Christie Elan-Cane (4) And What Trannies Demand

A further CUNTING for Christie Elan-Cane.

The misguided freak has just lost its Supreme Court appeal, in an attempt to make us all have “gender neutral” passports.

It doesn’t need a passport itself as it can transform into a bat and go anywhere it wants to scare the living shit out of those unfortunate enough to see it. Garlic and wooden stakes all round!

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Sir Cuntalot

And then there’s this from Cuntstable Cuntbubble

How low the trannies have got this country to sink. This twaddle from a report by a comittee of MPs from all parties.

1)”Transgender people in the UK face “high levels of transphobia” on a daily basis and they have “a long way to go” to achieve equality in the UK, MPs say.”

No they fucking dont. They say they do. They face piss taking which is richly deserved.

2)”A “root-and-branch review” of the NHS’s treatment of transgender people.”

So should the NHS ignore science and treat tranny men for prostate cancer and so called women for cervical cancer? Fucking ludicrous.

3)”Urgent clarification on the position of transgender prisoners, given the “clear risk of harm” if trans people are held in prisons according to their birth genders. It cites the cases of two transgender women who died in 2015 while serving time in male jails”.

And what of the degenerates getting into women’s jails?

4)”Official recognition of gender should be based on “self-declaration”, rather than a “medicalised” assessment.”

So any fucking prevert can self declare and get into women’s facilities?

5)”Mandatory training for police officers on transphobic hate crimes, and the extension of hate crime laws to cover gender identity.”

Hate crime as in piss taking? I suppose it gives the cops more reason to ignore actual crime. Expect the Met to lead the way.

6)”The lowering from 18 to 16 of the age limit for obtaining official recognition of a new gender without parental consent.”

Fucking bollocks.

7)”The option to record gender as ‘X’ in a passport, and an end to the need to show a doctor’s letter to alter the gender shown.”

So these fuckers can doctor a passport as they see fit? Do Border Force have a say in this bullshit?

8)”More training for school staff to better support “gender-variant” young people.”

Gender variant, if it means anything is a mental condition.

9)”Guidance for sports bodies to make clear that exclusion of transgender players on grounds of safety or fair competition is rarely justified.”

Rarely justified? Words fucking fail me. Rugby? Weightlifting? Athletics?

I emphasise that an all party group came up with this woke, dangerous nonsense. The spokesperson on R4 for this hogwash is a Tory MP. Yes, a fucking Tory.

There no longer seems to be a difference between the loony left and mainstream in politics, business, the Arts etc. No fucker is putting the common sense view on this shite.


BBC News Link


64 thoughts on “Christie Elan-Cane (4) And What Trannies Demand

  1. The corner has just been turned.
    It’s about time common sense prevailed in the face of these abnormal fucking freaks. Now that the ball has started rolling, hopefully it’s momentum will keep going until all mental weirdos are ignored, or put into straight jackets.
    I just hope Nosferatu lost a fortune in court costs.

  2. There are an infinitesimally small number of people with a problem with their mixed up genitals. The rest of these mental patients are made of the corrupted young (who dont believe in the immaculate conception, but do believe you can be “born in the wrong body” and children of mothers with Munchausen by proxy, or mother who wanted a daughter,got a son and dressed him up secretly as a girl when very young, men with autogynephellia (or Buffalo bill in silence of the lambs) and ped0s who want to get near children. The pathetic response to these losers shows what a bunch of cowardly cunts we have become, and what a bunch of cunts we have in charge.

  3. Nosferatu.
    Track it to its resting place, probably some misty graveyard.
    And drive a stake through its heart.
    The creepy cunt.

  4. Attention-seeking cunts wanting the world to know that they’re special and deserving of extra needs/demands.

    They bang on about equality, but that’s not enough: they want more than that so that they can brag about it on social media.

    It wouldn’t surprise me of the big retail corporations picked up on this and see it as a new market to exploit. You only have to see how they’ve succumbed to the BLM over the last couple of years and now every TV ad contains BAMES.

    So too will they bend over (pun not intended) for the transformers. As such if you think the current “mixed race couples” TV adverts are sufficiently woke, just wait until they move onto the Transformers!

  5. I’m surprised it didn’t burst into flames when it left court into the daylight. Calling Professor Van Helsing.

  6. Hmm – when is the first politician going to stand up in the HOC and say “There are two genders – you FUCKING NUTTERS”!
    Whoever dared would get my vote – “dared” being the operative word – the 99% majority are being forced to accept madness and pretend it is normal.
    And never in the history of humankind has a society led by the weak, the needy and the insane prevailed.

