Sadiq Khan [34]

As the Ukraine crisis staggers from bad to worse, it’s good to be able to report some re-assuring news from esteemed London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

According to shortarse Khant, London is ‘well prepared’ should Mad Bad Vlad go full on loony and decide to launch a nuclear strike on the nation’s capital. A spokesparrot for Citizen Khunt trilled ‘London has a resilient system in place to ensure that key agencies work closely and effectively together to keep us all safe’.

‘Keep us all safe?’. Is this really supposed to offer comfort to the populace? This is nothing but mealy-mouthed, empty rhetoric which counts for fuck all, given that there is no meaningful response possible in the event of a hot war armageddon. Nuclear strike? Khunt can’t even deal with a tube strike.

So in the complete absence of any practical advice from bus driver’s son made good Sadiq, here is the simple, Knee three point action plan for every citizen to follow in the event that it all kicks off;

1. locate the nearest table and get under it
2. squat down and push your head as far as possible between your knees
3. kiss your ass goodbye.

Nice one Sadiq old son. You dropped the big one there. Bollock, that is.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

84 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan [34]

  1. Muslim prayer is basically, “duck and cover” so they have a head-start on us kafirs when Vlad drops the big one!

  2. That’s rich, the cunt can’t keep people safe now let alone if the Ruskies turn up.

  3. Save London ? Fuck off. London died decades ago. Let Vlad do what the fuck he likes with the worlds greatest shithole !

  4. He is definitely a cunt for that announcement alone. I’m one of those prepper types. I’ve got my own plan, should it kick off. I’m going to climb inside Flabbots cavernous clopper. Of course I will still need an NBC mask, because of the horrendous stench, oxygen, and taking advice from Fiddler, tins and tins of Frey Bentos pies.

  5. Suckdeep bud bud, ding ding, £2.00 should be ashamed of his heritage with Pakistan abstaining from the UN (fat lot of good they are) vote the other day – in fact most raggy head counties did with Syria against it – next time these cunts want our help they can fuck off.

    Wish this little pug faced prick would fuck and be mayor for somewhere far away near where his family are originally from.

    We’re just getting of COVID and this kind of rhetoric is not helpful.

  6. In the event of a Russian invasion, Citizen Kunt was going to issue all Londonistaners with pea shooters and water pistols, after appropriate Health & Safety training in the safe use of these potentially lethal weapons. Available in all colours to suit the race with which the user identifies, and rainbow coloured ones for the limp wristed and carpet eaters.
    Anyway, that was the plan, but Citizen Kunt has had a rethink and decided that the use of weapons against invading Russians would be an act of racism. Therefore all peashooters and water pistols have been banned forthwith.
    Instead Londonistaners will now defend themselves by holding candlelit vigils, hugging each other and singing ‘Kumbaya my Lord’.

      • Sorry Ron, my mistake.
        My own preferred pronoun is ‘Cunt’, which I imagine is shared by pretty well everyone on here.
        Spot on cunting, by the way.

  7. A thermonuclear strike on London doesn’t sound too bad at all.
    Hopefully it will raise the shithole to the ground so we can start again.
    Unfortunately it will probably fill up again with multitudes of dark-keys arriving by dinghys declaring “I are the Ukraniest”.

  8. What he means by “well prepared” is his own underground, Suckdick anti nuclear bunker. Just enough room for Suckdick and Suckdick’s Peaceful family. All paid for by the taxpayer obviously.
    I doubt if Vlad is going to fuck us over here in Londonstabistan anyway. The Ruskies already own half the city… don’t shit on your own doorstep do you?

  9. I remember the good old days in London when we had “nuclear free zones” Harringay springs to mind . So a nuclear strike wouldn’t even work. Clever chaps those Labour loons.

    • We had a few in the North East as well, Smugcunt.
      Labour councils keeping their citizens safe by declaring a ‘nuclear free zone’. If only the civic leaders of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had done the same.

      • Likewise in Feicester. Presumably the nukes would read the road signs, (not in Russian!), turn on a sixpence, and bugger off elsewhere…

  10. If Putin ever had designs on Britain, Kahn would become one of his most ardent informers. It is interesting in Ukraine the first people to take to the hills and flee to Poland were the dark keys and Paki’s.

