A nomination for the the most recent cock up by Boris and his boys, why the fuck didn’t they shut down the border with India when cases were rising out if control in the worlds largest democratic shit hole.
The inevitable has happened all the fuckers coming in from India have brought the latest Covid variant and there is no excuse for it, shutting the door would have stopped the vast majority of variant B…….whatever the fuck it is.
The latest news is the cock up with test and trace, well there wouldn’t have been a need for test and trace if hadn’t been allowed to get here and it wouldn’t make any difference, the Asians take no notice about self isolation.
The government are shitting themselves with all the talk about amber countries, if thousands of people go to these countries there will be no way to check if the travellers are self isolating on return, so Boris is now desperately trying to persuade people not to travel, yep good luck with that.
Boris and his boys are cunts.
Nominated by:Sick of it
…and then there’s this from Everyonesacunt
The residents of Bolton, the poor impoverish fuckers that have no money but can a did jet off to India and Pakistan for weeks and months, (how do they do this on benefits), are cunts.
They ignored the travel restrictions. Fancy, I’ve never heard of peaceful s ignoring rules before; Ha. Get on the first flight back to Britain then totally ignore distancing etc and wonder why the chunky flu is spreading like a bush fire .. Utter total Cunts.
Country is fucked. Selfish cunts.
Fuck em.
I had this Indian variant last year. I started wobbling my head when I was talking, when walking in the high Street I spat every three paces and I stopped wiping my arse after a crap!
Fuck off!
I voted for Johnson/Brexit and got Brino. I am indeed a gullible cunt, but who else could I vote for.?
For a man who is allegedly very well educated, he acts pretty damned thick, and is obviously as fake as fuck in all matters.
I would still shag his sister though.
Indeed five eyes, it really was like asking what kind of cancer you wanted to die from, you get a cunt either way!
This pandemic is over. Fuck the variants. Now lets nuke China.
Old boris eh? He’s a character. Funny walks,disheveled appearance , eccentric ludicrous voice….ah what a lad.
I’ve said it before can we please for once get some sane grownups to run the country. You know Professionals instead of comic characters straight out of Viz?
Since Tony Blair resigned in 2007 things have gone from bad to worse. What this country needs is a true leader with intelligence and integrity. I doubt that such a person is to be found on the Conservative benches.
They certainly wonbe found on the Labour benches!
What a cunt you are. Bliar leaves a legacy of death and destruction. Quicker the devil takes him where he belongs the better.
To paraphrase something off Guido Fawkes:
If Corbyn (or insert other politician: Blair/Starmer/Flabbott etc.) is the answer then it must have been a stupid question.
Still chuckling now; that, and plasterer’s radios. Gold.
But I heard of two coppers coming round to check that a couple were isolating after returning from Spain. Probably an easier gig than going to Blackburn or wherever and finding those from India.
Flights should have been banned from the very start, apart from essential freight, not just from India, but everywhere.
We’re an island, for fucks sake.
The bottom line is, the politicians don’t care about the General Public.
And they’re useless anyway.
Put your faith in them at your peril.
Good afternoon.
Bang on Jack.
We are indeed a island.
And therefore should be the safest of places.
But the liberal types that run things wince at shutting the borders in case accusations of racism are levelled at them.
Being called a racist is the worst thing you can be to metro types.
Common sense Jack.
From day one travellers who may (or may not) have Covid were unbelievably allowed to enter our shores totally unchecked, and then straight on to travel through London using the packed Underground trains.
Everyone with a fucking brain cell knew at the time this was complete fucking madness
But when did the government ever use common sense?
Our fate was sealed when they decided to place their trust (pass the buck) in the science boffins, who said that it wouldn’t make any difference if we continued to allow people in from highly infected areas.
All cunts together.
The security can go too far, as it has in Oz, in my opinion…
In oz you have to apply to come home and there’s a two week custodial quarantine for all returnees. Tested before arrival and there times during incarceration.
When one security guard gets a sniffle whole states go into lockdown for a week or more.
Apparently India isn’t happy about it being Called the Vindaflu . Well goodness gracious me.
Do you vant sum poppadoms with your Chicken Corona Masala or would you like Lamb Korma-19?
I vill Aloo Gob in it for free.
So many variants. Hello please.
Get with the program guys, this Indian variant doesn’t exist, and is just more bullshit from the elites again to crush the hoi poloi. In fact, how can you have a variant of a virus that doesn’t exist?
At least that’s what YouTube says….??
Quite so.
There is no fucking virus. It’s propaganda and statistical manipulation.
? ? ?
Perhaps you might like to look at the data in India as it stands.
Cases have already peaked and are coming down just as sharply as they rose.
Absolutely nothing to do with the vax rollout that began just prior. No siree! Absolutely no chance.
Indian variant is utter bullshit. Try again.
Your making Vishnu very angry!!
And all the other gods!
Papa smurf, octo women, and Harry Christmas.
