I had no idea they played cricket in Scotland.
Turns out they do and they play racist cricket, more racist than Yorkshire even. So bad the board have resigned in shame.
One of the boards former members was wringing his heart about the systematic racism and micro-aggressions he had uncovered. He sounded like a guardian reader from London to be fair. This was an interview on Radio 4.
The interview went on for around ten minutes and systemic racism, and bigotry was mentioned many times and his 400 odd examples he had. It was odd because he never gave a specific example.
The above is not the reason for this cunting, it’s merely the trigger. It was the first of two stories about racism, the second being about new regulations to ban misbehaving football fans who make monkey noises etc.
Every fucking day I hear stories about bad white people and this countries indigenous white bigoted plebs.
The media can’t get enough of it, politicians can’t virtue signal enough and can’t make enough laws to tackle the racist indigenous white sub people they have the misfortune to attempt to govern and RE-EDUCATE!
The question I’d like answered by the political class is as follows.
How and when did we get so racist?
Was it when you flooded the county with immigrants without bothering to ask the people of the nation? You changed the demographics and peoples lives, communities and culture overnight.
Was it partly due to people watching their communities disappear to the point they had to move because they couldn’t find anything they recognise as food and had to travel a few miles to meet someone else who spoke English?
Could it have anything to do with services and infrastructure crumbling because the investment needed to support an engineered population explosion was never made?
Could it be that those in Greater London only saw more tax income and lower wages for the plebs as a good thing not giving a thought to those parts of the country whose industry was destroyed by government and the remaining jobs were outsourced to China and the third world?
Could it be you choose to interpret peoples rightful sometimes misplaced resentment over what you’ve done to this country as racism and/or bigotry to beat them even harder?
Will one of our so called leaders answer these questions? Of course they won’t. They would have to admit their part in the destruction of a nation and a culture.
This shit didn’t happen by accident, governments know the impact of mass immigration, failure to integrate etc. it’s all in the history books.
Shortly after all the people of this country sacrificed so much to fight for Britain and our way of life you took a massive shit on us and you’re still shitting.
Please show me the manifestos or policy documents or even a speech where you told us this was what you intended……….
Worst of all you blame us and call us racist.
We call you Cunts.
Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit
Yer black bastard.
That’s no way to talk about Lenny Henry, MNC…he’s a national treasure, don’tcha know?
Gary Lineker, you mean!
Where did the cunt up from? Time for another interment methinks.
Another 140 odd came over today don’t they know there’s a drought here
Who gives a toss about scottish cricket or racism Ive hated the jocks for years horrible scroungers
And the whingers? Not a single drop of Celtic Blood. And they call themselves Scots.!
The enemy of the UK is rising from within.
Yep, and we are letting them !
Microaggressions are not racist, in fact they don’t exist except in the minds of the permanently offended. I looks like this cunt saw what was going on in Yorkshire and fancied a bit of the action.
Monkey noises at football matches? That’s terrible. Well it was in 1987, that’s the last time I heard it.
First they came for footballers
And I did nothing.
Then they came for rugby
And i said nothing.
Then they came for crown green bowling ,
And i said nothing.
Then they came for me,
But I told them to get fucked .
The cunts might be coming for you sooner than you think….
Fuck me! How much Police time and taxpayer’s money did that little party take up? And if it had kicked off what could the coppers do? They’d have to run away and hide in their rainbow cars otherwise it would be raaaaaaay-sism.
I wonder how many young white girls got groomed that day?
Sssssssh! We don’t talk about that. That’s racist.
Imagine the application of a daisy cutter onto that horrifying crowd of smelly cunts.
‘… ‘Matam’ – this is the act of tapping one’s chest to signify the remembrance of suffering.’
Perhaps they’d be interested in the application of a baseball bat to the back of the head, to signify actual suffering?
We have a family from sub continent near to us he a doc she full time pyjama wearer, they have numerous outdoor social events and I have never seen a honky at any of them not a fecking one, they only use builders and tradesmen from their own sort.
Fuck me can you imagine if it was other way round, racist honky feckers, but it’s ok for them cos they are protecting their cultural identity.
Weird isn’t it how everyone can colectivise and stick together except whitey….
Does waysism against the English count? Or is it just Asians a Africans that anyone gives a fuck about…
Good nom.
When did we become racist? Difficult question really.
When we invited West Indians over for decently paid work and a better life?
When we took in all the Asians expelled by Idi Amin?
When we openly accepted reggae, ska, soul and disco music and it’s performers?
