Nish Kumar (3)

Comments from the BBC’s favourite, but unfunny ‘comedian’ have resurfaced, in which he has criticised actual comedian, Ricky Gervais.

Chippy Nish doesn’t like Gervais taking the piss out of trannies. He needs to be a better comedian, according to Nish. He’s also, of course, blamed it on the fact Gervais is white, therefore instantly guilty. Obviously.

Needs to be a better comedian?

This is coming from a man about as funny as waking up to find yourself tied down and being groped by a face-sitting Diane Abbott, with Steptoe Corbyn wanking over you while ‘Agadoo’ plays on loop.

I don’t laugh or agree with everything Gervais says, but I’ll give him his due. He’s a funny cunt.

Not many good stand-up comedians left, due to cancel culture and woke media. Bill Burr is ok but losing his mojo for me. Louis CK is probably the best around right now (although an admitted degenerate but fuck it…he’s funny.) Gervias is certainly up there with those two.

As for Nish, maybe he’s started a trend?

Perhaps tomorrow, the fat pie munching, ten pints a day gobshite from the local, will be giving tips to Cristiano Ronaldo on how to keep in shape?

Diane Abbott could’ve given Stephen Hawking maths tips before he snuffed it. If only.

Perhaps the local small time dealer could give Pablo Escobar a call on how to run his operations?

Here’s an idea.

Get off the stage you token unfunny prick. Nobody’s laughing.

Indy100 News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


72 thoughts on “Nish Kumar (3)

  1. Worst thing about that bread roll incident was that it was only one bread roll and it missed the cunt. Mock the week was funny until he appeared on it.

  2. Never heard of the cunt (which says it all). Don’t laugh at perverts who like to parade around in womenswear? if that’s not a condition to be laughed at, fuck knows what is.

    Trannies? Nonces in my book. Hang the cunts.

    Thanks for letting me know who this cunt is. Now to find his YouTube channel and troll the fucker.

  3. Read all about it
    Read all about it
    Nish you’re a cunt
    Nish you’re a cunt

    Repeat …

  4. I heard his rant on the radio the other day. I thought the little wanker was going to burst into tears at one point. For a so called comedian he does take things very seriously, especially geezers dressed in wimminz clothes. Let’s face it, if he wasn’t a BBC/Channel 4 pet nobody would have heard of the useless cunt.

  5. The recent stand up vids by Gervais (Supernature) and Louis CK (Sorry) are both fucking great.

    I can’t find the best CK show anymore. It was the one he held after every cunt cancelled him (for admitting that he asked loads of women he knew if it’s ok to wank in front of them). Now that show was fucking hilarious. It was a broken (but naturally hilarious) man who didn’t give a fuck.

    It got banned, I heard. Can’t be arsed looking it up though.

  6. Nish is about as funny as when that doctor told me I had AIDS.
    (He meant ADHD)

    Whereas Ricky genuinely makes me laugh out loud.

    Nish, it’s not even that your a wirehaired whiny Stanley twat,
    Your just not funny,
    Compare your tour ticket sales and DVD sales to Ricky’s,
    That’s the truth of it

  7. Lefty little cunts like Kumar only have three themes in their material……..

    1 Brexit voters are thick and racist

    2 Orange Man bad

    3 Blonde Man bad

    Err……..that’s it really.

    • And the I’m the oppressed Pàki routine.

      If it wasn’t for the Beeb sucking his chocolate winky, nobody would have heard of this cunt.

  8. He’s like Rory McGrath except not funny and probably never flashed at by Frankie Howard. Maybe Russell Howard…

    Or like a woke Rory McGrath ventriloquist doll operated by Gary Lineker.

    • He’s another.
      Russell Howard.

      Little student bed wetting fuck.

    • McGrath got cancelled for punching some cunt down the pub never to be seen again.

  9. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a tour coming up and is trying to drum up ticket sales by attacking successful comedians who don’t bend the knee at the alter of woke.

    The bread roll thrown at him should have been a bar of soap in a rugby sock down a dark alley.

    • This hilariously unfunny, left wing, racist twat couldn’t sell out the front room of a terraced house. I bet even his own family would be a no show. If he was my dad I’d tell everybody I was a bastard. What’s more, I’d be right (wing).

      • Moggiea@ – “Front room of a terrace house”?
        It will be the first time the cunt has played in front of an audience of 10,000 then if the gig is in Bradistan!

    • That event he was chucked out of was at Lord’s wasn’t it? If it was they should’ve all thrown cricket balls rolled in dog shit

  10. Don’t personally find either funny. They are not “comedians” the way I see it. I was brought up with comics that could actually bring tears to my eyes. That’s comedy. Neither of these two are anywhere near capable of doing that. One thinks he’s funny, & the darker variation is just a cunt.

