Hampshire Constabulary and Modern British Policing

A nomination for Hampshire constabulary and modern British policing.
Is this what it has come to?

You Tube Link

A man -army veteran – arrested for causing ‘anxiety’ to someone online, namely via Facebook.

This is why i don’t use Facebook or Twitter; they are the digital stasi.

Luckily Laurence Fox decided to record this sickening event for the benefit of the British public. The corporate media have avoided mentioning any of these cases, including the Harry Miller case mentioned by Fox,. The anger in his voice is palpable. These officers are now known, and i’m sure their identities will be shared around by some resourceful ex-servicemen.

I really wouldn’t want to be them at the moment.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime


Seconded by: Cunt Me In

I’ll second this nomination.

Burglary is difficult to investigate. It’s far from impossible but still difficult.

The same can be said about catching a violent shoplifter. This “crime” however was a nice and easy investigation for them. It involved very little paperwork and made the force’s figures look good.

This man never should have been arrested. All they needed to do was send a PCSO round to give ” suitable words of advice”, but that wouldn’t be recorded as having solved a crime.

I know a couple of retired coppers who say it was the best job in the world. Now the force is full of kids with no life experience, and no idea how to communicate with the public, who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag!

In fact with the way the police are now, there’s never been a better time to be a criminal!!

(More info here: Day Admin Hampshire News Link 1 )

Sick of it, isn’t too pleased either.

Not sure if this has already been posted, at first I thought it was fake news but seems it actually happened.

From what I can gather it stared with Lawrence Fox making a meme of 4 pride flags to make a swastika (looks quite good) and very appropriate because it you are not in tune with LGBTQxyz you will be shot and your body hung from a lamp post.

A bloke retweeted it and was subsequently arrested by 5 police officers for causing someone anxiety, yes anxiety, which makes me wonder why someone with such a low threshold of anxiety would be on Twitter anyway.

The attached link explains it very well, don’t phone the police if you have been mugged or burgled, they don’t care but if you have been made to feel anxious get on the blower and 5 cops will sort it out ?

Daily Mail News Link

59 thoughts on “Hampshire Constabulary and Modern British Policing

  1. I always thought that each police force could make its own rules up on what is important to police, but this would be checked once we brought in Police Commissioners accountable to the public. How wrong I was. It’s worse than ever.

  2. It’s no wonder the public have no faith in the Police and law and order in this woke shithole. It’s a great time to be a criminal I expect. The whole ‘justice’ system needs a fucking good shake up. Start by getting rid of women gaffers, any cunt that wears a rainbow on their uniform or gets cups of tea and a nice blanket to those hideous protesters.

  3. They should all be fired.

    But they won’t be.

    Contenders for Met police chief in short order no doubt.

    Luckily though it’s apparent there aren’t any more serious crimes to solve…no organised child rape or illegal immigrants that need the attention of an effective police force.


  4. The police can only do their ‘job’ with the consent of the public, and this consent is rapidly being withdrawn. They will reap the whirlwind.

    When I was a kid, my parents actively taught me to seek out a policeman if I was in trouble. I actively taught my kids to keep the fuck away from this Stasi scum.

  5. We need to get back to Regan and Carter, and Bodie and Doyle type policing. A good hiding and a hunting instinct for the ‘wrong doers’. For the perpetualy offended a fuckin good kidney punch, no outward visible bruising and no paperwork. Cunts.

    • Regan, Carter, Bodie and Doyle tackled genuine bad guys though. Our modern thought police would shit their pants at the prospect. Better off searching the interweb for smaller fry to duff up.

  6. Say one word (offensive) about any minority group and it is somehow deemed to be a hate crime but the left wing Stasi can call anyone Nazi and it seems to be fine.

    I don’t agree with BLM….. you fucking Nazi! ?

    Next general election I will have to ask for an additional sheet with the ballot paper to give my (obviously bigoted) opinions

  7. Alphabet rainbow flags cause me anxiety every time I see one of the things.

    Think it’s time to call the cops.

  8. I seen a Sly Sports news clip of that masculine tennis bint Serena Williams yesterday.
    She was waffling about retirement or something or other and mentioned something about being in a stage of “transition” to which she then quickly said “transition” was the wrong word to use as it meant something entirely different and more important to an entire “community” of people.
    She then remarked she was “evolving” instead of “transitioning”

    I thought to myself “fuck off Serena and take your boring, pandering, politically correct crock of fucking virtue signalling woke fucking bollocks with you”
    Before turning the telly off.

