Insulate Britain (2)

Insulate Britain activists are cunts, some of these wankers have been jailed which is the least they deserve, i have just listened to some silly bitch spouting of on the news about how unfair it all is.
Now these cunts are going to go on hunger strike outside the courts to free their brothers in arms.
If i lived closer i would wander past every night with a steaming hot bag of chips with loads of vinegar, just so these worthless cunts can smell them.
They are probably Vegans anyway, so fuck em, let them starve.
Zero fucks given from me, good luck tits i hope it goes on for months….cunts

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

Supporting links from Cuntstable Cuntbubble and DCI Gene Cunt

Standard News Link

Daily Mail News Link

55 thoughts on “Insulate Britain (2)

  1. Unadulterated vermin. Dick Fiddler should be let loose on ’em with a muck spreader. I like the ‘Chips’ idea, too!

  2. So these cunts are going on hunger strike at the same time as the great crisp shortage?
    Fuck them.

  3. Learning that these tossers are behind bars gives me a great deal of satisfaction. The mollycoddled cunts are finding out about some of the nastier elements of society that they had not encountered before. I wonder how the lads’ arse holes are coping .

  4. The were indulged, persuaded, warned, did they listen.

    Well this is what happens when you break the law, suck it up and fuck off.

    I see the other lot XR we’re at it again blockading Amazon warehouses and at the same time causing disruption to other businesses.
    Amazon with all their money should take this lot to court and sue the cunts for losses caused by them blocking roads.

    The usual situation fucking police standing around instead of giving the cunts a good kicking.


  5. Look at their names – Ana, Louis, Ben, Roman, Oliver, Emma, Tim, James.
    Sounds like teacher reading out the register at a posh private school.
    No Kyles, Darrens, Staceys or Kayleighs amongst them – they’re the poor sods they’re holding up for hours with their puerile stunts.

    These cunts don’t give a fuck about the environment, they’re just waging Class War against the plebs.

    • Like the ER cunts, I doubt any of these fucking losers has ever has a real job in their lives.

      Over educated middle class trust fund babies.

    • They’re not campaigners, they’re agitators. If you’re campaigning you try and win people over to your point of view, not piss them off, as Insulate Britain has done, with their ridiculous demands and childish/cuntish stunts.

  6. The Pirahna Brothers might nail their heads to the floor with any luck. It would make a nice change from glue for them.

    Morning all!

  7. Oh this won’t be an ordinary hunger strike … this’ll be a Richard Radcliffe (cunt BTW) hunger strike … to the death type … you know the type where there’s not any death involved. I think it should be called a ‘not eating my lunch tantrum’ … my preference would be that they all actually die by bludgeoning.

  8. Put them in a large sealed shed with a old ERF or Foden with a Gardner 8LXB engine in it on tick over.

    Leave them for an hour, and return.

    Any survivors would then be released, and left to appreciate how clean modern vehicle emissions are.

    • I like this. A good solution.

      The internal combustion engine, along with nuclear generated power is the only hope for the future, despite what these deluded privately educated wankers think.

  9. Bunch of cunts with nothing better to do with their time – wasters in other words.

    If they want to protest about something worthwhile that is climate related then protest about the £trillions plebs are going to be forced to pay for Net Fucking Zero UK, don’t egg the elite bastards on to give us even more grief.

    Here’s a question for you all: if there were to be a referendum on Net Zero which way would you vote:

    A – We need to save the planet and Net Zero UK is the way to do it even if it pushes me and my family into poverty;


    B – Net Zero UK, even if it were to be achieved, would make fuck all difference to the planet so spare the plebs the pain and financial grief it will entail, peg UK emissions where they are now and row back on electric cars, boiler bans, manadatory EPC ratings on house sales etc, etc, YOU FUCKING CUNTS!


  10. There’s never an out of control HGV driven by a texting eastern european when you really need one is there? The cunts might think twice about superglueing themselves to motorways then. I think even prison is too good for these cunts, unless they make them share a cell with Charlie Bronson. Failing that, is burning at the stake too harsh?

  11. Most houses in the UK have some sort of insulation. If they want to make a big difference on global warming why not protest on something achievable like getting shops to shut their front doors in winter, instead of heating up the outside world.
    I written to the last 5 environment ministers and the responses you get back show that they don’t give a fuck because they are pushing the green agenda which is going to achieve fuck all difference apart from tax the crap out of the likes of you and I.
    I hope these cunts go the full hog and achieve the Bobby Sands beach ready body.

  12. Diddums.Steamroller driven slowly over them and reverse slowly over them until they are flat as pancakes.One of their “supporters” wants to start a crowd funding scheme to pay their bail money!Shit gibbons.

  13. Poor Ben. Insulation will be the last thing on his mind, when he’s getting a large portion of Christmas Stuffing.
    His arse will be like a blood orange.
    Ho ho ho ! Merry Christmas. ?
    Good morning.

  14. Why not hit these protesting cunts in the pocket?

    If they are attending marches and demonstrations they are not available for work.

    Stop their benefits.

