This one looks like piss take but seemingly is true:
”Oxford University students fear freshers’ fair stalls may be too triggering for some”
”Oxford University’s student union has said it will place “trigger warnings” on freshers’ fair stalls which students could find distressing.”
Fair stalls? Distressing?
Apparently an Anti Abortion stall can make them go all vapoured and unnecessary. Likewise some fucker wearing a blue rosette. There will be recovery spaces for those affected.
”In a message posted on social media, the student union said it was not able to ban any society from having a stall at the fair because of UK freedom of speech legislation.”
Were it not for these Nazi free speech rules the students Union would only allow favoured causes – Trannies, oppressed blacks, muslim clerics, vegans and artisan quinoa sandwich stalls.
Oxford is supposed to take the cleverest students. And turn them into cissified halfwits.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
There are 4 triggers for me in the title of this organization:
Makes me want to curl up in a ball under my soft warm blanky and weep for the future.
There’s quite a lot of university’s in Oxford surely now’s the time for a Breakaway one just for all the pillow biters,Dykes and Lbgtq types
I would situate it between the a Muslim university and a Mosque
That way they can all share the its Halls and have Challenging debates
My idea of a trigger warning would be you have 60 seconds before we release Anders Breivik in here.
That is David Cameron’s old stall the ‘Bullingdon Club Porcine Society’ gone then.
The Bummingdem Club? ???
Hey back in my day get piss Chuck up get more pissed.
Fuck my butt with a Cactus – what is this shite I am reading?
Surely, the soggy biscuit cream capital of the education system can’t be that WOKE. I thought to get into Oxbridge you had to be made of sterner mettle – what a bunch of pansies.
If I were there, I’d have the tea bagging stall.
Judging by that photo the Oxford Students Union is horribly white and overwhelmingly male. Let’s hope they are all benders or I will be terribly offended. ?
OUSU; what a bunch of pathetic milksops.
As an employee, if an applicant was one of those ‘triggered’ by something as innoculous as this, then I would they are unsuitable for employment, and have serious mental issues.
..or they are just trying to be ‘fashionable’. In which case…the above statement still applies.
We are now seeing these coming through the workforce…..and the government and this is why we are fucked to do anything.
We should start our own ISAC University. It must be worth nine grand a year not to be a cunt for the rest of your life.
Studies on offer –
Medicine, Head of faculty – DCI Gene Cunt
Countryside / estate management – Foxchaser Fiddler
Information Technology – Technocunt
Literature / Poetry / wistful Observation on a lost Empire – Miserable Northern Cunt
Morning Throb-ons / Video Production – W C Boggs
Heating / Ventilation (Mainly heating tbf) – Unkle Terry
And many more cunting specialities available on request …
A “Wellbeing Zone”. Fuck me pink. What chance would we stand if these pussies were our front line against Putin’s soldiers if WW3 kicked off?
Generally, kids from the 70s were the last of the hard-knock, graze your shins, crash your Raleigh Chopper, set fire to your Action Man types who can stand their own today and, quite frankly, can’t believe this utter fucking wankery is what the self-proclaimed “representatives of this country” have become.
Although there are exceptions, like Lord Adonis for example.
Some of us who were kids in the eighties continued that sort of thing, but there were a lot of softies as well. In the eighties it was the BMX and mutilating Star Wars and Action Force figures. Airfix and Hornby were still a thing as well. I was born at the arse end of Gen X, so the end of my childhood can be summed up by two things from the nineties; Toy Story and Tamagotchis. I didn’t understand either and wanted to look down cleavages instead.
Action Force for me. I had Baron Ironblood and the Red Shadows faction. I liked the SAS men and Z force squaddies which were ‘British Army’.
The toys of the 1980’s were the best. Nowadays the toys are all made by pussies for pussies.
Just tell the parents they’re wasting their money on a snivelling load of softies and they’ll soon come round to our way of thinking.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how civilisation dies.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Is it too early to start drinking?
Well, the sun is over the yard arm …
It’s never too early. As the song goes “it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere”. My only criteria for starting drinking is, are my eyes open?
Its a race to the bottom and the universities are clearly front running and with a considerable lead. As soon as free speech is stifled in universities and open debate can’t be had on sensitive issues they may as well be boarded up as they will be adding fuck all to society.
The only good thing to come out of this is that it will be far easier to spot the over sensitive pious social justice warrior cunts during job interviews so employers can swerve them early doors.
Indeed. Anyone who requires this safe space , wobble room etc etc should have their names taken and excluded from society and taken away for national service to harden them up because if you ain’t fighting when ww3 starts you dying or digging graves.
I can’t sleep without my Peppa pig nightlight on.
Scared of the dark.
I frequently have horrid dreams and wet the bed
So have a rubber sheet.
