‘Tired’ Snooker Players

I’ve been watching a bit of this year’s World Snooker tournament. It’s been pretty enjoyable overall.

However, I keep hearing (pundits mostly, but a few players too) saying this player or that player is ‘tired’ or ‘fatigued’.

Fucking tired!?

Their ‘job’ is to do what some of us pay to do as a relaxing leisure activity. They get paid very, very well for doing this too (if a top player at least.)

I don’t bemoan them that. They’re very talented people and have practiced and perfected their games after years of effort.

But fucking exhausted?

What? For about a 2-3 hour session of okaying snooker? Maybe another one in the same day after a 4 hour or so break? Six hours a day max? Some days off during the competition? Some days with just one session (about 2-3 hours usually.)

My heart fucking bleeds.

Try working on a building site 40 hours a week or even in a high pressure corporate job for 80 hours a week.

Fucking playing snooker for a very nice living and you’re ‘exhausted’? For a sport where you walk, stand still or sit for a couple of hours a day, with loads of time off. And if you need anything grabbing a ref gets if for you. Fuck, when I play it AFTER working all week, my mates and I even spot our own fucking balls, score the games and rack the balls. And we’re not tired after 5 hours and 8 pints. Some of the old fatties in the working men’s club snooker room are not exactly athletic either.

Did I miss something? Do these ‘poor likkle snooker pros’ now need to do 50 push ups before every shot? Are these millionaires worrying about their bills? Maybe when the other guy’s potting away, they need to do star jumps with weights attached to their arms and legs? Maybe I missed Mark Williams carrying a full brickie’s hod around the arena? Does Judd Trump need to scale the Crucible walls to get in via the roof and walk down the stairs on his hands every day?

99.9% of people, if they had such a talent, would snap their fucking hands off to have such a cushy job.

Get to fuck! ‘Tired’ my arse.

You shouldn’t believe your fucking luck!

Snooker News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

57 thoughts on “‘Tired’ Snooker Players

  1. Ooooo the poor mites.
    When I get home from humping furniture up six flights of stairs,
    And some fat cunts unused weightlifting equipment I often as I rub my sore back think

    “Could be worse lad.
    You could have to carry a cue 2ft and play a game.”

  2. It’s all the wanking, eating chips and boozing.
    Perhaps a shortage of Columbian marching powder.

    Alex Higgins must have been on fucking speed ?

  3. Ps: 40 hours a week is fucking part time.
    Try 80-100 hours a week.
    I did, for nigh on 30 fucking years?

    • I’d love to see the modern goody-two-shoes players play after a line or two of high-quality coke. Or speed.
      Maybe someone back in the 90’s slipped Peter Ebdon a cannabis-laced cookie, hence his agonising slowness.
      PS…good morning gents and I hate Mark Selby.

      • Morning Thomas.

        I too have a hatred for Selby.
        He’s just so boring.

        At least Ebdon’s intentional slowness, was mildly entertaining.

  4. Sorry,but I suspect this nom. is nothing bar a vehicle for Cuntybollocks to claim that he has friends and an active social life….”my mates and I even spot our own fucking balls”….when we all know that ,in reality,although many will indeed drink 8 plus pints a day….contributors to “..isaCunt” are very unlikely to have ” mates”….apart from myself,of course,with my extensive,yet exclusive,network of high society chums.

    PS…I’d never weary of stamping on John Virgo’s voice-box…..the Cunt.

    • Stephen Hendry ought to come out…
      ….as a Down’s Syndrome…his eyes look suspiciously slanty and his tongue a touch on the mongy side.

    • Morning Mr F. I am somewhat in agreement. Many a poster on this site appear to have delusions of grandeur. Not your fine self of course. I believe your lifestyle is far too busy to be commenting on every post. Like me I have good friends (some are cunts) outside of this get it off your chest website. I now watch from afar at the daily bollocks/humour knowing I have more in my life than a computer screen, keyboard, kettle, a copy of the Oxford English dictionary and a piss stained armchair covered in cat hair.

      • Cheeky cunt, if you meant me that is! I merely have delusions of adequacy! Never shall I be heard to blow my own trumpet, nor put myself above any man, unless of course that man is a bloody n*gn*g!

  5. It’s all down to a lack of lager.
    A vitamin deficiency.

    Couple of pints per frame & good as new.

    The soft cunts.

    • Its also Raaacist, with that nasty superior white ball knocking all the poor red, black, brown and yellow balls around the table.

      Ban it now!!

  6. Maybe they are in the wrong job?
    Not cut out for such physically demanding work?

    They could find alternative employment as ,
    A draught excluder
    Mattress tester
    Stand in at the chapel of rest
    Paper weights.

