Children (always) in Need (3)

I cannot fucking stand it. The big build up to the BBC annual shitfest that is Children in Need.

It’s bad enough that we have to tolerate the substandard rubbish that will be masquerading as entertainment on the night itself. At least we can turn that off, but the big build up…..jeez it goes on and on and on. Rammed down our throats.

Our kids are brainwashed in school and forced to take part in this crap. The chuggers are out in the streets rattling their big red buckets. You can’t get into work without being accosted on the doorstep. This year the cunts are even knocking on doors.

One chugger cunt even called me a “tight fisted shit” when I told him I wasn’t interested in donating.

It’s all part of the Christmas build up when charities go into overdrive to part us from our hard earned dosh. Their message is simple. It’s the season of good will when we should think of our fellow man, so give us your money.

Well my fellow man doesn’t give a shit about me, so as far as I’m concerned he can fuck right off and preferably take fucking Pudsey with him.

Christ how I hate that bloody bear…

Nominated by Dioclese

71 thoughts on “Children (always) in Need (3)

  1. Just like donating money to Africunts over the last 40 odd years, its makes little or no difference because they keep on coming back for more!

    Why don’t the truly rich cunts spunk a few million/billion towards these good causes? The likes of Sparkletits, Adull, Greta Thunderbirds, Oprah Windbag – why don’t they splash out (without having to resort to grabbing some of it back as a tax rebate)

    i suppose most of the kids in this year’s shitfest will be of a darker hue; even though old Lammy suggested “we don’t need white man’s money” (paraphrasing)

    • The irony is that Africa is actually a net creditor to the world, they don’t need our money. And it’s our fault actually.. city of london banking corruption.

      COP26 wants to strangle them further by preventing growth.

      So.. where have all the donations actually been going? I’d wager a lot never even gets beyond our borders.

  2. It pisses me off that the BBC waste the precious licence fee on this shit fest every year. They could be using it to produce decent drama instead. I don’t get why they feel the need to ram it down our throats for weeks on end prior to the night.

    • Apparently BBC Children In Need is not even a BBC charity.

      It is a private company with over 100 staff which costing over a million pounds to run, with some executives being paid over 100k each for the fucking privilege!

      In other words it’s another scam, just like so many of those other Big Business so called “charities”. Check it out:

  3. Didnt Wogan get £20k for hosting it? I wonder who paid and if they still do pay these desperate mememe cunts who front it.
    I see some fucker has done a 24 hour dance. All for the kiddies and fuck all to do with free publicity of course.
    Surely St Marcus has removed the need? With his generous donations. Of our money.

  4. Children in Need is a pile of wank.

    Grossly overpaid BBC staff such as Lineker and Vine et al should just agree to donate some of their taxpayer paid wages and leave the rest of the country to worry about heating their homes this winter instead of being blackmailed into partaking in donations to these cunts.

    As for the brainwashing of kids in schools, Children in Need is probably quite far down the pecking order, especially when compared to –

    Climate bollocks.
    Convid/Killing Granny
    Erasing whiteness/Multiculturalism

  5. Excellent cunting Dio?
    A virtue signalling fuckfest, imported from the land of the grift-the good ol’ US of A.

    The expenses and appearance fee’s that get covered up, the sub “end of pier” entertainment.
    Fuck it all!

    If somebody called me “tight”, I would call them “cunt”?

    Children in need? Yes, the little fuckers are-in need of some good, old fashioned discipline.

  6. ….and another thing: if these celebs payed all the tax they owe to HMRC, then the begging bowl would NOT be required?

  7. It goes to the dark keys who probably buy dinghies with the cash.

    I know one thing, the fuckers don’t buy johnnies.

    Most of the cash goes to African cunts, probably most of it syphoned off by NGOs in Mercs and government officials on the take anyway. It’s Africa FFS. Little Mtembe, who walks 10 miles with a broken ankle for water every morning, won’t get so much as a bag of Monster Munch.

    They can fucking do one.

    More chance of me donating to the Muzzy Council of Britain, the steaming great twats.

    We need less Africans (population wise). Let nature take its course, stop saving the cunts. There’s fucking billions of the cunts and ‘Dey now see da white man land. And dey a want eet.’

    Just let them all in then, eh?

