Boris Johnson’s Critics

Boris Johnson critics are Cunts.

I can’t understand all this shite being thrown at Boris just because of a little social gathering.Everyone knew what they were getting with Boris wen they voted Tory….a character different to the usual boring,staid professional politicians. It isn’t like he had a personality transplant when he became P.M…..he was always a “fly by the seat of your pants” celebrity-type politician who shamelessly plugged into the John Bull/Winston Churchill stereotype.

He is the man who got “Brexit” done and is steering us to the sunny uplands of a Great Britain that will again shit on Johnny Foreigner….and all this while successfully guiding us through the worst health crisis in living history.

Any minor “bumps in the road” are due to underlings who lack The Great Man’s vision and moral compass….personally, I’d tip Nelson’s statue off the top of that column and put Boris there instead.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

151 thoughts on “Boris Johnson’s Critics

  1. I thought Boris was great during his Mayor of London years and a breath of fresh air. Alas, my opinion lately is of a mendacious smug cunt soon for the sword. Shame – I liked him. His critics (James O’Shitehead constantly moaning about BJ), are of course utter cunts!

    • The loudest critics are the fucking Remainers – and of course all the turd burglars in the opposition (and a few on the Tory side) are Remainers. If Starmer really accepts Brexit why is every wanker in is shadow cabinet a Remainer?. Boris has behaved stupidly and ill-advised in much of what he has done – but remember Starmer is the cunts cunt. The man who tried to frustrate Brexit 48 times.

      He looks and sounds dead, but that’s probably the constipation.

      • Three of his loudest critics are Andrew Bridgen, Steve Baker and David Davis, any one of whom would make a far better PM, all genuine Leavers and proper Conservatives, unlike Boris.

      • “…any one of whom would make a far better PM, all genuine Leavers and proper Conservatives,”

        That’s not saying much rhough is it seing as the modern conservatiive (?) party is now by any examination centre-left with even hard left elements to its policies.

  2. Boris stabbed rivals in the back whilst ascending the greasy pole. A man who talks a good game and delivers sweet fuck all. I am unable to think of a single redeeming feature.

    • And now Carrie’s slid down his greasy pole a few times and there’s two more Boris sprogs on this planet.

      • The problem is that Boris is cunt struck and pussy whipped. All of his problems seem to have Carrie writ large all over them. It is her that’s telling him to do fuckk all about the dinghy migrants, her who is telling him to re-wild 300,000 acres when we desperately need every square inch of farming land, her who told him to buy £840 a roll wallpaper when he is stoned broke, her who has produced another 2 sprigs when he can’t afford to educate the 6 he already has. I hope she is a good shag.

  3. Can’t wait to start shitting on Johnny Foreigner. There are so many of them arriving in Kent every day i’m spoilt for choice.

  4. You got to have a thick skin to take the flak he has had to deal with.
    This whole party cake fiasco is an excuse to depose Boris.
    It’s certainly brought the Tories out of the woodwork that can’t stand him.
    Personally i couldn’t give a wank how many lockdown parties he’s been to there are much bigger issues to deal with such as Russia , Covid, NHS and the fucking EU.
    I can’t think of anyone who could replace him.

    • I disagree entirely Fenton. Yes there are bigger issues to deal with but he willingly broke his own rules knowing that ordinary folk were suffering because of them. For that he’s got to go.

      • OC , I agree with you. If he is unable to follow rules endorsed by himself I cannot see Putin regarding him with respect.
        ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick’- that is what is respected.

      • “… I cannot see Putin regarding him with respect.”

        I think what vestige of respect he may once have had evaporated the second his press man dropped that picture of Doris dangling on a fucking zip-wire on his desk! Did he look a total fucking knobend or what with his pisspot little union flags in jis pudgy fists..l. gah! The cunt should have been thrashed like a fucking pinata right there for bringing eternal shame on the Nation.

  5. Lord Fidler has delivered an insightful vision of the inner workings of the brain of Alexander Boris De Fuckwit Johnson.
    Johnson being an “Americanism” for knob😉

    Keir Starmer actually nailed it on, with his little speech yesterday. Holding high office is a privilege, not a birthright.

