Kwasi Kwarteng

(Kwarteng, Still Universally Challenged now as he was back in the day – Day Admin)

With his traditional British name, this stupid immigrant has been the Chancellor of the Exchequer for five minutes, and has driven the pound down to an all time low.

ITV News Link

Adopting Corbyn’s magic money tree policies, we’ve now borrowed that much money that we’re being crippled faster than the Russian economy. Putin must be pissing himself laughing at how we allow foreigners to cripple the country.

At a time when we want immigrants throwing out of the country, Liz Truss is suggesting we hire more to improve output. Since when did the Tory party become New Labour?

Stop fucking around with our money, and piss of back to Ghana where you belong you cunt.

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire

(UPDATE: Seems that Kwarteng has been overruled by Truss with today’s announcement that the 45p tax rate for high earners will stay. A case of Left Hand:Right Hand perhaps! – Day Admin)

110 thoughts on “Kwasi Kwarteng

  1. It’s what happens when you have a “diversity hire”. Companies are full of useless cunts because of this.

    • Quite LC. And in this case it is amazing the rise from grass skirts to many millions of dosh in such a short time. (Insider Trading ? ) ( just asking )
      No , it seems that the influx are all of the disposition to acquire vast sums of money and so easily and even to reach the highest of Government Posts in the Land.

      • Have you noticed in the pic – he looks darker in the University Challenge pic.

        Perhaps he’s done a Michael Jackson?

      • CM,

        You can’t just go around accusing Quozzy of being a drug-addicted, homosexual pædøphile 🙂

  2. So this latest rabble is the best of the Conservative Party is it?

    That being the case they are finished and can expect to be out of office for..well,until Liebour fuck something else up and get booted out.

    Round and round we go,one set of inept cunts replaced by another.

    If these clowns think borrowing is the way to grow the British economy then they deserve everything they are going to get.

    The delusional cunts don’t realise that people thrive not because of government but in spite of it.

    Perhaps one day we’ll get proportional representation and a chance for political parties to come through that want to put our country first every time…instead of this muddled weak corrupt rabble.

    Fuck Off.

    • I’m voting on my paper “None of the above”.Same old regurgitated turd.WEF puppets.They all want publicly flogging.Traitors.

  3. Gangbang, or whatever he’s called, didn’t even apologise over the 45p u-turn embarrassment! Arrogant cunt.

    I thought Sunak – the previous Chancellor – was a bit of a useless cock womble, but Gangbang has only been in the position 5 minutes and already he has upset the markets, sank the Pound, caused anger with Tory backbenchers and derision from Lamebour and the MSM.

    Not only that but he has usurped Truss, the new PM, making her look like she’s not in control of her Cabinet after only a couple of weeks in charge.

    Is it any wonder Lamebour has a considerable lead in the polls!

  4. Ironic that Truss should model herself on Maggie “the lady’s not for turning” Thatcher.
    Utterly clueless.
    If Truss isn’t gone by Christmas I’ll dig up my grandmother’s rotting corpse and eat it.

    • “Innit Bruv” and “der fing is laak” is the go to accent of choice for the BBC and most TV companies these days.

      A person of African heritage who speaks eloquent English is so last century. Innit.

      • Drives me fucking crackers. It’s a fake fucking put-on accent that the media jiz all over. Yet, when a black person speaks eloquently and properly, he’s pilloried for it by racist cunts.

    • Quasi probably learnt correct English at one of his posh schools which he entered due to meritocracy and great marks, no doubt. If he hadn’t, he’d sound like your usual Nigerian outside Brixton Tube Station:

      “EEF yoo don’t BE-lieve in Jee-XUS den de SAL-vay-SHAN WILL not be EEN your soul.”

  5. I actually received an e-mail form him this morning…..

    ” Good Mornings, Sir/Madame

    My name is Crown Prince Grand Wizard Chief Cwazi Kwantang and I is needs to make you rich…I be made Chance;;or Of Exchequer in som e third-rate banana republic called U.K….I got access to billions of (admittedly nearly worthless) King Charlie Pounds sterling…..I ask for you to help me hide money before wicked witch-doctor Corbyn oust me is coup and steals da chiggun tokens.

    Please provide your bank details,passwords and personal information so we’s can both be rich.

  6. After Johnson, Sunak and other assorted Tory half wits, Truss and Kwarteng, it would appear, are the latest gift to the Labour Party that will continue to keep on giving.

    What is especially depressing is that thanks to the left wing Tory and left wing Labour duopoly of UK politics, there is seemingly no escape.

    • There’s not meant to be. All by design.
      Forever and fucking forever until people give up complaining…

  7. Come on, people don’t still believe that Kwasimodo and Truss (and all the rest of the cabinet) actually make these decisions, do they?
    All the policy-making nitty-gritty is done by Whitehall manadarins at the behest of banks and industry leaders who instruct the pen pushers how best to fuck us over.
    The wanker politicians are just there as ugly tv presenters (rather than being the directors/producers)…
    Can you imagine Sleepy Joe Biden being allowed anywhere near the nuclear button? Not a chance.

