The Scottish [2]

I’d just like to say thank you to all those miserable small minded stupid cunts that voted for the Scottish Nazi party in the recent election, giving them a mandate for whining and whinging for another four years. It’s not that they would have stopped whining and whinging, but no fucker would have taken a blind bit of notice of them. Instead, the fucking BBC will have that dreadful krankie midget on all its platforms 24/7, so she can spout her backwards racist drivel.
That they voted for them last time is cunt enough, but to have voted for them after the recent shenanigans between Sturgeon and Salmond, their poor running of the NHS and the education system in Scotland makes their supporters as small minded and miserable as the party themselves. All you want is independence from the U.K. so you can sign up for the EU, so you can scrounge the cash for your burgeoning benefits system, while having terms dictated to you by a load of cunts who can’t run a piss up in a brewery, or in Scotland’s case, a fix in a smack house.
Sick of their fucking incessant moaning now, hurry up and fuck off, and let’s have a hard land border so the rest of the U.K. can stand behind it and laugh.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

66 thoughts on “The Scottish [2]

  1. Shades of Suckdick in Londonistan with these cunts north of the border.

    Lashings of ineptitude, corruption and anti white/english hatred are obviously no barrier to re-election.

    Fuck them.

    • We’ve been here before,
      They had a vote on independence.
      Never heard of any country voting NO to independence before but they did.
      Theyre melodramatic.
      Like a spoilt woman
      “Im leaving!”
      Shut the door on your way out.
      I like the scots, really do.
      I like Scotland.
      But they need to stop fuckin whining, stop listening to that ginger midget.
      Drown it in a bucket.

      • Its a weird paradox.
        From conversations with the few Scots I know or meet, I am led to believe she can’t comprehend that people vote SNP because they want them to go down to Westminster to get some good devolved powers and as much money as possible for Scotland to spend locally. She believes she’s being sent to gain independence.

  2. I didn’t want to see them go but the endless whining and carping has changed that. The “anti-English” rhetoric from Sturgeon and her acolytes has gone too far.Everything that she does…even if it harms her own people and Country…is designed to goad the hated English parliament into giving into her demands for another “once in a lifetime referendum”.

    If the Scots are so stupid that they believe her promises of some “free” Land of Milk and Honey…well,give them their vote and if a majority want to go,fair enough. How she plans to fund her “neither work nor want” Utopia seems to be a bit of a mystery but that should be their problem,not England’s.

    Nicola should campaign for the whole of The UK to have a vote on Scottish Independence..I have little doubt that she’d then have a massive majority for her ” Leave” campaign.

    • Thing is, Jimmy would never want that as she damn well knows Scotland would be handed independence, and by a fair margin.

      My take on it is that Jimmy likes to indulge the dream, but she knows the whole thing would quickly turn into a turd sandwich if it became reality.

      She plays a fucking dangerous game, but their voter’s hope of independence is the only thing that keeps SNP in power

    • Perth and Kelso are two of the friendliest racecourses in The UK..always an enjoyable day. The locals are a damn sight more welcoming than some of the southern courses that I’ve “southern” I mean south of Sedgefield.

  3. Hilariously parts of Glasgow has the same life expectancy as Iraq. Boris should force the cunts to have a referendum. The Nazi cunts don’t really want one. Boring moaning scotch cunts.

    • The life expectancy of the average Jockanese needs to be around the 7 to 10 years mark.
      Then Jimmy’s repeat referendums will be once in a lifetime.

      • Hilariously, the Nazi midget leader has decided that Glasgow will not be having its lockdown restrictions lifted anytime soon. That’ll teach the sweaty cunts to be careful what they wish for!

  4. I agree, let everyone vote. When it’s done a hard boarder on the lines of East Germany. I would laugh my bollocks off when the fourth reich told them to fuck off. Scotland would be a financial basket case in under five years. Oh and as for keeping the pound? Do fuck off Nicola.

    • Agreed CM, the EU have enough bloated economic disaster zones in Greece and Italy, even before COVID, without adding the Jocks to the mix. Wee Jimmy and her band of nutters have been a boil on the arse of England for far too long now, with PM after PM indulging this cunt.

