Benedict Cumberbitch (8)

(Benny loving his patriarchy when it suits – DA)

A ‘hello darling’ *mwhar mwhar* cunting for Superluvvy Bendydick Cunterbatch.

In a finger-wagging discourse on ‘toxic masculinity’, Benny has called for ‘an end to the status quo and the patriarchy’, and an end to ‘childish denial that not all men are bad blah blah’. He also demands that men ‘shut up and listen’.

Oh dear. Another day, another lecture from another virtue-signalling luvvy. But wait; could there perhaps be something more to the dear boy’s ramblings than altruistic concern? A baser, more self-serving motive perhaps?

Why look! (stands back in amazement) He’s got a new film out! It’s called ‘Power of the Dog’, in which the darling sweetie plays, erm, a masochistic, abusive Montana rancher. There’s a surprise.

Go on then Benny; punt your latest effort and parade your ‘woke’ credentials at the same time, telling us blokes how bad we all are. Great publicity for the film, and all your Hollywoke friends will fawn over you for giving such a ‘worthy’ performance. There’ll be Oscar buzz no doubt. It’s a win/win.

Well, not quite… you’ve only gone and made yourself look like a colossal luvvy cunt again. Don’t worry though. Just draw consolation from the undoubted fact that you’re in good company.

Metro News Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

62 thoughts on “Benedict Cumberbitch (8)

  1. I’m fairly sure that ‘celebrities’ like this fucker get so much adoration from the idiot public that they transcend into some kind of ‘god’ mode…

  2. I cannot stand the cunt. He looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
    Talentless cunt.

  3. Another C-list celeb jumping on the “(white) men are bad” bandwagon.

    It never ceases to amaze me how – with the very rare exception – these showbiz types never said jack shit about anything to do with virtue signalling up until about 3 or 4 years ago, and the #metoo bollocks.

    But now its a mandatory case of coming out with something trendy and Twitter-approving, otherwise they will be history!

    • Don’t bother watching the chinless cunt’s film Baron. It’s a turgid, unexciting, intensely dull pile of shite.

      • Sounds like he was tailor made for it Cap’n.
        The only upcoming film I knew he had is the latest Marvel Spiderman outing. A tad above his talent level I would have thought…

  4. Obviously he’s a Cunt, however, because only thick Cunts listen to his musings let’s not get overly bothered because most folk don’t give a flying fuck what he or other luvvies say. Cunt

  5. Oh good.
    More cloud cuckoo land drivel from someone who pretends to be someone else for a living and is also a multi millionaire.
    If men are “toxic” then you cunt why not give £10,000,000 to wimminz charities?
    Fuck off.

  6. His ringpiece looks like a blood orange and is baggier than David Furnish’s on account of all the pegging he receives, the cuckold pussy.

  7. Old Bendydick lecturing the plebs again.

    I wonder if he includes male adherents of the religion of peace in his diatribe.

    Probably not – the fucking chinless shithouse.

    • LOL! I’ve been searching for a nickname for this bellend.

      Bendydick Cumstain.

      He’s overrated as an actor. He’s good, but not great. Gets those roles that would make any actor look great, but if you study his schtick closely, he isn’t that natural, his metrosexual campiness shines through too much at times and gives me douche-chills. His Sherlock Holmes, what the fuck was that? Holmes isn’t characterized as being like that? Where’s the scenes with Holmes mainlining a vial of 7% cocaine and alcohol solution?! Bag of shite!

  8. I loathe this over-entitled “thesp” with a passion. Let’s face it – what parts does he get? Only “posh arrogant twat” ones, which… he doesn’t need any acting effort for.

    • I tried watching that Doctor Strange and it started off really good, then it bored me to shit. Like 90% of superhero movies, they are all the same, predictable, formulaic flashiness. Enough already.

      • Bendy’s Yank accent in that was fucking rubbish as well if the clips I’ve seen from it are anything to go by.

  9. A smug condescending Intolerable 24 carat cunt
    How anybody can listen to him babbling on is beyond me , he’s the gold standard for limp wristed woke wankery…..

  10. His mum was worth a poke in the sixties. How the fuck she popped out something as misshapen as those tit is beyond me.

  11. Put these fuckers on a pedestal and line their pockets with obscene amounts of cash and watch them develop an attitude. They seem to have some divine right to run their mouth about all kindsa shit and suggest that it’s somehow beneficial to us plebs … it ain’t, so fuck off! Celebrity cunts … Tel’s oven … all of ’em!

  12. This cunt is to acting what the Bono cunt is to music – shit at the day job and totally fucking annoying with the virtue signalling.

    There’s a fair few of them around – best to vote with your feet and avoid watching/listening to their shite.

      • I bet that he sucks all the oxygen out of the room wherever he goes. A right up-his-own-arse megalomaniac showbiz shit-dick.

  13. It really boils my piss how feminazis have managed to get this whole ‘toxic masculinity’ narrative going, while carefully swerving around the question of wimminz persistently ‘toxic’ behaviour.
    Women are all saints, apparently. Emma Tustin says hello.
    One a lighter note, if anyone wants a laugh watching an entitled Karen in full-on, toxic meltdown mode, enjoy this clip. Isn’t she a princess!

    Morning all!

