Meat free ‘meat’ – and the people who make it

People who make meat-free food. I dont mind veggies/vegans that much when they dont claim to be better than me because I eat meat. You want a fruit/veg diet, thats fine. But why are we pandering to them by making meat-free bacon and sausages, and dairy-free cheese? If you want bacon, sausages and cheese then dont be vegan, dont make us produce this horrible fake shit. Oh, it tastes the same. Um, no, it doesnt mate! Now, fast food places are making meat-free burgers and stuff. I go to mcdonalds (not fucking maccy d’s) specifically FOR a burger, not for a veggie meal! Lets stop pandering to these nob-ends and just tell them to go eat a fucking carrot!

Nominated by ElDiablo666

107 thoughts on “Meat free ‘meat’ – and the people who make it

  1. I have learned that in some EU countries ‘vegetarian sausages’ can no longer contain the word SAUSAGE. Same with veggie burgers, bacon, dairy-free cheese… They all are being renamed. For those who swore by saying QUORN, I tried their fake chicken, almost no taste, bit rubbery too. ‘Oh, it tastes like real chicken’. Does it hell. Have the people who make these fake things EVER tasted the real one? Fake bacon is like eating thick greasepaper, fake beefburgers just as bad. And that dairy free cheese is just awful.

  2. Strange thing. I went down the veggie/vegan aisle in a supermarket. I couldnt find a single thing I’d want to eat, even if I was a vegan! I’d jus hit the fruit & veg section, maybe some pasta and rice too, very slimming. Veggie versions of things like bacon, I would just avoid. I’ve never seen anyone buy the shit.

      • ‘Ginger beer was originally an alcoholic brew made from fermenting ginger, sugar, and water, although most commercial ginger beers nowadays are non-alcoholic.

        Ginger ale is a non-alcoholic, sweetened, ginger-flavored soft drink. Ginger beer is stronger-tasting and spicier than ginger ale, but less carbonated.”

      • True. It was originally alcoholic, 2% I believe. But for a long time since then ginger beer was just pop. Now we have both, so I can mix them if I want. I always preferred ginger ale though.

  3. “Meat is murder”. No, murder is one human kills another human, which is what will happen if you keep trying to force me to be a vegetarian. In the words of Brick Top: “Now fuck off!”

  4. Supermarket shelves are heaving with faux meat – all ultra-processed and unhealthy. Fuck these evil fake meat pushers.

    Linda McCuntney invented this shite didn’t she?

  5. Agree with the sentiment. Our supermarket stocks this stuff, but it’s almost totally processed prepacked aetifially enhanced shite. Fuck knows what shit goes into it.

    Have to take issue on the cheeses tho’ as my wife is allergic to dairy. She consumes goat milk and cheese but at least that’s real…

    • That may be caused by the mother. Look at all the things pregnant women are ‘told’ not to eat and drink. Dairy being one. Makes sense to me, drinking milk when pregnant stops your kid having a milk allergy, eating anything with gluten would stop them having to eat gluten-free…

  6. I’ve lived with vegetarians occasionally and just eat what they do. Fruit, veg., nuts, lentils & chick peas, all delicious. None of them ever had anything that looked like meat. Why would they want something that looked like meat? They don’t eat it! My favourite is a parsnip and hazelnut loaf – like a meat loaf but parsnips and hazelnuts. Baked in a metal dish with enough oil to go all crisp on the outside. But steak is also pretty good with mushrooms onion tomato & chips. I’ve never understood why anyone would make stuff that looks like meat but isn’t. Maybe there’s a market for meat products that look like fruit?

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