(Just out of frame is the Cunstable about to make his entrance from behind – Day Admin)
While many of us are technically overweight, there are many who have crossed that line into becoming a burden on the rest of society. The ones who force the rest of us to accommodate them because they have this self inflicted condition:
- The dad who is too fat to play with his kids or keep up when on outings.
- The fat fuck on the motorized grocery scooter blocking the isle.
- The one who has to be craned out the rooftop when they need to go to the hospital or morgue.
- The one whose family is heartbroken at all the medical issues they have because of their horrible diet.
- The one who insists they are “perfect just the way they are”.
Those who gross out the rest of us by wearing shorts and sandals exposing their nasty purple legs and unkempt feet. - Those who need assistance of all kinds because of knee, back, hip, and joint problems galore.
- The rotund cunt on the full plane who can’t fit between the arm rests.
- The one everyone else has to wait on because they’re slow and always winded.
- Those who unnecessarily burden the medical system.
These cunts piss off. Their self absorption, lack of self control, and ignoring all warning signs when choosing to shovel tons of shit into their fat fucking faces means they are selfish cunts.
We need to put the shame back into being fat. Women’s underwear adverts with fat, cellulite bitches is a travesty.
The only thing worse than a cunt is a fat cunt.
Nominated by: Meat Curtains
Fat bastards loose weight
It amuses me to see what lengths fat women will go to so that men will take an interest. Complicated hair styles, lots of make-up, flashy clothes, there’s nothing they won’t try apart from the one thing which would work – losing the extra weight.
I’ve always been thin but I used to have a beer belly. When I was diagnosed with diabetes I was told that diet control would mean I wouldn’t need to take medication. My cousin has to stick needles into herself every day. That’s not for me. I went round the supermarkets looking for alternatives to what I normally ate, and I found them, low fat, low salt, low sugar. Some things were obviously different but you get used to them. If you eat healthy foods you don’t need to cut down on the amount. Add a bit of daily exercise and everything’s fine.
These porkers have a choice. Do they want to be slim or do they want to enjoy eating crap? You can see what decision they’ve made.
Recently, I’ve seen some cunts who are so fat their head has the same size and geometry as those Family Guy cartoon characters, it’s fucking unnerving.
Nothing with being overweight, it’s nothing new. It’s when you see fat as fuck KIDS that look like little Michelin men and their wee face is embedded into their skull like dough that some cruel cunt has punched in.
I’m off down the gym. Not to work out, just to leer and fiddle with myself…
As a smoker, I would accept total disgust from people if I sat in a wheelchair with an iron lung chuffing away. Same thing when I see fat cunts stuffing their faces with cream cakes. The cunts.
Same thing when you see patients outside hospital with a fag hanging out their gob.
There was this fat cunt in the kidney unit . An Eastern European cunt, who was not only a thoughtless, selfish and inconsiderate cunt of the highest order. But he was also a greedy fucker. Made the staff’s jobs as difficult as possible and would never cooperate, yet the fat fuck always demanded two sandwiches, when everyone else was happy with one. I also heard that he used to bring buckets of KFC into the unit and big coke bottles and wolf the lot. And he would still want two of the hospital sandwiches after that. He was a big as a fucking house, and he ate and drank loads of crap, yet he would only do two hours of dialysis (the normal/acceptable level is four hours). He was also always kicking off and playing loud Dooshka shite on his phone. I think the staff had him transfered to another place, because they were sick to death of him. He also refused to wear a seatbelt in an ambulance. Also, been here about 40 years, yet claimed to know ‘No English’. A complete cunt and good riddance. Any cunt his size and with his habits who does only four to six hours dialysis a week is going to cop it. And it’s his own fault. As one nurse said to me ‘He’s a fucking idiot, I have no sympathy whatsoever’.
Not in my fucking truck would he have refused to wear a seatbelt, Norman. A battle of wills I would have been victorious in.
The fat, sponging cunt’d be walking if he’d refused.
That’s more or less what happened, DCI. The drivers simply refused to take the fat cunt after that. They said to the nursing staff ‘Don’t even ask us to take him anywhere. Because we won’t do it’.
Can’t say I blame them. He was a total cunt.
Fuck me, wasn’t my crewmate and I was it, Norm!
I am a fat fucker, there are lots of things i could do about it, but im fit and i can still do everything ive ever done with the exception of 200 miles a week on a push bike and thats because i would be out of my mind to cycle in Cardiff traffic.
As opposed to being a burden on the system, i have paid into the fucking system all my working life, i dont give a fuck if im a burden, its less of a burden the Handy bendy Ghandi and fresh Pesh from Bangladesh and countless other immigrants with their hands out rocking up and milking the system i pay into, as do you, not forgetting we have countless lazy benefit scrounging cunts of our own.
So fuck it when i need help i will join a waiting list and if im still alive,i will get help, i have pre paid for it, unlike countless millions, so fuck you as a paying Brit who has worked/ payed all my life im more than happy to take full advantage of the system when i need it im going to get it, the same as all the other cunts my hard earned shekkles have payed for….
The one’s who insist they are really smart and have high IQs when their basic level of everyday problem-solving skills would imply otherwise.
I would suggest that they would be far smarter if their brains weren’t backed up with neutron star-dense levels of cholesterol.
They say it’s a mental illness.
Like fuck it is. It’s a mental weakness.
But of course there is the odd exception in my book.
Clearly when you’re 50 stone and can’t get out of bed something is wrong but when you’re 25 years old, 5ft 2 with 2 kids and 20 stone you’re mentally weak, lazy and glutinous.
With the price of gas going through the roof and the NHS about to implode under the weight of treating these cunts, I think it’s time we had the conversation about rendering these fat fuckers down for heating oil.
Plus size ‘models’ first as a warning to the rest.
You know it makes sense
Best idea I’ve heard this week.
Odin@ – Yes! – I save a fort, er, yes – I imagine one would save a fortune..
Adele was a bit of a porker in years gone by. But now, she gives me the horn. I know it’s wrong, but as long as she kept her mouth shut, I would….?
The Fats hate her now. She was their poster girl and then she realised it was shortening her life and did something about it.
Doesn’t work with the narrative of it all being healthy for The Fats
She just a cunt now instead of a fat cunt.
There’s no way on earth that the pig in the nom picture can cleanse her disgusting shit-trench.
Looks like the sort of dyke that lists facesitting and receiving rimming on her profile.???