  7. I remember watching William Werbeniuk play snooker back in the 70s and 80s. He had a massive alcohol problem and would often drink 6 or 6 pints of lager before a game, and also a pint between frames. According to Wiki he used to drink up to 40 pints of lager every day!

    He never really hit the big time in terms of championship wins, but he was still an ace player, despite being a bit of a fat cunt. Died in 2003 of heart failure.

    Then of course there was Alex Higgins – smoker, boozer, womaniser, and probably drug-taker between frames. Skinny as a rake, but dashed around the table like his arse was on fire. Burnt the candle at both ends but he was perhaps one of the greatest players ever.

    Compare and contrast to the soft cunts that play these days.

    • Big Bill Werbenuik was a legend for getting a doctor’s note saying he needed shut loads of lager during games.

  8. Makes you wonder how those lads used to cope way back in the old days, digging ” what was it called ” oh yes ! COAL out of the ground for a 10 hour shift…..?

    • They should look at others backbreaking labour.
      Those ‘ring girls’ in boxing!
      They have to do a full circuit of a boxing ring holding up heavy cardboard numbers.

      Or magicians assistants,
      On their feet for hours grinning like a wanking chimp.
      That poor Debbie mcGee did it 40years!
      Her smile is crippled with arthritis.

      And those formula one cunts say their tired too!
      You DROVE the race not fuckin ran it .

      • “grinning like a wanking chimp”
        Oh, my days!
        Thanks for that!

        (Images of David Lammy entered my head for some odd reason. I can’t unsee that vision now. – Day Admin)

    • Digging? Luxury! Best we could manage was to bite the coal out t’ground with our teeth!

    • My Grandad started down the pit mid 1920s at 14 looking after the pit ponies underground. He progressed to Stinting on the coal face this involved chopping out a yard square of coal in a shift with a short pick and short shovel the seams were about 2 1/2 foot high so all this had to be done lay on your side swinging the pick with your forearms. After 46 years he was pensioned out when his hand was mangled in a conveyer belt at 60, this pissed him off no end as it was his dart throwing hand and he was a very good semi pro player. When he died 10 years later of leukaemia he was a skeleton the only thing left were his massive Popeye forearms from his early days of stinting.

  9. Most certainly annoying for us that actually work, but at least they aren’t taking tax payers money like some of our sports people. Look at some of the Olympic sports lot. Whining about how tough it is having to get up early to avoid the riff raff at running tracks. Then there’s crying about being shouted at by performance coaches. And the latest get out of jail card for when your form fades, or you are past it, mental elf. To be honest, I’m more pissed off with modern snooker players for having no personality compared to the old guard. Ronnie O’Sullivan excluded of course.

  10. Poor old Mark Williams (pictured) and especially John Higgins look like Judd Trump and Jack Liskowski’s grandads as they plod round the table – I expect them to turn up after Rob Walker’s over-the-top pleading for applause, with their cues in one of those tartan shopping trollies – in Higgins case one of those trolleys with a seat where he could put his piss pot under it. They are only a decade older than the others but even Ronnie “I’m going to pick my nose and retire” O’Sullivan, who is near them in age, has far more get up and go – old Welshnackers and Jockstrap look as if they have to be taken back to the old perople’s home at the end of the evening in their dial-a-ride minibus. Ovaltine, slippers and a fresh pair of rubber pants waiting. I would say that they have burned the candle at both ends, but looking at that pair, they couldn’t find the bloody wick between them.

    I like Mark Selby.

  11. Since World Snooker banned cocaine, the whole sport has gone to shite. Jimmy White never tired…NEVER! Why? Columbian marching powder. Like Queensbury introducing ‘rules’ in boxing like no kidney punching. Fucking farce. CUNTS!

  12. Love snooker, me.

    Me and Lady C always start the day with a couple of frames.

    Morning all. ?

  13. If they are so tired ? then I suggest they deliberately miss a shot. At professional level that should allow them a couple of hrs kip per session

  14. You are all forgetting how heavy the snooker bat is, and as extreme sports go, these fuckers are experiencing a constant adrenaline rush, not to mention all the pints they have to chugg.
    Think of the stress of spending all day sat in the sun in a deck chair and then maybe doing 3 or 4 hours actual paying work a fucking week, and of coarse tallying up all your winnings, it must play Havok with your mental well being.
    I have nothing but sympathy for these guys it really puts how pathetic i really am, running my own business, paying my own way through life and working my bollocks off just to earn a crust and keep the Jack Russel in treats.
    These cunts have the ordacity, thats like have a job thats a hobby more than a job and crying about it, a bit like being the sun tan oil boy at the playboy mantion,,,,,,oh the stress, my fucking heart bleeds…….nooooooooottt

  15. Isn’t snooker institutionally racist?

    The privileged white ball taking pot shots at blacks, browns, yellows, greens and pinks.

