A diversity-is-our strength cunting please for this 19 year old savage, who, in order to celebrate her 18th birthday went on a six day bender. The brainless whore left her baby daughter alone the entire time, with the result that the child died of dehydration and influenza:
She has, to her credit, pleaded guilty. She will be sentenced later. Her defence council have been given access to all her social service papers, no doubt to concoct a suitable sob story to get her a minimal sentence. That sentence should surely include sterilization, so she an never produce offspring to abuse again.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
At least her child won’t grow up to be an inevitable burden on the state, before going on to have 7 n1glets of her own in 15 years.
Besides *Verphy’ll get out in 5 years nevertheless and go on to have several more bouncing baby architects.
A vet ought to spay her in prison.
* Why do these apes always have odd names that are constructed of English characters yet couldn’t sound less English.
Good shot Mr Cunt Engine.
Just realised her name sounds like the dark key version of Very Cunty. How apt.
It is an anagram of “I very Phukd.”
It’s wimminzzz rights to go out and get smashed over a six day period so please do not judge the young lady.
The fact that she left her infant child to starve to death in her own excrement so not be the issue here…jezzzz
I’m sure the BBC will give this full coverage due the senseless killing of one the velcro topped future pilots. I’ll wait shall I ?
Yes I would, actually… I prefer the more boyish figure.
If she cuts her nails I’ll have a go too.
I was thinking the same. Only be a quick hump and disappear though as:
1. She certainly won’t feed you as she couldn’t s toddler
2. Like most black women she’ll probably have an arse the size of a three piece sofa before she gets to 25.
3. It’s what she’d expect a male black to do.
Should remain in prison until she’s at least 30 and have a forced hysterectomy.
Evil Bitch.
It will be whitey’s fault, you can be sure of that!
Also begs the question where the fuck was the “father”?
If the father was black, chances are he fucked off as soon as he heard.
Haha, where was the black father? Spreading his sub IQ genes across half of Londonistan no doubt. Black fathers are about on par with unicorn piss when it comes to availability.
Let me guess Harrigay council again, this is what happens when these fuckmonkeys have kids just so they can claim benefits and hopefully be able to leech of them in later life a la Rashfords mums style.
The sad thing is the kids probably better off not having to grow up with this useless Ugandan scum as its parent.
At least if it was back in the homeland it could have looked forward to gunning her down when he was 10 with his own AK47….
Been following this horrible story all week on the DM website. I’m sure her team will be digging up a raft of mitigating circumstances- single parent family, drug abuse at a uoung age, maybe even abused, no chances in life etc etc. Should be a mandatory life sentence. It would be across the pond.
Apparently it wasn’t the first time she’d done it. Which brings up the moot point of social services. How much did they know? Was there any intervention? Or were they scared of being accused of racism had they interfered. God only knows how many other kids are on the brink of death in similar households.
If she did that in the USA she’d be getting the needle. I doubt she’ll get more than 15 years here the fucking cunt
This Self obsessed fucker has got a lot of form when it comes to child neglect. It happened not far from where i live in Brighton. Imagine how you would feel if your this savages neighbor and that poor kid was starving to death a few yards from you.
I bet she’d show more concern if you she lost her mobile phone than losing her child, such is the materialistic nature of some young cunts these days!
Bang on techno, probably the only thing she gives a flying fuck about is KFC and her mobile phone, circle cell is what this fucker deserves…
Like so many babies born in such circumstances, the odds are stacked against them. I am generally a fairly hard hearted old git but I must admit to being really upset about this poor baby’s tragic end.
Seconded: no child asks to be born.
A sad tale all round?
Racism innit.
I think I am going to puke….
And here I was thinking that a family brought up a child rather than “the community and the village” . The worst place as a black baby to be outside the Congo is in the womb in America, after that its in South Central Chicago. Personally id prefer to be an ungrateful, lying “black” Princess escaping into the arms of the English.
Don’t worry, all responsibility can be mitigated when she details her struggle mid-party when she suffered a flashback to her ancestors slavery ‘at da hand of da white mayn’ which put her into a six day coma. To bring her to consciousness, the nurses wafted over the scent of a bucket of kentuggy fried chiggun and read her favourite bedtime story, the audiobook of Saint George Floyds felony sheet.
Fucking good slap and a job when she gets out. Unless she pleads insanity as leaving your child on its own for six days does not indicate much of a mother’s desire to do what’s best. As earlier comment stated the loss of her fucking phone would have caused her more upset
Fucking animal! You wouldn’t leave a dog on it’s own for six days let alone a child. This bitch needs hanging. Yeah, social services would be shit scared of the R word so will do nothing. Tell them you voted UKIP and they will have your kids off you before you can blink.
More truth to that than you could ever imagine.
First thing that should happen to this cunt in prison is get its fucking legs yanked open and pack its filthy minge out with radioactive waste. These cunts should be sterilsed as soon as they commit neglect, same goes for the rampant breeding males, irradiate their bollocks until they glow in the dark.
Less than animal: few animals, let alone mammals would, behave in such a manner.
Unkle Terry-fire up the traditional clay oven for this sub-Saharan cunt.
The is only one thing to say…
Black Lives Matter
What a cunt!
Decent milk round on her.! I’d have a tit wank off it.!
Poor little sprog!
At least a dog might have managed to drink out of the toilet, though I shudder to think what state the bathroom was in.
Compulsory sterilisation needed here. Never, never let her breed again.
Her family, who didn’t see fit to give her and her child a home, are already trying to shift the taint of piss poor parenting onto anyone but her and them.
Hang your heads in shame.
I think we have overlooked the obvious solution here.
Immediate deportation to Uganda and then nuke all of Africa to be on the safe side.
Steralize the fucker with a broom hable, black lives obviously don’t matter to this uncaring cunt….
But she was an aspiring PYT model…whatever the fuck that is or was.
I’m sure her career will go swimmingly now she’s got a conviction for starving her own child to death.
I thought PYT was a rather good song by MJ?
Cat o nine tails needed for this peice of shit.
6 days of partying? What a vile self obsessed little cunt. Got me thinking about the high rate of china flu in blacks though, maybe not all down to systemic racism? Another example of how not to parent this week is the young lad they pulled out of a pond in Epping Forest. Mother hasn’t missed an opportunity to bitch about the cops being ignorant and not immediately launching an osama bin laden style manhunt when she called them. The racist bastards even took days crawling about in the pissing rain to locate the body! Your son is so depressed and miserable that he (probably) drowns himself, the natural reaction is guilt as well as grief, what could I have done differently, why didn’t I try harder to talk to him etc. Not blame whitey. Shame on the BBC and the rest for reporting her bleating and not offering an alternative view on events, as per ususl.
I just needed to add that I bet her cunt stinks .Filthy ape.