  5. Excellent cunting Mr Japseye and one with which I wholeheartedly agree. It sickens me the way the BBC and sections of the chattering class idolise the thoroughly incompetent, third rate, in-bred and downright nasty Krankie. They do so because, like her, they are anti-British.

    The Scots remind me of turkeys looking forward to Christmas. If they were independent they would sink within 6 months. No currency, no solid tax base because all the large banks and corporations will flee to England, a large dependent community of drug addicts and scroungers expecting massive handouts, and a hard border with their biggest trading partner. For this reason, I don’t believe it will happen and we’ll be stuck with the whining SNP for ever.

    I feel sorry for the decent Scots who are unionists and can see through this SNP shite. There are more of them than the SNP and media let on – as reflected in the recent polling on independence. But being decent, ordinary people they tend not to shout about it. For their sakes we should keep the Union.

    As for Krankie she looks like the mongol half sister of the Bay City Rollers, the one they would keep locked in the attic in case she scared the neighbours. Cunt.

    I blame Mel Gibson, another cunt.

  6. Love Scotland hate the Krankie witch and her national socialist party Maybe it can be arranged for bloater Blackford to trip and fall on her squashing her flat. ?

    • Blackford hates the English.
      He struggles to disguise it.
      Stories of the English setting fire to wee ginger heads and pissing in the porridge, told to him as a boy turned him that way.

      He looks a bit Yewtree too.

  7. The recent business with the coppers allowing those fucking illegal immos walk free, with the Krankie army baying from the sidelines said it all for me. Wee Jimmy spoke like Westminster was the government of a foreign occupying power.
    Fuck ‘em, give them their vote, let the British Jocks come south and the Krankies go north and build a fucking great Roman wall behind them. I’ve had enough of the cunts.

  8. I’ll tell you how to fuck the Nats over. Give them their referendum and tell them that every area that returns a no majority will remain part of the UK. Partition the fuckers. They won’t return a yes majority anyway.

      • Too true MNC. Then they can carry on whining whilst extracting more powers from Westminster whilst continuing to suck on the bountiful English tit.

      • That’s what her fella must have trying to get to the vinegar stroke with her.

  9. If I were Doris in Number 10 I wouldn’t lift a finger to prevent the moaning cunts having a referendum every six months if that’s what they want.
    Good riddance to the inept,bitter,socialist vermin.

  10. I personally know of a nice middle-class English couple living in Scotland who have had enough and are leaving to come back south. They won’t be the only ones. And bringing their salaries and tax back to England.

  11. The sooner you lot just give them independence the sooner you can invade again.

    “jus primae noctis”

  12. I would make it very clear to Sturgeon and Blackford that if they vote for Independence they can have it BUT we will never, from the day they become “independent” – controlled by the Fourth Reich of course, that they will ever get a penny piece from us again – even if they fall victim to national disasters. You can be sure if there is an economic disaster (Blackford dropping a pound coin in the lavatory he has just shat in for example) , we won;t bail them out under any circumstances. Their free money tree will soon wither and die. You can be sure the “proud jocks” wouldn’t be too proud to whine to us for help. Keep shortbread and Moira Anderson behind the wall.

  13. Scotland leaving the U.K. means fuck all to me. The Welsh can fuck off too. obviously as soon as they left we’d have to invade and occupy them due to our defence requirements. At least then they’d understand the balance of power much better.

    • Wales Isn’t going anywhere. There is an independence movement, but there is little appetite for it, as we don’t hate the English, apart from at sport. This is apparent as there are so many English living here, and quite a lot have come in the last ten years, presumably because of the white flight from town and cities across England, because although we do have a share of foreign cunts, it’s nothing like across the border where you can be a minority in your own country.

  14. If they get independence you can return to this post to see how right I was.

    This is what will happen (as long it is proper independence).