    I don’t think his advice on anything would be worth listening to – especially if you were a white mail.

    • Two weeks before the Russians moved in all the advice for various governments was for foreign nationals to get out.

      The Blicks and P’s who are crying about discrimination init should have got out before the bullets started flying.
      You can bet your life that when these cunts arrive in Poland they won’t be heading back to their homelands.
      I wonder how many soots and Stanleys end up in the UK fleeing the war in the Ukraine ?

  11. London is well prepared for

    Drug dealing
    Knife crime
    Illegal immigrants

    Well prepared, the slimy cunt, it’s a shithole and getting worse year on year.

  12. He really is incredibly stupid, but consider his audience.

    If he tells them everything will be OK, two things happen. 1) They’ll think he’s even more great than they did before, thus boosting the cunt’s ego. 2) They’ll believe him, thus boosting the cunt’s ego.

    Still, content yourself in the knowledge that a direct nuclear strike on London will result in zero white casualties.

      • Indeed, MC.

        Putin could always nuke Mexico where there’d be zero casualties because all the Mexicans live in the US.

    • Well there is me – but I fear if they hit the spouse the blubber would engulf the whole of NW5. If it were a 1939/1940 sort of war, I would gladly volunteer her to be Kentish Town’s barrage balloon.

  13. Well prepared .. ok, so enough BBQ sauce to coat everyone and his goat? Is a nuke air burst even halal? Just Heat, check this box for extra crispy, delivery almost instant. Sadick you cunt.

  14. That header pic looks like the album cover to Boston’s debut album.

    So the basic common sense idea of maintaining the strongest military you can muster, and allowing the people to be well armed is a quaint and outdated concept?
    Cunts ruin everything. More than a Feeling.

  15. Personally I’d like a bit of meat on the bone to what exactly these ‘key agencies’ are going to do ‘to keep us all safe’.
    We won’t need any candlelight vigils either, if a trillion candlepower hot one lights the place up.

    • At least no cunt will be moaning about heating their homes when it’s 20,000 degrees Celsius outside.

    • Well Ron, what the little goatshagging gnome doesn’t realise is politicians figure incredibly low on the list of vital personnel to be crammed into the bunker.

      Telecoms engineers
      Sanitation engineers
      Electrical engineers
      Mechanical engineers
      Nurses etc.

      All of these are the first through the bunker door once the three minute warning sounds.

      Useless, smelly, incompetent, vote rigging parking Stanley pieces of shit will be asked to wait fifteen minutes after the glowing mushroom has appeared before being allowed to knock politely on the bunker door to enquire if there is any spare seats.

      • Odin, do you know where your nearest shelter is?
        I do, but I won’t be going there.
        I’d rather die. Also, perhaps the radiation might briefly stop the fucking pain.
        A final, pain-free micromoment, what bliss.

      • As far as a seat for Khunt, the only thing I’d offer him would be the opportunity of being a commode bucket.

  16. A bit like knowing your mate is completely innocent of a crime but saying, “Don’t worry too much. If you get the electric chair, it’s all over inside 2 minutes. And they get your body to the mortuary afterwards really quickly too. You get a police motorcade and everything.”

    What a fucking stupid twat.

    At least it’ll stop him going on about transgender bathrooms for five minutes, when his short smelly arse is turned into glass.

  17. I’ve noticed these tendencies with the libtards and the MSM.
    They blithely discuss nuclear war as if it’s a passing shower.
    Alleged journalists ask Ukrainian civilians “Are you going to get a gun and fight?” in the same manner as asking for 2 sugars in a brew.

    They are all totally fucking clueless and happy to be so,handsomely rewarded for their laughable attempts at attempting anything at all.

    Khan is the vanguard of a fifth column of p.Aki dross that will end up running the show.

    Just as the brown rats gain the ascendancy would be the perfect moment for the nukes to rain down.

    Set of mewling cunts.

    • Thermonuclear radiation mutation?
      Cor blimey,
      I miss the old days,
      Getting stabbed off dark keys,
      Luvverly it was.
      Could leave yer door open,
      Sadiq Khan?
      Always good to his dear old mum he was.