When the met police decided to stop and search innocent white people just for the sake of it?
I could go on, but the lefties have already decided we’ve been racist since the ice age.
Not nearly racist enough as far as I can make out. Otherwise the Muslim tail wouldn’t be wagging the Great Britain dog as it clearly does….?
We know the sweaty socks are racist, they hate the English. Blacks hate pa**is, Sikhs hate pa**is. Blacks hate whites, the whole world is racist. Fucking governments aren’t worth a wank.
There has to be money in all this shite.
To me that’s what all this faux outrage at imaginary racism and every other ‘ism’ you know about and haven’t heard about yet is all about.
Charidee is now big business for the sorts of cunts that either worked in the public sector or would have done but discovered there was more free cash in this one.
It seems to me that every day we read /hear about some Charidee that’s been set up and is dedicated to stamping out racism, inequality, hate, the patriarchy, Carbon….. take your pick of any supposed minority group / cause and there’s loads of Government (our) cash in it.
I’ve been going to football matches fairly regularly since I was in my mid teens following Blackistan Rovers.
Casual racism was rife along with casual slashing, beatings, being pissed on from behind on the terraces by some cunt twice your size so you had to keep your wits about you.
I reckon it was 1989 we played Man City at Maine Rd in I think a cup game.
Having grown up in Blackburn and experienced all the racial tensions during the 70’s but mainly 80’s even I was uncomfortable with what was going on.
Banana’s being thrown on the pitch by City fans at their own players and literally thousands of inflatable bananas being waved around the ground.
That was racism and hatred in action right there.
I don’t think any right minded person would think that’s acceptable behaviour these days and yet we have to endure these pieces of shit that without a single shred of evidence telling us its still going and they know because they’ve never been to a football match or maybe they did just once but can’t remember when.
Despite all the unchecked immigration to the UK since 2003 I genuinely believe that we are by and large a tolerant nation but sadly we are infested with a new breed of ideologically motivated massively intolerant Class who masquerade as Liberals.
These are the shit cunts who stoke division because there’s money and a type of fame in it for them.
Was it racist to throw mars bars at fat Gaza?
I once stayed at a hotel near Durham at the same time as the Jock under 15 cricket team. They were on some kind of tour. Of the 14 or 15 of them 3 of them were effnicks. That’s a pretty good ratio especially for Scotland don’t you think? Of course there’s always some fucking Pa*i who didn’t get picked because he’s not good enough screaming racism. Right cocky, mouthy little bastards they were. I would have loved to give some of them a slap. Hope they lost every game the cunts.
Should have listened to Enoch.
What an excellent cunting. And we all know neither truss nor sunak will do fuck all about immigration, despite talking big.
It’s not about stopping racism – if it was, all the grammar schools and cricket clubs east of london would be up for it. They are almost 100% asian. It’s about making the whites accept their replacement.
I read a post on a forum the other day by a limp wristed cunt who wanted suggestions for eating out in London that would show his visiting friend English food.
The equally limp wristed responses suggested Indian and Carribean food without it appears any hint of irony
Well you wouldn’t need any tips on where to find foreign food would you? Just walk down any street and it’s fucking crawling with them.
He might as well have said “do you fancy norovirus or salmonella tonight?”.
We Scots don’t do the hatred of blacks that much, we’re too busy hating ourselves. Pretty shameful that this occurred in Scotland. We need all the world-class sportsmen we can get. If we ever produced a Pele, a Eusebio, a Kylian Mbappé
then we should protect that lad and finally, realistically dream of glory.
Until then, we must soldier on with our grey-skinned gingers from Largs.
All sporting teams outside Afrikunt should sack the white team members and only have ethnic cunts playing.
The white ones were all racist so should be on the dole and the bleks can then enjoy the fruits of selective racism.
No cunt would watch the fuckers.
Or perhaps they would in this modern world of twats.
Anyhow I like the Pakis with a Scottish accent..it’s lovely to think how Edward Longshanks would have levelled their playing field.
The committees and organisations that pander to these lies are equally as guilty as the ethnic liars being trumped up charges.
Appeasement is for cunts.
Shoot them all.
This is quality, lifted from the AL-BBCer
‘The review heard complaints from players about the persistent use of alcohol as part of post-match and social evenings with a lack of consideration for different religious practices and beliefs’.
