Liz Pemberton, the Black Nursery Manager and the four Labour-run councils that employ them. Six cunts for the price of one. A bargain if ever there was…
Reading the link (behind a paywall, regrettably):
…superheated my internal organs to the point that I was pissing plasma.
For those who can’t access the article, here are a few excerpts for your delectation:
– Councils have drafted in “Maoist” diversity consultants to “decolonise the mindsets” of nursery staff working with toddlers.
– At least four Labour-run major public sector authorities have worked with The Black Nursery Manager, a firm which runs Zoom diversity training sessions to explore the concept of race and culture with children under five.
– One of the consultancy’s two courses is titled “inclusion in role play for the under 5’s [sic]”, which gives nursery staff practical strategies they can “embed in order to work towards decolonising their mindsets before they decolonise the play spaces”.
– The decolonising course includes advice on “how to audit the dressing-up box” by avoiding racial stereotyping through pantomime costumes and others.
– The firm is run by Liz Pemberton, a former nursery manager, who tweeted last year under the Black Nursery Manager banner that she “hate[s] the regulatory body and the Government”, adding: “They’re all agents of white supremacy.”
– Ms Pemberton, from Birmingham, has written in guidance blogs that “white supremacy is woven into the fabric of how society is built” and said: “We live in a racist society.”
– The Black Nursery Manager’s Twitter account has criticised “how early the violence of whiteness starts” and claimed that “structural racism is upheld by local authorities and regulatory bodies in the decimation of Early Years settings with particular demographics across race and class that don’t ‘fit’”.
Question: If Britain is such a racist netherworld, how come thousands of unregistered dinghy vermin from every shithole under the sun are queueing up to be ferried to towns and cities near you by the Border Force and RNLI, and enabled by Priti Useless?
Another question: Why the fuck are the likes of Liz Pemberton allowed to drip poison into the ears of anyone within a million lightyears of education? Oh, I know: twisted and corrupt socialist councils! One of the many scourges of Western civilisation. That fat Jellyfish and the spineless retards that allegedly ‘govern’ this country need to get their shit into gear and sort this shit out, but I won’t hold my fucking breath.
Unless we want Liz Pemberton, the Black Nursery Manager and the four Labour-run councils that employ them skull-fucking future generations, then such cunts should be banned from being in the same county as any school, or in fact any human below retirement age.
Here’s the Black Nursery Manager’s website
Warning: superheated urine might result.
Nominated by: Cunty McCunt
She isn’t even fucking black, nothing worse than a half caste Marxist cunt, I’m sure these people are just being shoe horned in to instigate civil war, honest to fuck I really do!
Two scenarios
Civil war or UK is taken over and conquered from within without as much as a complaint. (because that would be racist)
By targeting children – the latter is the more likely.
HJ@ – If you are ever unfortunate enough to have a “conversation” with anyone who has gone through the left wing marxist indoctrination process which used to be called “education” you will be shocked by three things – how deeply they believe the bullshit they have been fed, how astonishingly uninformed they are of history and just how much they hate people who dare to disagree with whatever the wokeflakes have been conditioned to accept as truth.
Far too many are the enemy, and it is not an exaggeration to state they hate us and want us dead.
Not just history; science and economics aren’t very well understood by these cunts either.
One (now a policeman after graduating from theatre studies at an affiliate of Brighton Univerity) said to a mate that Tescos ‘can’t be capitalist as they sell cheap sandwiches’.
So any kid that pretends to be a cop should be pulled aside to get his mind right?
He then is handed a bongo and spear?
It’s sad this cunt is given any attention at all except an escort out of the building.
MC@ – Not to worry – history has shown us that this gal will quite possibly be dragged off in cuffs screaming “whitey racism” after she is arrested for fraud and thieving.
Her type seem unable to help themselves.
Fuck me sideways.
This country is absolutely fucked!
And I choose my words carefully.
I`d be happy to volunteer my services in relaxation activities for the poor mites, if required: face-painting, for example.
Sorry Sam, that’s a no no. White people painting their faces black is melanin appropriation and therefore racist. That’s why Canada’s holier than thou Pretty Boy Justin would never do such a thing.
You are mistaken, Mr Twatt; I was offering to paint them white – or is that racist?
Never mind auditing the dressing up box.
How about auditing the suitability of unstable racist communist agitators to involve themselves with children?
Fuck off.
UT@ – Afternoon Unkle – I left school in ’82 – I had the advantage of a very good general education from some quality teachers who despaired so many of their charges spent 5 years of work to leave for the unemployment line.