    Entitled fucking Eton CUNT👎

      • Star we was under instruction from “The Establishment” in that instance.
        Very grateful they were too😉

        Arise, Sir Starmer….

  6. Boris is going to Ukraine to stop World War 3. If I was Vlad i’d send in some Spetsnaz to kidnap the cunt. I would hold him for a couple of days while the world went crazy.
    Then I would let him go saying ….. “this bloke has bored the shit out of me. He’s a fucking wanker, we don’t want him.”
    Go on Vlad. Show us you’ve got a sense of humour. 😁

  7. Vote for shit – get shit.
    Who expected anything else from the head snake of a pit of snakes.
    I have had dealings with politicians and the Westminster machine for years – I have never in my life known such a set of unmitigated bastards in my life and I would cheerfully lock them all in the Palace of Westminster and set the fucking place alight. (Tickets will be available, discount for IAC members obviously! 😀)
    Not to worry though – someone has been going around organising a UK “truckers for freedom” convoy which rolls this Sunday.
    I will be quite clear on this – I want the “Government” brought down and a new election.
    The politicians have made the mistake of angering me.

  8. He presides over fucking chaos. Couldnt manage a fuck up in a brothel. The superior public school twats and mates of his fucking wife in No10 and Whitehall did whatever the fuck they wanted. Fuck the little people.
    It seems he doesnt read half his briefs, leaves stuff lying around for his wife’s mates to see while having access to his flat.
    Someone with so little management skills wouldnt last a morning in a real job, and he has reduced his office to a fucking joke.
    A lying, useless, entitled cunt.
    And there is something fishy about Cressida’s Dick involvement. She owes her survival to Boris, while presiding over the shambles that is the Met. We will learn more I think.

    • Yeah, Strapon isn’t as dumb as she looks. She has a lot of interesting friends…..Boris, Mavis May, Priti Useless, Amber Dudd, Suckdick and, of course, Carrie Antoinette.
      A bunch of useless cunts if ever I saw one.

    • Strap-On has been covering for Johnson and his staff at Downing Street ever since the first lockdown. The cops were fully aware from the outset that parties were being held regularly in Downing Street. Why? Because they were there 24/7, in and around the building, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear, as per Cressida Strap-On’s orders. The Met are in this up to their thick, corrupt necks.

      Johnson extended Strap-On’s contract last year for a further two years, clearly not on merit, she must rank as the most inept Met Commissioner since the beginning of time. She’s securely in Johnson’s pocket and now it’s payback time, she’s pulling out all the stops to prevent full publication of the Gray report – the whole thing stinks from arsehole to breakfast-time.

  9. He’s a politician.
    Not sure what moral or other high ground anyone expects the shower of corrupt lying cunts to occupy.

    • X2. They’re human – oh, yes! Greedy, scheming pack-apes with an eye for the main chance, just like everyone else, but without such inconvenient consciences.

  10. I really can’t stomach Starmer. Boris and co have been a bunch of cunts and you can’t be seen to be breaking the rules you make. Boris has a strange relationship to the truth, all politicians lie but Boris seems to prefer a lie even if the truth isn’t harmful.

    I really couldn’t stomach Starmer as PM though, Boris and co will become fond memories after a year of Labour.

    • Couldn’t agree more SV. Starmer would be welcoming as many rubber boat invaders who wish to some – fuck the white man he will have to get out of Kent so the grasping little bleeders can live there. Poofery will be compulsory, and every ;lesbian like Cressida Dick will be promoted to all the highest jobs in society, and Sadiq Khan will probably receive the sainthood.

      Unless you are an illegal immigrant, a lezzie, a qu eer there is nothing for anyone else from Labour, except perhaps 50 pence of your energy bill.

  11. WE need a united and disciplined society, and we’ve got pre-WW2 Weimar Germany, with added aliens. We need an economic policy, and we’ve got a bottomless pit of debt. We need a foreign policy which serves the country’s interests and not foreign corporations. An energy policy which does not require the import of energy from countries which would like to shit on us. We need Cromwell. And we’ve got the Cookie Monster.