Could you imagine Cunty playing for the National Afghanistan Cricket team and complaining thus……
‘The report heard from the only white player CuntyMcCuntface who complained that post match celebrations and events mainly consisted of pushing The Gays off tall buildings, stoning women accused of adultery without a shred of evidence, random beheadings and bombing of markets packed with women and children’.
Mr McCuntface complained there was a total lack of consideration for different religious practices and beliefs and accused CricketAfghanistan of institutional racism.
CricketAfghanistan released the following statement.
‘Following the allegations made by CuntyMcCuntface we took on board all his complaints and took swift action by beheading the cunt on the internet with a blunt hunting knife and fed his remains to the goats’.
CuntyMcCuntface was unavailable for comment.
That made me laugh. .
I’m still debating whether to brave the local pubs given that it’s bumpride this weekend starting tonight.
It’s always fucking bum pride it’s goes on for months
Can’t believe no one stood up and said ‘Do any of you P*ki bastards mind if we have a few pints’. Its only polite and considers their religious beliefs.
Reminds me of the Still Game episode where Jack and Victor get invited to a Muslim wedding and there’s no bar…
Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
You Korean cunt of a phone
I don’t know why white people, and particularly the white British are so frightened of being called racist.
In a country where everything is considered racist…… Cricket, rugby, women’s football, the weather, cheese (?), etc. etc… and even the nation’s flag, the term ‘racist’ is ridiculous in its overuse.
Call me racist if you want.
You don’t know me so I don’t fucking care.
You think that you have won a victory and stopped me in my tracks by calling me a racist?
Think again, you cunt.
I hear Salman Rushdie has been attacked on stage in New York. Another white supremacist no doubt.
Update…..cunt is in hospital, stab wound to the neck. Alan’s Snackbar!
Details are scarse apparently..unless it was a honky then we would know he’s inside leg measurement.
Imagine having a $4 million bounty on your head for writing a novel. I’d have a couple of heavily-armed bodyguards at all times. Amazing it took ten years for an attempt on his life to take place.
Ten years? It’s 33 years since that hit was put out. Religion of peace, my arse.
Good arterial spray of claret on the back of the stage
The $4 million bounty was issued ten years ago by Iran.
Stabbed in the neck, fuck me…
He’s managed to go 34 years without getting assaulted. Apostasy ain’t no picnic!
It sounds like he’s okay as he walked off stage and boarded a helicopter. Get Michael Corleone to guard you, Salman!
Its to hot even to enjoy racism☹️
When will this infernal weather just FUCK OFF.?
Breathing out my arse today, lost about 8pints of sweat.
Comes to something when a man cant enjoy casual racism through foreign weather.
Oh an the next cunt who asks me am I enjoying the sunshine ?
Are you enjoying your broken nose you silly cunt.?
OOH are you the famous pugilist from Worcester? Do you have a bike shed handy?
Hed get a boot up his harris if he came that Rocky shite today!
Everyone knows the Scottish aren’t racist, they hate everyone.
It’s a reciprocal arrangement.
It’s why heroin is so popular there, anything to take the edge off being Scottish is a blessing.
My old man hated the Scotch. Especially when they were whinging about being used as guinea pigs for the poll tax. That said, he hated everyone. But he never used it as an excuse to shoot up.
I didn’t really hate the Scotch much before Wee Jimmy started appearing on TV and radio every five fucking minutes and the SNP were awarded 59 seats in the House of Common Cunts with fewer votes than UKIP who were only awarded one.
I fucking hate Boris Johnson’s oven ready Britain. The sooner Unkle Terry puts us out of our misery the better.
Collapsing infrastructure, culture disappearing. Thank you great leaders for your wise and well meant platitudes. Diversity is strength, multi culture means votes?
Burn the traitorous bastards after putting them to the well deserved sword.
Compo fest.
Don’t let them in.
Sorry, but I don’t see another answer.
The good ones I keep hearing about need to stand up and call this shit out. Not just one or two like Candice Owens or Thomas Sowell.
Great cunting. The indigenous people of this country have been sold the ‘multiculturalism = utopia’ lie for decades by almost all politicians, aided and abetted by the MSM. Now it’s being used as fucking big stick to beat us into submission – having “You are racist” into your face every day. According to these cunts, racism only ever flows one way. Funny, they weren’t screaming “racism” when white girls were being raped by gangs of predatory Stanleys. Fucking Cunts.
Ah, but that’s not racism, that’s cultural difference. Only whites can possibly be racist and it appears white British are the biggest racists in existence. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, obviously.
Good point, it must’ve been the girls’ “white privilege” that made them a legitimate target for sexual exploitation…