  7. I will now be self-identifying as a giant. My chosen personal pronouns to be used will be Fi/Fi/Fo and Fum

  8. With regard to what’s going on in Parliament and the media, the trannies are not the problem, it’s the white woke left (plus a few misguided Tories) who are pushing this shitshow – anything to undermine social cohesion and create division – same with BLM, Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain, all cunts causing trouble on behalf of people who would rather they shut the fuck up and fuck right off.

    • “The trannies are not the problem, it’s the woke white left.”
      Nail on the head Ruff. There are any number of people who hold peculiar beliefs. There are those who believe in the sky fairy or that modern medicine is unnecessary and overrated for instance and I have seen such views posted on ISAC. However such folks are generally politely dismissed as fools. Why this bunch of weirdos are taken seriously and pandered to by people who are educated and in some cases in positions of authority I cannot fathom. I find it rather disturbing to be honest.

      Hope you and lady Creampuff are having a great Christmas!

      • Disturbing indeed, Arfur, not to mention a mite sinister.

        Have to say, this has not been one of our better Christmases… mind you, so far I’ve managed to stop just short of popping my cork. Lady C, on the other hand, seems to have had a reasonable one, though it’s difficult to tell sometimes with women, their minds consisting of Swiss cheese and all.

        Hoping you and Mrs A are faring better…

      • Sorry to hear that Ruff. Alcohol, that’s the answer.
        It’s been OK here, had both the daughter’s round so I just keep my head down. Friday had a 400 mile round trip to collect the elder one from South Devon and on Tuesday repeat job to return her. It’s like being back at work! Ho-hum.

  9. LOL … what a cunt!
    Do any of these deviant fuckin’ types actually doing anything worthwhile in society …

  10. Fuck me, a daily haunting for some poor cunt right there, it wouldn’t risk looking for blood of a virgin down my way, the scrotes would use it for Staffy baiting.
    Still bang a stake though its heart and then hold up the head for scaring the living shit out of kids and traumatised Staffies.
    She, he, it looks like something from one of those old Boris Karl off horror films from the 50,s, it shows how fucked modern society is when instead of being burned at the stake these freaks are able to be taken seriously and actually manage to take stupid shit like this to court in the first place.
    Release the dogs!!!

  11. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with trans persons. Personally I believe that they suffer from a form of dysphoria, but if Joe wants to live as Jane or vice versa, good luck to them.
    My beef is with the vociferous, often vicious trans lobby, which I don’t think is actually the voice of trans people at all; more a bunch of woke loonies who act the cunt and actually promote the kind of hate that they purport to condemn. These twats should take a very long leap off Beachy Head.

  12. I always thought your passport had your sex on it, not your gender. You are born male or female, an immutable fact.

    If this fucking thing identifies as a Chinese Chihuahua, that’s fine. What the fuck has that got to do with what is marked on your passport, Christ knows.

    Emaciated cunt.

  13. A few years ago I had a live-and-let-live attitude to these freaks and deviants. As long as they kept it to themselves and didn’t push it they were fine by me.

    All I want to do now is gas the uppity mutants.

    • Hopefully Paul, at the next election the voters in Basingstoke will remember her for this and the fact that she was a notorious and unrepentant fiddler of expenses and EU remainer.

  14. This Great Reset, really is getting into gear in terms of doing away with the old traditions and social cohesions, and introducing new concepts that will not only cause disruption to the usual social dynamic, but create divisions and sub-divisions between different social groups.

    The Establishment are the puppet-masters and always have been. And its is even more transparent today. Social division and uncertainty is what they crave, and they will do their utmost to continue stirring that simmering pot of hate and mistrust, while then coming across as the saviours of a civil society.

    Fear is the Key

  15. I would go for D, it sums everything up in one word, Deviant, if your are neither male or female then accept you are a fucking deviant.

  16. Reading part two of this excellent cunting, by CC, one could be forgiven for thinking that parliament is now exclusively peopled by A level students.
    Whose chosen subjects are diversity studies and special ed maths.

  17. I forwarded the BBC news link to a tran friend of mine on Skype just a couple of hours ago, and “she” found it incredibly embarrassing and divisive.

    She more or less said “Not in my name”, and thinks such demands will do the Trans community more harm than good.

    • “Aaaaah! Laydeeboys!!”

      You are Alan Partridge and I claim my £5 Steve Coogan 2022 calendar of cunts?

      Sorry Techno-I couldn’t resist ?

    • If this gentleman isn’t suffering from AIDS then he urgently needs to be put in touch with a qualified nutritionist. I recommend soup, fruit and veg, wholemeal bread and a bottle of Guinness.

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