Nusratface Ghani

”Nusrat Ghani: Muslimness a reason for my sacking, says ex-minister”

Yes, we have it in for these people of impeccable peacefulness yet again.

Our government might be a bunch of cunts but it is the most ethnically diverse group ever to have been in office. But like with cricket, it seems that the Slumos are victims. Yet again. (Slumo is Seffrican Indian slang. Nor regarded as offensive when I was there. Neither was P*ki by the way.)

Now we arent sure how this nonenty’s ‘muslimness’ manifested itself. Perhaps she had to have a male relative chaperone? Kissed the carpet at innopportune times? Wasnt served exclusively Halal food in the parliament restaurants? Wore a suicide vest to No 10 parties? Groomed young girls for taxi drivers? Whatever. But discrimination against her ‘muslimness’ was the reason for her sacking. According to her.

We wait for the Hindus, Sikhs, Tamils, Buddhists, Wiccans and Scientologists to rush out to identify with her sorry plight. Just like they didnt at Yorkshire cricket. Or anyfuckingwhere else.

BBC News Link

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

And here’s another, this time from Freddie the Frog

Nusrat Ghani

Another victim of Islamophobia. So she gets the sack, not because she’s fucking useless, but because she’s a fucking Joe Daki and she was told this by a senior politician. In the 21st century!!! In wokie Britain!!!

Yeah……and then she waits 2 fucking years before she starts crying about it!
Sorry, is any cunt buying this shit?

59 thoughts on “Nusratface Ghani

  1. Here’s what happened.
    Sacked for whatever reason.
    Who to blame?
    Looks around. Lots of ethnics in top government jobs.
    Bugger. Not cos I is black.
    I know. Cos I has muslimness.

  2. Nusky the Nuskrat remembers islamophobia 2 years after the event following regression hypnotherapy with an essential oils practitioner. Seen this sort of thing many times, people bang out of order over something keep telling themselves they were in the right until they actually start believing their own lies. Psychiatrists have defined the disorder as “Lying Cunt Syndrome”. Politicians are at high risk of developing this disease, as are Liverpudlians, many of whom still believe they suffered whiplash when the bus braked suddenly, or that they had nothing to do with events at Heysel or Hillsborough.

    • You are more right than you know. Its called False Memory Syndrome. You believe something to be true so much, even though its factually incorrect. Tell yourself you once saw a green dog often enough, and you start to believe it, even though you never saw one. FMS is not recognised as a true psychiatric condition though. This bitch is just jumping on thd discrimination bandwagon. I often wonder how all that Labour Party Anti-Semitism shit started too…

  3. This woman was plainly sacked because she wasn’t performing well in her job. The fact it took her 2 years and a series of “Boris Out!” agitators to give her the courage to make her allegation shows she is either one of the agitators, or, – more likely – as thick as pig shit and twice as nasty.

    The same will happen with Hammy Lammy – if Starmer ever develops some balls (VERY unlikely) and sees what a useless arsehole he is,and sacks him, in 2 or 3 years time he will claim it was “because I is black, innit?”

    I don’t know why both main parties give “important” jobs to ethnics, or, for that matter, homosexuals – the biggest troublemakers with the loudest voices are always amongst the minorities , and the media lap up “discrimination” stories

  4. All positions of authority in MY country should be given to WHITE, ENGLISH people. Gays and such can take the positions as long as they sign a contract stating that if they are fired for being shit at the job, they cant try to claim it was discrimination. Job done.

  5. Here’s one that wasn’t quite as untouchable as she thought:

    This PC/Woke ethos went beyond a joke years back. We live in a world where even military ammunition is being changed to be “environmentally friendly”. “Load an anti-tank round Pike. We’ve only got environmentally friendly rounds Mr Mainwaring. In which case, everybody, start waving some white flags. Don’t panic!”

  6. So hang on let me get this straight, a female Muslim MP is promoted to some role in government, fuck knows what her credentials are, maybe she’s as sharp as a razor but I’d argue in Court it had a lot to do with her victim status.

    She then gets sacked and says the Chief Whip blamed it on her ‘Muslimness’

    Apart from the fact trying to visualise that meeting is making me quite literally piss myself it is beyond fantasy.

    I mean who the hell uses that word? Just fuck off you cretin.

    ‘….. so you see dear it’s your Muslimness that got you promoted but sadly got you sacked’.

    Thankfully I remain sane as I keep looking through the Looking Glass.

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