  9. “Brownshirts” Foxy called them and he’s fucking right. Question the orthodoxy and we’re coming to get you. That’s probably why they don’t chase real criminals…..,.they need the prison space for cunts like us. That’s the future…..,illegal immos in hotels while we’ll be in fucking Dachau being “re educated.”

  10. Just my opinion, but difficult to criticise the ‘troops’ in the field, if they are just obeying orders from above. This arrest was wrong, shouldn’t have happened, and should have been handled a lot more professionally and discreetly. but it is the people above these officers who have told them to go and pick this guy up…with no contraints as to how to.

    If a shop has a bad policy, I don’t have a go at the Saturday staff who have served me.

    Just my view.

  11. The police farce has been politicised across the piece and isn’t worth a wank these days.

    Good luck to the “Feather Men”?

  12. I’m no law expert, but is making someone anxious a crime? If that’s the case, I’m suing Ofgem for making me anxious over my fuel bills.
    The law should be everything, the be all and end all. This just sounds like plod making things up to record an arrest and then letting the ‘perpetrator’ go because they never had a leg to stand on in the first place. Which sounds very much like wrongful arrest to me.
    The Stasi would have been proud.
    Mind how you go.

    • Is it possible to state you are anxious, stressed and worried by being arrested, and then report it………oh hang on.

    • i don’t think the plod knows what a hate crime is these days. Most are as thick as shit.

  13. The police, like every institution in the UK, has been perniciously infiltrated over the last decades and is now run by woke wankstains, changing the country, one rainbow flag at a time, into a Stasi state where upset Snowflakes have the leverage to ruin lives. Thank fuck there are still a few good people left with a backbone and the platform to highlight this insanity.

      • Fucking hell!! That is grim. She should be sent to men’s prison and they should be made to fuck her as a punishment.

    • How the feck is it a mother of 1, 2 suggests he/it/they cabbied it twice, special brew must have been cheap those nights or there was a power cut. Perhaps he did it for a bet, guarantee it was a back scuttle, she would be a good test bed for super strength viagra, if it could get you jibbed up with her it would work anywhere.

  14. I can honestly say hand on heart etc etc that if one of my two sergeant’s ( I left 4 years ago) has been given this job to do he would have boshed it off on a private phone call to Control and in his own words probably would have said
    “ have you seen what these bunch of fucking cunts up at HQ have sent us? Fuck them , don’t go AM22 I’ll talk to these bunch of wet fucks and bin it!”
    Then after about 20 mins of arguing with the duty chief inspector at wymondham would tell us to stand down.
    Worse case scenario would as above mentioned send a pcso round ( like what I was ) and have a laugh about it with the bloke before telling control “words of advice given “ over a cuppa tea and a biscuit and a good slagging off about the pansy that got offended.
    Job done.

  15. Police officers should all wear a tit on thieir heads instead of baseball caps- or nothing at all in most cases. A tie and a nice white or blue crisp shirt. Proper black trousers and dm shoes.

    Had more respect for them when the used to take a pride in how they looked, and how they looked made for more authority when I was younger.

    I know I’m old and they look like kids now, but it’s not helped by the shoddy way they dress- and in particular the ‘one size’ fits all’ modern uniform it would seem. Looks shocking and laughable.

    Yes, I know they have to have stab vest and all the other shit they have to carry due to stupid cunts nowadays, but they just look so fucking noddy walking around with all that clobber on.

    A couple of Dixon of Dock green constables walking upright, side by side with hands behind their backs proper helmets and smartly dressed would have more of an affect than a couple of 20 somethings dressed like bag ladies passing sporadically in a police car and trying to ‘get down with the kids’

  16. This outrage reminds me of that case last week of a 93 year old wheelchair bound man who several Sussex policemen PAVA sprayed, then beat with a baton, then Tasered before finally putting the codger in handcuffs. He died 3 weeks later in hospital.
    Ok, the old fella was waving a knife about, but heavy handed doesn’t begin to describe the police overreaction. Yet woke cunts who vandalise public monuments or glue themselves to the road or trains causing no end of disruption are given carte blanche by the police to do their worst while providing them with refreshments.
    This unfortunate army veteran who got arrested and handcuffed hadn’t even committed a crime, ffs!
    Non-Crime Hate Incident? Can’t say George Orwell didn’t warn us.

