A Cunting please for millennial tourist, Miles Routledge, who is now stuck in Afghanistan and fearing for his life after boasting of his tour to visit the ten most dangerous countries in the World.
Routledge is a 21 year old student and, according to his friends, an obsessive attention seeker. He has been boasting online, and gathering quite a following in the process, of his intention to “goof off and soak the sun” in what he has determined, after careful research, to be the most dangerous countries in the World – the ones the Foreign Office tell you not to visit under any circumstances.
He has already “soaked up the sun” (and quite a bit of radiation) in Chernobyl. He is currently “goofing off and soaking up the sun” in Afghanistan, where he has already had a brush with the Taliban. He has also posted pictures of himself posing next to an Afghan military checkpoint where he said “ I kind of just thought, I’m going to be killed by the Taliban, fair enough.” Duh!
Routledge has recently posted other updates on his Facebook page where he spoke about the “anarchy” unfolding in Kabul and the psychological toll it had taken on him. He said he was in a “bit of a pickle” after flights were cancelled. Clearly reality is beginning to set in.
Routledge has now posted that he will be part of an “emergency evacuation” after apparently finding refuge with Western forces. A since-deleted picture showed him posing in a flak jacket with a British flag on it, while holding a rifle. I’m sure the British Forces need this numpty clinging around their necks like a Taliban induced hole in the head.
He’s now complaining that he has been abandoned by the British Embassy as they did not respond to his calls to get him urgently out of Afghanistan.
Mr Routledge is sadly typical of the type of Millennial moron obsessed with social media up ticks. In the process he’s quite prepared to make a nuisance of himself and put others at risk. The only thing this goof is likely to soak up is Taliban bullets.
The most dangerous cunt in the World.
Nominated by – MMCM
He’ll just have to make the trek to Calais and hop on a dingy then. Easy enough.
He looks a right Dick holding that Johnny 7. His neck is what a rusty Taliban blade was made for.!
“Before I left, I wrote a letter to my friends saying that if I died, not to feel guilty, that I would die happy and religious and proud,” he added.
What a fucking plant pot.
Feel guilty? I’d be over the moon that the knobhead had removed himself from the gene pool.
They evacuated this cunt ahead of people who fought and helped us. Don’t get me started on that prick who is getting cats evacuated over friendly interpreters either.
At least the cats won’t bring hordes of their extended family over and drain the country’s resources.
Cunt is the wrong work for this chap. I cannot actually think of a phrase that sufficiently expresses my disgust and hatred of this utter prick. He’s put himself and possibly others who try to extricate him from a very harmful situation. He’s beyond contemptible and should, as a minimum, be sent the bill for getting him to safety, which should just simply be dropping the little turd over the nearest border, not back to Blighty. He’s worse than those cunts that have to get rescued every fucking years because they want to climb a fucking hill in Scotland in bad weather in shorts and flip flops. He’s beyond a cunt this tool.
He deserves a bullet to his head
Let’s hope he gets beheaded or passed around like a twink chew toy around a Taliban training camp, the prick.
That’s what should happen, if only to encourage the others as Voltaire once said. Instead the government, frightened of a woke twitterstorm , fly the little cunt back. Please God they give him a bloody great invoice and withdraw all public services such as NHS and education from him until it’s paid.
Wanksock, whilst I agree with your sentiments entirely, I do not see this waste of space being given the bill for his rescue. The NHS allows health tourism aplenty; remember that Nigerian who ran up a bill of £500,000 before running back to her own shit hole?
Karma in Kabul, kaboom to the cunt
He’s even annoying to look at in the photo
Fuck know’s what he’s like to listen too
He sounds like this.
It’s worse than you thought. He sounds like a total idiot.
Jesus H Christ. What a fucking bellend!
This is a spectacularly good bit of cunting MM!
Had to switch off after 20 seconds MMCM but thanks.
He’s the type of cunt that if you saved his life from certain death, he’d make out how great everything was and he was never really worried as he goes on about himself
Hope he gets a dose of the most dangerous country in the world and hope the troops leave him there by accident
Thanks chaps. I couldn’t listen beyond the point where he says he’s going to “show of his tits”, about 15 seconds in.
No…36 seconds in.
How did I listen for so long?
I need to go and lie down.
Bring back national service purely for social media and influencer cunts, they can livestream their own deaths.
The guy is an absolute fucking weapon.
Sunglasses indoors – lnobhead. I think I read he’s a student at Loughborough University, which likely means he’s doing a BSc. in Hop, Skip, & Jump.
I lasted 44 seconds before switching this cunt off.
Pathological narcissist and a genetic dead end.
COTY candidate methinks? As for Biden, well what a CUNT of biblical proportions.
Ridiculous travel adventures aside, the cunt deserves beheading with a rusty butter knife for using the term “goofing off”.
Fucking bellend.
