Here is an idiotic fucker of the highest order!
Is anybody still listening to this twat? I thought it was about time he popped his head above the parapet again after being so quiet, now that we have all “got back to normal”. I concluded a long time ago that it was probably not the politicians that were trying to dictate to me what a could and could not do in my own home – but it was the “men in white coats”. If I wanted anyone to dictate to me like that – I would move to North Korea.
If I had my way, this fucking alien would be in prison for fucking up the lives of millions of families, severely affecting our schoolkids, destroying hundreds of thousands of small businesses – all for what? Apparently saving 300 lives (govt own figures – restrictions made a 0.2% difference to mortality rate, 0.2% of 150 000 deaths = 300 deaths). And the figures also suggest that the 300 lives “saved” would probably all have died soon from something else anyway (re. average age).
New strain worse than Omicron? Has he not listened recently? We have been told that it should more rightly been named Omicold! And probably is a good vaccine in its right. Future lockdowns? The man is demented. Somebody please lock him up – or at least remove him from circulation.
This twat is a waste of oxygen.
Nominated by: Cassandra
Seconded by: Spanky Mc Spank
I’d second that with a Whitless cunting for our old friend Covid tacked on.
It seems that the misery in Eastern Europe is no longer depressing enough for the MSM and they are now getting back on the dreaded covid bandwagon and pushing it hard.
I’ve heard quite a bit on the radio lately about “rising levels” “hospital admissions” and even new variants that don’t even exist. Seems they are determined to keep pushing this one but I think Boris and all his loser pals would find it a pretty hard sell now unless it’s like the fucking T Virus or something.
Fuck Covid, Fuck Whitty and his trouser lining pals and fuck the whole scamdemic…it can suck my cock.
Will we be the compliant sheep we were the first time around? I sure hope not. These people are not the problem. We are. We chose to listen and obey without thinking. If a majority of the prols just said, “Fuck y’all!” then none of the covid destruction would have happened. Life would have carried on. Instead we wore 2 masks alone in the car while staying locked in our homes like silly stupid obedient ignorant cunts.
Fuck this guy and “Dr.” Fauci too!
I didn’t.
How is that Fauci still in a job?
Good nom.
This particular tortoise needs to do everyone a favour – get back inside his shell and stay there.
I like him. ?
He looks like a proper boffin with his shiny head, he is doing his job, pity there aren’t more people doing their jobs (like that Dick woman, oh yes she has fucked off).
Dick wasn’t doing her job even when she was doing her job.
There is room for criticism of the government response to Covid but I can’t see why Whitty is a cunt, he is the chief medical officer, what do the critics expect him to say ‘just ignore Covid, who gives a shit if hospitals are overrun, it will all be fine when the old and weak are wiped out’ ?
Exactly, Sick of it. Do these critics not heed the news of genuine cases in hospitals with Covid, many dying?
I saw a Specialist at my hospital the other day. He could not book some of his patients in to a Ward for treatment because the wards were full of Covid patients, including hospital staff seriously ill having been infected whilst treating patients. When I mentioned that many of the public were sceptical about “Pandemic level” claims, he shook his head wearily and said he would’nt dignify that
‘rubbish’ with an answer.
So much unqualified crap spoken by these smart-arse cynics-critics who do so because these days they can.
I agree. Whitty is just doing his job. He’d be a cunt if he wasn’t. COVID is real and a proven killer, especially for the old and infirm. New strains might be less dangerous but we have to be cautious until we know that for sure.
Oh fuck off
The voice of reasoned debate.
My next door neighbour (age 63) currently has Covid and it’s no fucking walk in the park I can assure you.
I’ve had covid twice.
I’m unvaccinated.
I’m probably what you would call middle aged.
I agree – it’s certainly no walk in the park like any unpleasant virus/bug/illness.
Just like I don’t think it’s going to go away for good anytime soon.
We’ve had the lockdowns with all the destruction that they caused and we’ve had the vaccine rollout along with all the advice/coercion/propaganda that accompanied that.