      • Thanks arfur.
        She’s incredible isn’t she? Called out for driving on the wrong side of the road, she throws a complete flaky and calls the police!
        Fucking hilarious!

  14. A weak quivering streak of piss that makes Johnny Depp look like a Commando-era Arnold Schwarzenegger.
    Fuck I miss Ollie Reed, Richard Harris, Richard Burton, Stanley Baker etc.
    Cinema is dead…

    • Not only do we have a dearth of real actors but there is also a lack of talent in other areas of cinema. Where are the modern day Powell and Pressburgers ?

  15. Re the header picture…
    Are all those lasses just having a laugh about how badly his waxwork turned out?

    • No Baron, the one in the middle has his old man in her left hand and is pissing herself at how small it is.

    • I thought it was a waxwork at first too.

      Yet another pic ripe for a caption contest.

      Here’s a primer:

      Wimminz in middle: “‘ere it’s got no cock, I reckon it’s a pre-op tranny”

      Wimminz on right: “no cock down there maybe but it’s all cunt up here”

  16. Where is this patriarchy? Does it have a headquarters I can visit? Is somebody in charge of it? If he can prove it exists then we’ll all take him a bit more seriously; otherwise its guff.

    • What rare the membership rules for the patriarchy? Is it like a golf club, with waiting lists?

      Are gays allowed in or is their masculinity non-toxic?

      What about trannys?

      • I think that for starters, you must have been deemed ‘male, pale and stale’ by some woke cunt.

  17. Perhaps him and his Hollywoke cohorts can fly out (or rather, use their sailing boats so as not to offend Greta), to Afghanistan/Pakistan, and wag a few fingers about the evils of patriarchy to those guys!

    • Indeed.
      If I recall correctly, a while back Mr B was going on about the plight of ‘refugees’ pitching up on our shores, and how we should ‘do something to help’ etc.
      Some journalist suggested that he might practise what he preached and take one or two into his swanky pad up Hampstead way, which led him to mumble something about ‘looking into it’.
      To the best of my knowledge, nothing more was forthcoming on the matter from Mr B.

  18. Old Harrovian, born into privilege.
    Family loaded, thanks to a slave-owning ancestor.
    President of LAMDA (‘Luvvies Are Marvellous Dahling, Ahlright?)
    Lectures us serfs on our ‘toxic masculinity’.
    Fuck off you ugly posh cunt.

    • In a fucking parallel ‘woke’ universe maybe.
      ‘Would you like a drink sir?’.
      ‘a soy milk latté, chilled not hot’.

      • Funny enough, Daniel Craig is cast in the same mould as Bendydick. Soy infused luvvie tosspots both of them…

  19. If, in the view of this seleb Hollywood cunt and it seems most of the rest of the planet, I am a stale, pale, racist, good for nothing piece of white shit can I stop paying tax?

    As everyone hates me that much, well they won’t want my tainted cash will they…. Oh wait.

    Fuck off cuntysnatch. I’m in no mood today to take lectures from you, you arsewipe.

  20. This cunting alone is justified for that recent western netflix film cucumbercunt is in.

    The name of it escapes me I just saw in the menu recommendations and I have no interest in seeing it. The western genre of films has been done to fucking death but shit like this just keeps getting produced ffs Netflix once again diverting their funds from worthwhile projects to steaming piles of shit like this

    • Could well be the same ‘Power of the Dog’ that he was on about TS.
      Either way, one to avoid.

      • Absolutely Ron, not my cup of tea it looks like shit and knowing netflix it will be abunch of cowboy gayness

        The last really good western I saw was wyatt earp and westerns were done to death in tv and film since Hollywood golden era

      • TS;

        ‘Open Range’ is a good ‘un as well if you haven’t seen it. I recently watched it again on Youtube, so it’s probably still up if you haven’t seen it and fancy a look.

  21. The cunt is as gay as the fucking ace of spades. I saw him in that shit war film ‘1917’. Total and unadulterated cunt.

    • I thought he was quite good in The Imitation Game, but then he was playing a homo.

      • Fair do’s, he was ok in that, although he was playing opposite that cricket stump Keira Knightley, so perhaps that made him look good.
        I don’t remember him going on about gay rights in the media tho, but I suppose that was a bit before luvvies went into full-on woke mode.

  22. This cunt Clumbersnatch looks like a Madame Tussaud’s waxwork.

    I’d put a wick through him and set fire to it.

    Would make a good candle to burn over Christmas.

    Fuck off you false looking wanker.

    A shift in an iron foundry would finish off apologies for men like this.

  23. I’m of the opinion that anyone in the entertainment industry should avoid making political statements. They are usually ill informed, self serving, attention seeking dick heads and in danger of loosing at least half of their audience due to woke fuckwittery.
    One less cunt to watch on an ever growing list of cunts.

  24. This slant-eyed cunt looks like a reject from a Devo album cover photo.

    Which is a surprise because his mother Wanda Ventham was once solid gold milf. Memorably in the superb 70s drama “The Lotus Eaters” (also with a topless Anouska Hempel ?) plus a hilarious old episode of Minder. In this she tormented Arthur with a suggestion of oral sex!!

  25. Fuckin ugly Bastard couldn’t act daft, thinks he’s intellectually superior to us commoners but he’s fooling one man, the wankers a Dunce who wouldn’t last two minutes in the real world.!

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