I did not know the politics or sexual preferences of my teachers, and they never discussed it – they were there to teach.
And it constantly surprises me how so many chippy darkened types hate the UK and “racist whitey” so much but will never fuck off.
My Statute of Constitution will soon give these fucking rats no choice – shape up or ship out!
Ridiculous. Play acting is an important part of a child’s growth and they need to be given the freedom to fantasise. When I was a child WWII play acting was normal. It didn’t make me grow up with a mad desire to join the army or invade France.
Race baiting fucking bitch. Little kids know nothing about race, religion etc……they learn that shit from their parents, the way it’s always been. This commie bitch wants to get in first to make sure they get the “correct” values and we all know what they are……..whitey bad, effnick his exploited victim…….straight man bad, wimminz and poofters good.
Ideally these cunts would like to have the Nazi education system where kids denounced their parents for having the “wrong” values. Followed by a trip to Dachau for “re education”. That’s where we are going, sleepwalking into a nightmare.
As they make up only 5 % of the population , these Black Cunts and their demands need squashed, preferably under a few tons of shite.
Black is the colour, kids today have no fucking idea about all this political bullshit, this is typical of cunts like Liz, they play this fucking game because they know it’s a nice little earner, councils latch onto it because they need to tick the boxes.
She seems to forget that (for now) that we live in a majority white country so ‘whiteness’ (another made up expression by the umbongo types) is going to be mainstream in society, except media which is majority ethnic already.
Enoch will be up there somewhere saying ‘I fucking told you’ ?
Virtually all black “ businesses” have one customer . The government and the mug punter taxpayer.
??????.A farce.Why bother only investing in “non honky” shops?I despair
The reply is that this is a white county and a white culture. Fit in or fuck off. Like many I’m sick and tired of migrants telling us we need to change to please them or appease their fucking egos.
Multiracial Britain is to use one of their favourite terms a false political construct to convince the indigenous population that we all want to live in a multicultural foul tasting soup.
I don’t give a fuck what colour you are, colour shouldn’t be the main defining factor of your life. I judge the man not the skin colour.
But and it’s a justified but to me, if you want to play division by skin colour you are the one dividing yourself from me. The game is played by the same rules no matter your colour. If you insist on defining the rules by skin colour I’m always going to side with white and British.
Spot on SV,as usual.
SV@ – ????????????????
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
Seconded ???
Well said SV, stone cold faultless logic.
Well said SV. I think it was Morgan Freeman that said not that long ago “ If you want to stop racism, stop talking about race”.
Unfortunately for them, the black race will always be inferior to the white race. Every single invention, great work of art, music etc. was the result of the white man’s intelligence. Ancient Greece, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution – all white men. The only thing the soots can do is bring the whites down to their level. The problem we have seen in places like Rhodesia and South Africa is that the white liberals are aiding this.
LC@ – A simple comparison of the European and African Continents proves what so many seek to deny.
And not happy with ruining their own homes they seek ours to do the same.
Fuck off.
I used to be live and let live, but now, like the trannies and lifters, I detest the black race baiting bastards. Fuck off to the promised land of Africa.
You can bet if some little boy goes in the dressing up box and comes out with a girl’s dress he will be praised to the skies, probably get a letter of approval sent to the parents.
Especially if there’s a pair of false titties attached.
I have an idea Liz.Run into my first a number of times.Was she dropped at birth and suffered “anti whitey?”. Oven oven oven oven oven please Unkle.
I suppose or guess I should say is that the kids they are teaching are effnicks and liberal woke retards kids who are indoctrinated by the parents already and these kids will only live in that area so will vote Labour. Keep it in that area and let the rest of the country get on with it.
This woman is only hurting her kind and the Labour woke cunts and Kier shitface can’t see he will never be elected with all this bloody bollocks but he is so far up the sjw tree he can’t see the ground anymore.
Cunts the lot of them
Where is the Russians with their polonium tea when you need um?
Just like that Patrisse Waddymelon-Battenburg Chiggunmuch, this cunt has realised that very generous coin can be made on spreading racial unrest through society. In this case through dopey Cuntcils who lap this shit up and can’t get enough of it.
Had this been a more ballsy country without the namby pamby legislation we now have, this cunt would have been scrubbing floors and shiboxes in her local McDonalds.
Fuck off.
What the fuck is this moose on about?