  17. Great meme I think. Works really well-

    I wandered into a Yeats pub in Doncaster the other week. Betrewn with rainbow flags. Dreadful sounding gay music on. I went to the beer garden for a smoke. All the notices about being gay and ‘get over it’.
    Not as bad as Nazi Germany I suppose but it certainly felt oppressive.
    Had my one pint of Guinness and left.

  18. Poor guy arrested and cuffed for something so fucking trivial.
    Don’t these bastards understand that you can’t reprogram a free thinking human mind with shite they don’t agree with or believe in?
    What’s the next step then?
    State sanctioned lobotomy?
    Arrest the non conformists and cut out the part of their brain that refuses to comply with the latest fucking insane wokie dogma?
    It’s a fucking disgusting country we live in.

  19. I used to live in a country on the dark continent, which looking back is what this country is turning in to, a country where minority views and people subjugate the vast majority of native people, the difference is when we did it we were called evil, when they do the same its called equality!

  20. George Dixon, “Good evening all”.
    Jack Regan, “Fit the toe rag up”
    Cressida Rainbow “You say your preferred pronoun is?”

    The good, the bad and the insane. Not fond of plod but they kept the arseholes in check, and now? Not fit for purpose, but then again what is?

  21. It should say on all these adverts, “These roles are portrayed by actors who have been paid to appear in this promotion”.

    The fella in the top left looks like he’s at a pride carnival. Just the cop you want when you’ve been mugged, burgled or run over. They don’t as if they’re very handy with pepper spray when it’s kicking off when the pubs close on a Friday night.

    • And the one top right is clearly 12 so wouldn’t be allowed in the pub even if he wanted to help.

  22. Hampshire police offered a course to cure bigots, truth speakers and anyone else not au fait with the transbenderists. After this poor bastard was arrested along with his mate a retired police officer the Hampshire PCC got rid of the cuntish firm which ran the courses cos she scrapped them. She wrote in an official letter that police did not always attend burglary’s and many other crimes but were more than happy to arrest someone for an internet action because some cunt wet their knickers and became anxious that horrid things were about to happen to members of the lgbnhyutre;/:.”’)(@£& community. She did not write the last bit but I bet she was thinking along those line. A monkey pox on the lot of them.

  23. I left the Force just before it was ruined by the Rabid Cunts of the SNP. Police Scotland is a sorry apology for a Police Force, and has been now so politically altered to become a social embarrassment. My Central Station is now a Cafe Bar and Restaurant, my box is a Coffee shop selling to the woke wankers en route to some form of activity ( but not work ) It has been painted Pink ! It stood at the top end of the mile, and box 2 at Tron and Bridge. I used to work alongside ex Guards ( Greys ) 6 feet if an inch. And what do I see now? Midgets! Soft skinned with painted fingernails. Nowadays, I am told that instead of the Armed Services Parading the mile, it is more likely now to be a gathering of kweer folk with kweer ideas marching down to Holyrood. I tell you gentlemen, we are fucked .

    • I followed this story on GB news.

      Now im not one of the ‘I hate the pigs” brigade.

      I see the need for a police force,
      And realise its a difficult job.

      But 5 officers for a old bloke accussed of triggering someones anxiety?

      Fuckin joke.

      And not a crime.
      Any solicitor worth his salt could get that chucked out.

      No, they said the bloke could face charges OR
      Pay a fine and do a course.?

      Its for making money.
      They hoped the old fellow would shit it at the idea of a day in court.
      Fuck that.
      Few quid and to show attendance figures at the Hate awareness course are skyrocketing.

      We need more funding as hate crime is out of control.

      • Good comment Mis.

        Bit of a stealth tax if you like.
        A Woke Stasi equivalent of the speed camera.

  24. I hope the cunt who got ‘anxiety’ and became a cozzer’s nark gets the plague. Any grass is just that. A dirty scumbag cunt of a grass. Squealing pig of a cunt.

    I hope the five filth who made the ‘arrest’ are all shamed and struck off.

    And I hope any person who has ever grassed on Twatter of Facefook gets a fate worse than a fate worse than death. The snide vindictive cunts.

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