    1. They’ll rejoin the EU and adopt the euro.
    2. Their economy will tank.
    3. The natives will get restless.
    4. To ‘save’ the economy, the EU will dump a shit load of Africans and goat shaggers on them.
    5. All of Eastern Europe will invade Scotland thinking it’ll be like UK when we were in the EU.
    6. Crime through the roof and hyper inflation. Food shortages and power cuts. The SNP won’t have a clue how to run a country, without England’s money and political framework doing their jobs for them.
    7. A form of Marshall law will be brought in to curb the violence.

    And they’ll blame all of it on England!

    I hope the cunts get independence so I don’t have to fund the cunts free university places and ‘expenses’ for cunts like Blackford.

    And independence must mean independence. No more dipping your dirty mits in our piggy bank. Not a fucking penny.

    Fuck off.

    • Although I am quite partial to Walker’s shortbread, so I’d round up everyone who works at the factory (at gunpoint in front of their crying children if necessary) and rebuild it in England.

      Oh and Tunnock’s wafers an all.

      • Oh yeah, Tunnocks teacakes are the fucking business. For some reason you never see them round my way anymore. Wee Jimmy should sort that out, the commie bitch.
        Oh, they can take that Jim White back too, fucking hate that gob on a stick.

  15. The only joy in them voting NO again will be watching Nicola throw her toys out of the Pram.

    I hope I live long enough to watch the joy of them voting YES

    It will be a basket case in fifteen years.

  16. I’m in Scotland and I hate the SNP, they are fucking useless and annoying. There will never be independence, not after the shit-show of the last seven years. Scotland would become like Moldova or one of those lesser states of Europe. The SNP are anti-business, anti-success, they don’t mind failure, just look at Salmond, that oleaginous gastropod who had the neck to call Scotland, “a nation of drunks” while himself being a sex-pest boozebag himself.

    Devolution was great, but we need better representation in Hollyrood. Sturgeon and her cronies are clown shoes.

    • Devolution has been shit for Wales, and for Scotland. It’s because of devolution that this independence nonsense is even considered.
      Devolution was the reason that fucking cunt Drakeford got re-elected last week and the Labour Party dominates the Welsh parliament, because he was able to claim responsibility for the successful vaccine roll out, even though there wouldn’t be any vaccine if it wasn’t for the U.K. government, and he can blame all the shortcomings on Boris, such as the failings of the NHS even though they are his administrations fault as these issues are devolved.
      I have seen absolutely no benefit from the Welsh government, yet it costs a fucking fortune, same goes for those turds in Holyrood.
      Fuck them, who needs more politicians anyway?

  17. Sturgeon and the Scottish nazi party don’t represent the Scots. Another recent poll put support for the union at just under 60% so in another referendum krankie would lose again. The SNP is a vicious little party that sided with the nazis in the 30s just like the oirush. She’s a divisive little cunt who bribes her way. They are thick as shit and fucking odious. Wannabe Irish Republicans.

  18. The FTP voting system is a bit like the BBC – “we can do this (be cunts) because of the unique way we are structured”.

    There is a different form of voting for referendums, where each vote counts equally across the whole piece, resulting in different outcomes. The outcome of another referendum would be the same as the last – no sane person would vote to leave UK security/subsidy.

    Krankie wants another referendum but in a few years time, to allow her to canvas to persuade people to vote out.

    Meanwhile, she’s splurging taxpayers’ cash on new EU flags. She’s like a female 21st century Nero.

      • It says 1.4k but your point remains, I could have got them some from me mate Denny for a mere 1.3k.

      • I’m pretty sure that the EU hands them out for free, but the SNP could source them for a few thousand quid. In any case, they shouldn’t be flying the EU flag. Another petty gesture by small-minded cretins.

  19. I could understand all the shit about independence and a referendum if there were a huge majority of people in Scotland wanting to leave but there isn’t.

    Run a referendum each year until the people get sick of it and dump the SNP, the SNP are cunts, can’t accept that they have the best of both worlds, supported by UK (England) but still have lots of power over day to day running of the country.


    • If the SNP keep on losing future referendums, they will insist that the counting process is rigged; or that there should be a clear majority margin against the “No” vote – meaning that if the “No” party gets 60% of the vote compared to the “Yes” party of 40%, then the No party have lost because the win margin must be 25% and not 20%. Therefore the SNP win!!