Life is near as damn it back to normal for most now and I think personally that that’s the way it should be and the way it should stay.
What’s the alternative?
More lockdowns?
More vaccines?
No to lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid passports, etc.
Yes to vaccination for those who need it or want it.
He is a cunt because: he is a pharmaceutical industry shill,
Because he U-turned on the time honored guidance that masks do more harm than good when he got his orders from whoever pulls his strings. Likewise he fell into line on lockdowns.
Because he was part of the active suppression of cheap and effective therapeutics so that his pharmaceutical masters could make billions from experimental vaccines.
Because he allowed himself to be used as the face of the campaign of fear.
Because he coerced people to take experimental vaccines in breach of the Nuremburg code.
Because he breached his hippocratic oath, ‘first, do no harm’ at least on the issue of lock down.
I’d say all that together makes him a pretty spectacular cunt.
The suppression of Ivermectin and other market proven drugs, which had-have been proven as an effective preventative & curative for C19, is a ducking crime against humanity???
Mr Huntmaster, you have summed it up perfectly.
Everyone involved in the pandemic lockdown overreach was, still is and probably always will be a MASSIVE CUNT.
There is no evidence that Ivermectin works against Covid. It’s for worms and lice and is dangerous in high doses.
“Horse paste”
Hahaha. Is that it?
Plenty of evidence, 300 million in Uttar Pradesh alone.
None so blind as the scientists.
Yeah, the same scientists who believe biological sex is binary. Hahaha, what do they know!
It doesn’t take a scientist to recognise butthurt.
WTF does procreation have to do with this,great tangent though.
Hospitals are over run because of people like you! You probably also think you’ve got ‘Long’ covid.
Be a bit difficult for me to have long Covid, I haven’t even had short Covid, Alpha, Beta or an other letter ?
Hahahaha ??
Good on you. Then, are you pals with Whitty?
Never met him but have met Patrick Vallance, is that relevant
What makes you think SOI is pals with Whitty?
Are you pals with Grassy Knollington?
There’s a good few around here who are friends with Grassy Knollington. In fact, are Grassy Knollington.
I meant, let him get a good cunting then! It’s overdue 😀
It seems as though there are a number of these science types who have emerged into the spotlight and enjoy being famous.
As they are very clever it has dawned on them that in order to stay famous they must haunt us forever with the Next Mutation and how completely dreadful it will certainly be.
They might be scientists but they are also human.
Maybe there are groupies?
Or a government grant pending?
Look at that uber-cunt Fauci in America, that guy has had more airtime than Joe Biden in the past two years. He has had a gleeful vibe about him from day one, he’s loving it, he gets hard over viruses, absolute creep.
Speaking as a scientist, what makes you think we are human ?
A lot of $cientists went to Epstein island, it wasn’t just showbiz cunts.
A lot of $cientists went to Epstein island, it wasn’t just showbiz cunts.
YES! I’m baffled at how deep the Epstein rabbit-hole goes. It’s utterly depressing that Epstein’s masters are still at large.
The Epstein-Maxwell scandal is one of the biggest scandals in history and there hasn’t been any justice done outside of Maxwell going to prison. And the island is now up for sale for $125 million. Isn’t it a crime scene? Who went there? The FBI seized evidence from the island, so what was that evidence – sex videos? The media are acting like the Epstein scandal is all over now. Is it fuck. That’s how it works these days, when a certain type of scandal comes along, a new scandal, a less shocking scandal replaces it in the public consciousness. Wag the dog.
Maxwell is probably safer in prison that’s why. Epstein was also working with the Israeli secret service. He had dirt on just about every powerful person that went there and engaged in depravity. I’m sure there still exist many islands like that. 🙁
Government grant probably – ought to spend some of it on a presentation skills course (if this cunt worked for a business you wouldn’t let him near any customers never mind go on national TV FFS!).
CPT Beany scaring more lockdowns putting us further into debt and more taxes for their own payrises. Goodo!