  12. The BBC is like a dog with a bone with this Party at Downing Street. Old stroke gob Kuennsberg was in her element yesterday. To be honest I don’t dislike Boris. It’s a thankless task what he does. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Why don’t they just let him get on with his fucking job for a while?

  13. I’m sure I mentioned on here a couple of years ago that the press would turn on Boris as soon as enough ammo was found on him just because the conservatives won the election and Brexit of course. There must have been thousands having parties at home whilst he was having his. Nothing more to get rid of him and hopefully force an election but Labour are still unelectable to most of the country so he will probably stay on in his role to the last minute. I can’t see anyone decent enough to take his place or at least anyone decent that would want the job.

  14. Bah! Time my evil dictatorship stormed to power! But of course I will need political donations – cash, no cheques to “The Cave, 22 Tripe End, Yorkshire” – and, from disappointing previous experience please refrain from posting dogshit, death threats and jumping on the back wheel of my BMX like the last mysterious visitor did – no idea who it was, the only evidence I have is an empty Fray Bentos tin and bottle of Bushmills..

  15. Spot on cunting by Dick. So much venom directed at Boris. Yes, he is a bull*****r.,-Aren’t all politicians? Everyone seems to be slagging him off, but can anyone think of a better choice? A mistake and his head on the block. His achievements outnumber his cockups. Isac usually cunts the naive handwringers, so why this opinion now? Does anyone really think you get what you vote for?. It’s the best of the worst when voting. Takes a crook to catch a crook. Good day cunters.

  16. His fellow Politicos and their media parasites are not pissed with Boris because of the parties, they knew about them, they’re just pissed off because ‘the herd’ got to hear about the bloody things. I’m expecting more stories about our ‘betters’ partying on behind the pandemic curtain to be expediently leaked…and this worries them.

    The thing is, a lot of these cunts were very vocal and free with their opinions, all nicely recorded and preserved, about the need of ‘the herd’ to ‘Obey’ and how ‘Refuseniks’ were enemies of ‘the herd’, and now, thanks to the party animal, some of ‘the herd’ are (belatedly) questioning the whole theatre surrounding the pandemic, these politics and their parasites are worried about their futures.

    Most of ‘the herd’ however, don’t give a fuck what Boris did/does, to them he’s now just like another character on some sort of grand TV reality show; decades of the dumbing down of the education system and the content of British TV have produced a generation or so of morons with the attention span and political sophistication of your average septic, in fact, as far as they’re concerned, the more outrageous the ‘theatre’ they get from politicians, the better…

    Politicians, eh?…where’s a J.G. Haigh when you really need one?

  17. I feel sorry for the cunt who will have to carve the new statue for the Trafalgar column. That hair is going to be impossible.

    Perhaps he should be wearing one of those excessively large beanie’s he’s so fond of. And maybe a high-vis and face mask too.

  18. LOL … Boris might indeed be a cunt (actually he really is) but he’s our cunt! Most of the gen pop tried to fuck about during the lockdowns … certainly, wherever and whenever they could they took the piss. This holier than thou shit is fuckin’ pathetic. All of the critics are complete and utter cunts … superficial, irrelevant fuckwits. Fuckin’ joke they should be getting on doing something constructive … whilst they’re fiddling with their egos … the rest of the world is laughing out loud and getting on with stuff whilst taking advantage of the distraction. There’s a credible threat of war and we’re fancying about with a minor infraction of some daft rules. Cunts!

    • I ignored as much of it as I could. I did actually write to my MP and ask if the “legislation” was law or guidance. She never came back to me, which I think speaks volumes.

    • Swagger@ – It is not the repeated ignoring of the rules which has people furious – it is the lies – “I didn’t know it was a party when I attended that party with booze, music and partying, and I wasn’t too sure of the rules, brr, brr, bit of Latin, Peppa Pig” etc, and it is the fact that as these BASTARDS were acting like vile dictators they were doing exactly what the fuck they wanted and laughing and sneering at the “little nobody people” when they were caught.