Someone has to check for monsters in the wardrobe and under my bed before sleeping otherwise I get in a terrible state that culminates in a massive nosebleed and sobbing.
I don’t know if I’m a man or a woman.
I frequently start crying over things that don’t effect me and happened to people 400yrs ago.
I faint in butcher shops.
I’ve never been in a fight preferring to threaten women online .
I’m the future.
I’m at Oxford.
I go to Oxford quite often to visit the Ashmolean Museum and others similar and have a look at the Botanic Garden and college buildings and gardens, which are all splendid. But it must be said , it is otherwise a mad place and coming close to Bristol in that respect. I was stopped by a sickly looking twat in the high street, who pointed to the pavement where he had crudely drawn some farm animals with coloured chalk, and he proceeded to tell me that I shouldn’t eat these creatures as they are our friends, and tried to give me some leaflet which I wasn’t having. I sincerely believe that a deficient diet is the cause of at least some of this lunacy. Across the street from this was a group of Muslims offering to explain to passers by that the religion is actually very tolerant and welcoming etc. I’m pleased to say they were being ignored by the vast majority. But all this does get very wearing when you work hard and just want a peaceful day off.
It’s a university challenge and no mistakes. One question. Why ?
To create a uniformly ideologically motivated population that will be easy to govern, and eager to inform the authorities about anyone who says the “wrong thing”
Allegedly ?
There is an astonishingly high amount of murders in Oxford.
Just watch Morse, Endeavour or Lewis.
At least 3 people get bumped off in each episode.
The victims are all academic types.
It’s never just the guy who works in the petrol station or supermarket.
All toffs, and I’m not surprised why.
It shouldn’t be the job of the armed forces to knock these sissies and cry babies into shape; but national service will have to be reintroduced sooner or later, so why not now?
Most of them should be yanks. The amount of yank accents you hear when visiting the place. Spending a weekend in Oxford and overhearing the resident yoof will disabuse you of the idea it is a hive of intellectual advancement.
I’m surprised most of the lads at ‘yooni’ aren’t constantly triggered by the ugly munters they have to choose from.
For the last two or three years, I’ve noticed that reasonably decent looking, well groomed and physically fit lads, often have a pig in a wig in tow.
Mate’s son is in the gym every day and is a sharp dresser. His bird has floppy tits, a big, saggy arse and a beer gut. I see this quite a lot now.
Worst part of it for collosal p er verts like myself, is that I always looked forward to summer so I could see the sexy young ladies in their skimpy outfits. Now though, you get blue haired, crew cutted biffas, ‘proud’ of their morbid obesity with all their cellulite, hairy gunt and ten chins on display.
I’m glad I grew up when there were good looking lasses a plenty.
I’d rather have had a wank than bother with mingers like the ones on offer nowadays.
It’s a national disgrace.
I’m glad you’ve noticed it as well. I thought I was succumbing to The Gayness.
Lots of tomboyish, wan-faced, tattooed and titless mingers around, and even more Heffers, especially in public sector jobs.
I also know a strapping 6’3” lad who has married a pale, dumpy little porker. There is such a thing as taking the maxim ‘marry a cooker not a looker’ too far even if for generation, the lookers are mostly nuts.
*my generation.
Well observed. Originally hailing from a university City I much like yourself have noticed a sliding aesthetic whenever I return. The irony is that most of these hard on the eye sorts are convinced that every male they encounter is a sexual predator and potential sex offender hell bent on having their way with them. Firstly thats a fucking insult to the male residents of my home city and secondly, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? Fuck my old boots!!!
The female in the picture, is still asleep after the all night shagging from her stallion companions.
Thing is, in 30 years cunts like these will be running the country, forcing their complete madness on everyone. Unless, of course, they’re all lynched in the forthcoming revolution.
In the spirit of Sebastian at Oxford. They should follow his example and have their teddy bear with them at all times.
Universities are rat-nests of Wokeness,Weediness and Windbaggery. Most of the faculty and students are Homosexuals who know that they can’t cut it in the real world and so extend their stay in the classroom for as long as the taxpayer is forced to support them. They “teach” and “study” useless shite between having mental-breakdowns,The Aids and drug overdoses.
Bring back student-bashing..and if a few of their lecturers get in the way,bash them too.
PS…..Cecil Rhodes should demand his money back.
Inspector Morse was a boring old Pisspot….Fuck him.
Labour and Lib dem politicians of the future.
And Conservative too, by the look of things…
My lad was the first in our family to go ‘uni’.
It just wasn’t something that you did when I was young/where I grew up.
You’d hear stories,
“Dave’s weird cousin?
He’s at university!!”
But it was kids like that 10yr old antique expert from ‘Thats Life!’
Swanning about in a dicky bow.
Not ordinary folk.
I’m glad I never went!
Turns people bit funny?
It gave my lad some funny ideas.
The daft cunt.
