People who make meat-free food. I dont mind veggies/vegans that much when they dont claim to be better than me because I eat meat. You want a fruit/veg diet, thats fine. But why are we pandering to them by making meat-free bacon and sausages, and dairy-free cheese? If you want bacon, sausages and cheese then dont be vegan, dont make us produce this horrible fake shit. Oh, it tastes the same. Um, no, it doesnt mate! Now, fast food places are making meat-free burgers and stuff. I go to mcdonalds (not fucking maccy d’s) specifically FOR a burger, not for a veggie meal! Lets stop pandering to these nob-ends and just tell them to go eat a fucking carrot!
Nominated by ElDiablo666
Eat meat, don’t eat meat – it’s your choice. But don’t base your whole fucking personality on what’s on your dinner plate.
Alot of vegetarian food, even vegan food, is very good if prepared from fresh ingredients.These crappy substitute are the equivalent of turkey twislers – processed white full of salt and chemicals.
Fuck them
Not sure I am on board with this cunting. I work with a vegan and he is good natured about others eating meat. He misses a pork pie and fish and chips.
If the meat free alternative brings joy and some compensation then I can’t see why it is worthy of a cunting. I wonder what our own Capn makes of this.
Shite not white.
Steve Jobs can suck my balls.
I don’t think it’s any worse than the people who continually whine on about animal cruelty and yet continue to eat meat or use animal byproducts . There will always be something inherently “cruel” about exploiting animals for Human benefit….and don’t get me started on people who hold animals captive to fill their need for companionship.
The only way to end all animal suffering is to ban the fucking lot of them.
That’s no way to talk about my wife – how dare you suggest I’m holding her captive?! You’re an upstart, sir!
I can’t think of anything worse than being a vegan.
Never mind the complete lack of steak eggs sausages black pudding and pork pies the fact that it’s being sold as good for the planet and on the agenda of every woke mouthpiece is enough for me.
What the fuck would be on the weekend fry up? Fried lettuce?
Fuck off.
Drown the cunts in beef dripping.
I thank you sir. The woke part was going to be added into this cunting, but I couldnt write it without a lot of swearing and insults.
The food industry is missing a trick here. Why haven’t they come up with vegetable-free vegetables, made entirely from animal products? Convert roast beef into a lovely succulent turnip-free turnip for example. They’d be on to a winner.
I enjoy a plate of sausages accompanied with Linda McCartney sausages as the vegetables.
After seeing an advert for some “plant based” shit, I can see it causes deviancy and acts of sickening transwaffle!
(I’ve written a cunting about it, hope it will appear soon admin)
Personally, I couldn’t give a shit if they want to eat fake bacon or whatever, it’s like the gayness; if it’s your thing, feel free to crack on, just don’t keep rattling on about it.
Mrs Gusset is a life long vegetarian, she eats her veggie stuff but happily cooks me steak, sausages, bacon chicken etc. I eat some lovely veggie meals too – live & let live, I say.
Mind you, she tried some vegan cheese once – nearly threw up, so I’ll agree with the nom in the respect that a lot of it doesn’t taste the same.
Meat free meat, dairy free milk, woman with bollocks are all the same lies. Its not meat or milk or a woman. Wankers.
You cant beat a Quorn sausage on the barbecue. Tates like scorched cardboard but still better than those textureless frankfurter atrocities.
I’m allergic to Quorn. My throat swelled up and I ended up in A&E. But I gave it a go.
I like Quorn sausages too but my arse swelled up…….. I guess I must be allergic them……. and cucumbers, bananas, aubergines and marrows.
My ex-wife is vegan. She eats Quorn. I tried a few styles of Quorn and all tasted awful. She is also an animal rights militant. She keeps (or kept, they eventually went to the Great Kennel in the sky) large breed dogs in her semi-detached home. Breeds that require a bloody good canter preferably over a large field. the hind quarters went on every animal. The numerous cats she keeps live in appalling conditions. I left her, and am left with the impression that she assumes there is something morally great about her pet mistreatment. I never saw it myself. I am very glad I left her too.
If synthetic meat was marketed and labelled accurately then consumers would be faced with “Plant based synthetic meat-like textured Casserole” or “Mock Meat Cutlets” and “Fake Bacon”. Sales would drop like a stone. Invoking the Trades Description Act would destroy the market for synthetic meat overnight.
We had a similarly honest butcher. He used to market his beef mince as “mangled cattle”.
Fake goods. They should be prosecuted.
Counterfeit chicken or sausage should be treated like counterfeit handbags or sportswear.
The names chicken and sausage have already been taken. these things need a different name altogether – how about Trans-Chicken or Trans-Sausage.