“Smithers!, fetch me my cow pox inoculation serum, I’ll need it for my future plague”
This fucker reminds me of Mr Burns, but is far more sinister as he’s actually real life cunt!!!
He’s obviously not getting a lot of takers for his after dinner speaking gig so needs to get himself back in the limelight. Wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t had the jibjab. A face you would instantly distrust and would never tire of slapping. Where’s William Smith?
The cunt should be strung up with barbed wire along with his pocket lining mates Van Tam, Ferguson and Harries, lying scaremongering filth.
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help you!”
Physician, heal thyself!
Or here’s a better idea.
For all the damage they have caused to the country – let’s give the two fuckers a knighthood …
Oh, fuck me … we have !!!!!!!!!!1
I readily admit to being shit scared of covid two years ago. It hospitalised my brother for a week and we though we were going to lose him. He’s still not totally fixed, dodgy lungs. Now were fully vaccinated, I’ve had three. I did catch covid myself recently and I was concerned because I have asthma and I’d had a heart attack in 2018. I dealt with it easily, I’ve had worse colds. I was listening to the news this morning and schools are still struggling because teachers ring in with covid symptoms and can’t come to work. I thought the official stance was just to get on with life now. Teachers are cunts but that’s another thread.
The requirement to self isolate is no longer mandatory but the advice is not to work if you have symptoms.
It depends how people feel, if they too I’ll to work then why would you struggle in just be called a cunt.
I saw something on the news that 9, yes 9 more symptoms have been added to the original list. I think one could have been excessive wanking ?
Plenty of time for onanism whilst resting on the settee because you’re off with a cough!
Whatever happened to the petition to the international criminal court for crimes against humanity that named thus cunt along with Boris, and Fauci.
By the way the latter cunt disappeared for weeks after Vlad did his thing but now he’s back touting the same fear porn as Whitty. Hmm, could it be coordinated like everything else about the scamdemic?
But coordinated from where? My money is on Davos.
Yes! There’s a separate place in hell for Shwab, the fucking gorgoyle!
I’m sick to death of this fucking fortune telling in every aspect of life nowadays. What MIGHT happen. Why don’t we deal with it when something DOES happen. I want to knob Jennifer Lawrence, see Sheffield United win the Premier League and have a two handicap at golf. That MIGHT happen. Like fuck it will but I don’t muse about it every fucking day.
If you had to choose one, which would it be ?
Got to Jennifer, Sick if it. Always Jennifer ?
Hehe, but she could turn out to be a right disappointment and you would miss out on your 2 handicap ?
I don’t play golf or have any affection for Sheffield United so it would be Jennifer for me ?
Every man has a wish. Just let your imagination take you there. Nothing wrong with that I’ve even fucked ladies thinking of someone else before. Dark some might say, I’d prefer my pekker to be in a warm cove. After all it’s better than fucking the sofa with a plastic bag in the middle lubed up with Olive Oil. Chin chin.
My missus says Chris Whitty gives her the horn. Can’t complain really as Analise Dodds gives me a bone.
Stay where you are, the white van is on its way ?
That’s clearly a Racist remark! WHITE van indeed…
Aah, but you can’t say BLACK van either…or TRANS-it van.
And men in WHITE coats ?
Whitty is doing has job. You would expect him to be cautious. There are far bigger cunts out there. Rather him than the rabid anti-vax halfwits.
I’m a rabid anti-vax half wit. I’ve not had covid or been tested positive a single time in 2 years. I live with 8 people who are all vaxxed and have had covid at least 3 times. I’ll go by own experience!
Very unlikely.
According to ISAC’s resident Grassy Knollington, there is no fucking virus, it’s all statistical manipulation, propaganda, and outright fraud.
My reason for not taking the vaccine is because i think you can prevent an ilness like ‘covid’ with proper nutrition and supplementation and also because i do not trust big pharma.
A new strain was definitely identified. How persistent this one has been compared to other coronaviruses makes The gain-of-funtion lab-leak theory very plausible.