Guess what became of that posh, weird kid in the dicky bow?
The case rests, m’lud.
It was always on the cards wasn’t it?
Strange little lad.
Felt sorry for him CB.
Mutant or something.
Stay away from people who wear dicky bows.
Parents fucked him up I think.
If they’d let him climb trees, go scrumping and crash his Raleigh chopper, he might not have cut of his own chopper.
You’re right MNC, I felt a bit sorry for the poor cunt, being wheeled out to be ridiculed on national TV like that (“Toys? I’m a sophisticated gentleman, into the finer things in life. One needs intellectual stimulation.”) Cunt was about 8 years old. Didn’t he have A levels by the time he was about 11?
Bet the little cunt was dying to play British Bulldog.
He makes a fucking ropey tranny an’ all lol, poor cunt.
Actually, I’m over feeling sorry for him already now, so drown it in a bucket.
You young, your single,
A mate sets you up on a blind date with a mate of his missus.
Blonde, smart, fun.
Doorbell rings
What in the name of all that’s sacred, is that?
I’m sure there was a documentary about that cunt on TV a few years ago. They/it etc were living with their family on quite a rough estate somewhere in South Wales and were successfully alienating the neighbours. They decided their house was a university and gave themselves all honorary degrees in Metallurgy (?). There was a wall full of home made degrees and awards. The whole lot of them were fucking barking.
I know what you mean Mis. Our eldest (who now lives near you!) has been a student at Exeter, Cambridge and Southampton universities. She regards my political views as being somewhere well to the right of Hitler. She introduced me to a few of her friends in Cambridge once. All were wearing skirts. One of them was a man.
A Scotsman Arfur?
They wear those kilts,
Tartan miniskirt things.
My lad became the new Sherlock Holmes.
Fuckin expert on everything under the sun.
And would get sulky if anyone disagreed with him.
He sees my dad (his grandad) and me as simpletons,
But as my dad pointed out to him ,
Both of us have earnt a grand in a day,
..he hasn’t.?
“You might have read about it, son, but you haven’t done it”
is a good riposte to them.
Not a Scot Mis, just a nutter. Going off topic my wife’s father, who died before I met her, was in the Black Watch. I know for a fact that in those days at least, they were banned from wearing anything under the kilt.
And I like that put down DCI. I shall remember it for possible future use.
My great grandad was in the Black watch.
‘The ladies from hell’
The Germans nicknamed them?
We regularly get called to useless cunts like this. 999 – they’re unwell.
No, they’re fucking drunk/have a cold/have a headache etc. Take a couple of Manupspirins and fuck off.
Fucking students.
I just want to listen to you soon my head right round by Pete burns to reconnect to modern society. Might get my head around some of this absolute bollocks.
Off topic, but, I must congratulate Rachel Riley for having a wonderful pair of tits on display, on ‘Countdown’, at the moment. I shall be off for a milk when the show ends.
Universities are nowt but big business operations nowadays, mostly at the expense of the ordinary taxpayer, bums on seats is what it’s all about.
Indoctrination is in. Education is so last century.
The upper echelons are riddled with the product of these crooked, money making enterprises.
No wonder the country is in such a state.
You’re not far wrong with your ‘Bums on seats’ analogy. We have student paras who are totally unsuited to the job. At the end of Year 2, some aren’t at the standard of a new ECA and are fucking hopeless, but, you try and get rid of them. University fight and we give them a new mentor as they’re paying their fees to the university.
Arses on pews as the Revd. Dennis Randle from ‘Viz’ would say.
Many students are cunts the biggest cunts tend to gravitate towards the NUS as they tend to fit in very well with all the other fuckwits. The whole thing is a colossal load of wank and when the shit hits the fan they will most likely be eaten by marauding mobs of persons without the benefit of £50,000 pound debt and a 2.1 in theatre lighting.
This will come to pass
I fucking hate Oxford. Packed full of pisshead failed students, junkie failed students, actual students and cunts who think they’re better than you because they live around students.
Oxford’s traffic system needs a cunting all of its own.
Working in Oxford was the last time I was arrested, the last time I laid some cunt out in the middle of the street and the last time I was chased down the street by some mental case bint screaming “You’ll be sorry!”. To which I replied over my shoulder in full sprint “No I fucking won’t you mental cunt!”
If I ever get hold of a thermonuclear device, Oxford will be on the receiving end of it.
it’s a shithole.
My wife was auditing at a small company in Blackbird Leys Odin. You might remember it made the national news a few years ago due to the local yobs stealing cars and drag racing or performing doughnuts round the streets. One morning she went in and the staff were hunting for the key to the safe which had been mislaid. When a manager arrived later and was told of the problem he said; “Don’t know what you’re flapping about. This is Blackbird Leys, any kid on the street will open the safe for you”.
Top course : BA in blubbing.
Preparing for life, my arse