    Expect Snooker to be cancelled anytime soon

    • But,but,but….. the black ball has the highest value, mind you it does get the most pounding ?

      Screw back for the black ?

  16. should be look tires after ordacity…..im a cunt for missing that, its the stress i tell you…

  17. Mo money means life coaches, mentors, trainers and lackeys of every stripe. Enough money and you can sniff your own armpits and force your own fucked up agenda on society. Narcissism is a toxic cunt, a swift kick in the bollocks is the only known cure.

  18. Thank fuck it wasn’t one of the slitty eyed cunts who won the world championship, the spewing and gushing over the first slitty eye to win. At least there weren’t any sooties to cry they lost because of waycism ?

    • Morning SOI, it’s only a matter of time before one of the pooch-munchers wins the world title with their quite skillful, excitement-free style of play.
      At least they’ll never dominate rugby, the little yellow turds.

      • Good afternoon Thomas, two women have been scheduled to join the mens tour (or open tour to be politically correct), one is a Brit, the other is a slitty eye from Thailand I think.

    • The sootys never take up the sport because you need to know how to add up when doing the scores.

      Imagine them trying to work out if they need snookers? They’d stab you for making them try to do difficult sums, innit?

      Maths is racist or summat.

  19. Used to watch Pot Black with my dad. Now I have grown up I fall asleep on CUE as some boring cunt walks up to the table, where are the fags and whisky gone……

    • Fahs? It’d be quite amusing to see a fag playing snooker, mincing round the table and saying “whoops” when he misses, before sashaying back to his seat before he trips over in his high heels.

  20. It’s mental exhaustion after holding in farts for so long. I couldn’t lean over a table for more than a few seconds without letting go.

  21. I tire watching snooker now.

    I don’t care about Rolls-Royce cue actions.

    I want to see coked-up, pissed-up players with some personality and flair, with a fag hanging out of their gob.

    Higgins (of old), White and Drago were so entertaining to watch. Now the speed of the game is pedestrian.

    I suppose Ronnie, Trump and that chînky player, un nooh, (or whatever his name is), aren’t creeping around the table like half-dead corpses.

    Fuck it lads, do a line in the toilets after a frame.
    Liven the fucking game up a bit. Boring bastards.

    Steve Davis was considered boring when he dominated the sport. Now most of the players are ‘Davisesque’, in their approach.

  22. Wimminz snooker is just as shite. The only way that will stimulate my enormous “cue” is if they were all wearing short pleated skirts, white knickers, and low cut tops with their ample boobs spilling out all over the baize!

    Definitely no munters allowed though

    • Techno:

      Kendal snooker club, circa 1987.
      I took my extremely sexy and busty girlfriend at that time, in on a Saturday morning-short skirt, tight top, stockings, just to wind up all the “auld fuckers”.
      It worked ?

    • All of the above, but with no knickers.

      And put some balls up their flanges in the mid-session interval, and pop them out into the audience. Don’t think they would fly that far though!

  23. These snooker cunts, want to drive a 1950’s Atkinson 8 wheeler for the week, and then handball 20 tons of hundredweight cement bags off every day.

    The majority of folks don’t know what proper graft is now. What’s this 37 hour week all about?
    Nice for spending time with your family I suppose.
    But, poor cunts like me and others were stuck with a minimum of 60 hours a week.

    And none of this sick pay and picking and choosing. I used to moan every now and again at the length of the runs I was given.

    Mr Price the gaffer used to put his arm round me and say, “look, – look round the yard son, – there isn’t a fence round it, you can leave anytime you want lad.”

    Or another one was “go home tonight son, and have a think about whether you want this job.”

    And he was terrible for lending you money.
    He liked you owing him, because then he sort of ‘had one on you’.

    “Remember that money I lent you to go on holiday,- and for that motor? Then just get on with it, and stop griping”

    • Aye!
      Most of these lardarse man-baby’s won’t make old bones.

      Remember cunters: chairs kill more people than bullets?

      • Yes CG, I honestly don’t think hard work kills you.

        It definitely wears your joints out though. I creak and crack. My neck is constantly cracking. If I yawn something goes snap in my neck.
        And my right shoulder just feels like a pile of knotted up gristle.

        Settees, takeaways and box sets will all kill you if you overindulge in them.

  24. Moderation? Has Grïstle met the same fate as fàggôt? Suppose the pööfers love chewing on it?

  25. For sure – quite a few snookers player are fat cunts. Like dart players, pork pie magnets.

    However there are some very tasty female refs out there, love watching when they have to stretch across the table and fantasising how I’d like to take them from behind.

    Oooooo me so horny, love you long time.

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