I would have said he looksike the least dangerous tourist, which is some doing seeing as he is holding an assault rifle.
If he can’t find any helicopters the Yanks have left lying around, he must be able to find a gun or two. The whole country must be a scrapyard for weapons. Get that black blanket over your bonce and sneak out like a proper pillarbox.
$85 billion of American gear has been left for the Taliban to play with.
Looks like he is missing a chromosome.
Acts like it too.
Fucking idiot?
Typical student.
Being pushed down the high street in a shopping trolley with a traffic cone on his head isnt good enough for Miles!
Oh no!
Hes got to endanger others and his own life, in the name of fun.
His mummy & daddy must of been worried sick,
Although if he was the fruit of my loins,
I’d be getting my plums looked at by a doctor.
Obviously his baby gravy is faulty going by his son.
Blind him with a stick, get him a Labrador and all sing
I can see for Miles….
Do us all a favour and just stay there.
I hear Afghanistan is lovely this time of year.
What a fucking dickhead.
Let him find his own way home and fuck him is what I say.
If they get him out Boris will probably appoint him as a minister.
It’s almost like he didn’t understand the actual definition of dangerous. Any costs incurred should be billed directly to him and him alone, no bailouts from daddy.
I don’t have a problem with him wishing to take an adventure but he has to accept the consequences.
He could have found the same rush drinking alone in 10 council estate pubs on a Friday night the nob.
The parents must be soooo proud. Id disown the cunt if he was mine.
Just reread it, and Miles says in his letter for his friends not to feel guilty…..
Why would they?
The utter cunt is implying they SHOULD feel guilty!
Its somehow their fault hes a complete tit.
Id be livid if I was unlucky enough to have Miles amongst my mates.
Cheeky cunt.
Why would anyone want to go to Afghanistan.
Lots of sand but no beach ?
I hope he’s not too attached to his head if the wrong folk get hold of him.
Miles is from Birmingham, if he wanted to visit a backward, repressive culture stuck in the 7th century hasn’t he heard of Small Heath, Aston or Sparkbrook?
Is he?
Doesn’t sound it?
They all sound like Noddy Holden or Geezer Butler dont they?
Whyd he go to Afghanistan then?
More camel kissers in Brum than Kabul.
Probably a monkey dust fan https://youtu.be/j6_aM2-x5Z0 top show that.
Bit worried by the Taliban?
Still got time to update social media though?
Complain on Twatter?
What a shitty cunt.
Afghan Tandoori Oven.
Skewer up the arse, and slow vertical grilling. While he’s still alive.
Give it 6 months and there will be plenty of libtard do gooders going over there to build a Wimminz refuge or a goat pen. Look at me!……look at my superior virtue!…….give me a round of applause on your doorsteps. You know the sort.
With any luck their stupid fucking heads will end up decorating the local mosque.
With any luck they’ll believe the bullshit about a new reformed Taliban and head out there to make peace with their brothers.
Kum-by-ah m’lord, and Admiral Ackbar.
Sorry to say, they got this megalocephalic cunt out. According to the reports, he thought he was testing God, which implies a measure of religious mania, in addition to his other cunt qualifications of (a) being a student (b) at Loughborough ex-Poly and (c) an investment banking intern.
I am sorry the Taleban missed their chance there, but perhaps they didn’t want to waste a bullet or get a blade dirty.
Been evactuated.
Has now been airlifted out by RAF Transport who neglected to put the fuckwit overboard from a height. Another waste of semen and the result of an upbringing by parental arseholes who funded his cretinous activities. Cunt born of cunts.
Send him home and the parents out.
I have Patricia Routledge in the Dead Pool, I think I should swap her for this cunt, the brain of Britain.
Well there’ll probably be some Taliban fighters mixed iin with refugees being brought over here so the Taliban might still have a chance to catch the one that got away.
Leave the stupid prick there.
The cunt is 21 years old and obviously doesn’t have a job.
Mummy and daddy are funding his travels, so let the feckless cunts also pay for his rescue.
Ait-Miles Routledge!
Should rename himself Carbon Credits Routledge, somewhat catchier, SOOO on message, and equally cuntitudinal.
AIR Miles…
Yet another spoilt, entitled, self-obsessed, attention seeking fucking little twat who has been brought up to believe that nothing is ever his fault and someone else will always get him out of trouble for his mistakes. The blame lies solely with his idiot parents for bringing him up this way. Unfortunately it seems to be the modern parenting way which is why there are so many of these cunts blubbing on social media because something/somebody has “offended” them. Imagine if we had a war now and the government had to call up this cunts to defend the country? We’re fucking doomed.
The whole world thinks this guy is a colossal fucking bellend. If he’d just put down the fucking smart phone, found a spare burkha, started walking westward, got caught and then executed, most people would just think he was a standard, non-colossal bellend………… some people might even feel sad for his loss.