  8. Another cry-fest.
    See also Long Lost Family and The Repair Shop (amongst many).
    And invariably used as just another seasonal opportunity to plug the latest albums from Sheercunt, Coldcunt and,worst of all, that Warbling Whale from Tottenham via Hollywood – Adele
    Gordon bloody Bennett

  9. It’s the ultimate festival of virtue signalling. The posh, public school cunts at Jimmy Savile House, who leech off the taxpayer, get to feel good about themselves and assuage their guilt at the same time. They know what dirty grasping bastards they are so this is the face they like to show to the public, who they steal from every day of the year. I wouldn’t give them the shit out of my arse. Total cunts.

    • After Saville they shouldn’t have anything to do with children. Fucking cunts. Everyone turned a blind eye, which makes one think perhaps he wasn’t the only degenerate in that place.

  10. With the prices of everything going up charidees can do one in my opinion. My meat of choice has gone up from £3.60 to £4.00 in the space of 24hrs. Don’t get me started on filling up the car with diesel.
    Spare cash sir? Fuck off!!!!

  11. I think charity should be a personal rather than institutional thing i.e. give the money directly to the person who will benefit. At least you´ll usually get the benefit of a genuine “thank you” as opposed to no response or a follow-up demand for more.

    A friend of mine in Brazil once asked a young guy who was begging what he wanted the money for. The reply was, “to buy a bottle of cachaça (rum) and get pissed.” My friend said, “OK but make sure you buy a decent brand” and handed him the equivalent of 10 bottles of the rotgut he usually drank. Now that´s what I call true charity and loving your neighbor.

  12. Great nom.

    Dressing up in funny clothes and big clown ears, fat buckets waddling around with buckets. ‘Its for the kiddies. Bless.’

    Fucking tiresome shite. I will not give the loopy virtue signalling munters a penny. Just like last year.

    ‘Did you know I am unvakkzinated? No? Terrible isn’t it?’

    Pudsey is a cunt.

  13. I talked to a girl that worked for a charity.

    She spends 6 months of the year in the Ivory Coast.

    I asked her how she felt about getting regular meals over there when there are so many people hungry.

    She said “Fuck ’em”

    “They are the most ungrateful cunts that you could ever meet”

    Twice a year, before she goes for a 3 month stint, she collects as many clothes as she can from her friends and neighbours.
    She uses almost all of her luggage allowance to take the stuff over there.

    She told me that not one of them has ever said thank you for her gifts.

    Their attitude is that she is white and therefore she must look after them.

    She fucking hates them and if it wasn’t for the money she would find another job.

  14. Spanking more money into bullshit projects to look after ‘disadvantaged kids and young people’

    It’s no wonder being disadvantaged is a way of life, Benefits, free everything, access to food banks, free school meals, endless support from charities and you can bet your life that some of the money will finding its way to support the channel invaders.

    They can fuck off, the BBC shit show can fuck off.

  15. Good cunting indeed. If 100% of he proceeds from Children in Need went towards the mandatory gelding of Africunts and selected extermination (e.g. Somalians, Eritreans), then I would happily toss some coins in their bucket.

    Otherwise, fuck off.

  16. Anything to do with that (now dead) bog trotting cunt Terry Wogan on it immediately made me reach for the remote so it did, is it true the cunt got paid to do CiN?, it wouldn’t fucking surprise me one bit!

    • CQ@. It is. TW claimed he knew nothing about being paid for CIN, as his agent dealt with that sort of thing.
      His claim that ‘ every penny goes to the children ‘ was and is, bollocks.
      Many years ago, he was involved with a company called Fountain Forestry, in a controversial tax avoidance scheme, which revolved around tree planting projects in the Flow Country, in Scotland.
      He was very touchy about that.
      The gurning bogtrotting cunt.
      Afternoon, Captain.

      • JTC@ – Wogan insisted on being paid for his “hosting” on children in need, he also had a financial interest in a Limo company and a hotel and made it a condition of him hosting that all the “stars” had to use his Limos and stay in his hotel.
        Greedy old bastard he was.

  17. I don’t know what I hate most, Children in Need or Red Nose Day.
    Both thought up by Cunts for moronic cunts.

  18. LOL … LI’l do they realise that the name of the charity has an all new meaning post COP26.

    Children In Need … of a whole new fuckin’ planet! Yeah … that bear ain’t gonna help to much with that …

  19. I think Nukes for Africa is more sensible.
    As for the tawdry panto that is CIN ?
    Where are the parents?
    How many millions does it take to sort out?
    A platform for has beens to get some screen time.
    Fuck it all.
    No amount of money will sort out useless cunts.
    So they can starve.