Essentially not scientifically what they are trying to be.
My sticky-toffee pudding can identify as a sunday roast, but it isn’t one
It’s a tactic of lefty activists everywhere to redefine language for their own terms. When you see it happening you know they’re up to no good.
I mentioned this yesterday. Transgender, used to be transsexual. And now, on forms, its not name age sex, its name age gender. Fuck that shit. Male or female is all there is.
To be fair, plant-based meat substitutes already have to be labelled up correctly. That’s why vegan cheese is called “sheese” (I think it’s a portmanteau of soy cheese)
At a large shopping area in a neighbouring suburb (Chatswood for anybody who knows Sydney) I was approached by two vegans, a woman and a man. The woman gave me a lecture about the evils of capitalism, the meat industry, animal cruelty and the horrors of abattoirs . The man appeared to be just tagging along with her probably trying to get his end wet. She spent 10 minutes giving me her spiel then the man said to the her: “c’mon! He’s not a vegan!” Good Lord I never once claimed I was. Any rate I replied: “you need a bra, mate” because he had a fair set of jugs on him. Probably all the soy. Apparently it does that.
I thought that Chatswood was now officially called Chinkswood….!
Eat what you fuckin’ like for whatever reason you want. Don’t lecture about it tho’ … especially that saving the planet bollocks … you wanna do that then get on the ‘depopulate the planet’ message … sort out a bunch of issues in short order. Cunts …
Round the cunts up, give thdm a choice: eat meat like we’re supposed to or we shoot you. Killing a bunch of them solves a lot of issues. But it does create ‘veggie martyrs’.
No different to non alcohol beer or gin. Total waste of time and money. Just drink water.
My reply to this somehow ended up at the bottom of the page. Weird.
I saw an article in a paper about the latest addition to the fake milk market.
You can now, apparently, buy potato milk!
@JP. I’ve known about it for years, I milk my spuds daily.
“Tatty water”- a northern expression for the sperm free ejaculate of pre pubescent boys, limp wristed types and “soy boys”?
How about a steak masquerading as a vegan steak masquerading as a steak.
You do go to McDonalds to eat meat but the question is, what kind of meat?
Horse? Dog? Chav? I would imagine their fake meat is the more palatable option?
ewwwww, I wouldn’t go near those low class places if you paid me by the hour, nasty greasy places full of greasy low life people.
I dont go for the meat, I go to my local McDonalds because two of the girls working there are quite beautiful.
McDonalds been doing this veggie shit for a while. Buy your kid a happy meal, and you can exchange the chips for carrot sticks or fruit. Stupid. Chips are good for you anyway.
I can never understand how they get away with marketing this shit. Meat free bacon isn’t bacon is it? It’s probably some reformed fungi with a lab manufactured flavouring added, yet they are free to market using the word bacon. If I tried to advertise a vegetable free ratatouille there’d be fucking uproar and advertising standards would fuck me up the arse a bit smartish.
Totally agree Field Marshal. When I was marooned in Lincolnshire for 15 years about the only I enjoyed about living there were their own sausages which are described as, “a distinctive variety of sage-flavoured pork sausage”. I see you can now get “vegetarian” Lincolnshire sausages for fucks sake. How the fuck can they be called Lincolnshire sausages without the pork?
True. A lincolnshire sausage is always pork, and always should be.
I saw a TV programme the other day where the presenter visited a lab where actual meat was being grown there. I will not pretend I understood the process. A piece of chicken grown in this fashion was passed to the presenter to try and he said it could only be distinguished from regular chicken by having a slightly different texture. The manufacturer was hoping to expand the business rapidly but at the moment, it was a slow and expensive process. I suppose it deals with the aspect of slaughtering animals but I found it a fucking terrifying prospect and wouldn’t go anywhere near it.
Ah, the world of synthetic meats. Ive seen similar things. Its too expensive at the moment, and doesnt taste the same. Theres also no meat in it, so its a veggie idea. Its designed to help with drastic food shortages, but it isnt cost effective.
I think they grow it from stem-cell cultures but I might be wrong. Sounds disgusting though. I think I’ll just stick with the old fashioned real meat.
There is some genuinely good vegetarian stuff available but Quorn ain’t one of them. A couple of years ago I thought I’d try some Quorn mince and my wife made a Bolognaise with it. It wasn’t bad from a taste point of view but I hated the texture so much I threw it away and won’t be buying Quorn anything again. On the other hand I made some amazing veggie burgers from scratch a few weeks ago. Great texture, filling, full of flavour, we both preferred them to beef, although we normally have turkey.
My missus used quorn mince for a while. I fucking hate it. It has a texture like the polystyrene balls from a bean bag.