I’m certainly not anti-vax myself. I think you have to do what you consider might be good for yourself – ‘cos you getting vaxed certainly isn’t going to help anyone else! That’s why I have had three of them. But I have already resolved that they can stick this “fourth one” right up their arse.
But at least the anti-vaxer haven’t helped shaft the country.
Aaarrrgghhhh…fucking chinkyflu squabbling AGAIN on ISAC…fuck’s sake….
I know what you mean Thomas, should be a haven away from that site where we can debate ephemera like holding in farts and deep philosophical issues like why is Katie Price such a cunt.
This nom is itself a cunt. Does that make it a meta-cunt?
That shite, fucking phone.
I’d rather go down on Harriet Harman than talk about pissing Covid again.
Hopefully there’ll be another nom before dinnertime.
Please Admin?! Even one that’s really boring.
Katie Price has been pulled over by the polis. It seems her tits were not up to adequate pressure, and her arse is a dangerous remould, wires showing through…
Yes enough of this cunt trying to dictate our lives! If you think you’ve got ‘Covid’ stay the fuck home and sweat it out like you would with the flu you’ll be fine in 3 days. 6 million people had it this week (we cant say for sure if all had it because the lateral flow test isn’t a sure fire way of detecting it. It can give you a positive for flu as well.
So enough with lock downs! We have to live with covid.
I have less of a problem with Whitty than I did with Ferguson or van Tam who told us masks weren’t necessary back in April 2020, but only because the NHS didn’t have any.
As soon as that transport plane arrived from Turkey and the brave COVID warriors had their PPE, masks were suddenly mandatory.
That’s why so many are fed up with this dogshit; the SAGE crew pretend they’re following ‘science’, but at every turn they’re shown up by evidence to the contrary.
PS, i’ve had 4 doses of vaccine because of a health issue, so not an anti-vaxxer, but i didn’t bother banging pans with spoons every thursday, either.
I had thought Whitty had returned to Zeta Reticuli a while ago.
As far as i am concerned he is part of the establishment plot against us.,therefore he is an enemy of the people. Citizen..! prepare the Guillotine !
Hear hear!
Fuck me – Boris has actually grown a testicle!
I saw this elsewhere RTC and assumed it must be fake news!
‘…grown a testicle.’ Very apt!
Bloody hell, Carrie must have removed the control chip!
May elections coming up-the motherfucker will do a complete 180 in June?
This cunt is fucking me right off – just adding to fear. People are only beginning to feel normal now about themselves and now cunt Pucunt decides to invade another country which is going to have an effect on us financially.
Oh, and NI contributions have gone up,
And fuel
And food
But that’s OK – Rishi has donated over £100K to Wincunter school where he used to play soggy biscuit while his dorm master spanked him with a Cat O’9 tails whip. Then there’s his cunty daki wife whose family allegedly do (or did) business in Russia, worth over £300M is the slag – fuck of all of you.
Fuck any future lockdown, it’s all about me now.
Rishi Sunak is a total arse right now.
It’s Flu rebranded. The damage lockdowns and other restrictions have caused far outweigh the damage caused by Covid.
Flu fills the hospital’s with vulnerable people every year and it’s going to get worse because we are so overpopulated.
I think Whitty and Vallance should be made accountable for their scare mongering then the Cunts might choose their words more carefully in future.
Like Ruff said , if your concerned just get vaccinated and get on with your life.
Spot on.
Spot on … Right on.
Van Tam has already fucked off out of it – sinking ship and all that. But Whitty will still continue to spout the crap that he does, ‘cos they ain’t going to take that knighthood back, are they?
Because of this cunt we now play spot the cunt in a face nappy. It’s abbreviated to Spot the Cunt of course.
1 point for a standard in shop wearing cunt
2 points for a car park wearing cunt
3 points for an in car wearing cunt
5 points for a fresh air walking cunt
All scores doubled for a couple of cunts
A new TV Game Show beckons?
Britain’s got COVID
COVID on ice
Strictly COVID dancing
COVID Street
SAS: Who Dares Catches COVID
9 Out of 10 Cats prefer COVID
@ACM. It drives me bonkers seeing cunts wearing them, and I wish it didn’t, as it shouldn’t be any of my business.
