behind this story so no chance of finding it there.

    So there are a number of reasons that mould grows in properties all of which have been covered out.

    Let’s assume it was a shit property and these lovely folks did everything they could to prevent the mould growth, to include keeping windows open, spraying Astonish Mould and Mildew remover (btw that is a brilliant product and costs about £1 in most outlets) had the heating on very low, wrapped themselves up in winter coats and prayed to Allah everyday that the mould would disappear.

    So inspite of all that it kept growing so logic would say the property should have been condemned.

    Except councils which by law actually don’t let properties anymore so it has to be a HA are under very strict regulations regarding housing standards.

    Let’s imagine the odd one slips through the net and it actually is a shit hole.

    Doesn’t that say more about the pressure HA’s are under to provide housing to an ever increasing flow of gimmigrants and their money grabbing broods.

    I’ve been in construction sales most of my life and I deal or have dealt with the largest house builders in the U.K. as well as some of the largest HA’s.

    20% of all new builds have to be set aside for Affordable Housing which are in the main rentals and in some circumstances you can buy out what’s known as Section 105 commitment but it’s rare and the Local Authority will only allow it to be done for then act cost of that 20% of housing.

    2022 has been an almost record year for new house starts at almost 300,000.

    So that’s roughly 60,000 new HA properties and it’s still nowhere near enough.

    And that’s the real problem.

    Last week the party in government that pretends its Conservative announced net migration hit 500,000 last year.

    What the fuck is all that about.

    Plus the 40,000 that we know about that come over in dinghies.

    Let’s say half of the net migration numbers of from sub Saharan shit holes and average 5 to a house then that’s 50,000 properties gone straight away.

    I could carry this on but I won’t because I’m getting depressed writing it.

    But you don’t have to be Einstein to see where the real problem lies but there’s big money in Immigration and the bastard so called Tory’s and their mates have got their snouts firmly in the trough.

    And I say that as a life long conservative voter.

  22. I can promise you absolutely that there is no mould in the home of AnalEase Dodds – she NEVER takes a shower, and she rarely takes her knickers down to the Thames to wash them with two stones.

    That said, the BBC have made a great thing of this poor little kid’s death. I wonder if they would have been that concerned had the child been British

  23. Local authorities should set up ‘ Mould Removal Flamethrower Units ‘and incorporate them into the Cleansing Dept.
    Good afternoon.

    • To be fair I think Islington Council are already on to it Jack. Wasn’t it a mould removal flamethrower unit that was working in Grenfell Tower 5 years ago?

  24. I’m sorry if this sounds racist, but I don’t give a fuck.

    So many third world denizens come over here and bring their squalid and filthy habits with them. Not all of them of course but quite a few. When they get here they find it more convenient than being hygienic to continue to wallow in filth and then blame racist Whitey when they start sprouting toadstools from their pubes and fungal mould in their butt cheeks. They are aided in their quest to continue living as filthy degenerates by a hoard of self loathing Whiteys.

    That what happens when indiscriminate immigration is permitted from nations that don’t share our values and don’t want to assimilate. They only have themselves to blame for their mould and toadstools.

  25. Wonder how much money these cunts have cost us don’t work,don’t pay rent or council tax just lay around all day eating with their fucking fingers and going to mosque what fucking use is this shit to the country and why have I got to work 7 days a week paying taxes to look after this shit if it wanted to get on it would learn the kings English and clean its fucking toilet

  26. To be fair mould is a killer. Our house is over 100 years old. The previous owner part papered and part tiled the bathroom. No fan fitted. Badly fitted and badly sealed bath fitted by an appalling bathroom fitter. We tried our best to keep the bathroom clean but the mould kept coming back.

    We had to save £6k to get a new bathroom (and that was the cheapest quote for the work required), rotten joists replaced, new floor, tiled top to bottom and a fan fitted and vented to the outside by drilling through 22 inch 3 brick gable wall. We are constantly monitoring relative humidity on the ground floor and have had to have damp walls repaired in other parts of the house.

    Councils and housing associations should have a duty to upkeep their properties. It’s their bathroom. It does not belong to the tenant. The tenant has a duty to keep it clean but if there is a major problem and the mould has got to that extent then I’m thinking penetrating dampness or insufficient heating or air flow.

    I don’t know if a white family would be treated the same. I think they would.

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