  20. I have two rules about donating to charity;

    1. I have two that I donate to regularly, both local. I won’t give to any charity with an address in London. You can bet they’ve got a huge office in the centre, and a director who earns more than the PM, with a huge fuck off ‘company’ car and an ex’s account to boot.
    2. I won’t give to any charity that sends me a begging letter. ‘Let’s end homelessness once and for all this Xmas!’. You say that every fucking year, you cunts.

    • It’s always children, and if it isn’t children it’s Syrians, or some other fuckers who’ve turned their counties into shitholes and expect other people to dip into their pockets and save them. How many millions do we give to India every year? How can the Indians fund a space research programme and keep a straight face while accepting aid? Fuck space, how about feeding your people, you cunts.
      There are two ways of getting money, making it and taking it. Guess which is easier.

  21. All I know is Sophie Ellis-Bextor has burst into tears exhausted at the end of her 24 hour Dancethon.

    I read that on the news just now.

    • I think Sophie should have done a sponsored gang bang on the beaches of Kent and Sussex, I can imagine that gary liniker would have been would have been wetting his pants if that happened, children in need can fuck right off,

    • Sophie Ellis-Baxter should of done a 24 hour Suckathon or gang bang , I would of donated a months salary to see that.

      • I think a televised 24 hr suck-a-thon, would be the best.

        Sophie has to swallow every drop of spunk live on air.

        At the end of the suck-a-thon she could vomit all the consumed semen up into a bucket. The amount of millilitres of spunk would then be measured more accurately in a Pyrex jug by Gary Lineker. The BBC would then agree to donate a thousand pounds for every millilitre vomited.

        (Big cheer from Audience).

        Claudia Winkleman and Tess Daly would then trot on the stage, and challenge Sophie to re-consume the regurgitated semen. If Sophie agrees, the Beeb will double the donation.

        Sophie agrees, and lies on her back as instructed by Claudia.

        (Rapturous applause by audience)

        Tess Daly would then be holding the funnel over Sophie’s open mouth as Claudia tips in the contents of the jug. Lineker would be adjudicating, and making sure there are no spillages.

        Tess then licks the inside of the funnel clean and shares a sloppy kiss with Sophie. As it runs down their chins, Lineker frantically wanks his pathetically tiny penis to the boos of the audience.

        Would anyone else watch this sort of Children In Need line-up?

        Or do I just need help?

      • FF@ – After five kids I hope Ellis Bexter doesn’t do a chiridee sky dive – she might turn inside out if that wizards sleeve gets a bit of air under it!

  22. How about animals in need or veterans in need or homeless in need?

    Kids can fuck off. Consumers of everything. Producers of nothing. A scourge on society. Noisy, demanding, aggravating, disruptive, chaos inducing, disease carrying, free loading cunts.

    I. Yank, Professor of Yoof Studies, University of Bastard.

    • Quite right. The only Children in Need I see are greedy, mouthy little bastards who are in need of a good kick up the arse.

  23. Remember when they were rebrandeded from third world countries to developing nations?
    That was a fucking laugh. I’d have more success teaching my cats to play guitar.
    Fuck charity, the scamming cunts.

  24. Fuck the childrenz!
    They are born cunts and you literally have to beat the cunt out of them.
    Invoking “childrenz” for a cause or to justify the pissing away of money is a cunt tactic and overused.
    Show me the skin and bones African kid with the bloated belly and fly on his eye and I’ll show you the gold teeth of the warlord who gives their donated food to his chimps in the Toyotas with machine guns mounted.

  25. It’s about time we started sending the children in “need” back up chimneys to earn a living, teach them the value of money. You didn’t get this kind of shit in the Victorian era, even better when they come with the begging bowl thrash them till they scream for mercy, then transport them to Australia like in the good old days.

  26. A total wankfest featuring some of the biggest cunts known to man. The BBC milk the build up because it’s cheap. Brainwashed kiddies and virtue signalling members of the public don’t demand appearance fees, so they can produce hours of dross at little expense. Another thing that gets me and I find suspicious, is how every year they claim to have raised a record amount, even in times like these when bills are going up and up.
    May a pox fall upon it. And comic/sport relief as well.

  27. Watching the idiot box I see adverts about problems in Africa that appear to be the same apart from better quality vids as the adverts I watched as a kid.back in the 1960s Water, Food illness etc. How much more fucking money is needed? After 50 plus years and trillions of pounds something is cuntish. Children in need, why after years of collecting millions are children in need?.

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