How do you know the texture of polystyrene balls?
Quorn is ‘made’ from slime-moulds – rather low-end fungi. What I find amusing is that fungi are now considered to be nearer the animal kingdom than the vegetable one. So how is it vegan?
But there are now some burger-like offerings made from pea protein, which are not trying to simulate meat and thus are quite pleasant.
Carrots dont die until you eat them, your stomach acid kills them. So Mr Veggie ‘I dont eat living things’ cant eat them.
I think that slime moulds are prokaryotes which act as eukaryotes in that they seem to join together and display basic forms of sensory awareness, pattern recognition and learning behaviour but that hardly makes them “close to the animal kingdom” because most of what makes an animal an animal are certain physical characteristics, not behavioural ones. Although I may be wrong.
Thank you for spelling bolognaise right. Surely meat, or meat substitutes, arent necessary for this meal. Though I put minced beef in mine, and I make it spicy like a chilli.
I stopped eating bits of dead animals about 5 years ago, just didn’t fancy it anymore. For the previous 50 or so years I enjoyed burgers, bacon sandwiches, porkpies, kebabs etc so why can’t I still enjoy something similar? I can honestly say I enjoy the majority of the meat free alternatives (some of the burgers are excellent!). I don’t class myself as a vegetarian or vegan, they’re smelly unwashed leftie types.I am a meat minimalist – I eat what I want and it’s none of anyone’s business. So there!
And that’s great, but most people aren’t like you, a vegan can’t wait to tell you, even though I couldn’t give a flying fuck what they eat.
To be fair, some of the anti meat free comments on here are every bit as narrow minded and ignorant as those spouted by your average vegan!
People are cunts, whattya gonna do.
I dont hate veggies/vegans, I just hate the cunty ones. ”I’m better than you because I dont eat meat’ – no you aint, fuckface.
OT but caught a bit of the winter Olympics the other day on BBC.
Box ticking overload. Presenters were a disabled bloke, a dark key woman and a rug muncher. The dark key lady was ‘tawkin’ like ‘dat Alex Scott innit’.
‘If you wuz watchin on BBC wahn just nah, youda sin a possible upset on da card.’
I was half expectin’ a ‘booyakasha!’ at some point.
She talks like she’s presenting a kids television show too. Fucking ridiculous.
I’m just appalled that they haven’t got a vegan mid g et homosexualist aboriginie with a stammer and horrific tourettes presenting, the ghastly fascists.
“Check it! We iz ‘ere at the ‘Lympics in China, dig it! Now sum people been sayin’ dat the ‘Lympics shouldn’t be held in China, coz they h’invented Covid-19 and totally fucked up the world for like two years and that. But it ain’t like AIDS, innit? Me mate Dave had an uncle in the 80s who used to go to all dem ‘omosexual orgies doing tonnes of Chaz and suckin’ an’ fuckin’ til sunrise and he never went the ways of Rocky Hudsons, Liberassy or Freddie Starr, so I sees it like, if you iz gonna get it, then you iz gonna get it, right? So rubbers up, Right Said Freds out there and you ain’t be gettin’ diseases and ‘avin’ to take ATM like that geezer in Dallas Cowboys Club! Keep it real.”
Hmmm ? “meat free meat ? “
Sounds like sex free sex.
A woman with a dick isn’t a woman and meat made from fungus isn’t meat.
It’s a matter of accuracy of naming, meat alternative is factual.
Businesses make this “meat free” shit because there’s a market for it, which means there’s money to be made from it. End of.
They make “tobacco free” cigarettes (vapes) on a similar basis.
The free market in operation Minge.
If people want to live on lettuce that’s their choice. What I don’t get is why they then want to eat something made from mould that calls itself the thing they’ve given up. Vegan sausage roll yer arse.
Morning all.
Afternoon Ron?
More and more, the advertisement on YouTube (I don’t watch terrestrial tv), are promoting Veganism.
A huge push at trying to persuade people to change dietary habits.
Habits going back many thousands of years.
The smell of a joint of beef or lamb, cooking in the oven, or bacon frying ???
The only “substitute” that I have enjoyed, is high end vegetarian sausages served with mash and onion gravy.
A family member is a vegetarian, so I have nothing against people’s making lifestyle choices: just don’t force them on others ?
Aye up CG.
My daughter tried to be a veggie for a while because she thought it might be healthier, and I’d watch her trying to eat a ‘bacon’ sandwich with that disgusting phony stuff. She said that it was like trying to eat plastic.
She still tries to avoid meat as much as poss, but eats turkey and the occasional bacon roll. Lifes’s too short, she says.