  15. They all look like pampered fuckers to me. Instead of disrupting ordinary people’s lives, why don’t they do something useful ?
    Like spending the winter planting trees. Plenty of that going on across the land.
    No, thought not. Not glamorous enough and too much like hard work.
    Useless wankers.
    Get To Fuck.

  16. Middle Class Latte-drinking Islington types, with fuck all to do all day other than to whinge on Twatter and indulge in some “like” ticking exercise by doing protests in front of the cameras.

    They don’t mind disrupting other people’s lives when it suits them. But one suspects if they wanted to go somewhere, or do something, or buy something and were distracted/held up by some other demo or protest (Save the Hamster), on the motorways they would be up in arms banging on about human rights, and how the police should shift these uncouth, unwashed protesters so that they can pick up Tarquin and Rupert from Dressage Classes.

    • If they wanted to do something useful, they could come round my house and insulate it properly. I’m too tight and it’s snowing outside.
      But they’re probably too cissy to have ever even been up a loft ladder.
      At least that’s one (the only one) positive thing about immøs; they don’t pull these sorts of pathetic shenanigans.

  17. All that Soy-milk has lowered the testosterone levels, in a generation of man-children.

    Real protesters would wear a custodial sentence, like a badge of honour.

    I bet these cunts are crying into their pillows (when not biting them?).

    Pathetic fucking useful idiots.

    • I’d love to see pics of the sad bastards when they emerge from the prison gates in a couple of months, CG.
      Maybe they’ll look shellshocked after having had their p0ncêy arses Lūbbøcked by some bull quėens and are unable to sit down comfortably in their parents’ Tesla when they are collected, with a single tear of horror and misery their only outpouring of what they’ve hopefully had to endure

      • Afternoon Thomas?

        I hope the wives of these incarcerated protesters (if they are straight & married), are all getting a portion of cock, from a meat eating, beer drinking, 5.0 V8 driving knee-grow.

        I enjoyed that footage of the van drivers, lobbing the cunts off the carriageway ?

      • Only a 5.0? Pffft, that’s practically a gãyboy engine capacity. Real men drive a 6.4 litre (only once a month though, as the fucker only does 10 to the gallon!)

      • I love v engines Thomas-have owned many over the years ?
        V4 motorbikes, V6 cars-from a 1980’s Cortina, through VW’s & Audi’s, V8 Defenders, Discoveries, Range Rovers, lovely burbling beasts??

        I fancy an Aston Martin one day-just to park outside climate cunts houses, with the engine burbling through a sports exhaust ?

      • Exactly right folks! Nothing like the sound and feel of a big Vee as you approach the red line on the tacho.
        I’ve noticed that the cyclists seem not to appreciate it though as you pass by…

  18. Even prison won’t stop these wankers – they are martyrs and they’ll be at it again as soon as the prison gates swing open What MIGHT deter them wuld be for every man kack (and woman) of them to be given six strokes of the whip to “encourage” them to get off the road. If that doesn’t stop them the cat o’nine tails I’d apply it to the rubber boat riders as well. Fuck the RNLI, when they get them ashore, a taste of the cat.

  19. Machine gun the lot of them. Give them a taste of how the collectivist utopia they wank themselves daft over REALLY works.
    The cunts…

  20. Sjamboking and a very tall police station if they do it again, give it to the cunts Pretoria style!!!

  21. A sorrier bunt of retards and wasters is hard to imagine. No doubt their hunger strike will follow similar recent trends ie it will be a short break between Domino’s and Big Macz and fryz. Everyone with any sense knows that if they want to stay out of jail they need to become black MPs.

    Steamroller time.

  22. We must have been burning more gas last night, those winds in the North Sea must have forced the turbines to be shut down ?

  23. I’m afraid it’s unlikely these posh cunts will be going to a real prison. It’s more likely they will be in an open prison like Ford and even there they have a separate wing for posh, white collar criminals. It’s better than Butlins, better food certainly.
    These layabout, useful idiots are the shock troops of the ruling elite, pumping out their propaganda. Where do you think they get their money from?
    The cunts themselves are like the religious cult members of the past. The apocalypse is coming and they are “ on the right side of history.” (they fucking love that phrase)
    The government, whatever their colour, is on their side, never forget that.

    • Useful idiots: exactly what I have been saying for years?

      Trained by the ministry for disinformation ?

  24. Creampuff Manor has been insulated for over 40 years now, yet still these cunts refuse to allow me to go about my lawful business on the Queen’s highway.

    You can’t win.

    Meanwhile my wonderful next-door neighbour (not one of the gays) emailed me this video:

  25. Blocking roads and stopping deliveries of their online shopping and lunches from Waitrose and Pret a Manger, being collected in the SUV to get home and use the internet, the worlds biggest CO2 polluter, to write a stinging Twitter rebuke about the poor service received, ???‍♂️?
    Insulate Britain want every home in the UK wrapped in a publicly funded eco goose blanket, but Local Authority, Housing Association and commercial properties legally have to meet a certain insulation standard and in private homes it is the responsibility of the homeowner to insulate their home, not the taxpayer.
    Hey Insulate Britain – how does “fuck off and pay your own way you gobby chancers”? Sound?

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