    • Millord,

      If you didn’t laugh at the story about cremating granny then there is no help for you. I fell out of my chair laughing.
      Like all of us Gervais has good moments and bad ones but his good ones far outweigh the bad ones.
      As for being anti-tranny, anyone who has seen the Super Nature video will know that is a load of bollocks. What he is , is anti the vicious, so called, campaigning on their behalf. I suspect it is carried out by people who no longer have a job to do at places like Stonewall and the Terence Higgins Trust, now that the gays are largely accepted.

      • Wanksock, somehow I missed that moment. If you had said “You fell off your chair crying,” then, yes. But you didn’t. It’s a personal preference. I don’t find him funny. Everone laughs at different things. If you was ever in the front row, with someone like Bernard Manning less than10 feet away, that was funny.

  11. Mr Kumar would do well to remember that he’s only on the telly because he’s a hook nosed fuzzy wuzzy and therefore ticks a few woke boxes. Ricky Gervais, on the other hand, is on the telly because he’s talented. A bit boorish at times but a funny, creative bloke who, thankfully doesn’t give a fuck. And you can rest assured he won’t give a monkeys about a no mark like this cunt.

  12. If Gervais sends unfunny cunts like Pish Kuntmar into an apoplectic rage, he’s definitely doing something right.

    He should’ve had hand grenades thrown at him, not bread rolls.

  13. The guy is a total arrogant cunt, just look at it’s eyes. Yes he is not at funny, similar to that “kill whitey” hag.
    We need more Jimmy Jones and Big Bernard.

  14. Good cunting.

    Pish Kumar more like.

    First time I had the misfortune of seeing this smug twat was on that terrible Mash Report which aired on the Beeb (where else) a while ago.

    When I heard Nish was supposed to be a “comedian” the Trades Description Act of 1968 sprang immediately to mind.


    The unholy unfunny woke trinity.

    • Rogman boz eyed cunt, Cathrine Canadian cunt, fat sooties, bitch deprived of O2 all on Dave, I’m sure they only make the shows to keep these unfunny cunts in work. Hardly Mr Hicks or Mr Carlin RIP. It’s a club and you aren’t in it.

  15. Ricky Gervais is more of an “irreverent observer of the absurdities of life” than a comedian – but he is genuinely talented, could not give a fuck which whiny little bitch he offends and by all accounts is a good sort (many years in showbiz and nobody with an opinion I actually value has had a bad word to say about him).
    Kumar? Talentless, bitter, childish racist cunt without a single iota of class – “Brexit, racist, whitey, Trump” isn’t a comedy routine mate – it’s a speech at fucking Nuremberg.
    Always get the urge when I see Piss Kumar to freeze him then use his little woolly head to clean out some sewage pipes, and I get the feeling this “light in his sparkly stage loafers” won’t be producing hordes of grandchildren anytime soon..
    Indians are by and large good people who I have a lot of time for – I would only be in the company of Nish Kumar if I was crossing the road to relight him! ??

    • If you don’t like Nish then maybe Dana Alexander is more to your taste?

      She’s black
      Views everything as race related
      She’s Canadian
      Lefty as fuck and hates the UK.

      Fuck me she’s dreadful.

      Not only is she unfunny she’s no sense of humour and gets upset by other comedians jokes!!

      She’s sometimes on GBnews and I pray Leo Kearse is on with her as he triggers her?

      If I could choose 5people to die in a horrific car accident she’d be in the car .

      The fat black cunt.

      • I just Googled her Miserable, she has won the Winnipeg Comedy Festival 2011 you know! In mid winter when its -40 outside and dark for 22 hours a day those long nights must fly by. No wonder they are all suicidal.

        Body found in Moose Anus, Canada…cold? exposure? hunting accident? No, a Dana Alexander comedy special.

      • LL @
        Imagine how bad the others were?!!

        “Evening moose fuckers!”

        The great Jerry Sadowitz
        On stage in Quebec

    • He’s just given £480,000 to 2 animals charities from a set % of U.K. ticket sales from his current tour. Don’t suppose it is much to him but can’t see many other money grabbing celebs doing the same. In the miners strike there was a London benefit gig, the Belstars wanted 10k expenses it had to be explained what doing a free performance entailed, they never turned up. Alexi Sayle turned up poured a glass of vodka over his head did his set and fucked off never speaking to anyone.

  16. Kumrag is as funny as a burst can of out of date surströmming in a stuck lift.

    • Kumrag brilliant and they should have chucked that manky fish shit at him.