Don’t understand the fuss. The rules are simple. Animals are to be either left alone or killed and eaten depending on how nice they taste with peppercorn sauce.
Anything else is just being a fucking minge.
Lots of cunters on here taking the live and let live line and the just don’t preach to me about it line.
There are indeed those vegetarians/vegans that just quietly get on with it. The trouble is, to your militant lefty activist vegan this has less to do with food than it does another front in the culture wars. Not only do they not eat meat, they believe you should not either. These people have totalitarian tendencies and do not believe in live and let live. Once every pretext they can dream up to scare, coerce people to change their behavior to what they approve of has failed they move on to outright bans. They’ve tried the ‘meat is bad for you’ health angle and failed, now they are on the ‘meat is causing the climate catastrophe’ bullshit. I took the meat and climate change argument apart in my nom entitled ‘cow farts’ but sadly too many people suck this shit up without question, including Karens like Angela Terry.
The ‘meat is bad for you’ argument is mainly based on the ‘fact’ that saturated fat is toxic for you. This is untrue and is actually a lie that has been propagated for decades by vested interests in the food and pharmaceutical industries who make billions from the lie. For example by selling fake foods made from hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is toxic, then selling drugs to treat the chronic diseases that it causes.
The main proponent of the saturated fat theory was a very flawed man called Ancel Keys who lied by omission about his data.
Question, which contains the most saturated fat? Lard or coconut oil?
Answer, coconut oil, by a long shot, but we don’t demonize coconuts. Nor should we, because there’s nothing unhealthy about saturated fats.
So we can laugh at the militant vegans and spout live and let live but they are deadly serious about it and won’t stop until everyone is eating lichen and beetles in a Sunday. This is the thin end of the wedge (and it ain’t made of cheese).
Excellent post
Superb ?
Dont forget rapeseed oil.
Coconut oil? What about the fucking palm oil they’re contaminating every bloody thing with as a substitute for trans fats? It leaves a nasty, shitty, greasy taste, and, big bonus, the growing of the shit is bad for the environment.
(Double bonus: An as yet unproven link to an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, probably-but not exclusively attributable to the increase in obesity it causes..)
You’re right though, I’ve been a total veggie since early ’83 (last time I ate any fish) but stopped eating meat back in ’76. I still cook all sorts of meaty dishes for the rest of the family and have a mostly ‘each to their own’ attitude to a lot of things, vegans being one exception to that rule.
Even back in the ’70s the vegan brigades were on a mission, and I can’t remember the number of times I’ve had arguments with members of that church militant (and it is a bloody religion to them) firstly at college then later at various jobs over the years…let me put it this way – 39 years a total veggie, never met a vegan I’d call a friend or trust as far as I could spit.
I don’t doubt that there are decent vegans lurking out there, maybe I’ve just been rather exceptionally unlucky in that, in over nearly four decades….and in seven countries, every one I’ve met has been a right nasty pasty faced little fotzenführer.
If I suffered from the illness veganismus ,the last thing that I’d want is to eat something that resembled meat.
I would want my veg to look like veg!
Just another excuse to browbeat and tax people to death.
EVERY FUCKING ADVERT is either “charity” scroungers, gambling, mixed race couples, black people, brown people, anyone but white people or “plant based” shit lying by pretending to be meat – the reduced aisle shelves in all the local supermarkets are overflowing with this foul shit – it costs a fortune and according to my Niece the vegetarian it tastes foul as well.
We are at the end of days, the woke, weak and wet have connived and twisted their way into controlling everything under the lie of “liberalism” (AKA “fascism disguised as morality”) – this is unnatural, the weak DO NOT LEAD in any other area of the animal kingdom and every weak, bloated, lazy tribe or group is destroyed by a more powerful one.
As it always was, as it always should be.
Need some Canadian freedom convoys to start running these fuckers over and transporting them to landfill.
Oi! Vegan! I just killed and ate a cow – it was nicking your dinner!
No need to thank me..
You make an excellent point about veganism being weaponised and used in the ongoing culture war(s).
Like sexuality, gender affirmation, critical race theory etc, etc, etc
Whether we like it or not, we are ALL in a pivotal moment in Human history.
Our actions now, will have ramifications and consequences for generations.
Okay-enough of the serious and depressing shut, on a wet Sunday afternoon.
Anyone got any good old fashioned way-ciiiist or sex-iiiist jokes???
CG@ – A bad man named Shaun Ryder told me this and of course I don’t approve – “What do you tell a Woman with 2 black eyes”?
“Fuck all – you’ve already told her twice”! ?
Dont forget the exercise adverts. Get sick of that fucking Peleton bike.