      • “Thanks to this man, Billy, err… Elton Joel, we have almost eradicated H…I…V – y’know: herpes, impetigo, venereal… ah… diseases. A disease which began in Jamaica during the disco music era. Cocaine… all those gays… just say no to that stuff, man, I taught my kids to stay away from narcoleptics and, by God are we… Anyway, always use a prophecy-lactic when you go to them sex clubs in New York and San Franciscus. Thank you. Which way do I walk, Billy Joel? Jill? I…”

  8. We will have the Khasi joining Hammy Lammy, stark bollock naked and painted in white and blue stripes, throwing spears in the House of Commons before long, before making cabalistic signs to Mamma Butler, with a bone through her nose before long. Diversity is our strength. He will be Chancelor for less time that the late Iain McLeod if he is not careful.

  9. Point of order:

    Kwarteng is not an immigrant or a foreigner. He was born and brought up in this country.

    Definitely a cunt though.

    I’ll get my coat.

    • Hi RTC, how goes it?
      Don’t you think then that his parents should’ve at least given him an English christian name in an attempt to integrate?
      Kevin Kwarteng, for example?
      Fuck his parents and fuck him for their lack of integration. They’re as bad as those muźzıes who go around in their traditional sand-coloured pyjama thingies, laughing in our English faces because we’re too pussy to challenge them about their lack of allegiance to this country.

      • Morning Thomas.

        I’m good thanks.

        Hard to imagine a blick more integrated than Kwasi. I suspect the only people who would have a problem with his name are racists, and they would hate him whatever his name was.

      • I thought we were meaning the country in general.

        No racists on this site, obviously. ??

    • Being born in England no more makes a person English than being born in a barn makes a person a cow.

      The English have been so bullied into being ashamed of or forgetting their identity that they willingly accept an African as English.

      It’s as ridiculous as saying he is Japanese if he was born in Tokyo.

      Doesn’t mean he’s a Knut though, but being utterly incompetent at economic does indeed qualify him for the award.

      • As I said, only a racist would have a problem with a black person being a born and bred British citizen.

        Sorry, Mr T, if you feel I’m bullying you.

        Not. ?

      • RTC,

        I said nothing about this man’s British citizenship, I questioned his English ethnicity, which used to be one and the same thing but since the advent of throw British passports at all and sundry has become a blurred distinction, deliberately so.

        Resorting to calling me racist won’t work. If you mean that I have noticed that different races are both better and worse at certain things than other races, that their average IQ’s are different, that their are differences in athletic performance etc, etc, then yes, I am a racist. I’d be stupid not to notice these differences.

      • There are ethnically Japanese people who were born and raised in Brazil who can’t speak Japanese. Guess how these people are treated when the visit Japan? Even the Brazilian-Japanese people who CAN speak Japanese are still considered foreigners. “Oh… you not really Japanese! You Brazilian!”. Japan, land of purity in the extreme.

        But Britain has been welcoming foreigners into it’s bosom for ages. Look at our surnames! French, German, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Norwegian don’t raise an eyebrow these days. But a name like Kwasi Kwarteng will. “You ain’t from around here, are ya, boy?”. “Actually… I am.”

        But chancers of the exchequer are always cunts. Always. More taxes on the stuff low-income folk buy and rarely on the stuff rich cunts buy/invest in. The MPs are all well-off as fuck now, the days of genuine working class people who want yo see fair shakes for all being in the halls of power are OVER. No room for plebs on the gravy-train now. Oxbridge brigade only. I exaggerate. 7% of MPs today came from, “working class jobs”.

        “It’s a BIG CLUB… and you ain’t in it!”
        – George Carlin

        (Carlin’s Big Club bit, 3 minutes)

        The 13-minute version on YT has fucked-up audio, sadly.

      • Good grief, Termujin! And what’s that stuff about people and cows got to do with the price of fish? ?

      • Le C,

        You are correct in your assertion that immigrants have been assimilated into Britain over the centuries, very successfully. Until recently.

        The sheer scale of immigration now means the formation of ethnic ghettoes and non-assimilation is inevitable, and the accompanying problems associated with those things will bring this nation to its knees. We are staggering as we speak.

      • RTC,
        A check of your local chippy will demonstrate the ever-rising price of fish, and the price of your allegorical fish is immeasurably more expensive.

      • last time I tried to remind folk of the site rules I was told to fit in or fuck off.
        Not about cunting cunters obviously, I get cunted quite often with no comebacks so I guess that’s OK too
        Just don’t use the R word, people get terribly upset. ?

  10. He should add a middle name like Kanyé or Kolin. Kunté, perhaps.

    Then he could just sign all his documents, KKK.

  11. Not that many years ago the late Queen and Prince Philip would have supressed their grins at him as he danced and showed his bottom to them as he did his rain dance.