      It will be some made-up bollocks like that, that Krinkle Chips will insist on if her party keeps losing.

      • When countries have became independent in the past, like Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Australia, etc, it was because a HUGE majority of the people wanted it, not half of them. It should have to be at least 75% for YES for Scotland to become independent, not 50.1% that’s comical, the country would be so divided in an already divided clown world after Covid and all the other Orwellian pish.

      • “It should have to be at least 75% for YES.”

        FFS don’t tell the remoaners that!

  20. The Jocks I’ve come across have been spot on.

    I brought an old Leyland tractor from an farmer near Banff a couple of years ago.

    I picked it up with a lorry, and it was a long journey from Derbyshire. When I got there his missus had done a steak and kidney pie, with vegetables for me, and an apple pie and custard.

    Sat and ate it around the table with the family and some old bloke called ‘Hamish’ came from down the road. The conversation and hospitality was really quite refreshing. It was like I had known them years.

    The farmer’s missus offered to put me up for the night, for which I was very grateful, as I didn’t relish the thought of driving all the way home.
    Hamish was a real character, and we exchanged anecdotes about lorry driving in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s.

    I was quite sad to leave in the morning!

    The Jocks…..Some of the nicest people in the country, – along with the Geordies.

    Surrey, Hampshire, Kent….The most inhospitable and arrogant. People here wouldn’t give you the time of day.

    All in all, it was a wonderful e

      • Yes. I think the Cunting is probably for the SNP (Scottish Nazi Party) and their groupies rather than ordinary Scots.

    • “Surrey, Hampshire, Kent….The most inhospitable and arrogant”

      You were lucky to find any genuine local people. I know, I’m Dorset born and brewed and us locals are now massively in the minority.

  21. Sick to death with this non stop hurricane of bollocks. Boris said this Sturgeon said that blah, blah blah. Have a referendum nationalist win hurrah your independent, unionists win you ain’t. Repeat every two years until the desired outcome is achieved.
    I really do not give a fuck what the SNP want, could not care a flying fuck. The Scottish voters will decide I will respect their wishes

  22. It strikes me how the supporters of Scottish independence have such a parochial and geographically limited view of the world. The UK is a tiny country. Ten or twelve of the American states are each bigger than the UK. From where I am in Buckinghamshire I could set out now to drive to Edinburgh or Glasgow and be there in time for tea.

  23. Fuck off Sturgeon, fuck off Scotland. Oh and fuck off all female football commentators nagging on the TV!
    That is all.

  24. I could rattle on about this SNP bollocks forever … being ‘north of the border’ and pro-union.
    She (Sturgeon) is going for the young and immigrant population to bolster her popularity … vote.
    My young nephew is prize Braveheart nugget, indoctrinated by her ‘hate the English’ bile.
    Before the recent elections, in which (sadly) he is eligible to vote, I asked him three simple, but what I thought fairly basic (independence crucial) questions …
    How is the pound faring against the dollar, what’s the exchange rate? … Not a fucking clue. I suggested it was ‘on the up’ and the UK appeared to be getting stronger due to post – Brexit.
    What is a barrel of (North Sea) oil currently worth ? … crucial to Scotlands’ economy and currently around half of what it was worth back in 2014 .. Vacant look back at me.
    What about the Schengen area ? Scotland will need to adopt the Schengen area agreement if (when) we re-join the EU… free movement into Scotland, and you can bet your bottom groat, that they (any travelling immigrants) won’t hang about in Scotland, merely use it as a stepping stone to head on down to England … therefor, quite rightly, Englands insistance for a hard border and border controls.
    He had not a fucking clue … What do I get back at me .. the clenched fist in the air and a cry of ‘Freedom’ ..
    I could boot Mel Gibsons fucking arse from Wick to Gretna Green

    NB … I was heading down the A74 (Glasgow to Carlisle) road many years ago …It was obviously around the time of Glasgow’s trades holiday week. A traffic jam and I found myself weaving my motorbike through miles and miles and miles of Glasgow tour buses heading for Blackpool. Fast forward to post Independence and a hard border. A bus would be an ideal way for some illegals to head across the border. Can you imagine the riots if ‘Weegies, tanked up on the Buckfast, were to be held up at a border crossing for hours of checks. They want to be careful what they wish for.