If she wants roleplay for kids that genuinely mimics society, then if a kid wants to be a dark key, he can have his jeans hanging around his thighs, a baseball cap, some ‘bling’ and a knife. He can chat in that ridiculous fake Jamaican accent these cunts all seem to have. Then, he can nick all the toys and when the bizzies turn up, he can resist arrest and fight with the cops.
Finally, he can look in the dress up box for that massive fucking chip he can put on his shoulder for the rest of his fucking life.
Get to fuck.
Cuntybollocks@ – “Miss! Miss! I found a load of knives, some empty fried chiggun boxes, some bags of herb stuff, some scales and 78 receipts for the planned parenthood in the box!”
“Ah, er, dats ma hand bag”..
The communists realised after WW2 that infesting enemy Nations with marxist agents and their ideologies is a much easier, cheaper and more effective way of achieving conquest.
Fast forward 78 years, and the communists are an inch away from controlling the UK – our best generation were slaughtered fighting an ideology of evil that fuckling traitors have ushered in as we slept in the “peace” their sacrifice afforded us.
We need to get our heads out of our collective arses, organise and STOP this.
On other jolly news, David Clews has invited me to give my political rants on one of his shows!
Sounds interesting, Vern. Do oblige with times/dates etc.
I hope it’s a phone in.
I reckon “interesting” is severely underselling what has the potential to be a truly gob-smacking event…the chance to hear an unexpurgated Vern in full battle-cry sounds unmissable to me…and if it was a phone-in !!!!….Fuck me…I’m getting quite giddy with excitement.
Evening Jeezum
Evening,Cuntfinder General.
JP@ – Evening JP – not sure as yet, have to put some stuff together and get it in some kind of running order – this could well go down in the annals of infamy as I am dragged away howling and frothing at the mouth! ??
And as Unity News Network do not subscribe to OFCOM I think it will be “car crash amusing”!
I’m currently running a course called
Slavery:a contemporary understanding.
It’s open not just to people in education but all aspects of social care too.
At £2000 a head it helps people experience what those Africans forced into slavery felt.
Firstly professionally smacked over the head with a cosh they are then hogtied and manacled and thrown into the bottom of a boat.
I sardine them in nice and cosy and occasionally throw one overboard if sickly or dead.
On arrival ill scientifically give them a battering and whipping to get the circulation flowing then auction them back to their employers.
I’m fully booked for the next 5 months .
Mnc@ – Sterling work Sir, sterling work – I am working on something similar myself but my scheme involves being chained to a statue and dragged through some water – any who survive are witches and need to be burned!
Shifty no good fkin witches..
Welcome to the world of Kweer Starmer and his bunch of mincing homosexual race-baiters. This could be life from 2024.
Liz Pemberton needs reminding that racism didn’t exist in this country until cunts like Liz Pemberton started showing up.
Very simple solution to this problem, isn’t there, Liz.
Yes.Piss off Liz you fat hippo.
We should all identify as black then there’ll be no fucking racism, will there? Oh, wrong type of black, are we?
She must then hate her mother, it’s obvious her old man is Black and fucked off as soon as he had tipped his Concrete, isn’t that what they all do? They never go over to the white side do they, must be that Ch!mp chip on the shoulder and built in moaning, gibs ms dat attitude that comes with being swiped with the Tar brush.!
Fair enough. If she wants to follow her argument to it’s natural conclusion, all black children should be sent to Africa and all the modern infrastructure that was put into place during colonisation be removed. From the internet to penicillin…all of it. Also, no more financial aid. Mud huts, inter-tribal warfare, human sacrifice, hunter gatherer existence and dirty water. That’s your lot.
Funny how the she-boon spouts de-colonisation whilst enjoying its fruits to the full.
Having witnessed the Knee-grows horticultural savour fair at that Chop/Chas love in, I fully expect the sub humans to return to their old practices:
Witch Doctors
Constant warfare
Excellent ???
You forgot rape hahah
Can someone please explain what “decolonisation” is?
It sounds like a made-up word to me. Everything she rants on about is double speak, there’s not a rational idea in any of it, it’s just babble.
Get the fuck away from children, you stupid bitch. Under 5s think dragons and monsters are real, and in your case they’re fifty percent right.
She looks like she’s built like a brick shithouse. Probably smells like one.
I’m assuming that, after a peek at her webshite, she will be teaching black kids “anti racist training “ or “ stop stabbin ya bruvas, innit” training. Mmmm, scratches beard.
Your profile picture is scary.
I have clownophobia.