    • Bet he knows his way around a piece of chicken better than he knows economics,
      The foureyed twat.

      This happened with the nutty professor, Diane Abbott, and Stevie wonder.

      Putting glasses on them doesn’t mean they’re suddenly intellectuals.

  12. As many on this august website have previously asserted, voting has become completely pointless.
    Identical parties of useless social democrats with no credible opposition available.
    May they all perish as Britain sinks beneath the waves.

    • You’re wrong about voting becoming pointless BB, but right about no credible opposition. The problem surely is this –
      If before the next GE some multi-billionaire was to offer to fund a new party, a party who produced a clear manifesto that the huge majority of us would want to see – you know, really tell the EU to fuck off; really tell Net Zero to go fuck itself; really banish fucking wokeism to hell; really stop the Channel taxis; really get some law and order back onto the streets … I could go on. And a candidate was funded in every seat – the general population still wouldn’t bother to vote for them!
      The UK populous is just too fucking frightened for anything like that. Just content to do the same old shit, year after year and end up going to hell in a handbasket.
      I’ve said before that I know my politics are somewhat to the right of
      Attila the Hun, but this would be the common sense thing – if it were only available!!!!!!

    • Crispin’s fat face and chin needs a double slapping.

      I bet when Kwasi Kwartern-a-rang was working in the private sector he changes his name to, Wilson, Lionel or Larry the Lips to fit in with the white folk.

      “I say Kwasi, for god sake man if you want some respect amongst your former colonial masters, change your name to something more becoming of a gentleman. You can’t be answering the phone with that name, heavens above – you sound like someone from a Nigerian phone shop”

      Fonejacker – George Agdgdgwngo | ‘wire you the monies’

      I can see Kwasi doing this as his first job after Uni.

  13. I put this on a previous post so thought I would put in it’s rightful place now:


    I know it’s not related, so please forgive me, but I had to put this up.

    I have a new name for Kwasi, and it covers a lot of bases (particularly with this mornings news on his 45p U-turn).

    Wait for it…

    Kwasi Kwartan-U-rang.

    I apologise in advance…

  14. OT. Just seen the cunts We buy any cars at ridiculously low prices, has dropped the slimeball queue jumping Schofeild.

  15. The problem with this country is not racism etc. Much as the looneys would have you believe. It is entitled posh, rich cunts like him, Sunak, Boris, Truss, Mavis, Cameron, the Whitehall Civil Service and the rest of the southern useless cunts.

    • Julian Clary stating that he’d given Norman Lamont a jolly good Lubbocking….proably his ‘Ratner’ moment.

      • Yeah, it ruined his career for about 15 years. His partner had died from AIDS two months previous and he was in a suicidal state of depression and just no longer gave a fuck, so he just went raw on live TV. I like Julian, very funny chap.

  16. The warning today from Ofgem, won’t need to worry about gas prices, there is a ‘significant risk’ of shortages.

    Fucking great, looking forward to the lights going out ?

    No wind, no gas, no sun…. If only we had coal ?

    Back to Kwasi, the only people who give a fuck about the 45% are the media, Labour and cunts who listen to them.

    • Can’t do coal only China allowed and Germany. We allow allow jobs for the boys in this country.

  17. I’m not one for commenting on British affairs but allow an exception in this case because of the international importance and its ramifications.
    Between the two of em they nearly flushed the British economy down the khasi,
    60 billion in guilts from BOE because the IMF told em to fuck off.
    A matter of hours from total collapse of Sterling.
    The night before the announcement Kazi was at a party in London with internationals financiers and big healthcare from the USA.
    The sell off of the NHS was the talking point at a reduced rate for friends.
    What with his degree in history of the 1600s. He nearly recreated it
    Somethings rotten

  18. My advice for the Truss bitch, Khazi and any other cunt in the Cabinet……watch out for the Govester! Don’t let him get behind you.
    Et tu Brute.

      • This Kwarteng fella is a joke, just like his boss. I don’t have a degree in economics but I know if people are forced to pay more for something, that extra money doesn’t go down a black hole and disappear from the universe, it goes into someone else’s pocket. Every time somebody loses, someone else gains. We know who was going to gain from having their tax burden reduced. Now the Tories have been ridiculed into a U-turn and ‘Thatcher the Second’ is trying to say it was all his idea. She’s as bad as the idiot she replaced. Labour are now so many points in front they’re almost out of sight. Could they do any worse than this? I doubt it.

  19. If the Muppets had a abortion bucket that’s where Gove crawled out off.

    Even if I knew nothing about the little gimp,
    If I saw him for the first time my instincts would scream

    “Look out! Don’t let it near you,
    Stamp on it then burn it”.

    His 8yr olds physique,
    His total lack of loyalty or belief in anything.
    He’s just plain wrong.

  20. This cunt reminds me of Derek and Clive’s “Ephraim” character who says “come dis way sah!”


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