A thousand apologies are called for sahib!!!
Gracious yes.
Damn, I thought I’d try a bit of satire, but it doesn’t come near the real thing.
What a fucking beginner eh? Must try harder.
PS. Do crisis actors have a separate union, or does equity accept them?
And this weeks comedy made up variant is..
Every single airport, rail terminal and sea port has been carrying on as normal bringing people in from around the world every day, from day one.
I think it is beginning to dawn on people that we have been royally fucked over by a group of chancers and carpetbaggers – and when it all does fall down (it is already TBH) all that will happen is the politicians will blame SAGE and SAGE will blame the politicians – thus ensuring nobody gets brought to book over this travesty.
Want to stop this at the next election?
Vote every single “serving” politician out.
Time for change, time for different and time for better.
And possibly the last shot we ever get at democracy and the will of the people prevailing.
I said this to people during my local election a few weeks back. And what did they do? Vote in the useless Tory cunt (well, cuntess in this case) to carry on doing what they have always been doing – lining their own fucking pockets. Yet, you still hear the locals complaining about everything from over-development to shit bus services. But, hey, yes – keep voting the status quo. Stupid cunts.
Fucking typical…..https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9611961/People-self-isolating-overcrowded-houses-Covid-hotspots-offered-accommodation.html
Free accommodation back in their homeland shit holes ?
Diversity is our strength, no so for Covid ?
anyone know what Suckdick Khunt’s father did for a living?
And did Lammy know anyone in Grenfell Tower?
When we gave them their country back we should have said “and fucking stay there!!” ( especially the P*ki part) Surely cunts should have realised that the smarter ones would have followed us back to the land of milk and honey and fuck it up with their foreign ways.
Some people just can’t see the bleeding obvious.
I worked with an old school Pakistani who came here in the 60s. Well educated, classy and polite. Should have heard what he said about the new lot!
It does make me wonder how these countries would have fared had the UK not built an empire back in the day!
I suppose it would have meant all those cunts from India, Pakistan and the West Indies would have stayed put, all of them still stuck in the Stone Age!
I think this should be highlighted to the BLM and the Woke – “Had it not been for the Empire, where would you be right now?”
Yip. Those in the states if your ancestors hadn’t been on the old plantation you would have been born in some African shit hole and be either dead by now or walking 5 miles a day for a jug of muddy water some animal has pissed in. Be grateful you cunts.
This is bullshit. Check the data. The ‘Indian variant’, in India, is just a spike in cases/deaths that immediately followed the introduction of the vax rollout.
Twat Mancock claiming a handful of sick people up north constitutes evidence of yet another scariant is fucking ludicrous.
How can you possibly still believe this shit with variants. How many has it been now? Plus ‘double’, ‘triple’, ‘escape’ mutations? Christ people are fucking dumb.
Yes. They are?
Is that whats killing them?
What do you reckon?
TBCC@ – I have a number of mutual friends in India, they are all telling me the same thing – the supposed scenes of people dropping in the streets are just not happening and the MSM are deliberately pushing footage from a chemical spill to pretend it is coronavirus causing it.
“Bodies” in body bags clearly alive and well, “bodies” being lifted easily with one arm and carried away, state actors dressing in biohazard suits for the benefit of the media and the same media telling people in India that India has a “deadly UK variant” and that people in the UK are dropping dead in the street from it.
Lies on top of lies on top of lies – and the general consensus is that overcrowding, inbreeding, unhygienic living conditions, a lack of sanitation and piss poor medical services are responsible for high death rates in India – not coronavirus.
Enough money for a space programme, a nuclear capability and one of the largest military machines in the world but none spare to ensure clean water or decent medical treatment.
No such things as borders.
Just lines on a map.
Ask Godfrey Nogudwana who turned up in a dinghy with his filthy evil mates yesterday.
And today.
And tomorrow.
And forever.
The only variants I give a fuck about are the variety of different calibre weapons we should be using on the savages and assorted Stanleys.
A mininum of 50 cal.
I was cunting about this last week.
Old Vindaloo face Narendra Nodi is desperate for VISA’s linked to a trade deal with us so more bud bud dings can bring their families to the UK so they no longer are his problem.
We should change the name of our country to the United Kingdom of BAME.
I would scrap the ‘United’ part, it’s simply the Kingdom of BAME, soon to become Peaceful Place.
Somebody considerably more intelligent and educated than me predicted “rivers of blood” if we ever got the situation of non white dominance in the UK.
They were right – there are less and less alternatives.v
On reflection maybe just BAME…
How the fuckety fuck can somebody make such a basic mistake TWICE?! That takes a special level of incompetence.
It’s all.bullshit, it were that worried why are multiple flights from India still coming in.
Let’s be honest you are a British citizen and you wanna come back well fuck you, you hav had plenty of time.
Or as Gary Numan said of God…
“if you are the answer then I asked the wrong question”
what a cracker!