    • A further reasoned remark in reply to Dick’s excellent nom. So many critics predicting what is going to befall Boris, so many cunts who have the abiltiy to look into the future-clairvoints(sp?). Should take up Fortune telling on some pier or fairground. I recall reading that Churchill went through the same sort of a call to be ousted. Steady on! It is a minor infraction. You could think of Putin, Kim of N.Korea or the Burma Rulers or even the originators of Covid. Maybe you prefer that sort of “strong” leadership? Yes, Boris is indeed our cunt., so don’t all get your dongles knotted with such righteous indignation.

    • Our fucking mayor had no problems telling us all we MUST stay at home while he went to his girlfriend’s house for a roll in the hay. Typical hypocritical Labour cunt.

  19. I don’t give a fuck what he or anyone else did during lockdown.
    I do, however, give a fuck about more pressing issues, dingy riders, carpet riders, transbender rights bullshit, wokefuckery, and the BBC cunts.
    As mentioned in an earlier post ( Bob Frapples) he’s fucked if he does, and fucked if he doesn’t.

  20. He is indeed a cunt. However, aren’t they all? If he does go, what/who will replace him? Rishi? (don’t think we are ready for a brown PM yet). Starmer!!!???

    Everyone has their own views as to why he is a cunt – for me, it is the fact that he’d rather raise taxes than sort out the shit-fest that is the NHS and all other social freebies for foreigners. And loading us up with all the green shite. But, as I say, do you think anyone else would be any different?

    • “…do you think anyone else would be any different?”

      I’ll tell you this much, cunts though you all are, I’d take take an IsAC Cunter over Bojo any time!

  21. Did I actually read the following sentence…is this for real?

    The “excessive consumption of alcohol is not appropriate in a professional workplace at any time”

    I have worked with a few drunks and soaks in my many years but I have never worked anywhere that allows drinking at your desk.

    • I have seen with my own eyes Spanky, a bottle of whisky and a glass in the bottom drawer of a desk in a met police station.

  22. I don’t get it with the Johnson apologists.

    Useful idiots defending the indefensible.

    As for Labour, the last thing they want is for Johnson to go now, he’s their best hope of winning the next General Election.

    I suspect he’ll hang on till May, when the Tories will face a bloodbath at the local elections.

    Gone soon thereafter, Dog willing.

    • PS: My post above is not a critique of Dick’s cunting, which is a brilliant piece of tongue in cheek. 👍

    • A lot of them think, despite everything, he’s the least worst option.

      (We’ve the same problem up here in the Woke Rainbow Republic of Krankiestan with the Krankie…)

  23. Perhaps he will realise that his backbenchers have got him by the bollocks and listen to them instead of his bitch of a wife?
    So he tells the French to fuck off, gets the RN to turn back the flotsam in the Channel, drops all this green bollocks and fucks over the BBC good and proper.
    What are the chances do you reckon?

    • Cressida s investigation should take 10minutes.
      Just speak to the officers assigned to guard number 10.
      It should be clearly written in the log who was there, what was happening.

    • When it comes to core Conservative beliefs and values, Johnson is all talk and no trousers. Always has been, always will be.

      He belongs in the LibDumbs. Charlatan chancer of the worst type.

  24. The Maybot joined in to express her concern with the loss of public freedoms. That reminds me of Madeleine Albright writing in the NYT that Trump was ‘dangerous’.

    A real pair of hypocritical old cunts.

  25. Media and left wing conspiracy, fake pictures of parties at No.10.

    The Labour Party ‘can’t move on’ to more pressing issues, cost of living, fuel prices, Ukraine…..

    I have seen enough of this shit now, it’s like the massive media coverage of the P*ki stirring the shit at Yorkshire Cricket, what a load of wank.

    Finally today MSM talking about the inquiry into child sexual exploitation and now like everyone has known for a decade or more the cover up of ethnicity of the perpetrators has finally been called out.

    If (it will never happen) the government sort of the fucking Dinghy invasion and start taking energy security seriously and kick out all the illegal cunts Boris can get pissed every night in the Downing Street garden with wall to wall hookers.

    Did anyone notice (or even listen to the debate in Parliament yesterday), one labour MP asking about excessive alcohol in Downing st asked if it included drug taking.
    In reply Boris said she should address that question to the Labour front bench, was he suggesting that some of the shadow cabinet are into drugs!

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