  17. There’s an unwritten rule amongst comedians that you don’t criticise another comedian’s work. Which proves that Nish Kumar is not a comedian, he’s a cunt.

    Spot on, Cuntybollocks.

  18. Kumar is perhaps the worst of them but not that different to the rest. The same old hackneyed, woke unfunny cunts endlessly doing the rounds and not one of the fuckers fit to lick the boots of proper comedians – Manning, Dawson, Cooper, Carson, Chubby. Even Monkhouse was a master of stand-up.
    Taskmaster is running at the moment. There are 5 alledged comedians on it. All fucking dire.

  19. Off topic on my own nom, but I know we’ve got a few snooker fans on here.

    Some beautiful cunt has uploaded the entire ’85 epic final between Taylor and Davis.

    Only watched the final few hours live as a kid. It’s over 13 hrs long so watch in parts unless you’re mental enough to watch in one go. I’m watching the first session now.

    If interested, I’d recommend watching or downloading it quick before the BBC copyright the cunt. Which they will.

    • @CB

      I noticed that had been uploaded.
      There’s a load of classic Snooker matches on YouTube.
      I recently watched the 82 Higgins v Reardon final.
      Higgins must have had the most erratic cue action in the history of the game.
      With that cue action or lack of it plus the copious amounts of alcohol and the nervous tics I’m surprised he managed to win anything.
      Great player though.

      • I used to play snooker every day as a teenager. Either at home on my 6×3 slate bed, or down the local snooker club when my folks gave me my pocket money at the weekend.

        I was massively into it in ’85, but I was uninterested in the final. I thought, like most, Taylor had no fucking chance. My folks watched it and I remember them saying ‘You not watching the final?’. I said no, because Davis would destroy Taylor and it wouldn’t be worth watching.

        Folks were going out down the local and I had to babysit my brother. My mum said, ‘You were right. David is 7 nil up.’

        I said I’m not watching it because it’s over.

        Next day, I remember my mum saying, as I came in from playing out ‘He’s come back. It’s 13 each (I think).’

        I watched it from that point. We all did.

        Pure theatre it was.

    • They may not copyright it but they will have to remove all signs of racism and privilege so any future showings will have no sight, or even mention, of the white ball. The black ball will be dominant in every scene.

  20. This fat greasy cunt should go back to selling fucking coconuts or pulling a rickshaw.


  21. Nish Kumar net worth =£5 million
    Ricky Gervaise net worth = £140 million

    Keep trying Nish

    • Nish isn’t worth a crumpled up fiver

      £4,999,975 of that 5 million has been given to him by the chocolate lovers at the Beeb.

  22. The Mash report was or quite good except for Kumar, all he wanted to do was knock Brexit, not even funny, Gervais took the piss out the fucking nonsense about trans and did it in a way with comedy that actually shows how stupid it all is.
    If the cunts succeed in convincing the population and truly believing that a man can become a woman then as sure as day follows night 2+2 will = 5

  23. Erm, he is aware that Gervais has had massive international success right? The Office, Extras, Derek, After Life, the Simpsons, various stand up specials? It’s a bit like a fat guy criticising Usain Bolt for not running fast enough.

    • Hello OP!?
      Not seen you on here for a while?
      Hope your well pal?

  24. Kumar is an arrogant, stinky cunt who is as funny as metastasic spinal cancer.

    He really hasn’t grasped what being a good comedian is all about.

    I hope Ricky weaves this prick into his next act; that’ll see some foaming around the mouth.

  25. Box ticking woke sucking British hating trannie licking EU crawling unfunny Sabu turd.

    And anyone who compares Gervais to Kumar? That’s like comparing Jimi Hendrix to Noel Gallagher.

    • Oasis: mist successful plagiarism act of all time.
      Just read the songwriting credits on their first 2 albums?

      • Not to mention the total theft on their singles (‘Step Out’ nicked off Stevie Wonder and ‘Whatever’ thieved off Neil Innes).

        They are also ex-petty criminals and bitter blue scum who revel in the Munich Air Crash. Oasis: the band that made it cool to be stupid, and they are also luckiest chavs that ever lived (apart from Adele).

  26. These cunts love to moan about how evil this country is, yet the queue to leave isn’t exactly long is it.

    Here’s a very simple idea: if you don’t like the place or the people, fuck off. You say you don’t want to be here, we don’t want you here, so go. Win win. The problem with that plan is that where we genuinely want you to fuck off out of it, I get a funny feeling you genuinely don’t want to go.

    So instead of being all narky about the hand that feeds you, show some gratitude and try to fit in. You might find if you did that, we aren’t the evil Nazis you claim we are.

  27. The only time that Kumar could be deemed to be funny is if he Blew his Brains out on live T.V.

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