    • It’s good to get your perspective (and Cunty Gordon’s) on the view across the border. I suspect there are a lot more pro-UK Scots than the media like to show. It’s a shame that what the Nats are doing is in effect stoking ethnic tension between the Scots and the English. It was never there before (or not to the same extent) – just light hearted rivalry. Suspects that’s the Nats game plan.

      • It’s incredible to listen to some of the Braveheart crowd. You ask them, in all seriousness, how will Scotland manage (?) ..You get this astonishing reply of ..’We just will’. You point out some very, very basic realities of currency, borders, defence, etc … and you still get the same .. ‘It’ll be okay’.
        Will it fuckity fucking fuck … ‘be okay’.
        I never want it to happen, but if Scotland does get independence, I want to be around when the tartan shit hits the tartan fan and all the SNP voters gripe about ‘not being told about blah, blah’ .. But I guess Sturgeon and Blackford will be well up the EU tree by then with their noses in the trough, not giving a fuck about Scotland.

      • That has a lot to do with the Black Broadcasting Cunts and MSM.

  25. Have a referendum, don’t like the result, spend the next ten forevers demanding more and more referendums until the result can be rigged to go “the correct way”. (Does this sound familiar?)
    An independent Scotland would lose the 12 billion in annual funding handed over by the English taxpayer, Faslane would have to close, most of the remaining Clyde shipyards survive on MOD contracts which could legally be withdrawn and under UK law any financial services providers who operate in the UK would have to have head offices in the UK, not Scotland. Then the fact Sturgeon is keeping VERY quiet – the UK would have no legal obligation to pay sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, pensions or offer free medical treatment to Scottish nationals living in the Union. Scotland would also have much less fishing grounds and would have to share them with the EU if they were ever to allow them to join, and would also have to sign up to all EU legislation.
    Scotland would also be legally liable for its share of both the budget deficit and the national deficit – and nutty Nicola appears to be the only person unaware that North Sea oil is gone, and crude oil retails at around $69 a barrel not $150 a barrel as she believes (the price is still academic when there is nothing to sell though) – children could work this out with pencil and paper in 30 seconds, but Sturgeon is never challenged on her fiscal cloud cuckoo land lunacy.
    Krankie’s crazy “plan”?
    Get independence from the UK to immediately surrender it to the EU, but the EU have already said no way can Scotland join due to its debt and fragile economy – so what’s Wee nippys solution? – Borrow money from the EU (they have already said “no way” BTW) to pay off the deficit, join the EU and then owe it to the EU, Sturgeon doesn’t seem to understand that it doesn’t matter WHO you owe the money to, you still OWE the money, and if the EU ever did loan money it would be on the demand for cuts in public services and higher taxes in Scotland.
    How can anyone older than six not work this out?
    And how the fk do they still vote for these evil racist nazis?
    Nearly forgot – Boris you gutless twat – stop throwing money at Krankie and tell her to fuck off! ?
    As King Edward II probably said “the jocks aren’t too bad – it’s those SNP shitweasels who need a slap”.

    • Fantastic summary.
      May I add that there is another layer of academics to the north sea oil rights – they are already sold – you cant just unsell them because Scotland is independent and needs to sell them again so theres money to keep the power stations running. As you say, Sturgeon seems to have less knowledge than your average 6 year old when it comes to maths and basic macro economics

  26. Let them have another vote but this time let us English vote too as I’m sure most English people are pissed off with the constant anti English crap spouted by the poisoned dwarf and fat bastard Blackford. If will be great to see them go financially tits up and be dictated to by their beloved EU, that’s if they ever are allowed to join, which is debatable. Also the fat bastard and other Scottish Nazi Party twats can then piss off out of the Westminster parliament and spare us the crap they spout.

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