    • I wouldn’t be worried about anything. I’d be dead.

      But let’s parse that emollient bunch of bollocks truthfully.

      For ‘London has a resilient system in place to ensure that key agencies work closely and effectively together to keep us all safe’…please read, ‘We’re reopening the Cold War bunkers to ensure that publicly-funded management grades (only) have a chance of surviving to perpetuate their incompetence indefinitely.’

      I wonder what they expect to emerge into.

      • You make the most significant statement of fact in this thread Komodo. The history of Europe until 1945 was a blood bath. The reason it has been relatively quiet in western Europe since then has been nuclear weapons. Following the demonstrations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki the politicians realised that the old days where they sent millions of young men from the “lower” social orders to fight and die in trenches on their behalf were over. They became painfully aware that if they arranged all out war amongst the major military powers in the future they could survive in their deep holes but when they surfaced they would be back in the stone age. Nukes; the greatest social leveller since the motor car.

  18. I don’t reckon it’ll be much different if Stabistan gets nuked He’ll be like the Omega man living in his fancy flat surrounded by mutants.

  19. For Gen Z and millennial knob ends they will only want to know “Will I still be able to watch Netflix and get Deliveroo?”.

    • Can you imagine the horror!
      The blue screen of death!
      The ” no service”
      The screaming, and sobbing!

  20. If the nukes fly your fate will either be: instant incineration; death a short time later from burns and gamma rays; lingering death from plutonium poisoning, or (if you have access to a deep bunker with filtered air) death caused by the knock on effects of a nuclear winter that will last for years.

    Even the sons of bus drivers won’t be able to dodge it…

    Hopefully, it won’t come to this although, to paraphrase a comment from another forum: “it’s especially worrying when the US President is a senile, demented half wit and the U.K. Prime Minister is more suited to being the arse end of a pantomime horse!”

    • Ive heard that the Gamma blast sterilises you instantly. No more reproduction. The Dark Keys don’t know of this trick, but if whitey wraps his nuts in tin foil, we can save our nuts and breed like fuck!

      Howz about that then?

  21. Suckdick is a total cunt. London would be a glowing pile of glassy rubble. The same as it would have been if the Cold War had gone hot. What planet is this cunt on? To the best of my knowledge we have no civil defence, the shelters that exist are for civil servants and cunty mps, the rest which have passed into private ownership are marijuana farms or server farms. The citizens of London will suffer the full effect of a nuclear strike with basically not even the minimum of protection or support. The only good thing about such a nasty scenario is we do not possess sufficient numbers of forces personnel to secure the London area as everybody tries to fuck off to the country if we get enough warning. In Cold War days if such a situation arose all road and rail etc would be controlled, movement restricted

  22. “We have made plans, got places to wait it out, plenty of fine food and wines for us should the terrible happen – (more than likely from the savages in Pakistan and Iraq as opposed to the homo Hussar) rest assured we will be doing just fine and fuck the rest of you, we will keep some servants in a hole to wait on us – the fact they are 12 year old white girls from working class areas is, er, completely coincidental – what preposterous fool thought WE would be doing anything for ourselves?
    Anyway, pip pip and go fuck yourselves – we are politicians and you are nothing.
    Yours, smugly, Sadiq Khan”.

  23. ‘Key agencies’? Like what? Someone to hand out new iPhones to Community Leaders after the electromagnetic pulse wipes them all out?
    And maybe people to organise a leaflet campaign against the Nuclear Bombers?
    Total Waste of Space Arsehole.

  24. As someone who lives about 20 miles from London ( not fortunately in it), it’s comforting to know that Suckdick is there to prevent a nuclear catastrophe. I can sleep easier tonight.

  25. Am I the only person who thinks that the so called leaders, from A grade Putin to Z lister Khan, are certifiably insane?

    • It’s one of the two essential qualifications for the job JP, the other being a grasping, greedy, amoral shithouse.

  26. This is the cunt who declared a ” major incident ” in December,what would he declare a nuclear strike as ?. Cunt’s on my list, a long way down, but he’s on it.

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