I’ve bought a T shirt with sheep wearing masks, and weather permitting, have it on display given the opportunity.
I’ve known several people who have had health problems due to mask wearing.
Every now and again, I can’t help myself saying “ you gonna wear that for the rest of your life “ as it’s never going away anytime soon. Boils my piss to solar flare proportions.
Outdoor mask wearers who think it protects them from Covid are definitely cunts.
However, they’re still a distant second conpared to cuntish English football clubs who continue to coerce their players into kneeling in memory of a dead American criminal scumbag cunt.
I hate them. They make my face itch and steam up my glasses.
I would like to second what Herman said about outdoor mask wearers.
Also, outdoor mask wearers who think they’re protecting others from Covid are cunts too.
In fact outdoor mask wearers are cunts full stop.
Mind you, some may simply be delusional. I give them the benefit of the doubt, especially if they’re so old they’re almost dead.
Some poor old dear had really let Whitty and co. get to her. She was in the supermarket yesterday with a cloth mask on (useless), a face visor (useless) and rubber gloves ffs.
Unkle Terry’s oven and pronto!
All 3?
That’s Covid equivalent of a 180 in darts.
Deduct minus points for discarding your mask in the street!
After all this time, I saw a flipping face mask discarded in the car park at my local village Co-Op; that was about a week ago or so, maybe 10 days ago. There’s even a bin outside the shop.
I had a hospital appointment a few weeks ago. I wore my FFP3 filter mask as it has worked pretty well so far in shops. The bint at the reception desk wanted me to take it off and put one of the cheap old face nappies on.
stupid jobsworth cunt.
Send him to the oven please Unkle.He is a shit weasel of the highest order
Chris whitty is my hero.
He saved the world.
Hes got it all,
Good looks
Dazzling personality
Suave and urbane
And was great as ET.
These fuckin tinfoil whacko cunts disparaging him should be ashamed.
I wear a mask at all times even in bed.
If chris says do it I fuckin jump to it.
The Express seem to be channelling the National Enquirer and then some; what a horrible outfit they are, touting a snippet and exaggerating it for their own benefit. Sick and tired of hearing ‘could’, ‘warn’ and ‘expert predicts’.
Anyway, yes Chris Whitty is a cunt, at least for over-egging Omicron, if nothing else. He presented a completely unlikely scenario. We all watched his last shitty slide show and most of us thought, yeah but, no but, South Africa data contradicts you, what are you on about you daft cunt?! There’s a raft of media cunts who did nothing to question him, and not just on that occasion. Not one official govt. cunt ever mentioned looking after your weight, mineral or vitamin levels either, just wanged on about lockdowns, social distancing and masks. Well we all remember how it panned out and what they said.
Anyone who thinks lockdowns were a good idea for the level of threat we faced, needs a good hiding. An article that might change your mind.
Alright, might be different if we were facing the circulation of an uber-strong MERs that had been combined with Ebola (Merbola?) in a lab, far, far away, paid for by USA and the French, mainly the USA, er, for research purposes….
Doubtless in 2023 when the trials are over a lot of facts will come to light and a lot more be hidden,fudged and blamed on computer error.
Says it all – doesn’t it?
What boils my piss more than the disaster of the last two years itself, is the fact that no fucker will ever be held accountable for it.
In fact, as I said, let’s spray a few more knighthoods around!!!!!!!!!
Tories proposed shit continuously and Labour voted in favour of the shit continuously. Cunts, all of them. I will never forget.
None of the above/ruin ballot next time for me.
It carries on for as long as the weak keep tugging their forelocks. Turn back the clock to 1939 then, fast forward to today, sprechen sie Deutsche?
Alien Whitty. Van Tam, Ferguson all should have the shit kicked out them on a regular basis, these cunts will be responsible for more deaths the batflu has caused, the fucking set of CUNTS
Dame Chris was very good in The Lady Vanishes.
I wish the balloon-headed twat would.